function conference()
    global $voice;
    $tropo = new Tropo();
    $result = new Result();
    $conference = $result->getValue();
    $tropo->say('<speak>Conference ID <say-as interpret-as=\'vxml:digits\'>' . $conference . '</say-as> accepted.</speak>');
    $tropo->say('You will now be placed into the conference. Please announce yourself. To exit the conference without disconnecting, press pound.');
    $tropo->conference($conference, array('id' => $conference, 'terminator' => '#'));
    $tropo->say('You have left the conference.');
    $tropo->on(array("event" => "continue", "next" => "restart"));

require 'tropo.class.php';
$tropo = new Tropo();
$session = new Session();
$from = $session->getFrom();
$callerID = $from["id"];
$tropo->say("You are about to enter the conference");
$tropo->conference(null, array("id" => "1234", "name" => "joinleave", "joinPrompt" => "{$callerID} has entered the conference", "leavePrompt" => "{$callerID} has left the conference", "voice" => "Kate"));