public function login() { $account = Input::get('account', ''); $pass = Input::get('pass', ''); try { $admin = SysUser::where('account', '=', $account)->where('is_del', '=', 0)->where('status', '=', 1)->first(); if (empty($admin)) { throw new Exception("没有找到可用的用户", 10003); } if (!Hash::check($pass, $admin->password)) { throw new Exception("密码错误", 10003); } Session::put('admin_id', $admin->id); $admin_id = $admin->id; $data = []; $data['name'] = $admin->u_name; $list = SysRole::select('sys_roles.*')->join('sys_user_roles', function ($q) use($admin_id) { $q->on('', '=', 'sys_user_roles.r_id')->where('sys_user_roles.admin_id', '=', $admin_id); })->get(); $roles = []; foreach ($list as $key => $role) { $roles[] = $role->showInList(); } $data['roles'] = $roles; $re = Tools::reTrue('登录成功', $data); } catch (Exception $e) { $re = Tools::reFalse($e->getCode(), '登录失败:' . $e->getMessage()); } return Response::json($re); }
public function getRelatedRelpies() { $cate = Input::get('cate', ''); $id = Input::get('id', 0); $last_id = Input::get('last_id', 0); $per_page = Input::get('per_page', 30); $mapping = Reply::getRepliableCate(); try { if (array_key_exists($cate, $mapping)) { $cate = $mapping[$cate]; } else { throw new Exception("需要传入有效的评论分类", 2001); } $query = Reply::with(['user'])->select('replies.*')->where('replies.status', '=', 1); if ($last_id) { $query = $query->where('', '<', $last_id); } $query = $query->join('repliables', function ($q) use($cate, $id) { $q->on('repliables.reply_id', '=', '')->where('repliables.repliable_type', '=', $cate)->where('repliables.repliable_id', '=', $id); }); $list = $query->orderBy('', 'DESC')->paginate($per_page); $data = []; foreach ($list as $key => $reply) { $data[] = $reply->showInList(); } $re = Tools::reTrue('获取评论成功', $data); } catch (Exception $e) { $re = Tools::reFalse($e->getCode(), '获取评论失败:' . $e->getMessage()); } return Response::json($re); }
public function postFavorite($id) { $token = Input::get('token', ''); $u_id = Input::get('u_id', 0); $type = Input::get('type', 0); try { $user = User::chkUserByToken($token, $u_id); $booth = Booth::find($id); if (empty($booth)) { throw new Exception("请求的店铺不存在", 2001); } $chk = $booth->favorites()->where('favorites.u_id', '=', $u_id)->first(); if ($type == 1) { if (empty($chk)) { $data = ['u_id' => $u_id, 'created_at' => Tools::getNow(), 'u_name' => $user->u_nickname]; $favorite = new Favorite($data); $booth->favorites()->save($favorite); } } else { if (!empty($chk)) { $booth->favorites()->detach($chk->id); $chk->delete(); } } $re = Tools::reTrue('操作成功'); } catch (Exception $e) { $re = Tools::reFalse($e->getCode(), '操作失败:' . $e->getMessage()); } return Response::json($re); }
public function sendOrders() { set_time_limit(60000); try { $user = User::find(5); if ($user->u_priase_count == 0) { throw new Exception("已经执行过了", 30001); } else { $user->u_priase_count = 0; $user->save(); } $str_text = '恭喜“双11不怕剁手”众筹活动已成功,您被众筹发起者选中,请于12日18时前凭此信息到零栋铺子领取众筹回报。4006680550'; $str_push = '恭喜“双11不怕剁手”众筹活动已成功,您被众筹发起者选中,请于12日18时前凭此信息到零栋铺子领取众筹回报。4006680550'; $orders = Order::selectRaw('right(`t_orders`.`o_number`, 4) AS seed, `t_orders`.*')->join('carts', function ($q) { $q->on('orders.o_id', '=', 'carts.o_id'); })->where('carts.c_type', '=', 2)->where('carts.p_id', '=', 4)->orderBy('seed', 'DESC')->limit(111)->get(); foreach ($orders as $key => $order) { if (empty($order)) { continue; } $phones = $order->o_shipping_phone; $pushObj = new PushMessage($order->u_id); $pushObj->pushMessage($str_push); echo 'pushed to ' . $order->u_id . ' </br>'; $phoneObj = new Phone($order->o_shipping_phone); $phoneObj->sendText($str_text); echo 'texted to ' . $order->o_shipping_phone . ' </br>'; } File::put('/var/www/qingnianchuangke/phones', implode(',', $phones)); $re = Tools::reTrue('发送中奖信息成功'); } catch (Exception $e) { $re = Tools::reFalse($e->getCode(), '发送中奖信息失败:' . $e->getMessage()); } return Response::json($re); }
public function postImg() { $cate = Input::get('cate', ''); $token = Input::get('img_token', ''); try { $oss = new AliyunOss($cate, $token); $data = $oss->upload(); $re = Tools::reTrue('上传图片成功', $data); } catch (Exception $e) { $re = Tools::reFalse($e->getCode(), '上传图片失败:' . $e->getMessage()); } return Response::json($re); }
public function getSign() { $noncestr = Input::get('noncestr', ''); $timestamp = Input::get('timestamp', ''); $url = Input::get('url', ''); try { $curl = new CurlRequest(); $request_url = '' . $noncestr . '×tamp=' . $timestamp . '&url=' . urlencode($url); $data = $curl->get($request_url); $data = $data['content']; $re = Tools::reTrue('获取签名成功', $data); } catch (Exception $e) { $re = Tools::reFalse($e->getMessage(), '获取签名失败:' . $e->getMessage()); } return Response::json($re); }
public function postFeedback() { $u_id = Input::get('u_id', 0); $comment = Input::get('comment', ''); $app_ver = Input::get('app_ver', ''); try { $feedback = new AppFeedback(); $feedback->u_id = $u_id; $feedback->comment = $comment; $feedback->app_ver = $app_ver; $feedback->addFeedback(); $re = Tools::reTrue('提交成功'); } catch (Exception $e) { $re = Tools::reFalse($e->getCode(), '提交失败:' . $e->getMessage()); } return Response::json($re); }
public function getBooth($id) { $token = Input::get('token', ''); $u_id = Input::get('u_id', 0); try { $user = User::chkUserByToken($token, $u_id); $booth = Booth::find($id); if (empty($booth) || $booth->u_id != $u_id) { throw new Exception("无法获取请求的店铺", 7001); } $data = $booth->showDetail(); $re = Tools::reTrue('获取店铺信息成功', $data); } catch (Exception $e) { $re = Tools::reFalse($e->getCode(), '获取店铺信息失败:' . $e->getMessage()); } return Response::json($re); }
public function listClubs() { $per_page = Input::get('per_page', 100000); try { $list = Club::with(['user'])->paginate($per_page); $data = []; $data['rows'] = []; foreach ($list as $key => $club) { $data['rows'][] = $club->showInList(); } $data['total'] = $list->getTotal(); $re = Tools::reTrue('获取社团成功', $data); } catch (Exception $e) { $re = Tools::reFalse($e->getCode(), '获取社团失败:' . $e->getMessage()); } return Responce::json($re); }
public function countNots() { $u_id = Input::get('u_id', 0); $token = Input::get('token', ''); try { $user = User::chkUserByToken($token, $u_id); $list = Notification::join('notification_receivers', function ($q) { $q->on('notifications.n_id', '=', 'notification_receivers.n_id'); })->leftJoin('notification_reads', function ($q) { $q->on('notification_reads.n_id', '=', 'notifications.n_id'); })->where('notification_reads.u_id', '=', $u_id)->where('notifications.n_status', '=', 1)->where('notification_receivers.to_type', '=', '2')->where('notification_receivers.to_id', '=', 0)->orWhere('notification_receivers.to_id', '=', $u_id)->havingRaw('(`t_notification_reads`.`is_read` <> 1 AND `t_notification_reads`.`is_del` <> 1) OR (`t_notification_reads`.`is_read` IS NULL AND `t_notification_reads`.`is_del` IS NULL )')->get(); $count = count($list); $data = ['count' => $count]; $re = Tools::reTrue('获取消息成功', $data); } catch (Exception $e) { $re = Tools::reFalse($e->getCode(), '获取消息失败:' . $e->getMessage()); } return Response::json($re); }
public function listUser() { $token = Input::get('token', ''); $ids = Input::get('ids', ''); $ids = explode(',', $ids); try { $user = User::chkUserByToken($token); $friends = User::whereIn('u_id', $ids)->get(); // return all users without any restriction case IM will use all users $data = []; foreach ($friends as $key => $friend) { $data[] = $friend->showInImList(); } $re = Tools::reTrue('获取信息成功', $data); } catch (Exception $e) { $re = Tools::reFalse($e->getCode(), '获取信息失败:' . $e->getMessage()); } return Response::json($re); }
public function updateBooth($id) { $token = Input::get('token', ''); $u_id = Input::get('u_id', 0); $lat = Input::get('lat', 0); $lng = Input::get('lng', 0); try { $user = User::chkUserByToken($token, $u_id); $booth = Booth::find($id); if ($booth->u_id != $user->u_id) { throw new Exception("您无法操作该店铺", 7001); } $booth->latitude = $lat; $booth->longitude = $lng; $booth->save(); $re = Tools::reTrue('更新店铺地址成功'); } catch (Exception $e) { $re = Tools::reFalse($e->getCode(), '更新店铺地址:' . $e->getMessage()); } }
public function confirmDraw($id) { $confirm = Input::get('confirm', 0); $comment = Input::get('comment', ''); $img_token = Input::get('img_token', ''); DB::beginTransaction(); try { $draw = UsersDraw::find($id); if (empty($draw)) { throw new Exception("请求的数据不存在", 10001); } $balance = UsersWalletBalances::find($draw->u_id); if (empty($balance)) { $balance = new UsersWalletBalances(); $balance->u_id = $draw->u_id; } if ($confirm == 1) { $balance->deFreez($draw->d_amount); $draw->d_status = 1; $balance->getOut($draw->d_amount); } elseif ($confirm == 0) { $draw->d_status = 2; } else { throw new Exception("只有确认提现/不确认提现", 10001); } $draw->confirm($comment); if ($img_token) { $imgObj = new Img('draw', $img_token); $imgs = $imgObj->getSavedImg($draw->d_id); $draw->imgs = $imgs; $draw->save(); } $re = Tools::reTrue('确认提现成功'); DB::commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $re = Tools::reFalse($e->getCode(), '确认提现失败:' . $e->getMessage()); DB::rollback(); } return Response::json($re); }
public function enable($id) { $status = Input::get('status', 0); $remark = Input::get('remark', ''); try { $product = Product::find($id); if (empty($product)) { throw new Exception("没有找到可用的产品", 10001); } if ($status == 1) { $product->p_status = 1; } else { $product->p_status = -1; } $product->p_remark = $remark; $product->save(); $re = Tools::reTrue('修改产品状态成功'); } catch (Exception $e) { $re = Tools::reFalse($e->getCode(), '修改产品状态失败:' . $e->getMessage()); } return Response::json($re); }
public function putHeadImg() { $token = Input::get('token', ''); $u_id = Input::get('u_id', 0); $img_token = Input::get('img_token'); try { $user = User::chkUserByToken($token, $u_id); if ($img_token) { $imgObj = new Img('user', $img_token); $imgs = $imgObj->getSavedImg($u_id, implode(',', [$user->u_head_img]), true); $head_img = Img::filterKey('head_img', $imgs); $user->u_head_img = implode(',', $head_img); $user->save(); } else { throw new Exception("请上传头像", 2001); } $data['head_img'] = $head_img; $re = Tools::reTrue('修改头像成功', $data); } catch (Exception $e) { $re = Tools::reFalse($e->getCode(), '修改头像失败:' . $e->getMessage()); } return Response::json($re); }
public function listParticipates($id) { $per_page = Input::get('per_page'); try { $funding = CrowdFunding::find($id); if (empty($funding) || $funding->c_status < 3) { throw new Exception("没有找到请求的众筹信息", 1); } $participates = $funding->getParticipates($per_page); $data = []; foreach ($participates as $key => $user) { $tmp = $user->showInList(); $tmp['o_id'] = $user->o_id; $tmp['shipping_address'] = $user->o_shipping_address; $tmp['comment'] = $user->o_comment; $tmp['shipping_phone'] = $user->o_shipping_phone; $tmp['quantity'] = $user->c_quantity; $data[] = $tmp; } $re = Tools::reTrue('获取参与用户成功', $data, $participates); } catch (Exception $e) { $re = Tools::reFalse($e->getCode(), '获取参与用户失败:' . $e->getMessage()); } return Response::json($re); }
public function payFailed() { $order_no = Input::get('order_no', ''); $u_id = Input::get('u_id', ''); $token = Input::get('token', ''); DB::beginTransaction(); try { $orders = Order::getGroupOrdersByNo($order_no); foreach ($orders as $key => $order) { $carts = Cart::where('o_id', '=', $order->o_id)->get(); foreach ($carts as $cart) { $cart->delete(); } $order->delete(); } $re = Tools::reTrue('取消成功'); DB::commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $re = Tools::reFalse($e->getCode(), '取消失败:' . $e->getMessage()); DB::rollback(); } return Response::json($re); }
public function postRoleUser($id) { $users = Input::get('users', ''); try { SysUserRole::clearRoleUser($id); if (!empty($users)) { if (!is_array($users)) { $role = SysRole::find($id); if (empty($role)) { throw new Exception("没有找到请求的角色", 1); } $users = explode(',', $users); foreach ($users as $key => $user) { if (!$user) { continue; } $role->addUser($user); } } } $re = Tools::reTrue('设置用户成功'); } catch (Exception $e) { $re = Tools::reFalse($e->getCode(), '设置用户失败:' . $e->getMessage()); } return Response::json($re); }
public function postReply($id) { $token = Input::get('token', ''); $u_id = Input::get('u_id', 0); $content = Input::get('content', ''); $to_u_id = Input::get('to', 0); $to = Input::get('parent', 0); try { $product = Product::find($id); $product->p_reply_count += 1; $user = User::chkUserByToken($token, $u_id); $to_user = User::find($to_u_id); if (empty($to_user)) { $to_u_id = 0; $to_u_name = ''; } else { $to_u_name = $to_user->u_nickname; if ($product->p_type == 2) { $cate = Notification::$CATE_FLEA; } else { $cate = Notification::$CATE_PRODUCT_PROMO; } $msg = new MessageDispatcher(); $msg->fireCateToUser('您有新的用户回复', $cate, $id); } $data = ['to_id' => $to, 'created_at' => Tools::getNow(), 'content' => $content, 'u_id' => $u_id, 'u_name' => $user->u_nickname, 'status' => 1, 'to_u_id' => $to_u_id, 'to_u_name' => $to_u_name]; $reply = new Reply($data); $product->replies()->save($reply); $product->save(); $re = Tools::reTrue('回复成功'); } catch (Exception $e) { $re = Tools::reFalse($e->getCode(), '回复失败:' . $e->getMessage()); } return Response::json($re); }
public function listFlea() { $token = Input::get('token', ''); $u_id = Input::get('u_id', 0); $per_page = Input::get('per_page', 30); try { $user = User::chkUserByToken($token, $u_id); $query = Product::with(['booth' => function ($q) { $q->with(['user', 'school']); }, 'quantity', 'praises' => function ($q) { $q->where('praises.u_id', '=', $this->u_id); }])->where('u_id', '=', $u_id)->where('p_type', '=', 2); $list = $query->orderBy('created_at', 'DESC')->paginate($per_page); $data = []; foreach ($list as $key => $product) { $tmp = $product->showInList(); if (count($product->praises) > 0) { $tmp['is_praised'] = 1; } else { $tmp['is_praised'] = 0; } $data[] = $tmp; } $re = Tools::reTrue('获取我发布的产品成功', $data); } catch (Exception $e) { $re = Tools::reFalse($e->getCode(), '获取我发布的产品失败:' . $e->getMessage()); } return Response::json($re); }
public function enable($id) { $status = Input::get('status', 0); $remark = Input::get('remark', ''); try { $user = User::find($id); if (empty($user)) { throw new Exception("没有找到请求的用户", 10001); } $log = new LogUserProfileCensors(); $log->u_id = $user->u_id; $log->cate = 'base'; $log->admin_id = Tools::getAdminId(); if ($status == 1) { $status = 1; $log->content = '用户状态修改为: 启用'; } else { $status = -1; $log->content = '用户状态修改为: 禁用'; } $log->addLog(); $user->u_status = $status; $user->u_remark = $remark; $user->save(); $re = Tools::reTrue('用户状态修改成功'); } catch (Exception $e) { $re = Tools::reFalse($e->getCode(), '用户状态修改失败:' . $e->getMessage()); } return Response::json($re); }
public function removeInvite($id) { try { $log = UserFriendInviteLog::find($id); if (empty($log)) { throw new Exception("好友邀请已删除", 3001); } $u_id = $log->u_id; $friend = $log->friend_id; $userFriend = UsersFriend::findLinkById($u_id, $friend); if ($userFriend === UsersFriend::$RELATION_NONE) { } elseif ($userFriend->t_status == 1) { $userFriend->remove(); } $log->delete(); $re = Tools::reTrue('删除好友邀请成功'); } catch (Exception $e) { $re = Tools::reFalse($e->getCode(), '删除好友邀请失败:' . $e->getMessage()); } return Response::json($re); }
public function enable($id) { $status = Input::get('status', 0); $remark = Input::get('remark', ''); try { $booth = booth::find($id); if (empty($booth)) { throw new Exception("没有找到请求的店铺", 10001); } if ($status == 1) { $status = 1; $msg = '您的店铺[' . $booth->b_title . ']已被启用'; } else { $status = -1; $msg = '您的店铺[' . $booth->b_title . ']已被禁用'; } $obj = new MessageDispatcher($booth->u_id); $obj->fireTextToUser($msg); $booth->b_status = $status; $booth->remark = $remark; $booth->save(); $re = Tools::reTrue('用户状态修改成功'); } catch (Exception $e) { $re = Tools::reFalse($e->getCode(), '用户状态修改失败:' . $e->getMessage()); } return Response::json($re); }
public function postBank() { $token = Input::get('token', ''); $u_id = Input::get('u_id', ''); // id bank $bankId = Input::get('bank', 0); // bank card number $cardNum = Input::get('card_num', ''); // card holder name $cardHolderName = Input::get('holder_name', ''); // card holder phone $cardHolderPhone = Input::get('holder_phone', ''); // card holder identy $cardHolderID = Input::get('holder_id', ''); try { $user = User::chkUserByToken($token, $u_id); $card = TmpUserProfileBankcard::find($u_id); if (!isset($card->u_id)) { $card = new TmpUserProfileBankcard(); } if ($card->u_status == 1) { throw new Exception("您的审核已经通过", 3002); } $card->u_id = $u_id; $card->b_id = $bankId; $card->b_card_number = $cardNum; $card->b_holder_name = $cardHolderName; $card->b_holder_phone = $cardHolderPhone; $card->b_holder_id_number = $cardHolderID; $card->register(); $re = Tools::reTrue('提交银行卡信息成功'); } catch (Exception $e) { // TmpUserProfileBankcard::clearByUser($u_id); $re = Tools::reFalse($e->getCode(), '提交银行卡信息失败:' . $e->getMessage()); } return Response::json($re); }
Route::get('/banner/1', 'HomeController@banner1'); Route::get('/banner/2', 'HomeController@banner2'); Route::get('about', 'HomeController@about'); Route::get('/test', 'HomeController@test'); /* handling files */ Route::pattern('any', '(.*)'); Route::get('css/{any}', 'MiscFileController@getCSS'); Route::get('js/{any}', 'MiscFileController@getJS'); Route::get('images/{any}', 'MiscFileController@getImg'); Route::get('addons/{any}', 'MiscFileController@getAddOn'); /*********** FILTER ***********/ Route::filter('office', function () { $path = Request::path(); if ($path != 'office/login') { if (!SysUser::chkLogin()) { $re = Tools::reFalse(10003, '请先登录'); return Response::json($re); } } }); Route::when('office/*', 'office'); /*********** FILTER ***********/ /*********** IMG ***********/ Route::post('img', 'ImgController@postImg'); /*********** IMG ***********/ /*********** API ***********/ /* V1 */ Route::group(['domain' => Config::get('app.subdomain.api')], function () { /* APP START*/ Route::get('app/config', 'AppController@getConfig'); Route::get('app/download', 'AppController@getDownloadLink');
public function retriveLoan($id) { DB::beginTransaction(); $now = new DateTime(); try { $current_loan = Repayment::find($id); if (empty($current_loan)) { throw new Exception("没有找到请求的放款", 6001); } $fund = Fund::find($current_loan->f_id); if (empty($fund)) { throw new Exception("没有找到相关的基金", 6001); } $fund->load('loans'); $current_income = $fund->getCurrentPeriodIncome(); $current_loan->f_income = $current_income; $profit = $current_income - $current_loan->f_re_money; if ($profit > 0) { $wallet = UsersWalletBalances::find($fund->u_id); if (empty($wallet)) { throw new Exception("没有获取到用户钱包", 6001); } $wallet->putIn($profit); $current_loan->f_status = 4; $current_loan->f_money = $current_loan->f_re_money; } elseif ($profit == 0) { $current_loan->f_status = 3; $current_loan->f_money = $current_loan->f_re_money; } elseif ($profit < 0) { $current_loan->f_status = 2; $current_loan->f_money = $current_loan->f_income; } $current_loan->repaied_at = $now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $current_loan->save(); $fund->load('loans'); $all_repaied = true; $total_loan = 0; $total_repay = 0; foreach ($fund->loans as $key => $loan) { if ($loan->f_status < 3) { $all_repaied = false; } $total_loan += $loan->f_re_money; $total_repay += $loan->f_money; } if ($all_repaied) { $total_profit = $total_repay - $total_loan; if ($profit > 0) { $qnck_profit = $total_loan * (100 + $fund->t_profit_rate) / 500; $wallet = UsersWalletBalances::find($fund->u_id); if (empty($wallet)) { throw new Exception("没有获取到用户钱包", 6001); } $wallet->getOut($qnck_profit); } $fund->t_is_close = 1; $fund->closed_at = $now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } else { $fund->t_is_close = 0; } $msg = new MessageDispatcher($fund->u_id); $msg->fireTextToUser('您基金的第' . $current_loan->f_schema . '次已结账, 金额:' . $current_income); $fund->save(); $re = Tools::reTrue('回收放款成功'); DB::commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $re = Tools::reFalse($e->getCode(), '回收放款失败:' . $e->getMessage()); DB::rollback(); } return Response::json($re); }
public function delFunding($id) { $u_id = Tools::getOfficialUserId(); DB::beginTransaction(); try { $user = User::find($u_id); $crowd_funding = CrowdFunding::find($id); $crowd_funding->delCrowdFunding(); $re = Tools::reTrue('删除众筹成功'); DB::commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $re = Tools::reFalse($e->getCode(), '删除众筹失败:' . $e->getMessage()); DB::rollback(); } return Response::json($re); }
public function listBuyCrowdFunding() { $token = Input::get('token', ''); $u_id = Input::get('u_id', 0); $per_page = Input::get('per_page', 30); try { $user = User::chkUserByToken($token, $u_id); $query = CrowdFunding::select('crowd_fundings.*')->with(['city', 'school', 'user', 'product', 'eventItem', 'praises' => function ($q) { $q->where('praises.u_id', '=', $this->u_id); }])->join('crowd_funding_products', function ($q) { $q->on('crowd_fundings.cf_id', '=', 'crowd_funding_products.cf_id'); })->join('carts', function ($q) { $q->on('carts.p_id', '=', 'crowd_funding_products.p_id')->where('carts.c_type', '=', 2)->where('carts.u_id', '=', $this->u_id)->where('carts.c_status', '=', 3); }); $list = $query->orderBy('created_at', 'DESC')->paginate($per_page); $data = []; foreach ($list as $key => $funding) { $tmp = $funding->showInList(); $tmp['is_praised'] = 0; if (count($funding->praises) > 0) { $tmp['is_praised'] = 1; } $data[] = $tmp; } $re = Tools::reTrue('获取众筹成功', $data); } catch (Exception $e) { $re = Tools::reFalse($e->getCode(), '获取众筹失败:' . $e->getMessage()); } return Response::json($re); }
public function getAuction($id) { try { $auction = Auction::find($id); if (empty($auction)) { throw new Exception("没有找到请求的数据", 2001); } $auction->load('eventItem'); $data = $auction->showDetail(); $re = Tools::reTrue('获取竞拍成功', $data); } catch (Exception $e) { $re = Tools::reFalse($e->getCode(), '获取竞拍失败:' . $e->getMessage()); } return Response::json($re); }
public function delAd($id) { DB::beginTransaction(); try { $ad = Advertisement::find($id); $ad->delAd(); $re = Tools::reTrue('删除成功'); DB::commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $re = Tools::reFalse($e->getCode(), '删除失败:' . $e->getMessage()); DB::rollback(); } return Response::json($re); }