Example #1
  * Diff's two repository resources. IMPORTANT: This function assumes that there is a total order over the key field and that they are sorted by the keyfield ascending! Basically it assumes that the key field is an integer aswell!
  * @param Tx_Contentstage_Domain_Repository_Result $resource1 The original (target) resource.
  * @param Tx_Contentstage_Domain_Repository_Result $resource2 The changed (source) resource.
  * @param array $differences The difference array, passed this way for recursions etc.
  * @param string $keyField The key field of each row (usually uid).
  * @param string $table The table to perform the diff for. Is only used to hide certain fields. Defaults to pages.
  * @return array An array with keys for each $keyField found in either (or both) of the resources. These arrays contain an array with differences for each field or a lone message if the row was missing entirely.
 public function &resources(Tx_Contentstage_Domain_Repository_Result &$resource1 = null, Tx_Contentstage_Domain_Repository_Result &$resource2 = null, array &$differences = array(), $keyField = 'uid', $pidField = 'pid')
     $differences = array('byPid' => array());
     $r1 = $resource1->nextResolved();
     $r2 = $resource2->nextResolved();
     $table = $resource1->getTable();
     $tableTCA = $this->tca->getProcessedTca($table);
     $fromRepository = $resource1->getRepository();
     $toRepository = $resource2->getRepository();
     $lateBinding = $resource1->getLateBindingFields() !== false && $resource2->getLateBindingFields();
     while (true) {
         if ($r1 === false && $r2 === false) {
         $uid1 = $r1 === false ? PHP_INT_MAX : $r1[$keyField];
         $uid2 = $r2 === false ? PHP_INT_MAX : $r2[$keyField];
         $r1Next = $r2Next = false;
         $uid = min($uid1, $uid2);
         if ($uid1 < $uid2) {
             $r1 = $resource1->currentResolvedWithLateBindings();
             $differences[$uid]['_sourceMissing'] = $this->wrap($this->translate('diff.source.recordMissing', array($keyField, $uid)), true);
             $r1Next = true;
             $this->maximumTargetTstamp = max($this->maximumTargetTstamp, intval($r1[$tableTCA['__tstampField']]));
         } else {
             if ($uid2 < $uid1) {
                 $r2 = $resource2->currentResolvedWithLateBindings();
                 $differences[$uid]['_targetMissing'] = $this->wrap($this->translate('diff.target.recordMissing', array($keyField, $uid)));
                 $r2Next = true;
                 $this->maximumSourceTstamp = max($this->maximumSourceTstamp, intval($r2[$tableTCA['__tstampField']]));
             } else {
                 $diffRows = !$lateBinding;
                 if ($lateBinding && $r1['hash'] !== $r2['hash']) {
                     $r1 = $resource1->currentResolvedWithLateBindings();
                     $r2 = $resource2->currentResolvedWithLateBindings();
                     $diffRows = true;
                 if ($diffRows) {
                     $this->rows($r1, $r2, $differences, $keyField, $table);
                 foreach (array('files', 'folders', 'softrefs') as $type) {
                     if (!is_array($tableTCA['__' . $type])) {
                     foreach ($tableTCA['__' . $type] as $field => $true) {
                         if (!isset($differences[$uid][$field])) {
                             // no difference, let's check the files
                             if ($type === 'softrefs') {
                                 $folder = '';
                                 $function = 'compareFiles';
                                 $values = array();
                                 $this->tca->resolveSoftRefUids($fromRepository, $table, $field, $r1, $values);
                                 $singleValues = is_array($values['__FILE']) ? array_keys($values['__FILE']) : array();
                             } else {
                                 $folder = $tableTCA[$field]['folder'];
                                 $function = 'compare' . ucfirst($type);
                                 $singleValues = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',', $r1[$field], true);
                             foreach ($singleValues as $value) {
                                 $message = $toRepository->{$function}($fromRepository->getFileHandle($folder . $value), $toRepository->getFileHandle($folder . $value));
                                 if ($message !== false) {
                                     $differences[$uid][$field] .= $this->wrap($message);
                 $r1Next = $r2Next = true;
         if (!empty($differences[$uid])) {
             $differences['byPid'][$r1 === false ? $r2[$pidField] : $r1[$pidField]][$uid] =& $differences[$uid];
         if ($r1Next) {
             $r1 = $resource1->nextResolved();
         if ($r2Next) {
             $r2 = $resource2->nextResolved();
     return $differences;
  * Insert/update a given resource in the table. The resource must have the same fields, e.g. should be from the same table in another db.
  * @param Tx_Contentstage_Domain_Repository_Result $resource The db resource to get the data from.
  * @return void.
  * @throws Exception
 public function insert(Tx_Contentstage_Domain_Repository_Result $resource)
     $buffer = array();
     $c = 0;
     $updateTerm = false;
     $fields = array();
     $table = $resource->getTable();
     while (($row = $resource->nextWithRelations()) !== false) {
         $buffer[] = $row;
         //$this->log->log($table, Tx_CabagExtbase_Utility_Logging::INFORMATION, $row);
         if ($updateTerm === false) {
             $fields = array_keys($row);
             $update = array();
             foreach ($fields as &$field) {
                 $update[] = $field . ' = VALUES(' . $field . ')';
             $updateTerm = implode(',', $update);
         if ($c % 100 === 0) {
             $this->_insert($table, $buffer, $fields, $updateTerm);
             $buffer = array();
     // if no row was looped, fields/updateTerm are not set, but that does not matter
     $this->_insert($table, $buffer, $fields, $updateTerm);