public function executeModule($classPath) { $cls = Type::resolveClass($classPath); if (is_object($_t = Type::typeof($cls)) && !$_t instanceof Enum ? $_t !== ValueType::$TNull : $_t != ValueType::$TNull) { try { Reflect::callMethod($cls, Reflect::field($cls, "main"), new _hx_array(array())); } catch (Exception $__hx__e) { $_ex_ = $__hx__e instanceof HException ? $__hx__e->e : $__hx__e; $error = $_ex_; } zcale_core_web_ModuleLoader::$loadedModules->push($classPath); $this->loadNextModule(); } else { $this->event->dispatchError($this->eventData, $this, "executeModule", "Class not found: " . _hx_string_or_null($classPath)); } }
public function load($filePath) { if (Lambda::has(zcale_core_web_scriptLoader_targets_SystemScriptLoader::$loadedScripts, $filePath) === false) { $classPath = null; $s = zcale_PathTools::removeLastElement($filePath, null); $classPath = str_replace("/", ".", $s); $cls = Type::resolveClass($classPath); if (is_object($_t = Type::typeof($cls)) && !$_t instanceof Enum ? $_t !== ValueType::$TNull : $_t != ValueType::$TNull) { try { Reflect::callMethod($cls, Reflect::field($cls, "main"), new _hx_array(array())); } catch (Exception $__hx__e) { $_ex_ = $__hx__e instanceof HException ? $__hx__e->e : $__hx__e; $error = $_ex_; } zcale_core_web_scriptLoader_targets_SystemScriptLoader::$loadedScripts->push($filePath); $this->event->dispatch($this->eventKeys->complete); } else { $this->event->dispatchError($this->eventData, $this, "load", "Class not found: " . _hx_string_or_null($classPath)); } } else { $this->event->dispatch($this->eventKeys->complete); } }
public function serialize($v) { $_g = Type::typeof($v); switch ($_g->index) { case 0: $this->buf->add("n"); break; case 1: $v1 = $v; if ($v1 === 0) { $this->buf->add("z"); return; } $this->buf->add("i"); $this->buf->add($v1); break; case 2: $v2 = $v; if (Math::isNaN($v2)) { $this->buf->add("k"); } else { if (!Math::isFinite($v2)) { $this->buf->add($v2 < 0 ? "m" : "p"); } else { $this->buf->add("d"); $this->buf->add($v2); } } break; case 3: $this->buf->add($v ? "t" : "f"); break; case 6: $c = _hx_deref($_g)->params[0]; if (is_object($_t = $c) && !$_t instanceof Enum ? $_t === _hx_qtype("String") : $_t == _hx_qtype("String")) { $this->serializeString($v); return; } if ($this->useCache && $this->serializeRef($v)) { return; } switch ($c) { case _hx_qtype("Array"): $ucount = 0; $this->buf->add("a"); $l = _hx_len($v); $_g1 = 0; while ($_g1 < $l) { $i = $_g1++; if ($v[$i] === null) { $ucount++; } else { if ($ucount > 0) { if ($ucount === 1) { $this->buf->add("n"); } else { $this->buf->add("u"); $this->buf->add($ucount); } $ucount = 0; } $this->serialize($v[$i]); } unset($i); } if ($ucount > 0) { if ($ucount === 1) { $this->buf->add("n"); } else { $this->buf->add("u"); $this->buf->add($ucount); } } $this->buf->add("h"); break; case _hx_qtype("List"): $this->buf->add("l"); $v3 = $v; if (null == $v3) { throw new HException('null iterable'); } $__hx__it = $v3->iterator(); while ($__hx__it->hasNext()) { unset($i1); $i1 = $__hx__it->next(); $this->serialize($i1); } $this->buf->add("h"); break; case _hx_qtype("Date"): $d = $v; $this->buf->add("v"); $this->buf->add($d->getTime()); break; case _hx_qtype("haxe.ds.StringMap"): $this->buf->add("b"); $v4 = $v; if (null == $v4) { throw new HException('null iterable'); } $__hx__it = $v4->keys(); while ($__hx__it->hasNext()) { unset($k); $k = $__hx__it->next(); $this->serializeString($k); $this->serialize($v4->get($k)); } $this->buf->add("h"); break; case _hx_qtype("haxe.ds.IntMap"): $this->buf->add("q"); $v5 = $v; if (null == $v5) { throw new HException('null iterable'); } $__hx__it = $v5->keys(); while ($__hx__it->hasNext()) { unset($k1); $k1 = $__hx__it->next(); $this->buf->add(":"); $this->buf->add($k1); $this->serialize($v5->get($k1)); } $this->buf->add("h"); break; case _hx_qtype("haxe.ds.ObjectMap"): $this->buf->add("M"); $v6 = $v; $__hx__it = new _hx_array_iterator(array_values($v6->hk)); while ($__hx__it->hasNext()) { unset($k2); $k2 = $__hx__it->next(); $this->serialize($k2); $this->serialize($v6->get($k2)); } $this->buf->add("h"); break; case _hx_qtype(""): $v7 = $v; $i2 = 0; $max = $v7->length - 2; $charsBuf = new StringBuf(); $b64 = haxe_Serializer::$BASE64; while ($i2 < $max) { $b1 = null; $pos = $i2++; $b1 = ord($v7->b[$pos]); unset($pos); $b2 = null; $pos1 = $i2++; $b2 = ord($v7->b[$pos1]); unset($pos1); $b3 = null; $pos2 = $i2++; $b3 = ord($v7->b[$pos2]); unset($pos2); $charsBuf->add(_hx_char_at($b64, $b1 >> 2)); $charsBuf->add(_hx_char_at($b64, ($b1 << 4 | $b2 >> 4) & 63)); $charsBuf->add(_hx_char_at($b64, ($b2 << 2 | $b3 >> 6) & 63)); $charsBuf->add(_hx_char_at($b64, $b3 & 63)); unset($b3, $b2, $b1); } if ($i2 === $max) { $b11 = null; $pos3 = $i2++; $b11 = ord($v7->b[$pos3]); $b21 = null; $pos4 = $i2++; $b21 = ord($v7->b[$pos4]); $charsBuf->add(_hx_char_at($b64, $b11 >> 2)); $charsBuf->add(_hx_char_at($b64, ($b11 << 4 | $b21 >> 4) & 63)); $charsBuf->add(_hx_char_at($b64, $b21 << 2 & 63)); } else { if ($i2 === $max + 1) { $b12 = null; $pos5 = $i2++; $b12 = ord($v7->b[$pos5]); $charsBuf->add(_hx_char_at($b64, $b12 >> 2)); $charsBuf->add(_hx_char_at($b64, $b12 << 4 & 63)); } } $chars = $charsBuf->b; $this->buf->add("s"); $this->buf->add(strlen($chars)); $this->buf->add(":"); $this->buf->add($chars); break; default: if ($this->useCache) { $this->cache->pop(); } if (_hx_field($v, "hxSerialize") !== null) { $this->buf->add("C"); $this->serializeString(Type::getClassName($c)); if ($this->useCache) { $this->cache->push($v); } $v->hxSerialize($this); $this->buf->add("g"); } else { $this->buf->add("c"); $this->serializeString(Type::getClassName($c)); if ($this->useCache) { $this->cache->push($v); } $this->serializeFields($v); } break; } break; case 4: if (Std::is($v, _hx_qtype("Class"))) { $className = Type::getClassName($v); $this->buf->add("A"); $this->serializeString($className); } else { if (Std::is($v, _hx_qtype("Enum"))) { $this->buf->add("B"); $this->serializeString(Type::getEnumName($v)); } else { if ($this->useCache && $this->serializeRef($v)) { return; } $this->buf->add("o"); $this->serializeFields($v); } } break; case 7: $e = _hx_deref($_g)->params[0]; if ($this->useCache) { if ($this->serializeRef($v)) { return; } $this->cache->pop(); } $this->buf->add($this->useEnumIndex ? "j" : "w"); $this->serializeString(Type::getEnumName($e)); if ($this->useEnumIndex) { $this->buf->add(":"); $this->buf->add($v->index); } else { $this->serializeString($v->tag); } $this->buf->add(":"); $l1 = count($v->params); if ($l1 === 0 || _hx_field($v, "params") === null) { $this->buf->add(0); } else { $this->buf->add($l1); $_g11 = 0; while ($_g11 < $l1) { $i3 = $_g11++; $this->serialize($v->params[$i3]); unset($i3); } } if ($this->useCache) { $this->cache->push($v); } break; case 5: throw new HException("Cannot serialize function"); break; default: throw new HException("Cannot serialize " . Std::string($v)); break; } }
/** * Comprueba si los dos objetos especificados NO son iguales. En caso de que sí lo sean, * emite una advertencia. * * * @param string $msg Custom message to append on assert failed. * @return boolean true si NO son iguales; false, en caso contrario. * */ public static function areNotEqual($notExpected, $actual, $msg = '') { $not_equals = !self::Equals($notExpected, $actual); if (!$not_equals) { $a_string = $actual; $ne_string = $notExpected; if (is_array($actual)) { $a_string = implode(', ', $actual); } if (is_array($notExpected)) { $ne_string = implode(', ', $notExpected); } if (is_bool($actual)) { $a_string = $actual ? 'true' : 'false'; } if (is_bool($notExpected)) { $ne_string = $notExpected ? 'true' : 'false'; } $error = sprintf(dgettext('nml', '%5$s failed. Not expected: (%3$s) "%4$s". Actual: (%1$s) "%2$s".'), Type::typeof($actual), $a_string, Type::typeof($notExpected), $ne_string, __METHOD__); if ($msg) { $error .= ' ' . sprintf(dgettext('nml', 'Message: %s'), $msg); } trigger_error($error, E_USER_WARNING); } return $not_equals; }
public function write($k, $v) { if ($this->replacer !== null) { $v = $this->replacer($k, $v); } $_g = Type::typeof($v); switch ($_g->index) { case 8: $this->buf->add("\"???\""); break; case 4: $this->fieldsString($v, Reflect::fields($v)); break; case 1: $v1 = $v; $this->buf->add($v1); break; case 2: $v2 = null; if (Math::isFinite($v)) { $v2 = $v; } else { $v2 = "null"; } $this->buf->add($v2); break; case 5: $this->buf->add("\"<fun>\""); break; case 6: $c = _hx_deref($_g)->params[0]; if (is_object($_t = $c) && !$_t instanceof Enum ? $_t === _hx_qtype("String") : $_t == _hx_qtype("String")) { $this->quote($v); } else { if (is_object($_t2 = $c) && !$_t2 instanceof Enum ? $_t2 === _hx_qtype("Array") : $_t2 == _hx_qtype("Array")) { $v3 = $v; $this->buf->b .= "["; $len = $v3->length; $last = $len - 1; $_g1 = 0; while ($_g1 < $len) { $i = $_g1++; if ($i > 0) { $this->buf->b .= ","; } else { $this->nind++; } if ($this->pretty) { $this->buf->b .= "\n"; } if ($this->pretty) { $v4 = null; $c1 = $this->indent; $l = $this->nind * strlen($this->indent); if (strlen($c1) === 0 || strlen("") >= $l) { $v4 = ""; } else { $v4 = str_pad("", Math::ceil(($l - strlen("")) / strlen($c1)) * strlen($c1) + strlen(""), $c1, STR_PAD_LEFT); } unset($l, $c1); $this->buf->add($v4); unset($v4); } $this->write($i, $v3[$i]); if ($i === $last) { $this->nind--; if ($this->pretty) { $this->buf->b .= "\n"; } if ($this->pretty) { $v5 = null; $c2 = $this->indent; $l1 = $this->nind * strlen($this->indent); if (strlen($c2) === 0 || strlen("") >= $l1) { $v5 = ""; } else { $v5 = str_pad("", Math::ceil(($l1 - strlen("")) / strlen($c2)) * strlen($c2) + strlen(""), $c2, STR_PAD_LEFT); } unset($l1, $c2); $this->buf->add($v5); unset($v5); } } unset($i); } $this->buf->b .= "]"; } else { if (is_object($_t3 = $c) && !$_t3 instanceof Enum ? $_t3 === _hx_qtype("haxe.ds.StringMap") : $_t3 == _hx_qtype("haxe.ds.StringMap")) { $v6 = $v; $o = _hx_anonymous(array()); if (null == $v6) { throw new HException('null iterable'); } $__hx__it = $v6->keys(); while ($__hx__it->hasNext()) { unset($k1); $k1 = $__hx__it->next(); $value = $v6->get($k1); $o->{$k1} = $value; unset($value); } $this->fieldsString($o, Reflect::fields($o)); } else { if (is_object($_t4 = $c) && !$_t4 instanceof Enum ? $_t4 === _hx_qtype("Date") : $_t4 == _hx_qtype("Date")) { $v7 = $v; $this->quote($v7->toString()); } else { $this->fieldsString($v, Reflect::fields($v)); } } } } break; case 7: $i1 = null; $e = $v; $i1 = $e->index; $v8 = $i1; $this->buf->add($v8); break; case 3: $this->buf->add($v ? "true" : "false"); break; case 0: $this->buf->add("null"); break; } }
static function getValueType($value) { if (Std::is($value, _hx_qtype("String"))) { return "String"; } if (Std::is($value, _hx_qtype("Class"))) { return Type::getClassName($value); } if (Std::is($value, _hx_qtype("Enum"))) { return Type::getEnumName($value); } $name = null; $_g = Type::typeof($value); switch ($_g->index) { case 1: $name = "Int"; break; case 3: $name = "Bool"; break; case 6: $c = _hx_deref($_g)->params[0]; $name = Type::getClassName($c); break; case 7: $e = _hx_deref($_g)->params[0]; $name = Type::getEnumName($e); break; default: $name = null; break; } if ($name !== null) { return $name; } throw new HException("Could not determine type name of " . Std::string($value)); }
public function save_pay_source($q) { $account = php_Lib::hashOfAssociativeArray($q->get("account")); haxe_Log::trace(Std::string($account) . ":" . Std::string(model_Clients_15($this, $account, $q)), _hx_anonymous(array("fileName" => "Clients.hx", "lineNumber" => 676, "className" => "model.Clients", "methodName" => "save_pay_source"))); $pIt = $account->keys(); $user = S::$user; while ($pIt->hasNext()) { $pay_source_id = $pIt->next(); $log_id = $this->save_pay_source_log($pay_source_id, null); if (!$log_id) { return false; } $sql = new StringBuf(); $uFields = model_Clients::$pay_source_fields; $uFields->remove("pay_source_id"); $bindTypes = ""; $values2bind = null; $i = 0; $dbFieldTypes = php_Lib::hashOfAssociativeArray(php_Lib::associativeArrayOfObject(S::$conf->get("dbFieldTypes"))); $sets = new _hx_array(array()); $sql->add("UPDATE fly_crm.pay_source SET "); $_g = 0; while ($_g < $uFields->length) { $c = $uFields[$_g]; ++$_g; haxe_Log::trace(_hx_string_or_null($c) . ":" . Std::string(Type::typeof($q->get($c))), _hx_anonymous(array("fileName" => "Clients.hx", "lineNumber" => 699, "className" => "model.Clients", "methodName" => "save_pay_source"))); $p = $q->get($c); $val = null; if ($p !== null) { if (!Std::is($p, _hx_qtype("String"))) { $valMap = php_Lib::hashOfAssociativeArray($q->get($c)); $val = $valMap->get(Std::string($pay_source_id)); unset($valMap); } else { $val = $p; } $values2bind[$i++] = $val; $type = $dbFieldTypes->get($c); if (Util::any2bool($type)) { $bindTypes .= _hx_string_or_null($type); } else { $bindTypes .= "s"; } $sets->push(_hx_string_or_null($c) . "=?"); unset($type); } unset($val, $p, $c); } unset($_g); if ($sets->length === 0) { continue; } $sql->add($sets->join(",")); $sql->add(" WHERE pay_source_id=" . _hx_string_rec($pay_source_id, "")); $stmt = S::$my->stmt_init(); haxe_Log::trace($sql->b, _hx_anonymous(array("fileName" => "Clients.hx", "lineNumber" => 727, "className" => "model.Clients", "methodName" => "save_pay_source"))); $success = $stmt->prepare($sql->b); if (!$success) { haxe_Log::trace($stmt->error, _hx_anonymous(array("fileName" => "Clients.hx", "lineNumber" => 731, "className" => "model.Clients", "methodName" => "save_pay_source"))); return false; } haxe_Log::trace($values2bind, _hx_anonymous(array("fileName" => "Clients.hx", "lineNumber" => 735, "className" => "model.Clients", "methodName" => "save_pay_source"))); $success = myBindParam($stmt, $values2bind, $bindTypes); haxe_Log::trace("success:" . Std::string($success), _hx_anonymous(array("fileName" => "Clients.hx", "lineNumber" => 737, "className" => "model.Clients", "methodName" => "save_pay_source"))); if ($success) { $success = $stmt->execute(); if (!$success) { haxe_Log::trace($stmt->error, _hx_anonymous(array("fileName" => "Clients.hx", "lineNumber" => 743, "className" => "model.Clients", "methodName" => "save_pay_source"))); return false; } $this->save_pay_source_log($pay_source_id, $log_id); if (!$pIt->hasNext()) { return true; } } unset($values2bind, $uFields, $success, $stmt, $sql, $sets, $pay_source_id, $log_id, $i, $dbFieldTypes, $bindTypes); } return false; }
static function dumpObjectRsafe($ob, $i = null) { $tClass = Type::getClass($ob); $m = "dumpObjectRsafe:" . Std::string($ob !== null ? Type::getClass($ob) : $ob) . "\n"; $names = new _hx_array(array()); if (Type::getClass($ob) !== null) { $names = Type::getInstanceFields(Type::getClass($ob)); } else { $names = Reflect::fields($ob); } if (Type::getClass($ob) !== null) { $m = _hx_string_or_null(Type::getClassName(Type::getClass($ob))) . ":\n"; } $_g = 0; while ($_g < $names->length) { $name = $names[$_g]; ++$_g; try { $t = Std::string(Type::typeof(Reflect::field($ob, $name))); if (me_cunity_debug_Out::$skipFunctions && $t === "TFunction") { null; } if ($name === "parentView" || $name === "ContextMenu" || $name === "cMenu") { $m .= _hx_string_or_null($name) . ":" . Std::string($ob->parentView->id) . "\n"; } else { $m .= _hx_string_or_null($name) . ":" . Std::string(Reflect::field($ob, $name)) . ":" . _hx_string_or_null($t) . "\n"; } unset($t); } catch (Exception $__hx__e) { $_ex_ = $__hx__e instanceof HException ? $__hx__e->e : $__hx__e; $ex = $_ex_; $m .= _hx_string_or_null($name) . ":" . Std::string($ex); } unset($name, $ex); } me_cunity_debug_Out::_trace($m, $i); }