private function populateTimeslots($objects_list)
     if (is_array($objects_list) && count($objects_list) > 0 && $objects_list[0]->allowsTimeslots() && $objects_list[0] instanceof ProjectDataObject) {
         $ids = array();
         $objects = array();
         $manager_name = $objects_list[0]->getObjectManagerName();
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($objects_list); $i++) {
             $ids[] = $objects_list[$i]->getId();
             $objects[$objects_list[$i]->getId()] = $objects_list[$i];
             $objects_list[$i]->timeslots = array();
             $objects_list[$i]->timeslots_count = 0;
         if (count($ids > 0)) {
             $timeslots = Timeslots::findAll(array('conditions' => 'object_manager = \'' . $manager_name . '\' AND object_id in (' . implode(',', $ids) . ')'));
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($timeslots); $i++) {
                 $object = $objects[$timeslots[$i]->getObjectId()];
                 $object->timeslots[] = $timeslots[$i];
                 $object->timeslots_count = count($object->timeslots);
Example #2
  * This function sets the selected billing values for all timeslots which lack any type of billing values (value set to 0). 
  * This function is used when users start to use billing in the system.
  * @return unknown_type
 static function updateBillingValues()
     $timeslots = Timeslots::findAll(array('conditions' => '`end_time` > 0 AND billing_id = 0 AND is_fixed_billing = 0', 'join' => array('table' => Objects::instance()->getTableName(true), 'jt_field' => 'id', 'e_field' => 'rel_object_id')));
     $users = Contacts::getAllUsers();
     $usArray = array();
     foreach ($users as $u) {
         $usArray[$u->getId()] = $u;
     $pbidCache = array();
     $count = 0;
     $categories_cache = array();
     foreach ($timeslots as $ts) {
         /* @var $ts Timeslot */
         $user = $usArray[$ts->getContactId()];
         if ($user instanceof Contact) {
             $billing_category_id = $user->getDefaultBillingId();
             if ($billing_category_id > 0) {
                 $hours = $ts->getMinutes() / 60;
                 $billing_category = array_var($categories_cache, $billing_category_id);
                 if (!$billing_category instanceof BillingCategory) {
                     $billing_category = BillingCategories::findById($billing_category_id);
                     $categories_cache[$billing_category_id] = $billing_category;
                 if ($billing_category instanceof BillingCategory) {
                     $hourly_billing = $billing_category->getDefaultValue();
                     $ts->setFixedBilling(round($hourly_billing * $hours, 2));
         } else {
     return $count;
 function resumeTimeslots(User $user)
     $manager_class = get_class($this->manager());
     $object_id = $this->getObjectId();
     $timeslots = Timeslots::findAll(array('conditions' => 'user_id = ' . $user->getId() . ' AND object_manager = "' . $manager_class . '" AND object_id = ' . $object_id . ' AND end_time = "' . EMPTY_DATETIME . '" AND paused_on != "' . EMPTY_DATETIME . '"'));
     if ($timeslots) {
         foreach ($timeslots as $timeslot) {
 function resumeTimeslots(Contact $user)
     $timeslots = Timeslots::findAll(array('conditions' => 'contact_id = ' . $user->getId() . ' AND rel_object_id = ' . $this->getObjectId() . ' AND end_time = "' . EMPTY_DATETIME . '" AND paused_on != "' . EMPTY_DATETIME . '"'));
     if ($timeslots) {
         foreach ($timeslots as $timeslot) {
 static function getProjectTimeslots($allowedWorkspaceIdsCSV = null, $user = null, $project = null, $offset = 0, $limit = 20)
     $project_sql = "";
     if ($allowedWorkspaceIdsCSV != null) {
         $project_sql .= " AND `object_id` IN ({$allowedWorkspaceIdsCSV})";
     if ($project instanceof Project) {
         $pids = $project->getAllSubWorkspacesQuery();
         $project_sql .= " AND `object_id` IN ({$pids})";
     $user_sql = "";
     if ($user instanceof User) {
         $user_sql = " AND user_id = " . $user->getId();
     return Timeslots::findAll(array('conditions' => "object_manager = 'Projects'" . $project_sql . $user_sql, 'order' => 'start_time DESC, id DESC', 'offset' => $offset, 'limit' => $limit));