Example #1
  * Get the Title object or URL to use for a redirect. We use Title
  * objects for same-wiki, non-special redirects and URLs for everything
  * else.
  * @param $rt Title Redirect target
  * @return mixed false, Title object of local target, or string with URL
 public function getRedirectURL($rt)
     if ($rt) {
         if ($rt->getInterwiki() != '') {
             if ($rt->isLocal()) {
                 // Offsite wikis need an HTTP redirect.
                 // This can be hard to reverse and may produce loops,
                 // so they may be disabled in the site configuration.
                 $source = $this->mTitle->getFullURL('redirect=no');
                 return $rt->getFullURL('rdfrom=' . urlencode($source));
         } else {
             if ($rt->getNamespace() == NS_SPECIAL) {
                 // Gotta handle redirects to special pages differently:
                 // Fill the HTTP response "Location" header and ignore
                 // the rest of the page we're on.
                 // This can be hard to reverse, so they may be disabled.
                 if ($rt->isSpecial('Userlogout')) {
                     // rolleyes
                 } else {
                     return $rt->getFullURL();
             return $rt;
     // No or invalid redirect
     return false;
  * Create a redirect that is also valid JavaScript
  * @param Title $destination
  * @param string $text ignored
  * @return JavaScriptContent
 public function makeRedirectContent(Title $destination, $text = '')
     // The parameters are passed as a string so the / is not url-encoded by wfArrayToCgi
     $url = $destination->getFullURL('action=raw&ctype=text/javascript', false, PROTO_RELATIVE);
     $class = $this->getContentClass();
     return new $class('/* #REDIRECT */' . Xml::encodeJsCall('mw.loader.load', [$url]));
Example #3
  * Look for the requested qrcode file. If we don't have the code on file,
  * first generate then publish it.
 public function showCode($label = false)
     // Check for a provided label and use the page URL as default (but force protocol if requested)
     if ($label) {
         $this->_label = $label;
         // should we sanitize this?
         $this->_uploadComment = $label;
     } else {
         $url = parse_url($this->_title->getFullURL());
         $url['scheme'] = $this->_scheme ? $this->_scheme : $url['scheme'];
         //$this->_label = http_build_url($url);	// http_build_url is part of pecl_http >= 0.21.0 :(
         $this->_label = $url['scheme'] . '://' . $url['host'] . (isset($url['port']) ? $url['port'] : '') . (isset($url['path']) ? $url['path'] : '') . (isset($url['query']) ? '?' . $url['query'] : '') . (isset($url['fragment']) ? '#' . $url['fragment'] : '');
         $this->_uploadComment = 'Encoded URL for ' . $this->_title->getFullText();
     // Use this page's title as part of the filename (Also regenerates qrcodes when the label changes).
     $this->_dstFileName = 'QR-' . md5($this->_label) . '.png';
     $file = wfFindFile($this->_dstFileName);
     // Shortcut for RepoGroup::singleton()->findFile()
     if ($file && $file->isVisible()) {
         wfDebug("QrCode::showCode: Requested file " . $this->_dstFileName . " already exists. Displaying image.\n");
         return $this->_displayImage($file);
     } else {
         wfDebug("QrCode::showCode: Requested file " . $this->_dstFileName . " is new and needs to be generated.\n");
Example #4
	 * Get the Title object or URL to use for a redirect. We use Title
	 * objects for same-wiki, non-special redirects and URLs for everything
	 * else.
	 * @param $rt Title Redirect target
	 * @return mixed false, Title object of local target, or string with URL
	public function getRedirectURL( $rt ) {
		if ( !$rt ) {
			return false;

		if ( $rt->isExternal() ) {
			if ( $rt->isLocal() ) {
				// Offsite wikis need an HTTP redirect.
				// This can be hard to reverse and may produce loops,
				// so they may be disabled in the site configuration.
				$source = $this->mTitle->getFullURL( 'redirect=no' );
				return $rt->getFullURL( array( 'rdfrom' => $source ) );
			} else {
				// External pages pages without "local" bit set are not valid
				// redirect targets
				return false;

		if ( $rt->isSpecialPage() ) {
			// Gotta handle redirects to special pages differently:
			// Fill the HTTP response "Location" header and ignore
			// the rest of the page we're on.
			// Some pages are not valid targets
			if ( $rt->isValidRedirectTarget() ) {
				return $rt->getFullURL();
			} else {
				return false;

		return $rt;
  * Create a redirect that is also valid CSS
  * @param Title $destination
  * @param string $text ignored
  * @return CssContent
 public function makeRedirectContent(Title $destination, $text = '')
     // The parameters are passed as a string so the / is not url-encoded by wfArrayToCgi
     $url = $destination->getFullURL('action=raw&ctype=text/css', false, PROTO_RELATIVE);
     $class = $this->getContentClass();
     return new $class('/* #REDIRECT */@import ' . CSSMin::buildUrlValue($url) . ';');
Example #6
  * @param Title $title Title object that this entry is for.
  * @param String $pubDate Publish date formattable by wfTimestamp.
  * @param Array $keywords list of (String) keywords
  * @param Mixed Boolean or Integer. Namespace containing comments page for entry.
  *   True for the corresponding talk page of $title
  *   False for none
  *   An integer for the page name of $title in the specific namespace denoted by that integer.
 public function __construct($title, $pubDate, $keywords = '', $comment = true)
     if (!$title || !$title instanceof Title) {
         // Paranoia
         throw new MWException('Invalid title object passed to FeedSMItem');
     $commentsURL = '';
     if ($comment === true) {
         // The comment ns is this article's talk namespace.
         $commentsURL = $title->getTalkPage()->getFullUrl();
     } elseif (is_int($comment)) {
         // There's a specific comments namespace.
         $commentsTitle = Title::makeTitle($comment, $title->getDBkey());
         if ($commentsTitle) {
             $commentsURL = $commentsTitle->getFullUrl();
     $this->keywords = $keywords;
     $this->titleObj = $title;
     parent::__construct($title->getText(), '', $title->getFullURL(), $pubDate, '', $commentsURL);
  * Appends a mobile view link to the desktop footer
  * @param Skin $sk
  * @param QuickTemplate $tpl
  * @param MobileContext $ctx
  * @param Title $title
  * @param WebRequest $req
 public static function desktopFooter($sk, $tpl, $ctx, $title, $req)
     $footerlinks = $tpl->data['footerlinks'];
     $args = $req->getQueryValues();
     // avoid title being set twice
     unset($args['title'], $args['useformat']);
     $args['mobileaction'] = 'toggle_view_mobile';
     $mobileViewUrl = $title->getFullURL($args);
     $mobileViewUrl = $ctx->getMobileUrl($mobileViewUrl);
     $link = Html::element('a', array('href' => $mobileViewUrl, 'class' => 'noprint stopMobileRedirectToggle'), wfMessage('mobile-frontend-view')->text());
     $tpl->set('mobileview', $link);
     $footerlinks['places'][] = 'mobileview';
     $tpl->set('footerlinks', $footerlinks);
Example #8
  * Attempt submission
  * @return bool false if output is done, true if the rest of the form should be displayed
 function attemptSave()
     global $wgUser, $wgOut;
     $resultDetails = false;
     # Allow bots to exempt some edits from bot flagging
     $bot = $wgUser->isAllowed('bot') && $this->bot;
     $status = $this->internalAttemptSave($resultDetails, $bot);
     // FIXME: once the interface for internalAttemptSave() is made nicer, this should use the message in $status
     if ($status->value == self::AS_SUCCESS_UPDATE || $status->value == self::AS_SUCCESS_NEW_ARTICLE) {
         $this->didSave = true;
     switch ($status->value) {
         case self::AS_HOOK_ERROR_EXPECTED:
         case self::AS_CONTENT_TOO_BIG:
         case self::AS_ARTICLE_WAS_DELETED:
         case self::AS_CONFLICT_DETECTED:
         case self::AS_SUMMARY_NEEDED:
         case self::AS_TEXTBOX_EMPTY:
         case self::AS_MAX_ARTICLE_SIZE_EXCEEDED:
         case self::AS_END:
             return true;
         case self::AS_HOOK_ERROR:
         case self::AS_FILTERING:
             return false;
         case self::AS_SUCCESS_NEW_ARTICLE:
             $query = $resultDetails['redirect'] ? 'redirect=no' : '';
             $anchor = isset($resultDetails['sectionanchor']) ? $resultDetails['sectionanchor'] : '';
             $wgOut->redirect($this->mTitle->getFullURL($query) . $anchor);
             return false;
         case self::AS_SUCCESS_UPDATE:
             $extraQuery = '';
             $sectionanchor = $resultDetails['sectionanchor'];
             // Give extensions a chance to modify URL query on update
             wfRunHooks('ArticleUpdateBeforeRedirect', array($this->mArticle, &$sectionanchor, &$extraQuery));
             if ($resultDetails['redirect']) {
                 if ($extraQuery == '') {
                     $extraQuery = 'redirect=no';
                 } else {
                     $extraQuery = 'redirect=no&' . $extraQuery;
             $wgOut->redirect($this->mTitle->getFullURL($extraQuery) . $sectionanchor);
             return false;
         case self::AS_BLANK_ARTICLE:
             return false;
         case self::AS_SPAM_ERROR:
             return false;
         case self::AS_BLOCKED_PAGE_FOR_USER:
             throw new UserBlockedError($wgUser->mBlock);
         case self::AS_IMAGE_REDIRECT_ANON:
         case self::AS_IMAGE_REDIRECT_LOGGED:
             throw new PermissionsError('upload');
         case self::AS_READ_ONLY_PAGE_ANON:
         case self::AS_READ_ONLY_PAGE_LOGGED:
             throw new PermissionsError('edit');
         case self::AS_READ_ONLY_PAGE:
             throw new ReadOnlyError();
         case self::AS_RATE_LIMITED:
             throw new ThrottledError();
         case self::AS_NO_CREATE_PERMISSION:
             $permission = $this->mTitle->isTalkPage() ? 'createtalk' : 'createpage';
             throw new PermissionsError($permission);
     return false;
 protected function getFooterAllChangesLink()
     $articleTitle = $this->pageTitle->getText();
     $url = $this->pageTitle->getFullURL(['action' => 'history']);
     return $this->getMessage('emailext-founder-footer-all-changes', $url, $articleTitle)->parse();
 static function linkBegin($skin, Title $target, &$text, array &$attribs, &$query, &$options, &$ret)
     if ($target->isExternal()) {
         $args = '';
         $u = $target->getFullURL();
         $link = $target->getPrefixedURL();
         if ('' == $text) {
             $text = $target->getPrefixedText();
         $style = Linker::getInterwikiLinkAttributes($link, $text, 'extiw');
         if ($text == 'RTENOTITLE') {
             // 2223
             $text = $u = $link;
             $args .= '_fcknotitle="true" ';
         $t = "<a {$args}href=\"{$u}\"{$style}>{$text}</a>";
         $ret = $t;
         return false;
     return true;
Example #11
  * Prepare a data to create a link element
  * @param Title $title A target article's Title object
  * @param $params
  * @return array
 public static function getTitleLink(Title $title, $params)
     $prefixedTitle = $title->getPrefixedText();
     $data = ['text' => $prefixedTitle, 'url' => $title->getFullURL($params), 'title' => $prefixedTitle, 'classes' => ''];
     if (!$title->exists()) {
         $data['classes'] = 'new';
         $data['title'] = wfMessage('red-link-title', $prefixedTitle)->escaped();
     return $data;
Example #12
  * Handle status, such as after attempt save
  * @param Status $status
  * @param array|bool $resultDetails
  * @throws ErrorPageError
  * @return bool False, if output is done, true if rest of the form should be displayed
 private function handleStatus(Status $status, $resultDetails)
     global $wgUser, $wgOut;
      * @todo FIXME: once the interface for internalAttemptSave() is made
      *   nicer, this should use the message in $status
     if ($status->value == self::AS_SUCCESS_UPDATE || $status->value == self::AS_SUCCESS_NEW_ARTICLE) {
         $this->didSave = true;
         if (!$resultDetails['nullEdit']) {
     switch ($status->value) {
         case self::AS_HOOK_ERROR_EXPECTED:
         case self::AS_CONTENT_TOO_BIG:
         case self::AS_ARTICLE_WAS_DELETED:
         case self::AS_CONFLICT_DETECTED:
         case self::AS_SUMMARY_NEEDED:
         case self::AS_TEXTBOX_EMPTY:
         case self::AS_MAX_ARTICLE_SIZE_EXCEEDED:
         case self::AS_END:
         case self::AS_BLANK_ARTICLE:
             return true;
         case self::AS_HOOK_ERROR:
             return false;
         case self::AS_PARSE_ERROR:
             $wgOut->addWikiText('<div class="error">' . $status->getWikiText() . '</div>');
             return true;
         case self::AS_SUCCESS_NEW_ARTICLE:
             $query = $resultDetails['redirect'] ? 'redirect=no' : '';
             $anchor = isset($resultDetails['sectionanchor']) ? $resultDetails['sectionanchor'] : '';
             $wgOut->redirect($this->mTitle->getFullURL($query) . $anchor);
             return false;
         case self::AS_SUCCESS_UPDATE:
             $extraQuery = '';
             $sectionanchor = $resultDetails['sectionanchor'];
             // Give extensions a chance to modify URL query on update
             wfRunHooks('ArticleUpdateBeforeRedirect', array($this->mArticle, &$sectionanchor, &$extraQuery));
             if ($resultDetails['redirect']) {
                 if ($extraQuery == '') {
                     $extraQuery = 'redirect=no';
                 } else {
                     $extraQuery = 'redirect=no&' . $extraQuery;
             $wgOut->redirect($this->mTitle->getFullURL($extraQuery) . $sectionanchor);
             return false;
         case self::AS_SPAM_ERROR:
             return false;
         case self::AS_BLOCKED_PAGE_FOR_USER:
             throw new UserBlockedError($wgUser->getBlock());
         case self::AS_IMAGE_REDIRECT_ANON:
         case self::AS_IMAGE_REDIRECT_LOGGED:
             throw new PermissionsError('upload');
         case self::AS_READ_ONLY_PAGE_ANON:
         case self::AS_READ_ONLY_PAGE_LOGGED:
             throw new PermissionsError('edit');
         case self::AS_READ_ONLY_PAGE:
             throw new ReadOnlyError();
         case self::AS_RATE_LIMITED:
             throw new ThrottledError();
         case self::AS_NO_CREATE_PERMISSION:
             $permission = $this->mTitle->isTalkPage() ? 'createtalk' : 'createpage';
             throw new PermissionsError($permission);
         case self::AS_NO_CHANGE_CONTENT_MODEL:
             throw new PermissionsError('editcontentmodel');
             // We don't recognize $status->value. The only way that can happen
             // is if an extension hook aborted from inside ArticleSave.
             // Render the status object into $this->hookError
             // FIXME this sucks, we should just use the Status object throughout
             $this->hookError = '<div class="error">' . $status->getWikitext() . '</div>';
             return true;
Example #13
  * Get the rendered text for previewing.
  * @return string
 function getPreviewText()
     // Wikia change begin
     global $wgEnableSlowPagesBlacklistExt;
     if (!empty($wgEnableSlowPagesBlacklistExt)) {
         global $wgSlowPagesBlacklist;
         if (in_array($this->mTitle->getFullURL(), $wgSlowPagesBlacklist)) {
             return sprintf('<div class="previewnote">%s</div>', wfMessage('slowpagesblacklist-preview-unavailable')->plain());
     // Wikia change end
     global $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgParser, $wgRawHtml;
     // wikia change begin
     // TODO: remove?
     // @see https://trac.wikia-inc.com/changeset/6028
     global $wgRequest;
     if ($wgUser->getGlobalPreference('showtoolbar') && !$wgUser->getGlobalPreference('riched_disable') && !$this->previewOnOpen()) {
         $oldTextBox1 = $this->textbox1;
     // wikia change end
     if ($wgRawHtml && !$this->mTokenOk) {
         // Could be an offsite preview attempt. This is very unsafe if
         // HTML is enabled, as it could be an attack.
         $parsedNote = '';
         if ($this->textbox1 !== '') {
             // Do not put big scary notice, if previewing the empty
             // string, which happens when you initially edit
             // a category page, due to automatic preview-on-open.
             $parsedNote = $wgOut->parse("<div class='previewnote'>" . wfMsg('session_fail_preview_html') . "</div>", true, true);
         return $parsedNote;
     if ($this->mTriedSave && !$this->mTokenOk) {
         if ($this->mTokenOkExceptSuffix) {
             $note = wfMsg('token_suffix_mismatch');
         } else {
             $note = wfMsg('session_fail_preview');
     } elseif ($this->incompleteForm) {
         $note = wfMsg('edit_form_incomplete');
     } else {
         $note = wfMsg('previewnote');
     $parserOptions = ParserOptions::newFromUser($wgUser);
     $parserOptions->setIsSectionPreview(!is_null($this->section) && $this->section !== '');
     # don't parse non-wikitext pages, show message about preview
     # XXX: stupid php bug won't let us use $this->getContextTitle()->isCssJsSubpage() here -- This note has been there since r3530. Sure the bug was fixed time ago?
     if ($this->isCssJsSubpage || !$this->mTitle->isWikitextPage()) {
         if ($this->mTitle->isCssJsSubpage()) {
             $level = 'user';
         } elseif ($this->mTitle->isCssOrJsPage()) {
             $level = 'site';
         } else {
             $level = false;
         # Used messages to make sure grep find them:
         # Messages: usercsspreview, userjspreview, sitecsspreview, sitejspreview
         if ($level) {
             if (preg_match("/\\.css\$/", $this->mTitle->getText())) {
                 $previewtext = "<div id='mw-{$level}csspreview'>\n" . wfMsg("{$level}csspreview") . "\n</div>";
                 $class = "mw-code mw-css";
             } elseif (preg_match("/\\.js\$/", $this->mTitle->getText())) {
                 $previewtext = "<div id='mw-{$level}jspreview'>\n" . wfMsg("{$level}jspreview") . "\n</div>";
                 $class = "mw-code mw-js";
             } else {
                 throw new MWException('A CSS/JS (sub)page but which is not css nor js!');
         $parserOutput = $wgParser->parse($previewtext, $this->mTitle, $parserOptions);
         $previewHTML = $parserOutput->mText;
         $previewHTML .= "<pre class=\"{$class}\" dir=\"ltr\">\n" . htmlspecialchars($this->textbox1) . "\n</pre>\n";
     } else {
         $rt = Title::newFromRedirectArray($this->textbox1);
         if ($rt) {
             $previewHTML = $this->mArticle->viewRedirect($rt, false);
         } else {
             $toparse = $this->textbox1;
             # If we're adding a comment, we need to show the
             # summary as the headline
             if ($this->section == "new" && $this->summary != "") {
                 $toparse = wfMsgForContent('newsectionheaderdefaultlevel', $this->summary) . "\n\n" . $toparse;
             wfRunHooks('EditPageGetPreviewText', array($this, &$toparse));
             $toparse = $wgParser->preSaveTransform($toparse, $this->mTitle, $wgUser, $parserOptions);
             $parserOutput = $wgParser->parse($toparse, $this->mTitle, $parserOptions);
             $previewHTML = $parserOutput->getText();
             $this->mParserOutput = $parserOutput;
             if (count($parserOutput->getWarnings())) {
                 $note .= "\n\n" . implode("\n\n", $parserOutput->getWarnings());
     if ($this->isConflict) {
         $conflict = '<h2 id="mw-previewconflict">' . htmlspecialchars(wfMsg('previewconflict')) . "</h2>\n";
     } else {
         $conflict = '<hr />';
     // wikia change begin
     // BugId:5451
     wfRunHooks('EditPageGetPreviewNote', array($this, &$note));
     // wikia change end
     $previewhead = "<div class='previewnote'>\n" . '<h2 id="mw-previewheader">' . htmlspecialchars(wfMsg('preview')) . "</h2>" . $wgOut->parse($note, true, true) . $conflict . "</div>\n";
     $pageLang = $this->mTitle->getPageLanguage();
     $attribs = array('lang' => $pageLang->getCode(), 'dir' => $pageLang->getDir(), 'class' => 'mw-content-' . $pageLang->getDir());
     $previewHTML = Html::rawElement('div', $attribs, $previewHTML);
     return $previewhead . $previewHTML . $this->previewTextAfterContent;
 protected function getFooterMessages()
     $unwatchUrl = $this->title->getFullURL(['action' => 'unwatch']);
     $footerMessages = [$this->getMessage('emailext-unfollow-text', $unwatchUrl, $this->title->getPrefixedText())->parse()];
     return array_merge($footerMessages, parent::getFooterMessages());
 protected function getFooterMessages()
     $footerMessages = [$this->getMessage('emailext-unfollow-text', $this->categoryPage->getFullURL('action=unwatch'), $this->categoryPage->getPrefixedText())->parse()];
     return array_merge($footerMessages, parent::getFooterMessages());
Example #16
  * generateTimeMapText
  * Generates Time Map text as per examples in Memento TimeMap RFC
  * @see http://www.mementoweb.org/guide/rfc/ID/
  * @param array $data array with entries containing the keys rev_id and rev_timestamp
  * @param string $timeMapURI used to construct self TimeMap URI relation
  * @param Title $titleObj the Title Object for this TimeMap
  * @param array $pagedTimeMapEntries array of arrays, each entry containing
  *			the keys 'uri', 'from', and 'until' referring to the URI of
  *			the TimeMap and its from and until dates
  * @returns string formatted timemap
 public function generateTimeMapText($data, $timeMapURI, Title $titleObj, $pagedTimeMapEntries = array())
     $outputArray = array();
     $latesturi = $titleObj->getFullURL();
     $title = $this->getFullNamespacePageTitle($this->article->getTitle());
     $timegateuri = $this->getTimeGateURI($title);
     $latestEntry = $this->constructLinkRelationHeader($latesturi, 'original latest-version');
     $timegateEntry = $this->constructLinkRelationHeader($timegateuri, 'timegate');
     $from = $data[count($data) - 1]['rev_timestamp'];
     $until = $data[0]['rev_timestamp'];
     // we can't really use $this->constructTimeMapLinkHeaderWithBounds
     // because that method creates an entry for a "full", or "starter"
     // TimeMap and generateTimeMapText might be called by a function
     // that is working with a pivot TimeMap
     $timemapEntry = '<' . $timeMapURI . '>; rel="self"; type="application/link-format"; ' . 'from="' . $from . '"; until="' . $until . '"';
     $outputArray[] = $timemapEntry;
     foreach ($pagedTimeMapEntries as &$pagedTimeMap) {
         // TODO: make this a function
         $pagedTimemapEntry = '<' . $pagedTimeMap['uri'] . '>; rel="timemap"; type="application/link-format";' . 'from="' . $pagedTimeMap['from'] . '"; ' . 'until="' . $pagedTimeMap['until'] . '"';
         $outputArray[] = $pagedTimemapEntry;
     $outputArray[] = $timegateEntry;
     $outputArray[] = $latestEntry;
     for ($i = count($data) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
         $output = "";
         $datum = $data[$i];
         $uri = $titleObj->getFullURL(array("oldid" => $datum['rev_id']));
         $output = $this->constructMementoLinkHeaderRelationEntry($uri, $datum['rev_timestamp'], "memento");
         $outputArray[] = $output;
     // the original implementation of TimeMap for Mediawiki used ,<SP><LF>
     // to separate the entries and added a \n at the end
     $timemap = implode(",\n", $outputArray);
     return $timemap;
Example #17
  * Generates a diff link. Used when the full diff is not wanted for example
  * when $wgFeedDiffCutoff is 0.
  * @param Title $title Title object: used to generate the diff URL
  * @param int $newid Newid for this diff
  * @param int|null $oldid Oldid for the diff. Null means it is a new article
  * @return string
 protected static function getDiffLink(Title $title, $newid, $oldid = null)
     $queryParameters = array('diff' => $newid);
     if ($oldid != null) {
         $queryParameters['oldid'] = $oldid;
     $diffUrl = $title->getFullURL($queryParameters);
     $diffLink = Html::element('a', array('href' => $diffUrl), wfMessage('showdiff')->inContentLanguage()->text());
     return $diffLink;
  * Get link to current revision of new title because it's first revision of this title
  * @return String
 protected function getArticleLinkText()
     return $this->getMessage('emailext-watchedpage-article-link-text', $this->newTitle->getFullURL(['diff' => 0, 'oldid' => $this->currentRevId]), $this->newTitle->getPrefixedText())->parse();
  * Prepare the content for the 'last edited' message, e.g. 'Last edited on 30 August
  * 2013, at 23:31'. This message is different for the main page since main page
  * content is typically transcuded rather than edited directly.
  * @param Title $title The Title object of the page being viewed
  * @return array
 protected function getHistoryLink(Title $title)
     $user = $this->getUser();
     $isMainPage = $title->isMainPage();
     $mp = new MobilePage($this->getTitle(), false);
     $timestamp = $mp->getLatestTimestamp();
     // Main pages tend to include transclusions (see bug 51924)
     if ($isMainPage) {
         $lastModified = $this->msg('mobile-frontend-history')->plain();
     } else {
         $lastModified = $this->msg('mobile-frontend-last-modified-date', $this->getLanguage()->userDate($timestamp, $user), $this->getLanguage()->userTime($timestamp, $user))->parse();
     $historyUrl = $this->mobileContext->getMobileUrl($title->getFullURL('action=history'));
     $edit = $mp->getLatestEdit();
     $link = array('data-timestamp' => $isMainPage ? '' : $edit['timestamp'], 'href' => $historyUrl, 'text' => $lastModified, 'data-user-name' => $edit['name'], 'data-user-gender' => $edit['gender']);
     $link['href'] = SpecialPage::getTitleFor('History', $title)->getLocalURL();
     return $link;
  * Gets error HTML for attempted NS_TOPIC deletion using core interface
  * @param Title $title Topic title they are attempting to delete
  * @return string Error html
 protected static function getTopicDeletionError(Title $title)
     $error = wfMessage('flow-error-core-topic-deletion', $title->getFullURL())->parse();
     $wrappedError = Html::rawElement('span', array('class' => 'plainlinks'), $error);
     return $wrappedError;
 private function titleEntry(Title $title, $date, $priority, $includeVideo = false)
     return "\t<url>\n" . "\t\t<loc>{$title->getFullURL()}</loc>\n" . "\t\t<lastmod>{$date}</lastmod>\n" . "\t\t<priority>{$priority}</priority>\n" . ($includeVideo ? $this->videoEntry($title) : "") . "\t</url>\n";
Example #22
  * Constructor for a single item in the vcard. Requires the URI of the item.
 public function __construct(Title $t, $prefix, $firstname, $lastname, $additionalname, $suffix, $fullname, $tels, $addresses, $emails, $birthday, $jobtitle, $role, $organization, $department, $category, $url, $note)
     $this->uri = $t->getFullURL();
     $this->url = $url;
     // read fullname or guess it in a simple way from other names that are given
     if ($fullname != '') {
         $this->label = $fullname;
     } elseif ($firstname . $lastname != '') {
         $this->label = $firstname . ($firstname != '' && $lastname != '' ? ' ' : '') . $lastname;
     } else {
         $this->label = $t->getText();
     $this->label = SRFVCardEntry::vCardEscape($this->label);
     // read firstname and lastname, or guess it from other names that are given
     if ($firstname . $lastname == '') {
         // guessing needed
         $nameparts = explode(' ', $this->label);
         // Accepted forms for guessing:
         // "Lastname"
         // "Firstname Lastname"
         // "Firstname <Additionalnames> Lastname"
         $this->lastname = SRFvCardEntry::vCardEscape(array_pop($nameparts));
         if (count($nameparts) > 0) {
             $this->firstname = SRFvCardEntry::vCardEscape(array_shift($nameparts));
         foreach ($nameparts as $name) {
             $this->additionalname .= ($this->additionalname != '' ? ',' : '') . SRFvCardEntry::vCardEscape($name);
     } else {
         $this->firstname = SRFvCardEntry::vCardEscape($firstname);
         $this->lastname = SRFvCardEntry::vCardEscape($lastname);
     if ($additionalname != '') {
         $this->additionalname = $additionalname;
     // no escape, can be a value list
     // ^ overwrite above guessing in that case
     $this->prefix = SRFvCardEntry::vCardEscape($prefix);
     $this->suffix = SRFvCardEntry::vCardEscape($suffix);
     $this->tels = $tels;
     $this->addresses = $addresses;
     $this->emails = $emails;
     $this->birthday = $birthday;
     $this->title = SRFvCardEntry::vCardEscape($jobtitle);
     $this->role = SRFvCardEntry::vCardEscape($role);
     $this->organization = SRFvCardEntry::vCardEscape($organization);
     $this->department = SRFvCardEntry::vCardEscape($department);
     $this->category = $category;
     // allow non-escaped "," in here for making a list of categories
     $this->note = SRFvCardEntry::vCardEscape($note);
     $article = new Article($t);
     $this->dtstamp = $article->getTimestamp();
Example #23
  * Constructor for a single item in the feed. Requires the URI of the item.
 public function __construct(Title $t, $c, $d)
     $this->title = $t;
     $this->uri = $t->getFullURL();
     $this->label = $t->getText();
     $article = null;
     if (count($c) == 0) {
         $article = new Article($t);
         $this->creator = array();
         $this->creator[] = $article->getUserText();
     } else {
         $this->creator = $c;
     $this->date = array();
     if (count($d) == 0) {
         if (is_null($article)) {
             $article = new Article($t);
         $this->date[] = date("c", strtotime($article->getTimestamp()));
     } else {
         foreach ($d as $date) {
             $this->date[] = $date;
     // get content
     if ($t->getNamespace() == NS_MAIN) {
         $this->articlename = ':' . $t->getDBkey();
     } else {
         $this->articlename = $t->getPrefixedDBKey();
 protected function getPostListingLink()
     $url = $this->pageTitle->getFullURL();
     $name = $this->pageTitle->getText();
     return $this->getMessage('emailext-blogpost-view-all', $url, $name)->parse();
 protected function getCommentSectionLink()
     $url = $this->pageTitle->getFullURL('#WikiaArticleComments');
     return $this->getMessage('emailext-comment-view-all', $url)->parse();
Example #26
  * Transclude an interwiki link.
  * @param Title $title
  * @param string $action
  * @return string
 public function interwikiTransclude($title, $action)
     global $wgEnableScaryTranscluding;
     if (!$wgEnableScaryTranscluding) {
         return wfMessage('scarytranscludedisabled')->inContentLanguage()->text();
     $url = $title->getFullURL(array('action' => $action));
     if (strlen($url) > 255) {
         return wfMessage('scarytranscludetoolong')->inContentLanguage()->text();
     return $this->fetchScaryTemplateMaybeFromCache($url);
Example #27
  * Set the suggested title
  * @param Title|null $title
 public function setSuggestedTitle(Title $title = null)
     $this->suggestedTitle = $title;
     if ($title !== null) {
         $this->url = wfExpandUrl($title->getFullURL(), PROTO_CURRENT);
  * Prepare the content for the 'last edited' message, e.g. 'Last edited on 30 August
  * 2013, at 23:31'. This message is different for the main page since main page
  * content is typically transcuded rather than edited directly.
  * @param Title $title The Title object of the page being viewed
  * @return array
 protected function getHistoryLink(Title $title)
     $user = $this->getUser();
     $isMainPage = $title->isMainPage();
     // add last modified timestamp
     $revId = $this->getRevisionId();
     $timestamp = Revision::getTimestampFromId($this->getTitle(), $revId);
     // Main pages tend to include transclusions (see bug 51924)
     if ($isMainPage) {
         $lastModified = $this->msg('mobile-frontend-history')->plain();
     } else {
         $lastModified = $this->msg('mobile-frontend-last-modified-date', $this->getLanguage()->userDate($timestamp, $user), $this->getLanguage()->userTime($timestamp, $user))->parse();
     $unixTimestamp = wfTimestamp(TS_UNIX, $timestamp);
     $historyUrl = $this->mobileContext->getMobileUrl($title->getFullURL('action=history'));
     $link = array('data-timestamp' => $isMainPage ? '' : $unixTimestamp, 'href' => $historyUrl, 'text' => $lastModified, 'data-user-name' => '', 'data-user-gender' => 'unknown');
     $rev = Revision::newFromId($this->getRevisionId());
     if ($rev) {
         $userId = $rev->getUser();
         if ($userId) {
             $revUser = User::newFromId($userId);
             $link = array_merge($link, array('data-user-name' => $revUser->getName(), 'data-user-gender' => $revUser->getOption('gender')));
     $link['href'] = SpecialPage::getTitleFor('History', $title)->getLocalURL();
     return $link;
  * Used when generating internal and interwiki links in Linker::link(),
  * just before the function returns a value.
  * @see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Hooks/LinkEnd
  * @since 0.1
  * @param $skin
  * @param Title $target
  * @param array $options
  * @param string $text
  * @param array $attribs
  * @param $ret
  * @return true
 public static function onLinkEnd($skin, Title $target, array $options, &$text, array &$attribs, &$ret)
     if ($GLOBALS['wgContestEmailParse']) {
         $attribs['href'] = $target->getFullURL();
     return true;