function initializeModule($request_method, $request_data)
     if (empty($this->shared_data['group_info'])) {
         return 'skip';
     $this->gid = $this->shared_data['group_info']->collection_id;
     $this->shared_data['member_type'] = $member_type = Group::get_user_type(PA::$login_uid, (int) $this->gid);
     $this->is_member = $member_type == MEMBER ? TRUE : FALSE;
     if ($member_type == OWNER) {
         $this->is_member = TRUE;
         $this->is_admin = TRUE;
     $acl = new Access();
     // check for moderation of group permissions
     $gp_access = $acl->acl_check('action', 'edit', 'users', $member_type, 'group', 'all');
     if (PA::$login_uid == SUPER_USER_ID || $member_type == 'moderator') {
         $gp_access = 1;
     $this->is_admin = $this->shared_data['moderation_permissions'] = $gp_access;
     $this->group_details = $this->shared_data['group_info'];
     if (!$this->is_member) {
         if ((!empty($this->group_details) ? $this->group_details->reg_type : NULL) && $this->group_details->reg_type == REG_MODERATED) {
             $this->join_this_group_string = __('Request to join this family as');
         } else {
             $this->join_this_group_string = __('Join This family as');
     } else {
         // get the relationType for this user
         list($relType, $relLabel) = TypedGroupEntityRelation::get_relation_to_group(PA::$login_uid, (int) $this->gid);
         if (empty($relType)) {
             $relType = 'member';
             $relLabel = __('Member');
         $this->relationType = $relType;
         $this->relationTypeString = sprintf(__("You are a %s"), $relLabel);
     $this->availTypes = TypedGroupEntity::get_avail_types();
     $this->selectTypes = array();
     foreach ($this->availTypes as $k => $l) {
         $this->selectTypes[] = array('label' => $l, 'value' => $k);
     // Do we already have a bound Entity?
     // we need to load the generic parent class, as we do noot yet know the type
     if ($typedEntity = TypedGroupEntity::load_for_group($this->gid)) {
         $this->entity = $typedEntity;
         // get info about what profile fields this has
         $type = $this->entity->entity_type;
         $classname = ucfirst($type) . "TypedGroupEntity";
         @(include_once "api/Entity/{$classname}.php");
         if (class_exists($classname)) {
             $instance = new $classname();
         } else {
             // just get default
             $instance = new TypedGroupEntity();
         $this->profilefields = $instance->get_profile_fields();
         $this->availRelations = $instance->get_avail_relations();
         $this->selectRelations = array();
         foreach ($this->availRelations as $k => $l) {
             $this->selectRelations[] = array('label' => $l, 'value' => $k);
         // does the admin want to edit it?
         if ($this->shared_data['moderation_permissions'] && !empty($request_data['edit_enityprofile'])) {
             $this->title = sprintf(__("Edit %s profile"), $typedEntity->attributes['name']['value']);
             $this->inner_template = PA::$blockmodule_path . '/' . get_class($this) . "/edit_typedgroup_profile.tpl.php";
             // load into form
             $this->dynFields = new DynamicFormFields($this->entity->attributes);
         } else {
             // display only
             $this->title = sprintf(__("%s profile"), $typedEntity->attributes['name']['value']);
             $this->inner_template = PA::$blockmodule_path . '/' . get_class($this) . "/typedgroup_profile.tpl.php";
     } else {
         return 'skip';
         // moderators only
         if(!$this->shared_data['moderation_permissions']) {
         	return 'skip';
     switch ($this->column) {
         case 'middle':
         case 'left':
         case 'right':