public function actionCreate() { if ($_GET["select"] == 1) { //print_r($_POST); if (!Trucks::checkPlate($_POST["plate"])) { $truck = new Trucks(); // print_r($_POST); $truck->plate = MYChtml::check_num($_POST["plate"]); /* if (strlen($data[1]) > 4) {$truck->is_conctract = 1; $truck->contract_number = $data[1];} else {$truck->is_conctract = 0; $truck->contract_number = "";} if (strlen($data[7]) > 4) {$truck->is_act = 1; $truck->act_number = $data[7];} else {$truck->is_act = 0; $truck->act_number = "";}*/ $truck->balance_license_fee = (int) $_POST["amount_fee_license"]; $truck->daily_license_fee = $_POST["weight"]; $truck->comment = $_POST["comment"]; $truck->fio = $_POST["fio"]; if (!$truck->save()) { print_r($truck->getErrors()); } } $payment = new Payments(); $payment->plate = MYChtml::check_num($_POST["plate"]); if ($_POST["amount_installation"] > 0) { $payment->amount_installation = (int) $_POST["amount_installation"]; } if ($_POST["amount_fee_license"] > 0) { $payment->amount_fee_license = (int) $_POST["amount_fee_license"]; } $payment->date = $_POST["date"]; $payment->comment = $_POST["comment"]; if (!$payment->save()) { print_r($payment->getErrors()); } } $this->render('create'); }
/** * Creates a new model. * If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page. */ public function actionCreate() { $model = new Trucks(); // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed // $this->performAjaxValidation($model); if (isset($_POST['Trucks'])) { $model->attributes = $_POST['Trucks']; if ($model->save()) { $this->redirect(array('view', 'id' => $model->id)); } } $this->render('create', array('model' => $model)); }
function actionConfirmNewGlonass() { if (Trucks::checkPlate(MYChtml::check_num($this->plate))) { $this->ErrorCode = "1"; $this->data["result"] = "Такой автомобиль уже существует"; } else { $this->ErrorCode = "0"; $this->data["result"] = "Предоплата за установку ГЛОНАСС авто " . MYChtml::check_num($this->plate); $truck = new Trucks(); $truck->plate = MYChtml::check_num($_POST["plate"]); $cash = (double) $_POST["amount"]; if ($cash >= self::$installationPrice) { $installFee = self::$installationPrice; $balanceFee = $cash - self::$installationPrice; $installation_is_close = 1; } else { $balanceFee = 0; $installFee = $cash; $installation_is_close = 0; } if (self::$yearLicenseFeePrice <= $balanceFee) { $truck->daily_license_fee = self::$yearLicenseFeePrice / 365; } else { $truck->daily_license_fee = self::$monthLicenseFeePrice / 30; } $truck->installation_is_close = $installation_is_close; $truck->balance_license_fee = $balanceFee; $truck->comment = "Через аппарат session = " . $this->SessionID . ", телефон " . $_POST['phone']; $truck->type = 0; if ($truck->save()) { Payments::addBalanceAndInstatllFee($balanceFee, $installFee, MYChtml::check_num($this->plate)); } else { $this->ErrorCode = "1"; } } $this->sendRequest(); }
} else { $truck->is_conctract = 0; $truck->contract_number = ""; } if (strlen($data[7]) > 4) { $truck->is_act = 1; $truck->act_number = $data[7]; } else { $truck->is_act = 0; $truck->act_number = ""; } $truck->balance_license_fee = 0; $truck->daily_license_fee = 10; $truck->comment = $data[0] . " "; $truck->fio = $data[3]; if (!$truck->save()) { print_r($truck->getErrors()); echo "<hr>"; echo "Строка:" . $i; die; } } $payment = new Payments(); $payment->amount_fee_license = 0; $payment->amount_installation = (int) $data[4]; $payment->date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($data[2])); $payment->plate = MYChtml::check_num($data[8]); if (!$payment->save()) { print_r($payment->getErrors()); echo "Строка:" . $i; die;