Example #1
File: Debug.php Project: ssrsfs/blg
 public function output(Pagemill_Data $data, Pagemill_Stream $stream)
     Typeframe::Timestamp('Starting debug output');
     $debug = new Pagemill_Data();
     $timestamps = Typeframe::GetTimestamps();
     $tdata = array();
     if ($timestamps) {
         $begin = $timestamps[0]->time();
         foreach ($timestamps as $t) {
             //$dump .= "{$t->action()}: " . ($t->time() - $begin) . "<br/>";
             $tdata[] = array('action' => $t->action(), 'time' => $t->time() - $begin);
     $debug['timestamps'] = $tdata;
     $debug['memory_used'] = memory_get_usage();
     $debug['memory_used_real'] = memory_get_usage(true);
     $debug['includes'] = get_included_files();
     $debug['querycount'] = Dbi_Source::QueryCount();
     $debug['templates'] = Pagemill::ProcessedTemplates();
     // TODO: Get template files
     $debug['data'] = $data;
     $include = new Typeframe_Tag_Include('include', array('template' => '/pagemill/tag/debug.html'));
     $include->process($debug, $stream);
Example #2
 public function load()
     $this->_data = array();
     $host = 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
     // This will retrieve all the content pages.
     if (Typeframe::Registry()->application('Content')) {
         $query = "SELECT uri, nickname,\tapplication FROM #__page";
         $rs = Typeframe::Database()->prepare($query);
         while ($data = $rs->fetch_array()) {
             $this->_data[] = array('page' => $host . TYPEF_WEB_DIR . $data['uri'], 'uri' => $data['uri'], 'name' => $data['nickname'] != '' ? $data['nickname'] : $data['uri'], 'application' => $data['application']);
     // And the news pages.
     if (Typeframe::Registry()->application('News')) {
         $select = new BuildSql_Select();
         $select->table('#__news n');
         $select->leftJoin('#__news_category ncat', 'ncat.categoryid = n.categoryid');
         $select->order('n.pubdate DESC');
         $select->where('n.pubdate <= ?', Typeframe::Now());
         $rs = $this->db()->prepare($select->query());
         while ($row = $rs->fetch_array()) {
             $uri = News::GetCategoryUri($row['categoryid']) . '/' . ($row['encodedtitle'] ? $row['encodedtitle'] : $row['newsid']);
             $this->_data[] = array('page' => $host . TYPEF_WEB_DIR . $uri, 'uri' => $uri, 'name' => $row['title'], 'application' => $row['categoryname']);
Example #3
 public function output(PMDataNode $data)
     $pm = new Pagemill($data->fork());
     $db = Typeframe::Database();
     if (!isset($this->settings['driver'])) {
         //return '<div class="error"><p>Please provide a "driver" attribute on the pm:driver plugin.</p></div>';
         return '';
     // Blank driver attributes count as nothing too.
     if (!$this->settings['driver']) {
         return '';
     // I need to lookup this driver as a page and ensure it's a valid driver.
     $driver = (int) $this->settings['driver'];
     $rs = $db->prepare('SELECT uri, nickname, driver FROM #__page WHERE driver != "" AND pageid = ?');
     if (!$rs->recordcount()) {
         // No records found... just silently fail.
         return '';
     $data = $rs->fetch_array();
     $pm->setVariable('link', TYPEF_WEB_DIR . $data['uri']);
     $pm->setVariable('title', $data['nickname']);
     $pm->setVariable('driver', $data['driver']);
     return $pm->writeText('<pm:include template="/plugins/driver.html" />');
Example #4
 public function output(Pagemill_Data $data, Pagemill_Stream $stream)
     $data = $data->fork();
     $apps = array();
     foreach (Typeframe::Registry()->pages() as $page) {
         if ($page->siteid() == Typeframe::CurrentPage()->siteid()) {
             if (strpos($page->uri(), '/admin/') !== false) {
                 if ($page->allow()) {
                     $apps[] = array('title' => $page->title(), 'icon' => $page->icon(), 'uri' => $page->uri());
     $data['applications'] = $apps;
     if (class_exists('Model_Site')) {
         $sites = new Model_Site();
         if (Typeframe::User()->get('usergroupid') != TYPEF_ADMIN_USERGROUPID) {
             $sites->innerJoin('perm', 'Model_User_Site', 'id = perm.siteid');
             $sites->where('perm.userid = ?', Typeframe::User()->get('userid'));
             $primary = new Model_User_Site();
             $primary->where('userid = ?', Typeframe::User()->get('userid'));
             $primary->where('siteid = ?', 0);
             $data['admin_primary'] = $primary->count() > 0;
         } else {
             $data['admin_primary'] = 1;
         $data['sites'] = $sites;
     $data->sortNodes(array('applications', 'title'));
     if (defined('TYPEF_HOST')) {
         $data['primary_host'] = TYPEF_HOST;
     parent::output($data, $stream);
Example #5
File: Json.php Project: ssrsfs/blg
 public static function FailureOrRedirect($message, $redirect = null, $data = null)
     if (requestIsAjax()) {
         die(self::Failure($message, self::_addRedirectToData($data, $redirect)));
     Typeframe::Redirect($message, $redirect);
Example #6
 public function output(\Pagemill_Data $data, \Pagemill_Stream $stream)
     $this->pluginTemplate = "/downloads/downloads.plug.html";
     $data = $data->fork();
     $downloads = new Model_Download_File();
     $downloads->where('siteid = ?', Typeframe::CurrentPage()->siteid());
     $data['downloads'] = $downloads;
     parent::output($data, $stream);
Example #7
 public function process()
     // TODO: There might be a cleaner way to handle honeypot errors
     // instead of exiting, but it's good enough for now.
     if ((string) $this->value != '') {
         Typeframe::Log('Mailform submission blocked due to value in honeypot field');
Example #8
 public function output(Pagemill_Data $data, Pagemill_Stream $stream)
     $db = Typeframe::Database();
     if ($this->hasAttribute('rules') && !Typeframe_Tag_Socket::ProcessRules($this->getAttribute('rules'))) {
         return '';
      * Rules for loading the plugin:
      * 1. The plugid overrides other load settings.
      * 2. Load a plugin from the table if the name attribute matches an
      *    an admin-specified name.
      * 3. Create a generic plugin from a signature.
      * 4. If the plugin was loaded from the database, attribute settings
      *    override database settings.
     $p = null;
     if ($this->getAttribute('plugid')) {
         $plugin = Model_Plug::Get($data->parseVariables($this->getAttribute('plugid')));
         if ($plugin->exists()) {
             $p = Typeframe::Registry()->getPluginSignature($plugin['plug']);
     } else {
         if ($this->getAttribute('name')) {
             $plugins = new Model_Plug();
             $plugins->where('name = ?', $data->parseVariables($this->getAttribute('name')));
             $plugin = $plugins->getFirst();
             if ($plugin->exists()) {
                 $p = Typeframe::Registry()->getPluginSignature($plugin['plug']);
             } else {
                 $p = Typeframe::Registry()->getPluginSignature($this->getAttribute('name'));
     if ($p) {
         $cls = $p->className();
         if (class_exists($cls)) {
             $settings = $this->settings;
             foreach ($this->attributes() as $k => $v) {
                 $settings[$k] = $data->parseVariables($v);
             //$obj = new $cls($settings);
             $obj = new $cls('plugin', $settings, null);
             foreach ($this->children() as $child) {
             $obj->process($data, $stream);
             foreach ($obj->children() as $child) {
         } else {
             throw new Exception("Class '{$cls}' does not exist");
     } else {
         throw new Exception("Plugin does not have a signature");
Example #9
 public function admin(Pagemill_Data $data, Pagemill_Stream $stream)
     $this->adminTemplate = '/admin/mailform/settings.plug.html';
     $data = $data->fork();
     $mailforms = new Model_Mailform();
     $mailforms->where('siteid = ?', Typeframe::CurrentPage()->siteid());
     $data->set('mailforms', $mailforms);
     parent::admin($data, $stream);
Example #10
  * Get the cached page content.
  * @return array
 public static function Cache()
     static $cached_content = null;
     if (is_null($cached_content)) {
         if (Typeframe::CurrentPage()->page()->pageid()) {
             $page = Model_Content_Page::Get(Typeframe::CurrentPage()->page()->pageid());
             $cached_content = $page['content'];
     return $cached_content;
Example #11
 public function testContentPages()
     /* Assertions:
      * All content pages return a 200 or 403 response code
     $contentPages = Typeframe::Registry()->applicationUrls('Content');
     $this->assertTrue($contentPages, "No content pages to test.");
     foreach ($contentPages as $page) {
         $this->assertTrue(in_array($this->responseCode(), array(200, 403)), "{$this->currentUrl()} returned response code {$this->responseCode()}");
Example #12
 public function process(\Pagemill_Tag $tag, \Pagemill_Data $data, \Pagemill_Stream $stream)
     //if (!$this->_runOnce) {
     $this->_runOnce = true;
     if (defined('TYPEF_DEBUG')) {
         if (TYPEF_DEBUG == 'all' || TYPEF_DEBUG == 'admin' && Typeframe::User()->get('usergroupid') == TYPEF_ADMIN_USERGROUPID) {
             // Don't include debug info in AJAX requests
             if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) || $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] != 'XMLHttpRequest') {
                 $debug = new Typeframe_Tag_Debug('debug', array(), $tag);
Example #13
 public function allow()
     // Users in the admin group always pass permission tests.
     if (Typeframe::User()->get('usergroupid') == TYPEF_ADMIN_USERGROUPID) {
         return true;
     if ($this->_page->pageid()) {
         $pageperm = new Model_PagePerm();
         $pageperm->where('pageid = ?', $this->_page->pageid());
         $pageperm->where('usergroupid = ? OR usergroupid = 0', Typeframe::User()->get('usergroupid'));
         return $pageperm->count() > 0;
     return true;
Example #14
 public function output(Pagemill_Data $data, Pagemill_Stream $stream)
     $data = $data->fork();
     if (!empty($this->attributes['menuplugid'])) {
         $menuplugid = $this->attributes['menuplugid'];
         $db = Typeframe::Database();
         $base = substr(Typeframe::CurrentPage()->uri(), STRLEN(TYPEF_WEB_DIR));
         if ($base == '') {
             $base = '/';
         $search = new Model_Nav();
         $search->where('plugid = ?', $menuplugid);
         $search->where('url = ? OR url = ? OR url = ? OR url = ? OR url = ? OR url = ? OR pageid = ?', "~{$base}", "~{$base}/", "/{$base}", "/{$base}/", TYPEF_WEB_DIR . $base, TYPEF_WEB_DIR . $base . '/', Typeframe::CurrentPage()->pageid());
         foreach ($search->select() as $current) {
             $current['url'] = $this->_convertUrl($current['url']);
             $data->set('current', $current);
             $parentid = $current['parent'];
             $siblings = new Model_Nav();
             $siblings->where('plugid = ?', $menuplugid);
             $siblings->where('parent = ?', $parentid);
             $data['siblings'] = $siblings;
             /*$sibArray = array();
             		foreach ($siblings->select() as $sib) {
             			$sib['url'] = $this->_convertUrl($sib['url']);
             			$sibArray[] = $sib;
             		$data['siblings'] = $sibArray;*/
             if (!empty($this->attributes['showparent'])) {
                 $parent = $db->execute('SELECT * FROM #__nav WHERE itemid = ' . $parentid);
                 foreach ($parent as $par) {
                     $par['url'] = $this->_convertUrl($par['url']);
                     $data->set('parent', $par);
             if (!empty($this->attributes['showchildren'])) {
                 $childArray = array();
                 $children = $db->execute('SELECT * FROM #__nav WHERE plugid = ' . $menuplugid . ' AND parent = ' . $current['itemid'] . ' ORDER BY sortnum');
                 foreach ($children as $chi) {
                     $chi['url'] = $this->_convertUrl($chi['url']);
                     $childArray[] = $chi;
                 $data['children'] = $childArray;
     $this->pluginTemplate = "navigation/submenu.plug.html";
     parent::output($data, $stream);
Example #15
File: Admin.php Project: ssrsfs/blg
 public function allow()
     if (!Typeframe::User()->loggedIn()) {
         return false;
     if (Typeframe::User()->get('usergroupid') == TYPEF_ADMIN_USERGROUPID) {
         return true;
     $relativeUri = substr($this->page()->uri(), strlen(TYPEF_WEB_DIR));
     if ($relativeUri == '/admin' || $relativeUri == '/admin/') {
         // Main admin page.  Just check to see if the user has access to any other applications.
         $rs = Typeframe::Database()->execute('SELECT * FROM #__usergroup_admin WHERE usergroupid = ' . Typeframe::User()->get('usergroupid'));
         return count($rs) > 0;
     $rs = Typeframe::Database()->execute('SELECT * FROM #__usergroup_admin WHERE usergroupid = ' . Typeframe::User()->get('usergroupid') . ' AND application = \'' . $this->page()->application()->name() . '\'');
     return $rs->count() > 0;
Example #16
File: Page.php Project: ssrsfs/blg
function _pageMeta($record)
    // Do not try to load the admin path from the registry until the registry
    // has been loaded. This is necessary to avoid causing infinite loops when
    // the registry uses Model_Page to load page data.
    if (Typeframe::RegistryLoaded()) {
        $response = Typeframe::Registry()->applicationAt(TYPEF_WEB_DIR . $record['uri']);
        if ($response) {
            $record['fullpath'] = $response->uri();
            if ($response->application()->admin()) {
                $record['admin'] = TYPEF_WEB_DIR . ($record['site']['directory'] ? '/' . $record['site']['directory'] : '') . $response->application()->admin();
            } else {
                $record['admin'] = '';
Example #17
 public function output(\Pagemill_Data $data, \Pagemill_Stream $stream)
     $data = $data->fork();
     $url = Typeframe::CurrentPage()->uri();
     if (substr($url, -1) == '/') {
         $url = substr($url, 0, -1);
     $dirs = explode('/', substr($url, strlen(TYPEF_WEB_DIR)));
     $this->pluginTemplate = '/breadcrumbs/breadcrumbs.plug.html';
     $data['breadcrumbs'] = array();
     $currentUrl = TYPEF_WEB_DIR;
     $start = $data->parseVariables(Typeframe_Attribute_Url::ConvertShortUrlToExpression($this->getAttribute('start')));
     while (count($dirs) > 0) {
         $currentUrl .= '/' . array_shift($dirs);
         $currentUrl = preg_replace('/\\/+/', '/', $currentUrl);
         if ($start && strpos($currentUrl, $start) === false) {
         if (isset($_SESSION['breadcrumbs'][$currentUrl])) {
             $bc = $_SESSION['breadcrumbs'][$currentUrl];
             $bc['url'] = $currentUrl . ($bc['query'] ? '?' . $bc['query'] : '');
             $data['breadcrumbs'][] = $bc;
         } else {
             $response = Typeframe::Registry()->responseAt($currentUrl);
             if ($currentUrl == $response->page()->uri()) {
                 if ($response->application()->name() != '403' && $response->application()->name() != '404') {
                     $settings = $response->page()->settings();
                     if (!empty($settings['nickname'])) {
                         $title = $settings['nickname'];
                     } else {
                         $title = $response->page()->title();
                     $bc = array('title' => $title, 'query' => '');
                     $_SESSION['breadcrumbs'][$currentUrl] = $bc;
                     $bc['url'] = $currentUrl;
                     $data['breadcrumbs'][] = $bc;
     parent::output($data, $stream);
Example #18
 public function output(\Pagemill_Data $data, \Pagemill_Stream $stream)
     $plugid = $data->parseVariables($this->getAttribute('plugid'));
     $plug = Model_Plug::Get($plugid);
     if ($plug->exists()) {
         $name = $plug['plug'];
         $sig = Typeframe::Registry()->getPluginSignature($name);
         $cls = $sig->className();
         if (is_subclass_of($cls, 'Plugin')) {
             $plug['settings']['plugid'] = $plugid;
             $plug = new $cls('', $plug['settings'], $this);
             $plug->admin($data, $stream);
         } else {
             throw new Exception("Invalid plugin type specified");
     } else {
         throw new Exception("Invalid plugin specified");
Example #19
File: Auth.php Project: ssrsfs/blg
  * Create an Auth object based on a user's auth setting or the default authentication method.
  * @param string $usernameOrEmail The user name or email address of the user.
  * @param string $field Which field to use (username, email, or either)
  * @param string $method Default authentication method for nonexistent users (e.g., so users can authenticate through LDAP even if they don't have a user record yet)
  * @return Auth
 public static function ForUser($usernameOrEmail, $field = 'either', $method = TYPEF_AUTH_DEFAULT)
     switch ($field) {
         case 'username':
             $field = 'username';
         case 'email':
             $field = 'email';
             $field = 'username';
             if (preg_match('/^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Z]{2,4}$/i', $usernameOrEmail)) {
                 $field = 'email';
     $users = new Model_User();
     $users->where("{$field} = ?", $usernameOrEmail);
     $obj = null;
     if ($users->getTotal() == 0) {
         $user = Model_User::Create();
         $user[$field] = $usernameOrEmail;
         $cls = 'Auth_' . $method;
     } else {
         if ($users->getTotal() > 1) {
             Typeframe::Log("WARNING: {$usernameOrEmail} matches more than one {$field} in the user table.");
         $user = $users->getFirst();
         $userAuth = $user['auth'];
         if (!$userAuth) {
             $userAuth = 'Hash';
         // Older users might have a blank auth field. Assume Hash
         $cls = 'Auth_' . $userAuth;
     if (!is_subclass_of($cls, 'Auth')) {
         throw new Exception("{$cls} is not a subclass of Auth");
     $obj = new $cls($user);
     return $obj;
Example #20
File: News.php Project: ssrsfs/blg
 public static function GetCategoryId($from_settings = false)
     // get categoryid from request, if any
     $categoryid = $from_settings ? '' : trim(@$_REQUEST['categoryid']);
     if (0 == strlen($categoryid)) {
         // none give; try loading from settings
         $settings = Typeframe::CurrentPage()->settings();
         $categoryid = @$settings['categoryid'];
         // if none set, display all by default
         if (is_null($categoryid)) {
             return array(0);
         // if it's an array
         if (is_array($categoryid)) {
             // and contains all case, return all
             if (in_array(0, $categoryid)) {
                 return array(0);
             // if has more than one value, convert all to ints
             if (count($categoryid) > 0) {
                 $result = array();
                 foreach ($categoryid as $value) {
                     if (ctype_digit($value)) {
                         $result[] = intval($value);
                 return $result;
             // otherwise, convert single value to int
             return intval($categoryid[0]);
         // otherwise, convert single value to int
         return intval($categoryid);
     // integer category id given
     if (ctype_digit($categoryid)) {
         return intval($categoryid);
     // none of the above
     return null;
Example #21
 public function testNewsIndex()
     /* Assertions:
      * Site has at least one news page (required for tests).
      * All pages return 200 (public) or 403 (login required).
      * At least one news page is public (required for tests).
     $newsPages = Typeframe::Registry()->applicationUrls('News');
     $this->assertTrue(count($newsPages), "No news pages to test.");
     foreach ($newsPages as $page) {
         if (Typeframe::Allow($page)) {
             $validResponse = 200;
             $this->availablePage = $page;
         } else {
             $validResponse = 403;
         $this->assertTrue($this->responseCode() == $validResponse, "{$page} returned {$this->responseCode()} (expected {$validResponse})");
     $this->assertTrue(count($newsPages) == 0 || $this->availablePage, "No public news pages available for tests.");
Example #22
 public function output(\Pagemill_Data $data, \Pagemill_Stream $stream)
     $this->pluginTemplate = '/admin/admintree.plug.html';
     $data = $data->fork();
     $apps = array();
     foreach (Typeframe::Registry()->pages() as $page) {
         if (strpos($page->uri(), TYPEF_WEB_DIR . '/admin/') === 0) {
             $category = $page->application()->category() ? $page->application()->category() : 'Other';
             if (!isset($apps[$category])) {
                 $apps[$category] = array();
             $apps[$category][] = array('title' => $page->title(), 'icon' => $page->icon(), 'uri' => $page->uri());
     $categories = array();
     foreach ($apps as $category => $applications) {
         $categories[] = array('name' => $category, 'applications' => $applications);
     $data['categories'] = $categories;
     parent::output($data, $stream);
Example #23
File: Feed.php Project: ssrsfs/blg
 public function output(Pagemill_Data $data, Pagemill_Stream $stream)
     $this->pluginTemplate = '/news/feed.plug.html';
     $default = array('limit' => 5, 'categoryid' => null);
     $settings = array_merge($default, $this->attributes());
     $articles = new Model_News_Article();
     if (!is_null($settings['categoryid'])) {
         if (!is_array($settings['categoryid'])) {
             $settings['categoryid'] = array($settings['categoryid']);
         if (!in_array(0, $settings['categoryid'])) {
             $articles->where('categoryid IN ?', $settings['categoryid']);
     $articles->where('pubdate <= ?', Typeframe::Now());
     $articles->where('expdate >= ? OR expdate = ? OR expdate IS NULL', Typeframe::Now(), '0000-00-00 00:00:00');
     $articles->where('status = ?', 'published');
     $data = $data->fork();
     $data['header'] = $settings['header'];
     $data['articles'] = $articles;
     parent::output($data, $stream);
Example #24
 public function __construct($nsPrefix)
     $this->nsUri = 'http://typeframe.com/pagemill';
     $this->registerTag('socket', 'Typeframe_Tag_Socket');
     $this->registerTag('plugin', 'Typeframe_Tag_Plugin');
     $this->registerTag('pluginadmin', 'Typeframe_Tag_PluginAdmin');
     $this->registerTag('html', 'Typeframe_Tag_Html');
     $this->registerTag('head', 'Typeframe_Tag_Head');
     $this->registerTag('body', 'Typeframe_Tag_Body');
     $this->registerTag('import', 'Typeframe_Tag_Import');
     $this->registerTag('include', 'Typeframe_Tag_Include');
     $this->registerTag('editor', 'Typeframe_Tag_Editor');
     $this->registerTag('calendar', 'Typeframe_Tag_Calendar');
     $this->registerTag('select', 'Typeframe_Tag_Select');
     // TODO: Deprecate
     $this->registerTag('insert', 'Typeframe_Tag_Insert');
     $this->registerTag('group', 'Typeframe_Tag_Group');
     $this->registerTag('scriptonce', 'Typeframe_Tag_Scriptonce');
     $this->registerTag('codeblock', 'Typeframe_Tag_Codeblock');
     $this->registerTag('debug', 'Typeframe_Tag_Debug');
     $this->registerTag('timg', 'Typeframe_Tag_Timg');
     // TODO: Deprecate
     $this->registerTag('/body', 'Typeframe_Tag_Html_Body');
     $this->registerTag('fileupload', 'Typeframe_Tag_FileUpload');
     $this->registerTag('imageupload', 'Typeframe_Tag_ImageUpload');
     $this->registerTag('postlink', 'Typeframe_Tag_Postlink');
     $this->registerTag('checkbox', 'Typeframe_Tag_Checkbox');
     foreach (Typeframe::Registry()->tags() as $tag) {
         $this->registerTag($tag['name'], $tag['class']);
     $this->registerAttribute('/href', 'Typeframe_Attribute_Url');
     $this->registerAttribute('/src', 'Typeframe_Attribute_Url');
     $this->registerAttribute('/action', 'Typeframe_Attribute_Url');
     $this->registerAttribute('method', 'Typeframe_Attribute_Method');
     $this->registerAttribute('confirm', 'Typeframe_Attribute_Confirm');
Example #25
$pm->addLoop('usergroups', array('usergroupid' => '0', 'usergroupname' => 'Everyone', 'selected' => in_array(0, $selected) ? true : false));
foreach ($usergroups->getAll() as $usergroup) {
    if (in_array($usergroup['usergroupid'], $selected)) {
        $usergroup['selected'] = true;
    $pm->addLoop('usergroups', $usergroup);
foreach (Typeframe::Registry()->applications() as $app) {
    //if ('soft' == $app->map())
    $pm->addLoop('applications', array('application' => $app->name()));
$pm->sortLoop('applications', 'application');
    $app = Typeframe::Registry()->application(PAGES_DEFAULT_APPLICATION);
    //if ($app && ('soft' == $app->map()))
    if ($app) {
        $pm->setVariable('application', PAGES_DEFAULT_APPLICATION);
// add skins to template
foreach (Typeframe::GetSkins() as $skin) {
    $pm->addLoop('skins', array('skin' => $skin));
$pm->setVariable('typef_site_skin', TYPEF_SITE_SKIN);
$application = Typeframe::Registry()->application($page['application']);
if ($application && $application->admin()) {
    if (file_exists(TYPEF_SOURCE_DIR . '/scripts' . $application->admin() . '/settings.php')) {
        Typeframe::IncludeScript($application->admin() . '/settings.php');
Example #26

    Typeframe::Redirect('Redirect deleted.', Typeframe::CurrentPage()->applicationUri());
Example #27
File: edit.php Project: ssrsfs/blg

$site = Model_Site::Get($_REQUEST['id']);
if ($site->exists()) {
    require_once 'options.inc.php';
    $pm->setVariable('site', $site);
    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') {
        include 'update.inc.php';
        Typeframe::Redirect('Site updated.', Plugin_Breadcrumbs::SavedState(Typeframe::CurrentPage()->applicationUri()));
} else {
    Typeframe::Redirect('Invalid site specified.', Plugin_Breadcrumbs::SavedState(Typeframe::CurrentPage()->applicationUri()));
Example #28
File: index.php Project: ssrsfs/blg

	29 december 2010: cleanup while trying to add
		status field to typef_news table;
		rewrote to use news categories class
	3 january 2011: DAOFactory, not DAO_Factory;
		setCategoryId now static
	28 march 2011: merged in HL code
	29 march 2011: added page title, header
// define some handy shortcuts to save typing
$settings = Typeframe::CurrentPage()->settings();
if (Typeframe::CurrentPage()->pathInfo()) {
if (is_array($settings['categoryid']) && !in_array(0, $settings['categoryid']) && 1 == count($settings['categoryid'])) {
    Typeframe::Redirect('Redirecting to category listing...', Typeframe::CurrentPage()->applicationUri() . 'categories/' . $settings['categoryid'][0]);
// create news category object
$categories = News_Category::DAOFactory();
// limit to a particular category id
News::SetCategoryId($categories, @$settings['categoryid']);
// add categories to template
$pm->setVariable('categories', $categories);
// add page title and header to template
$title = News::GetTitle();
$pm->setVariable('page_title', $title);
$pm->setVariable('page_header', $title);
Example #29
File: user.php Project: ssrsfs/blg
define('TYPEF_ALLOW_LOGIN_COOKIE', Typeframe::Registry()->getConfigValue('TYPEF_ALLOW_LOGIN_COOKIE'));
 * # days to store login cookies (default: '90')
define('TYPEF_LOGIN_COOKIE_EXPIRE', Typeframe::Registry()->getConfigValue('TYPEF_LOGIN_COOKIE_EXPIRE'));
 * Require email confirmation (default: '1')
define('TYPEF_REQUIRE_CONFIRMATION', Typeframe::Registry()->getConfigValue('TYPEF_REQUIRE_CONFIRMATION'));
 * Allow temp login without confirmation (default: '0')
define('TYPEF_TEMP_AFTER_REG', Typeframe::Registry()->getConfigValue('TYPEF_TEMP_AFTER_REG'));
 * Require admin approval to activate accounts (default: '0')
define('TYPEF_REQUIRE_APPROVAL', Typeframe::Registry()->getConfigValue('TYPEF_REQUIRE_APPROVAL'));
 * Email users when admin approval is required (default: '0')
 * Email these addresses when a user registers (default: '')
 * Authentication mechanism to use by default (default: 'Hash')
define('TYPEF_AUTH_DEFAULT', Typeframe::Registry()->getConfigValue('TYPEF_AUTH_DEFAULT'));
Example #30

$mailform['mailformname'] = $_POST['mailformname'];
$mailform['message'] = $_POST['message'];
$mailform['response'] = $_POST['response'];
$mailform['subject'] = $_POST['subject'];
$mailform['replyto'] = $_POST['replyto'];
$mailform['redirect'] = $_POST['redirect'];
$mailform['template'] = $_POST['template'];
$recipients = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($_POST['recipients']['email']); $i++) {
    if (!empty($_POST['recipients']['email'][$i])) {
        $recipients[] = array('email' => $_POST['recipients']['email'][$i], 'name' => $_POST['recipients']['name'][$i], 'when' => $_POST['recipients']['when'][$i], 'fieldname' => $_POST['recipients']['fieldname'][$i], 'fieldvalue' => $_POST['recipients']['fieldvalue'][$i]);
$mailform['recipients'] = $recipients;
$formfields = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($_POST['fields']['name']); $i++) {
    if (!empty($_POST['fields']['name'][$i])) {
        $formfields[] = array('name' => $_POST['fields']['name'][$i], 'class' => $_POST['fields']['class'][$i], 'type' => $_POST['fields']['type'][$i], 'values' => $_POST['fields']['values'][$i], 'required' => $_POST['fields']['required'][$i]);
$mailform['captcha'] = !empty($_POST['captcha']) ? 1 : 0;
$mailform['formfields'] = $formfields;
Typeframe::Redirect('Mailform saved.', Typeframe::CurrentPage()->applicationUri());