{% block content %} This is the content of the parent template. {% endblock %} {% extends 'parent_template.twig' %} {% block content %} {{ parent() }}This is additional content in the child template.
{% endblock %}
{% if pageType == 'home' %} {% block title %}Welcome to our website!{% endblock %} {% block content %}This is the home page content.{% endblock %} {% elseif pageType == 'about' %} {% block title %}Learn About our Company{% endblock %} {% block content %}Here is some information about our company.{% endblock %} {% else %} {% block title %}Page Not Found{% endblock %} {% block content %}Sorry, the page you are looking for does not exist.{% endblock %} {% endif %} {{ renderBlock('title') }} {{ renderBlock('content') }}In this example, we are using the renderBlock function to render the "title" and "content" blocks based on a user's input. This allows us to dynamically render content within our template based on the page type selected by the user. Package library: Twig