public function getXtSidebars($pNids) { $cjxt = TreeData::findFirst(array('conditions' => 'title="财经学堂"')); $temXtNodes = TreeStruct::find(array('conditions' => 'lft>?1 and rgt<?2 and type=:type:', 'bind' => array(1 => $cjxt->TreeStruct->lft, 2 => $cjxt->TreeStruct->rgt, 'type' => 'default'), 'order' => 'lft')); $xtNodes = array(); foreach ($temXtNodes as $key => $temXtNode) { $treeData = $temXtNode->TreeData->toArray(); $xtNodes[$key] = $temXtNode->toArray(); $xtNodes[$key]['TreeData'] = $treeData; } $xtNodes = TreeStruct::addNodesAttr($xtNodes); // echo '<pre>';print_r($xtNodes);echo '</pre>';die(); $xtSidebars = array(); $parent_nid = 0; foreach ($xtNodes as $key => $xtNode) { $nid = $xtNode['id']; if (in_array($nid, $pNids)) { $xtNode['current'] = true; } if ($xtNode['lvl'] == 3) { $xtSidebars[$nid] = $xtNode; $xtSidebars[$nid]['children'] = array(); $parent_nid = $nid; } else { $xtSidebars[$parent_nid]['children'][$nid] = $xtNode; } } return $xtSidebars; }
public function fetchWidgetData($view, $block = '') { $widgetData = array(); $blockCfgKey = $block ? $view . '_' . $block : $view; $blockCfg = $this->_siteConfig['blockCfg'][$blockCfgKey]; $blockNum = $this->_siteConfig['widgetCfg']['blockNum']; switch ($view) { case 'slider': //理财故事 //理财故事 case 'btslider': $widgetData[$block] = array('blockName' => $block, 'items' => $this->_siteConfig['slider'][$block]); break; case 'dailyword': $dailyword['title'] = '天天词汇'; $dailyword['word'] = Tags::findFirst(array("conditions" => "is_cidian = ?1", "bind" => array(1 => 1)))->toArray(); $widgetData = $dailyword; break; case 'content': switch ($block) { case 'node': $content = TreeData::findFirst($this->_params['nid'])->toArray(); $content['content'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($content['content']); $widgetData[$block]['content'] = $content; break; case 'tag': $content = Tags::findFirst($this->_params['tid'])->toArray(); $content['content'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($content['description']); $content['title'] = $content['name']; $widgetData[$block]['content'] = $content; break; case 'static': $static_content = TreeStruct::findFirst(array("conditions" => "pid = ?1", "bind" => array(1 => $this->_params['nid']), 'order' => 'lft asc')); $content = array(); if ($static_content) { $content['title'] = $static_content->TreeData->title; $content['content'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($static_content->TreeData->content); } $widgetData[$block]['blockName'] = $block; $widgetData[$block]['content'] = $content; break; default: break; } break; case 'cidian': $cidianCloudNum = $this->_siteConfig['widgetCfg']['cidianCloudNum']; $tags = Tags::fetchCidiansCloud($cidianCloudNum); $widgetData = $tags; break; case 'hangqing': case 'lilv': case 'tool': break; case 'taglist': $taglist = array(); $itemPer = $this->_siteConfig['widgetCfg']['listItemPer']; $start = ($this->_params['p'] - 1) * $itemPer; if ($this->_params['tagPrefix']) { $conditions = 'pinyinPrefix="' . $this->_params['tagPrefix'] . '" and is_cidian=1'; } else { $conditions = 'is_cidian=1'; } $taglist['items'] = Tags::find(array('conditions' => $conditions, 'order' => 'id desc', 'limit' => array('number' => $itemPer, 'offset' => $start)))->toArray(); $totalTags = Tags::count($conditions); $params = array('total_rows' => $totalTags, 'now_page' => $this->_params['p'], 'list_rows' => $itemPer); $pagerLib = new Pager($params); $pager = $pagerLib->show(3); $taglist['pager'] = $pager; // echo '<pre>';print_r($taglist);echo '</pre>'; $widgetData = $taglist; break; case 'taglist_header': $optRanges = array(97, 122); $options = array(); $options[] = '0-9'; for ($i = $optRanges[0]; $i <= $optRanges[1]; $i++) { $options[] = chr($i); } $widgetData = $options; break; case 'list': switch ($block) { case 'node': $nodeLists = array(); $itemPer = $this->_siteConfig['widgetCfg']['listItemPer']; $start = ($this->_params['p'] - 1) * $itemPer; $temNodes = TreeStruct::find(array('conditions' => 'lft>?1 and rgt<?2 and type=:type:', 'bind' => array(1 => $this->_params['node']->lft, 2 => $this->_params['node']->rgt, 'type' => 'article'), 'limit' => array('number' => $itemPer, 'offset' => $start), 'order' => 'id desc')); $nodes = array(); foreach ($temNodes as $key => $temNode) { $treeData = $temNode->TreeData->toArray(); $nodes[$key] = $temNode->toArray(); $nodes[$key]['TreeData'] = $treeData; } $nodes = TreeStruct::addNodesAttr($nodes, array('menu' => true, 'menuLevel' => 1)); $totalNodes = TreeStruct::count(array('conditions' => 'lft>?1 and rgt<?2 and type=:type:', 'bind' => array(1 => $this->_params['node']->lft, 2 => $this->_params['node']->rgt, 'type' => 'article'))); $params = array('total_rows' => $totalNodes, 'now_page' => $this->_params['p'], 'list_rows' => $itemPer); $pagerLib = new Pager($params); $pager = $pagerLib->show(3); $nodeLists['title'] = $this->_params['node']->TreeData->title; $nodeLists['pager'] = $pager; $nodeLists['items'] = $nodes; $widgetData[$block] = $nodeLists; break; case 'tagnode': $tagNodesNum = $this->_siteConfig['widgetCfg']['tagNodesNum']; $nodeLists = array(); if ($tid = $this->_params['tid']) { $tagNodes = NodeTags::find(array('conditions' => 'tid=' . $tid, 'limit' => $tagNodesNum)); $nodes = array(); foreach ($tagNodes as $key => $tagNode) { $treeStruct = $tagNode->TreeStruct; $treeData = $treeStruct->TreeData->toArray(); $nodes[$key] = $treeStruct->toArray(); $nodes[$key]['TreeData'] = $treeData; } $nodes = TreeStruct::addNodesAttr($nodes, array('menu' => true, 'menuLevel' => 2)); $nodeLists['items'] = $nodes; $nodeLists['title'] = '"' . $this->_params['tag']->name . '" 相关文章'; } $widgetData[$block] = $nodeLists; break; case 'search': $nodeLists = array(); $keyword = $this->_params['search_keyword']; if ($keyword) { $itemPer = $this->_siteConfig['widgetCfg']['listItemPer']; $start = ($this->_params['p'] - 1) * $itemPer; $temNodeDatas = TreeData::find(array('conditions' => 'content like :keyword:', 'bind' => array('keyword' => '%' . $keyword . '%'), 'limit' => array('number' => $itemPer, 'offset' => $start), 'order' => 'id desc')); $nodes = array(); foreach ($temNodeDatas as $key => $temNodeData) { $treeStruct = $temNodeData->TreeStruct; $treeData = $temNodeData->toArray(); $nodes[$key] = $treeStruct->toArray(); $nodes[$key]['TreeData'] = $treeData; } $nodes = TreeStruct::addNodesAttr($nodes, array('menu' => true, 'menuLevel' => 2)); $totalNodes = TreeData::count(array('conditions' => 'content like :keyword:', 'bind' => array('keyword' => '%' . $keyword . '%'))); $params = array('total_rows' => $totalNodes, 'now_page' => $this->_params['p'], 'list_rows' => $itemPer); $pagerLib = new Pager($params); $pager = $pagerLib->show(3); // $nodeLists['is_search'] = 1; $searchResultStr = $totalNodes ? $totalNodes . ' 条记录' : '没有记录'; $nodeLists['title'] = '"' . $keyword . '" 的搜索结果: ' . $searchResultStr; $nodeLists['pager'] = $pager; $nodeLists['items'] = $nodes; } $widgetData[$block] = $nodeLists; break; default: break; } break; case 'listGroup': case 'navTab': case 'panel': case 'panel2': $widgetData[$block]['blockName'] = $block; $widgetData[$block]['items'] = array(); if (isset($this->_siteConfig['blockCfg'][$view . '_' . $block])) { $blockParams = $this->_siteConfig['blockCfg'][$view . '_' . $block]; foreach ($blockParams as $blockParam) { $nodeLists = array('title' => $blockParam['title'], 'data' => array()); $blockNode = TreeStruct::findFirst($blockParam['nid']); $temNodes = TreeStruct::find(array('conditions' => "lft>?1 and rgt<?2 and type=:type:", 'bind' => array(1 => $blockNode->lft, 2 => $blockNode->rgt, 'type' => 'article'), 'limit' => $blockNum, 'order' => 'id desc')); $nodes = array(); foreach ($temNodes as $key => $temNode) { $treeData = array(); if ($temNode->TreeData) { $treeData = $temNode->TreeData->toArray(); } $nodes[$key] = $temNode->toArray(); $nodes[$key]['TreeData'] = $treeData; } $nodes = TreeStruct::addNodesAttr($nodes); $nodeLists['data'] = $nodes; $widgetData[$block]['items'][] = $nodeLists; } } else { $nodeLists = array('title' => '', 'data' => array()); switch ($block) { case 'hot': $nodeLists['title'] = '热门文章'; $hotNids = $this->_siteConfig['hotNids']; $hotNidsStr = implode(',', $hotNids); $temNodes = TreeStruct::find(array('conditions' => "id in (" . $hotNidsStr . ") and type=:type:", 'bind' => array('type' => 'article'), 'order' => 'id asc')); $nodes = array(); foreach ($temNodes as $key => $temNode) { $treeData = $temNode->TreeData->toArray(); $nodes[$key] = $temNode->toArray(); $nodes[$key]['TreeData'] = $treeData; } $nodes = TreeStruct::addNodesAttr($nodes); $nodeLists['data'] = $nodes; break; case 'relation': $nodeLists['title'] = '相关文章'; if ($this->_params['node']->type == 'article') { $temNodes = TreeStruct::find(array('conditions' => "pid=?1 and type=:type:", 'bind' => array(1 => $this->_params['node']->pid, 'type' => 'article'), 'limit' => $blockNum, 'order' => 'id desc')); $nodes = array(); foreach ($temNodes as $key => $temNode) { $treeData = $temNode->TreeData->toArray(); $nodes[$key] = $temNode->toArray(); $nodes[$key]['TreeData'] = $treeData; } $nodes = TreeStruct::addNodesAttr($nodes); $nodeLists['data'] = $nodes; } break; default: break; } $widgetData[$block]['items'][] = $nodeLists; } break; case 'breadcrumb': $widgetData = $this->_initBreadcrumb(); break; case 'nodetag': $temNodeTags = NodeTags::find(array('conditions' => 'nid=?1', 'bind' => array(1 => $this->_params['node']->id))); $nodeTags = array(); foreach ($temNodeTags as $key => $temNodeTag) { $tag = $temNodeTag->Tags->toArray(); $nodeTags[$key] = $temNodeTag->toArray(); $nodeTags[$key]['Tags'] = $tag; } $widgetData = $nodeTags; break; case 'siblings': $siblings = array('prev' => array('title' => '上一篇', 'item' => array()), 'next' => array('title' => '下一篇', 'item' => array())); switch ($block) { case 'node': if ($this->_params['node']->type == 'article') { $prevNode = TreeStruct::findFirst(array('conditions' => "lft<?1 and pid=?2 and type=:type:", 'bind' => array(1 => $this->_params['node']->lft, 2 => $this->_params['node']->pid, 'type' => 'article'), 'order' => 'lft desc')); $nextNode = TreeStruct::findFirst(array('conditions' => "lft>?1 and pid=?2 and type=:type:", 'bind' => array(1 => $this->_params['node']->lft, 2 => $this->_params['node']->pid, 'type' => 'article'), 'order' => 'lft asc')); $temNodes = array('prev' => $prevNode, 'next' => $nextNode); $nodes = array(); foreach ($temNodes as $key => $temNode) { if ($temNode) { $treeData = $temNode->TreeData->toArray(); $nodes[$key] = $temNode->toArray(); $nodes[$key]['TreeData'] = $treeData; $nodes[$key]['title'] = $treeData['title']; } } $nodes = TreeStruct::addNodesAttr($nodes); $siblings['prev']['item'] = $nodes['prev']; $siblings['next']['item'] = $nodes['next']; } break; case 'tag': $siblings['prev']['title'] = '上一个'; $siblings['next']['title'] = '下一个'; if ($tag = $this->_params['tag']) { $pinyinPrefix = $tag->pinyinPrefix; if (!$pinyinPrefix) { break; } $prevTag = Tags::findFirst(array('conditions' => "pinyinPrefix=:pinyin:", 'bind' => array('pinyin' => $pinyinPrefix), 'order' => 'id desc'))->toArray(); $nextTag = Tags::findFirst(array('conditions' => "pinyinPrefix=:pinyin:", 'bind' => array('pinyin' => $pinyinPrefix), 'order' => 'id asc'))->toArray(); $tags = array('prev' => $prevTag, 'next' => $nextTag); $tags = Tags::addTagsAttr($tags); foreach ($tags as $key => $tag) { $tags[$key]['title'] = $tag['name']; } $siblings['prev']['item'] = $tags['prev']; $siblings['next']['item'] = $tags['next']; } break; default: break; } $widgetData[$block]['items'] = $siblings; break; case 'xtSidebars': $pNids = array($this->_params['node']->id); foreach ($this->_params['nodeParents'] as $nodeParent) { $pNids[] = $nodeParent->id; } $xtSidebars = TreeStruct::getXtSidebars($pNids); $widgetData = $xtSidebars; break; case 'list_header': $list_header = array(); $temNodes = count($this->_params['nodeChilds']) ? $this->_params['nodeChilds'] : $this->_params['nodeSiblings']; if ($temNodes) { foreach ($temNodes as $key => $temNode) { $treeData = $temNode->TreeData->toArray(); $list_header[$key] = $temNode->toArray(); $list_header[$key]['TreeData'] = $treeData; $list_header[$key]['current'] = false; if ($this->_params['node']->id == $temNode->id) { $list_header[$key]['current'] = true; } } $list_header = TreeStruct::addNodesAttr($list_header); } $widgetData = $list_header; break; case 'search_header': $search_result = array(); $search_result['search_keyword'] = $this->_params['search_keyword']; if ($search_result['search_keyword']) { $search_result['search_result_title'] = '<b>"' . $this->_params['search_keyword'] . '</b>" 的搜索结果.'; } else { $search_result['search_result_title'] = '请输入关键字搜索!'; } $widgetData = $search_result; break; case 'sitemap': $sitemap = array(); $sitemap['menus'] = $this->_menus; $allTags = array(); $temTags = Tags::find(array('conditions' => "", 'order' => 'pinyinPrefix'))->toArray(); $temTags = Tags::addTagsAttr($temTags); foreach ($temTags as $key => $temTag) { $pinyinKey = $temTag['pinyinPrefix'] ? trim($temTag['pinyinPrefix']) : '0-9'; $allTags[$pinyinKey][] = $temTag; } unset($temTags); $sitemap['tags'] = $allTags; // echo '<pre>';print_r($sitemap);echo '</pre>';die(); $widgetData = $sitemap; break; case 'notfound': $widgetData = ''; break; case 'test': $result = 'test'; $widgetData = $result; break; default: break; } return $widgetData; }