  * update one phone
  * @param Voipmanager_Model_Snom_Phone $_phone
  * @return Voipmanager_Model_Snom_Phone
  * @throws Voipmanager_Exception_Validation
  * @todo do not overwrite update() -> use inspectBefore/After functions
 public function update(Tinebase_Record_Interface $_phone)
     $oldRecord = $this->get($_phone->getId());
     $rights = $this->_backend->getPhoneRights($_phone->getId());
     $currentAccountId = Tinebase_Core::getUser()->getId();
     $hasRight = false;
     foreach ($rights as $right) {
         if ($right->account_id == $currentAccountId) {
             // if  user has the right to dial and read the phone, he or she may edit the lines
             if ($right->dial_right && $right->read_right) {
                 $hasRight = true;
     if (!$hasRight) {
         throw new Tinebase_Exception_AccessDenied('You are not allowed to edit this phone!');
     // user is not allowed to add or remove lines
     $diff = $oldRecord->lines->diff($_phone->lines);
     if (count($diff->added) > 0 || count($diff->removed) > 0) {
         throw new Tinebase_Exception_AccessDenied('You are not allowed to add or remove lines of this phone!');
     // user may just edit the lines and settings of the phone
     $oldRecord->lines = $_phone->lines;
     $oldRecord->settings = $_phone->settings;
     return parent::update($oldRecord);
  * Checks if number is unique if manual generated
  * @param Tinebase_Record_Interface $record
  * @param Boolean $update true if called un update
  * @throws Tinebase_Exception_Duplicate
  * @return boolean
 protected function _checkNumberUniquity($record, $update = FALSE)
     $filterArray = array(array('field' => 'number', 'operator' => 'equals', 'value' => $record->{$this->_numberProperty}));
     if ($update) {
         $filterArray[] = array('field' => 'id', 'operator' => 'notin', 'value' => $record->getId());
     $filterName = $this->_modelName . 'Filter';
     $filter = new $filterName($filterArray);
     $existing = $this->search($filter);
     if (count($existing->toArray()) > 0) {
         $e = new Tinebase_Exception_Duplicate(_('The number you have tried to set is already in use!'));
         throw $e;
     return true;
  * @param Tinebase_Record_Interface $record
  * @param $relation
  * @return string
  * TODO use decorators
 protected function _getShadowPathPart(Tinebase_Record_Interface $record, $relation = null)
     $type = $this->_getTypeForPathPart($relation);
     return $type . '/' . $record->getId();
  * delete linked objects / timesheets
  * @param Tinebase_Record_Interface $_record
 protected function _deleteLinkedObjects(Tinebase_Record_Interface $_record)
     // delete linked timesheets
     $timesheets = Timetracker_Controller_Timesheet::getInstance()->getTimesheetsByTimeaccountId($_record->getId());
     // delete other linked objects
Example #5
  * inspect creation of one record (after create)
  * @param   Tinebase_Record_Interface $_createdRecord
  * @param   Tinebase_Record_Interface $_record
  * @return  void
 protected function _inspectAfterCreate($_createdRecord, Tinebase_Record_Interface $_record)
     $this->_setTagRights($_record, $_createdRecord->getId());
     Tinebase_Tags::getInstance()->setContexts($_record->contexts, $_createdRecord->getId());
  * get all alarms of given record(s) / adds record_id index to result set
  * @param  string $_model model to get alarms for
  * @param  string|array|Tinebase_Record_Interface|Tinebase_Record_RecordSet $_recordId record id(s) to get alarms for
  * @param  boolean $_onlyIds
  * @return Tinebase_Record_RecordSet|array of ids
 public function getAlarmsOfRecord($_model, $_recordId, $_onlyIds = FALSE)
     if ($_recordId instanceof Tinebase_Record_RecordSet) {
         $recordId = $_recordId->getArrayOfIds();
     } else {
         if ($_recordId instanceof Tinebase_Record_Interface) {
             $recordId = $_recordId->getId();
         } else {
             $recordId = $_recordId;
     //if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . "  model: '$_model' id:" . print_r((array)$recordId, true));
     $filter = new Tinebase_Model_AlarmFilter(array(array('field' => 'model', 'operator' => 'equals', 'value' => $_model), array('field' => 'record_id', 'operator' => 'in', 'value' => (array) $recordId)));
     $result = $this->_backend->search($filter, NULL, $_onlyIds);
     // NOTE: Adding indices to empty recordsets breaks empty tests
     if (count($result) > 0 && $result instanceof Tinebase_Record_RecordSet) {
     return $result;
  * update one record
  * NOTE: clients might send their original (creation) data w.o. our adoptions for update
  *       therefore we need reapply them
  * @param   Calendar_Model_Event $_event
  * @param   bool                 $_checkBusyConflicts
  * @return  Calendar_Model_Event
  * @throws  Tinebase_Exception_AccessDenied
  * @throws  Tinebase_Exception_Record_Validation
 public function update(Tinebase_Record_Interface $_event, $_checkBusyConflicts = FALSE)
     if ($_event->recurid) {
         throw new Tinebase_Exception_UnexpectedValue('recur event instances must be saved as part of the base event');
     $currentOriginEvent = $this->_eventController->get($_event->getId());
     $this->_fromiTIP($_event, $currentOriginEvent);
     // NOTE:  create an update must be handled equally as apple devices do not fetch events after creation.
     //        an update from the creating device would change defaults otherwise
     // NOTE2: Being organizer without attending is not possible when sync is in use as every update
     //        from a sync device of the organizer adds the organizer as attendee :-(
     //        -> in the sync world this is scenario is called delegation and handled differently
     //        -> it might be consequent to have the same behavior (organizer is always attendee with role chair)
     //           in tine20 in general. This is how Thunderbird handles it as well
     $exceptions = $_event->exdate instanceof Tinebase_Record_RecordSet ? $_event->exdate : new Tinebase_Record_RecordSet('Calendar_Model_Event');
     $currentPersistentExceptions = $_event->rrule ? $this->_eventController->getRecurExceptions($_event, FALSE) : new Tinebase_Record_RecordSet('Calendar_Model_Event');
     $newPersistentExceptions = $exceptions->filter('is_deleted', 0);
     $migration = $this->_getExceptionsMigration($currentPersistentExceptions, $newPersistentExceptions);
     // NOTE: we need to exclude the toCreate exdates here to not confuse computations in createRecurException!
     $_event->exdate = array_diff($exceptions->getOriginalDtStart(), $migration['toCreate']->getOriginalDtStart());
     $updatedBaseEvent = $this->_eventController->update($_event, $_checkBusyConflicts);
     if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Found ' . count($migration['toCreate']) . ' exceptions to create and ' . count($migration['toUpdate']) . ' to update.');
     foreach ($migration['toCreate'] as $exception) {
         $this->_prepareException($updatedBaseEvent, $exception);
         $this->_eventController->createRecurException($exception, !!$exception->is_deleted);
     $updatedExceptions = array();
     foreach ($migration['toUpdate'] as $exception) {
         if (in_array($exception->getId(), $updatedExceptions)) {
             if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
                 Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' ' . ' Exdate ' . $exception->getId() . ' already updated');
         if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
             Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' ' . ' Update exdate ' . $exception->getId() . ' at ' . $exception->dtstart->toString());
         $this->_prepareException($updatedBaseEvent, $exception);
         // skip concurrency check here by setting the seq of the current record
         $currentException = $currentPersistentExceptions->getById($exception->getId());
         $exception->seq = $currentException->seq;
         if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::TRACE)) {
             Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->trace(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Updating exception: ' . print_r($exception->toArray(), TRUE));
         $this->_eventController->update($exception, $_checkBusyConflicts);
         $updatedExceptions[] = $exception->getId();
     // NOTE: we need to refetch here, otherwise eTag fail's as exception updates change baseEvents seq
     return $this->get($updatedBaseEvent->getId());
  * inspect creation of one record (after create)
  * @param   Tinebase_Record_Interface $_createdRecord
  * @param   Tinebase_Record_Interface $_record
  * @return  void
  * @todo $_record->contracts should be a Tinebase_Record_RecordSet
 protected function _inspectAfterCreate($_createdRecord, Tinebase_Record_Interface $_record)
     if (!$_createdRecord->start_date) {
     // find contract before, set end_date one day before the new contracts' start_date, if needed
     $filter = new HumanResources_Model_ContractFilter(array(array('field' => 'start_date', 'operator' => 'before', 'value' => $_createdRecord->start_date)));
     $filter->addFilter(new Tinebase_Model_Filter_Text(array('field' => 'end_date', 'operator' => 'isnull', 'value' => TRUE)));
     $filter->addFilter(new Tinebase_Model_Filter_Text(array('field' => 'id', 'operator' => 'not', 'value' => $_createdRecord->getId())));
     $filter->addFilter(new Tinebase_Model_Filter_Text(array('field' => 'employee_id', 'operator' => 'equals', 'value' => $_createdRecord->employee_id)));
     $contracts = $this->search($filter);
     if ($contracts->count() > 1) {
         throw new Tinebase_Exception_Data('There are more than 1 contracts before the new one without an end_date. Please terminate them before!');
     // if a contract was found, terminate it
     if ($contracts->count()) {
         $contract = $contracts->getFirstRecord();
         $endDate = clone $_createdRecord->start_date;
         $contract->end_date = $endDate;
  * delete linked objects (notes, relations, ...) of record
  * @param Tinebase_Record_Interface $_record
 protected function _deleteLinkedObjects(Tinebase_Record_Interface $_record)
     // use textfilter for contract_id
     $filter = new Sales_Model_ProductAggregateFilter(array());
     $filter->addFilter(new Tinebase_Model_Filter_Text(array('field' => 'contract_id', 'operator' => 'equals', 'value' => $_record->getId())));
  * add default grants
  * @param   Tinebase_Record_Interface $record
  * @param   $boolean $addDuringSetup -> let admin group have all rights instead of user
 protected function _setDefaultGrants($record, $addDuringSetup = false)
     if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Setting default grants ...');
     $record->grants = new Tinebase_Record_RecordSet($this->_grantsModel);
     $grant = new $this->_grantsModel(array('account_type' => $addDuringSetup ? Tinebase_Acl_Rights::ACCOUNT_TYPE_GROUP : Tinebase_Acl_Rights::ACCOUNT_TYPE_USER, 'record_id' => $record->getId()));
  * update one record
  * @param   Tinebase_Record_Interface $_record
  * @param   bool                      $_checkBusyConflicts
  * @param   string                    $range
  * @return  Tinebase_Record_Interface
  * @throws  Tinebase_Exception_AccessDenied
  * @throws  Tinebase_Exception_Record_Validation
 public function update(Tinebase_Record_Interface $_record, $_checkBusyConflicts = FALSE, $range = Calendar_Model_Event::RANGE_THIS)
     try {
         $db = $this->_backend->getAdapter();
         $transactionId = Tinebase_TransactionManager::getInstance()->startTransaction($db);
         $sendNotifications = $this->sendNotifications(FALSE);
         $event = $this->get($_record->getId());
         if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
             Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Going to update the following event. rawdata: ' . print_r($event->toArray(), true));
         //NOTE we check via get(full rights) here whereas _updateACLCheck later checks limited rights from search
         if ($this->_doContainerACLChecks === FALSE || $event->hasGrant(Tinebase_Model_Grants::GRANT_EDIT)) {
             Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " updating event: {$_record->id} (range: {$range})");
             // we need to resolve groupmembers before free/busy checking
             if ($_checkBusyConflicts) {
                 if ($event->isRescheduled($_record) || count(array_diff($_record->attendee->user_id, $event->attendee->user_id)) > 0) {
                     if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
                         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " Ensure that all attendee are free with free/busy check ... ");
                 } else {
                     if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
                         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " Skipping free/busy check because event has not been rescheduled and no new attender has been added");
         } else {
             if ($_record->attendee instanceof Tinebase_Record_RecordSet) {
                 if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
                     Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . " user has no editGrant for event: {$_record->id}, updating attendee status with valid authKey only");
                 foreach ($_record->attendee as $attender) {
                     if ($attender->status_authkey) {
                         $this->attenderStatusUpdate($_record, $attender, $attender->status_authkey);
         if ($_record->isRecurException() && in_array($range, array(Calendar_Model_Event::RANGE_ALL, Calendar_Model_Event::RANGE_THISANDFUTURE))) {
             $this->_updateExdateRange($_record, $range, $event);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
             Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Rolling back because: ' . $e);
         throw $e;
     $updatedEvent = $this->get($event->getId());
     // send notifications
     if ($this->_sendNotifications && $_record->mute != 1) {
         $this->doSendNotifications($updatedEvent, Tinebase_Core::getUser(), 'changed', $event);
     return $updatedEvent;
Example #12
  * update one phone
  * @param Voipmanager_Model_Snom_Phone $_phone
  * @param Voipmanager_Model_Snom_PhoneSettings|optional $_phoneSettings
  * @return Voipmanager_Model_Snom_Phone
  * @throws Voipmanager_Exception_Validation
 public function update(Tinebase_Record_Interface $_phone)
     //if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' ' . print_r($_phone->toArray(), true));
     // check first if mac address is already used
     if ($_phone->has('macaddress')) {
         try {
             $phoneWithMac = $this->getByMacAddress($_phone->macaddress);
             if ($phoneWithMac->getId() !== $_phone->getId()) {
                 throw new Voipmanager_Exception_Validation('A phone with this mac address already exists.');
         } catch (Voipmanager_Exception_NotFound $venf) {
             // everything ok
     $phone = $this->_backend->update($_phone);
     $_phoneSettings = $_phone->settings;
     if ($_phoneSettings instanceof Voipmanager_Model_Snom_PhoneSettings) {
         // force the right phone_id
         // set all settings which are equal to the default settings to NULL
         $template = Voipmanager_Controller_Snom_Template::getInstance()->get($phone->template_id);
         $settingDefaults = Voipmanager_Controller_Snom_Setting::getInstance()->get($template->setting_id);
         foreach ($_phoneSettings->toArray() as $key => $value) {
             if ($key == 'phone_id') {
             if ($settingDefaults->{$key} == $value) {
                 $_phoneSettings->{$key} = NULL;
         if (Voipmanager_Controller_Snom_PhoneSettings::getInstance()->get($phone->getId())) {
             //if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' ' . print_r($_phoneSettings->toArray(), true));
             $phoneSettings = Voipmanager_Controller_Snom_PhoneSettings::getInstance()->update($_phoneSettings);
         } else {
             $phoneSettings = Voipmanager_Controller_Snom_PhoneSettings::getInstance()->create($_phoneSettings);
     $this->_createLines($phone, $_phone->lines);
     // save phone rights
     if (isset($_phone->rights)) {
     return $this->get($phone->getId());
Example #13
  * get custom fields and add them to $_record->customfields arraay
  * @param Tinebase_Record_Interface $_record
  * @param Tinebase_Record_RecordSet $_customFields
  * @param Tinebase_Record_RecordSet $_configs
 public function resolveRecordCustomFields(Tinebase_Record_Interface $_record, $_customFields = NULL, $_configs = NULL)
     $customFields = $_customFields === NULL ? $this->_getCustomFields($_record->getId()) : $_customFields;
     if (count($customFields) == 0) {
     if ($_configs === NULL) {
         $_configs = $this->getCustomFieldsForApplication(Tinebase_Application::getInstance()->getApplicationByName($_record->getApplication()));
     if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::TRACE)) {
         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->trace(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Adding ' . count($customFields) . ' custom fields to record  ' . $_record->getId());
     $result = array();
     foreach ($customFields as $customField) {
         $idx = $_configs->getIndexById($customField->customfield_id);
         if ($idx !== FALSE) {
             $config = $_configs[$idx];
             if (strtolower($config->definition['type']) == 'record') {
                 try {
                     $modelParts = explode('.', $config->definition['recordConfig']['value']['records']);
                     // get model parts from saved record class e.g. Tine.Admin.Model.Group
                     $controllerName = $modelParts[1] . '_Controller_' . $modelParts[3];
                     $controller = call_user_func(array($controllerName, 'getInstance'));
                     $result[$config->name] = $controller->get($customField->value)->toArray();
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::ERR)) {
                         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->err(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Error resolving custom field record: ' . $e->getMessage());
                     $result[$config->name] = $customField->value;
             } else {
                 $result[$config->name] = $customField->value;
     $_record->customfields = $result;
  * finds overwritten by sickness days overwritten vacation days. 
  * deletes the overwritten vacation day and the vacation itself if days_count = 0
  * @param Tinebase_Record_Interface $_record
 protected function _handleOverwrittenVacation($_record)
     $fdController = HumanResources_Controller_FreeDay::getInstance();
     $changedFreeTimes = array();
     foreach ($_record->freedays as $freeday) {
         $vacationTimeFilter = new HumanResources_Model_FreeTimeFilter(array(array('field' => 'type', 'operator' => 'equals', 'value' => 'vacation')));
         $vacationTimeFilter->addFilter(new Tinebase_Model_Filter_Text(array('field' => 'employee_id', 'operator' => 'equals', 'value' => $_record->employee_id)));
         $vacationTimes = $this->search($vacationTimeFilter);
         $filter = new HumanResources_Model_FreeDayFilter(array(array('field' => 'date', 'operator' => 'equals', 'value' => $freeday['date'])));
         $filter->addFilter(new Tinebase_Model_Filter_Text(array('field' => 'freetime_id', 'operator' => 'not', 'value' => $_record->getId())));
         $filter->addFilter(new Tinebase_Model_Filter_Text(array('field' => 'freetime_id', 'operator' => 'in', 'value' => $vacationTimes->id)));
         $vacationDay = $fdController->search($filter)->getFirstRecord();
         if ($vacationDay) {
             $freeTime = $this->get($vacationDay->freetime_id);
             if (!isset($changedFreeTimes[$vacationDay->freetime_id])) {
                 $changedFreeTimes[$vacationDay->freetime_id] = $freeTime;
             $count = (int) $changedFreeTimes[$vacationDay->freetime_id]->days_count - 1;
             $changedFreeTimes[$vacationDay->freetime_id]->days_count = $count;
     foreach ($changedFreeTimes as $freeTimeId => $freetime) {
         if ($freetime->days_count == 0) {
         } else {
             $freeTime->days_count = $count;
  * get custom fields and add them to $_record->customfields arraay
  * @param Tinebase_Record_Interface $_record
  * @param Tinebase_Record_RecordSet $_customFields
  * @param Tinebase_Record_RecordSet $_configs
 public function resolveRecordCustomFields(Tinebase_Record_Interface $_record, $_customFields = NULL, $_configs = NULL)
     $customFields = $_customFields === NULL ? $this->_getCustomFields($_record->getId()) : $_customFields;
     if (count($customFields) == 0) {
     if ($_configs === NULL) {
         $_configs = $this->getCustomFieldsForApplication(Tinebase_Application::getInstance()->getApplicationByName($_record->getApplication()));
     if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::TRACE)) {
         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->trace(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Adding ' . count($customFields) . ' customfields to record  ' . $_record->getId());
     $result = array();
     foreach ($customFields as $customField) {
         $this->_setCfValueInRecord($_record, $customField, $_configs);
  * updates dependent records on update the parent record
  * @param Tinebase_Record_Interface $_record
  * @param Tinebase_Record_Interface $_oldRecord
  * @param string $_property
  * @param array $_fieldConfig
 protected function _updateDependentRecords(Tinebase_Record_Interface $_record, Tinebase_Record_Interface $_oldRecord, $_property, $_fieldConfig)
     if (!(isset($_fieldConfig['dependentRecords']) || array_key_exists('dependentRecords', $_fieldConfig)) || !$_fieldConfig['dependentRecords']) {
     if (!isset($_fieldConfig['refIdField'])) {
         throw new Tinebase_Exception_Record_DefinitionFailure('If a record is dependent, a refIdField has to be defined!');
     // don't handle dependent records on property if it is set to null or doesn't exist.
     if ($_record->{$_property} === NULL || !$_record->has($_property)) {
         if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::INFO)) {
             Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Skip updating dependent records (got NULL) on property ' . $_property . ' for ' . $this->_applicationName . ' ' . $this->_modelName . ' with id = "' . $_record->getId() . '"');
     $ccn = $_fieldConfig['controllerClassName'];
     $controller = $ccn::getInstance();
     $recordClassName = $_fieldConfig['recordClassName'];
     $filterClassName = $_fieldConfig['filterClassName'];
     $existing = new Tinebase_Record_RecordSet($recordClassName);
     if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::TRACE)) {
         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->trace(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' ' . print_r($_record->{$_property}, TRUE));
     if (!empty($_record->{$_property}) && $_record->{$_property}) {
         // legacy - should be already done in frontend json - remove if all record properties are record sets before getting to controller
         if (is_array($_record->{$_property})) {
             $rs = new Tinebase_Record_RecordSet($recordClassName);
             foreach ($_record->{$_property} as $recordArray) {
                 $rec = new $recordClassName(array(), true);
             $_record->{$_property} = $rs;
         $idProperty = $_record->{$_property}->getFirstRecord()->getIdProperty();
         // legacy end
         $oldFilter = new $filterClassName(array(array('field' => $idProperty, 'operator' => 'in', 'value' => $_record->{$_property}->getId())));
         $oldRecords = $controller->search($oldFilter);
         foreach ($_record->{$_property} as $record) {
             $record->{$_fieldConfig['refIdField']} = $_record->getId();
             // update record if ID exists and has a length of 40 (it has a length of 10 if it is a timestamp)
             if ($record->getId() && strlen($record->getId()) == 40) {
                 // do not try to update if the record hasn't changed
                 $oldRecord = $oldRecords->getById($record->getId());
                 if ($oldRecord && !empty($oldRecord->diff($record)->diff)) {
                     if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::INFO)) {
                         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Updating dependent record with id = "' . $record->getId() . '" on property ' . $_property . ' for ' . $this->_applicationName . ' ' . $this->_modelName);
                 } else {
                 // create if is not existing already
             } else {
                 // try to find if it already exists (with corrupted id)
                 if ($record->getId() == NULL) {
                     $crc = $controller->create($record);
                     if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::INFO)) {
                         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Creating dependent record with id = "' . $crc->getId() . '" on property ' . $_property . ' for ' . $this->_applicationName . ' ' . $this->_modelName);
                 } else {
                     try {
                         $prevRecord = $controller->get($record->getId());
                         if (!empty($prevRecord->diff($record)->diff)) {
                         } else {
                     } catch (Tinebase_Exception_NotFound $e) {
                         $record->id = NULL;
                         $crc = $controller->create($record);
                         if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::INFO)) {
                             Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Creating dependent record with id = "' . $crc->getId() . '" on property ' . $_property . ' for ' . $this->_applicationName . ' ' . $this->_modelName);
     $filter = new $filterClassName(isset($_fieldConfig['addFilters']) ? $_fieldConfig['addFilters'] : array(), 'AND');
     $filter->addFilter(new Tinebase_Model_Filter_Text($_fieldConfig['refIdField'], 'equals', $_record->getId()));
     // an empty array will remove all records on this property
     if (!empty($_record->{$_property})) {
         $filter->addFilter(new Tinebase_Model_Filter_Id('id', 'notin', $existing->getId()));
     $deleteIds = $controller->search($filter, NULL, FALSE, TRUE);
     if (!empty($deleteIds)) {
         if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::INFO)) {
             Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->info(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Deleting dependent records with id = "' . print_r($deleteIds, 1) . '" on property ' . $_property . ' for ' . $this->_applicationName . ' ' . $this->_modelName);
     $_record->{$_property} = $existing->toArray();
  * delete linked objects (notes, relations, ...) of record
  * @param Tinebase_Record_Interface $_record
 protected function _deleteLinkedObjects(Tinebase_Record_Interface $_record)
     // use textfilter for employee_id
     $eFilter = new Tinebase_Model_Filter_Text(array('field' => 'employee_id', 'operator' => 'equals', 'value' => $_record->getId()));
     // delete free times
     $filter = new HumanResources_Model_FreeTimeFilter(array(), 'AND');
     // delete contracts
     $filter = new HumanResources_Model_ContractFilter(array(), 'AND');
     // delete costcenters
     if ($_record->has('costcenters')) {
         $filter = new HumanResources_Model_CostCenterFilter(array(), 'AND');
     // delete accounts
     $filter = new HumanResources_Model_AccountFilter(array());
     $filter->addFilter(new Tinebase_Model_Filter_Text(array('field' => 'employee_id', 'operator' => 'equals', 'value' => $_record->getId())));
Example #18
  * returns an array with differences to the given record
  * @param  Tinebase_Record_Interface $_record record for comparison
  * @return array with differences field => different value
 public function diff($_record)
     if (!$_record instanceof Tinebase_Record_Abstract) {
         return $_record;
     $diff = array();
     foreach (array_keys($this->_validators) as $fieldName) {
         $ownField = $this->__get($fieldName);
         $recordField = $_record->{$fieldName};
         if (in_array($fieldName, $this->_datetimeFields)) {
             if ($ownField instanceof DateTime && $recordField instanceof DateTime) {
                 if ($ownField->compare($recordField) === 0) {
                 } else {
                     if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
                         Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' datetime for field ' . $fieldName . ' is not equal: ' . $ownField->getIso() . ' != ' . $recordField->getIso());
             } else {
                 if (!$recordField instanceof DateTime && $ownField == $recordField) {
         } else {
             if ($fieldName == $this->_identifier && $this->getId() == $_record->getId()) {
             } else {
                 if ($recordField instanceof Tinebase_Record_Abstract || $recordField instanceof Tinebase_Record_RecordSet) {
                     $subdiv = $recordField->diff($ownField);
                     if (!empty($subdiv)) {
                         $diff[$fieldName] = $subdiv;
                 } else {
                     if ($ownField == $recordField) {
                     } else {
                         if (empty($ownField) && empty($recordField)) {
         $diff[$fieldName] = $recordField;
     return $diff;
Example #19
  * inspect creation of one record (after create)
  * @param   Tinebase_Record_Interface $_createdRecord
  * @param   Tinebase_Record_Interface $_record
  * @return  void
 protected function _inspectAfterCreate($_createdRecord, Tinebase_Record_Interface $_record)
     // set as default account if it is the only account
     $accountCount = $this->searchCount(new Felamimail_Model_AccountFilter(array()));
     if ($accountCount == 1) {
         if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::DEBUG)) {
             Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' Set account ' . $_createdRecord->name . ' as new default email account.');
         Tinebase_Core::getPreference($this->_applicationName)->{Felamimail_Preference::DEFAULTACCOUNT} = $_createdRecord->getId();
  * merge given record into $this
  * @param Tinebase_Record_Interface $record
  * @param Tinebase_Record_Diff $diff
  * @return Tinebase_Record_Interface
 public function merge($record, $diff = null)
     if (!$this->getId()) {
     if ($diff === null) {
         $diff = $this->diff($record);
     if ($diff === null || empty($diff->diff)) {
         return $this;
     foreach ($diff->diff as $field => $value) {
         if (empty($this->{$field})) {
             $this->{$field} = $value;
     return $this;
  * update foreign key values
  * @param string $_mode create|update
  * @param Tinebase_Record_Interface $_record
 protected function _updateForeignKeys($_mode, Tinebase_Record_Interface $_record)
     if (!empty($this->_foreignTables)) {
         foreach ($this->_foreignTables as $modelName => $join) {
             if (!(isset($join['field']) || array_key_exists('field', $join))) {
             $idsToAdd = array();
             $idsToRemove = array();
             if (!empty($_record->{$modelName})) {
                 $idsToAdd = Tinebase_Record_RecordSet::getIdsFromMixed($_record->{$modelName});
             $transactionId = Tinebase_TransactionManager::getInstance()->startTransaction(Tinebase_Core::getDb());
             if ($_mode == 'update') {
                 $select = $this->_db->select();
                 $select->from(array($join['table'] => $this->_tablePrefix . $join['table']), array($join['field']))->where($this->_db->quoteIdentifier($join['table'] . '.' . $join['joinOn']) . ' = ?', $_record->getId());
                 $stmt = $this->_db->query($select);
                 $currentIds = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0);
                 $idsToRemove = array_diff($currentIds, $idsToAdd);
                 $idsToAdd = array_diff($idsToAdd, $currentIds);
             if (!empty($idsToRemove)) {
                 $where = '(' . $this->_db->quoteInto($this->_db->quoteIdentifier($this->_tablePrefix . $join['table'] . '.' . $join['joinOn']) . ' = ?', $_record->getId()) . ' AND ' . $this->_db->quoteInto($this->_db->quoteIdentifier($this->_tablePrefix . $join['table'] . '.' . $join['field']) . ' IN (?)', $idsToRemove) . ')';
                 $this->_db->delete($this->_tablePrefix . $join['table'], $where);
             foreach ($idsToAdd as $id) {
                 $recordArray = array($join['joinOn'] => $_record->getId(), $join['field'] => $id);
                 $this->_db->insert($this->_tablePrefix . $join['table'], $recordArray);
Example #22
  * delete linked objects (notes, relations, ...) of record
  * @param Tinebase_Record_Interface $_record
 protected function _deleteLinkedObjects(Tinebase_Record_Interface $_record)
     // delete notes & relations
     if ($_record->has('notes')) {
         Tinebase_Notes::getInstance()->deleteNotesOfRecord($this->_modelName, $this->_backend->getType(), $_record->getId());
     if ($_record->has('relations')) {
         $relations = Tinebase_Relations::getInstance()->getRelations($this->_modelName, $this->_backend->getType(), $_record->getId());
         if (!empty($relations)) {
             // remove relations
             Tinebase_Relations::getInstance()->setRelations($this->_modelName, $this->_backend->getType(), $_record->getId(), array());
             // remove related objects
             if (!empty($this->_relatedObjectsToDelete)) {
                 foreach ($relations as $relation) {
                     if (in_array($relation->related_model, $this->_relatedObjectsToDelete)) {
                         list($appName, $i, $itemName) = explode('_', $relation->related_model);
                         $appController = Tinebase_Core::getApplicationInstance($appName, $itemName);
Example #23
  * returns all observers of a given observable and event
  * @param Tinebase_Record_Interface $_observable 
  * @param string _event 
  * @return Tinebase_Record_RecordSet
 protected function getObserversByEvent($_observable, $_event)
     if (!$_observer->getApplication() || !$_observer->getId()) {
         throw new Tinebase_Exception_Record_DefinitionFailure();
     $where = array($this->_db->quoteIdentifier('observable_application') . ' =' . $_observable->getApplication(), $this->_db->quoteIdentifier('observable_identifier') . '  =' . $_observable->getId(), $this->_db->quoteIdentifier('observed_event') . '         =' . $this->_db->getAdapter()->quote($_event));
     return new Tinebase_Record_RecordSet('Tinebase_Model_PersistentObserver', $this->_db->fetchAll($where), true);
  * returns the value of a matrix field
  * @param Zend_Config $field
  * @param Tinebase_Record_Interface $record
  * @throws Tinebase_Exception_Data
  * @return number
 protected function _getMatrixCellValue($field, $record)
     $result = 0;
     switch ($field->type) {
         case 'tags':
             if (!isset($this->_matrixCache[$field->identifier])) {
                 $this->_matrixCache[$field->identifier] = array();
             if (!isset($this->_matrixCache[$field->identifier][$record->getId()])) {
                 // clear cache, its not needed anymore (could have been filled by the previous record)
                 $this->_matrixCache[$field->identifier] = array();
                 $this->_matrixCache[$field->identifier][$record->getId()] = Tinebase_Tags::getInstance()->getTagsOfRecord($record);
             $result = $this->_matrixCache[$field->identifier][$record->getId()]->filter('name', $field->identifier)->count();
             throw new Tinebase_Exception_Data('Other types than tags are not supported at the moment.');
     return $result;
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see Tinebase_Controller_Record_Abstract::update()
 public function update(Tinebase_Record_Interface $_record)
     if (!$this->_checkACLContainer($this->_backend->getNodeContainer($_record->getId()), 'update')) {
         throw new Tinebase_Exception_AccessDenied('No permission to update nodes.');
     return parent::update($_record);
Example #26
  * inspect update of one record
  * @param   Tinebase_Record_Interface $_record      the update record
  * @param   Tinebase_Record_Interface $_oldRecord   the current persistent record
  * @return  void
 protected function _inspectUpdate($_record, $_oldRecord)
     if ($_record->__get('order_id')) {
         $order = $_record->getForeignRecord('order_id', Billing_Controller_Order::getInstance());
         if ($order->__get('payment_state') != $_record->__get('payment_state')) {
             $order->__set('payment_state', $_record->__get('payment_state'));
     $openItem = null;
     if ($_record->__get('payment_state') == 'PAYED') {
         try {
             $openItem = Billing_Controller_OpenItem::getInstance()->getByReceiptId($_record->getId());
             if ($openItem->__get('state') != 'DONE') {
                 $openItem->__set('state', 'DONE');
                 $openItem->__set('open_sum', 0);
                 $openItem->__set('payed_sum', $_record->__get('total_brutto'));
                 $openItem->__set('payment_method_id', $_record->getForeignId('payment_method_id'));
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // silent failure, as open item might not exist already
     if ($_record->isCancelled()) {
         if (is_null($openItem)) {
             $openItem = Billing_Controller_OpenItem::getInstance()->getByReceiptId($_record->getId());
         $openItem->__set('is_cancelled', true);
         $reversionReceiptId = $_record->getForeignId('reversion_record_id');
         try {
             $reversionOpenItem = Billing_Controller_OpenItem::getInstance()->getByReceiptId($reversionReceiptId);
             $openItem->__set('open_sum', $openItem->__get('total_brutto') + $reversionOpenItem->__get('total_brutto'));
             $openItem->__set('payed_sum', -1 * $reversionOpenItem->__get('payed_sum'));
             $openItem->__set('reversion_record_id', $reversionOpenItem->getId());
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             //failure OK: open item for reversion record might not already exist
             // will be set in on of the next update calls, as soon, the open item exists.
     if (!$_record->getForeignIdBreakNull('payment_method_id')) {
         $_record->__set('payment_method_id', 'BANKTRANSFER');
     if ($openItem) {
         if (!$openItem->getForeignIdBreakNull('payment_method_id')) {
             $openItem->__set('payment_method_id', 'BANKTRANSFER');
  * get special field value
  * @param Tinebase_Record_Interface $_record
  * @param array $_param
  * @param string $_key
  * @param string $_cellType
  * @return string
 protected function _getSpecialFieldValue(Tinebase_Record_Interface $_record, $_param, $_key = NULL, &$_cellType = NULL)
     $customerId = $_record->getId();
     if (!isset($this->_customerAddresses[$customerId])) {
         $all = $this->_addresses->filter('customer_id', $customerId);
         $this->_customerAddresses[$customerId] = array('postal' => $all->filter('type', 'postal')->getFirstRecord(), 'billing' => array('records' => $all->filter('type', 'billing'), 'index' => 0), 'delivery' => array('records' => $all->filter('type', 'delivery'), 'index' => 0));
     switch ($_param['type']) {
         case 'postal':
             $address = $this->_customerAddresses[$customerId]['postal'];
         case 'address':
             return $this->_contacts->filter('id', $_record->{$_param['identifier']})->getFirstRecord()->n_fn;
             if (isset($this->_customerAddresses[$customerId][$_param['type']]['records'])) {
                 $address = $this->_customerAddresses[$customerId][$_param['type']]['records']->getByIndex($this->_customerAddresses[$customerId][$_param['type']]['index']);
     return $address ? $this->_renderAddress($address, $_param['type']) : '';
  * set relations / tags / alarms
  * @param   Tinebase_Record_Interface $updatedRecord the just updated record
  * @param   Tinebase_Record_Interface $record the update record
  * @param   Tinebase_Record_Interface $currentRecord   the original record if one exists
  * @param   boolean                   $returnUpdatedRelatedData
  * @return  Tinebase_Record_Interface
 protected function _setRelatedData(Tinebase_Record_Interface $updatedRecord, Tinebase_Record_Interface $record, Tinebase_Record_Interface $currentRecord = null, $returnUpdatedRelatedData = FALSE)
     /** @var Addressbook_Model_List $record */
     if (isset($record->memberroles)) {
         // get migration
         // TODO add generic helper fn for this?
         $memberrolesToSet = !$record->memberroles instanceof Tinebase_Record_RecordSet ? new Tinebase_Record_RecordSet('Addressbook_Model_ListMemberRole', $record->memberroles, true) : $record->memberroles;
         foreach ($memberrolesToSet as $memberrole) {
             foreach (array('contact_id', 'list_role_id', 'list_id') as $field) {
                 if (isset($memberrole[$field]['id'])) {
                     $memberrole[$field] = $memberrole[$field]['id'];
         $currentMemberroles = $this->_getMemberRoles($record);
         $diff = $currentMemberroles->diff($memberrolesToSet);
         if (count($diff['added']) > 0) {
             $diff['added']->list_id = $updatedRecord->getId();
             foreach ($diff['added'] as $memberrole) {
         if (count($diff['removed']) > 0) {
     $result = parent::_setRelatedData($updatedRecord, $record, $currentRecord, $returnUpdatedRelatedData);
     return $result;
  * getPathsForRecords
  * @param Tinebase_Record_Interface|Tinebase_Record_RecordSet $records
  * @return Tinebase_Record_RecordSet
  * @throws Tinebase_Exception_NotFound
 public function getPathsForRecords($records)
     $ids = $records instanceof Tinebase_Record_Interface ? array($records->getId()) : $records->getArrayOfIds();
     return $this->search(new Tinebase_Model_PathFilter(array(array('field' => 'record_id', 'operator' => 'in', 'value' => $ids))));
  * update one phone
  * @param Voipmanager_Model_Snom_Phone $_phone
  * @return Voipmanager_Model_Snom_Phone
  * @throws Voipmanager_Exception_Validation
  * @todo do not overwrite update() -> use inspectBefore/After functions
 public function update(Tinebase_Record_Interface $_phone)
     // check first if mac address is already used
     if ($_phone->has('macaddress')) {
         try {
             $phoneWithMac = $this->getByMacAddress($_phone->macaddress);
             if ($phoneWithMac->getId() !== $_phone->getId()) {
                 throw new Voipmanager_Exception_Validation('A phone with this mac address already exists.');
         } catch (Voipmanager_Exception_NotFound $venf) {
             // everything ok
     try {
         $db = $this->_backend->getAdapter();
         $transactionId = Tinebase_TransactionManager::getInstance()->startTransaction($db);
         $phone = $this->_backend->update($_phone);
         $_phoneSettings = $_phone->settings;
         if ($_phoneSettings instanceof Voipmanager_Model_Snom_PhoneSettings) {
             // force the right phone_id
             // set all settings which are equal to the default settings to NULL
             $template = Voipmanager_Controller_Snom_Template::getInstance()->get($phone->template_id);
             $settingDefaults = Voipmanager_Controller_Snom_Setting::getInstance()->get($template->setting_id);
             foreach ($_phoneSettings->toArray() as $key => $value) {
                 if ($key == 'phone_id') {
                 if ($settingDefaults->{$key} == $value) {
                     $_phoneSettings->{$key} = NULL;
             if (Voipmanager_Controller_Snom_PhoneSettings::getInstance()->get($phone->getId())) {
                 $phoneSettings = Voipmanager_Controller_Snom_PhoneSettings::getInstance()->update($_phoneSettings);
             } else {
                 $phoneSettings = Voipmanager_Controller_Snom_PhoneSettings::getInstance()->create($_phoneSettings);
         $this->_createLines($phone, $_phone->lines);
         // save phone rights
         if (isset($_phone->rights)) {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     return $this->get($phone->getId());