Example #1
  * test inserting a Tweet, editing it, and then updating it
 public function testUpdateValidTweet()
     // count the number of rows and save it for later
     $numRows = $this->getConnection()->getRowCount("tweet");
     // create a new Tweet and insert to into mySQL
     $tweet = new Tweet(null, $this->profile->getProfileId(), $this->VALID_TWEETCONTENT, $this->VALID_TWEETDATE);
     // edit the Tweet and update it in mySQL
     // grab the data from mySQL and enforce the fields match our expectations
     $pdoTweet = Tweet::getTweetByTweetId($this->getPDO(), $tweet->getTweetId());
     $this->assertEquals($numRows + 1, $this->getConnection()->getRowCount("tweet"));
     $this->assertEquals($pdoTweet->getProfileId(), $this->profile->getProfileId());
     $this->assertEquals($pdoTweet->getTweetContent(), $this->VALID_TWEETCONTENT2);
     $this->assertEquals($pdoTweet->getTweetDate(), $this->VALID_TWEETDATE);
Example #2

require_once "/etc/apache2/capstone-mysql/encrypted-config.php";
$pdo = connectToEncryptedMySQL("/etc/apache2/data-design/dmartinez337.ini");
$tweet = new Tweet(null, 1, "this is from PHP");
$tweet->setTweetContent("now I changed the message");