public function getContent($section)
     if (!class_exists('\\CPUInfo')) {
         include dirname(__DIR__) . '/classes/CPUInfo.class.php';
     if (!class_exists('\\TimeUtils')) {
         include dirname(__DIR__) . '/classes/TimeUtils.class.php';
     $cpu = new \CPUInfo();
     $time = \TimeUtils::getReadable($this->getUptimeSecs());
     return load_view(dirname(__DIR__) . '/views/sections/uptime.php', array("cpu" => $cpu->getAll(), "time" => $time));
 private function getNotifications($showall = false)
     if (!class_exists('TimeUtils')) {
         include dirname(__DIR__) . '/classes/TimeUtils.class.php';
     $final['nots'] = array();
     $items = \FreePBX::create()->Notifications->list_all($showall);
     $allItems = \FreePBX::create()->Notifications->list_all(true);
     $final['showAllMessage'] = count($items) != count($allItems);
     // This is where we map the Notifications priorities to Bootstrap priorities.
     // define("NOTIFICATION_TYPE_CRITICAL", 100) -> 'danger' (red)
     // define("NOTIFICATION_TYPE_SECURITY", 200) -> 'danger' (red)
     // define("NOTIFICATION_TYPE_UPDATE",   300) -> 'warning' (orange)
     // define("NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ERROR",    400) -> 'danger' (red)
     // define("NOTIFICATION_TYPE_WARNING" , 500) -> 'warning' -> (orange)
     // define("NOTIFICATION_TYPE_NOTICE",   600) -> 'success' -> (green)
     $alerts = array(100 => "danger", 200 => "danger", 250 => 'warning', 300 => "warning", 400 => "danger", 500 => "warning", 600 => "success");
     foreach ($items as $notification) {
         $final['nots'][] = array("id" => $notification['id'], "rawlevel" => $notification['level'], "level" => !isset($alerts[$notification['level']]) ? 'danger' : $alerts[$notification['level']], "candelete" => $notification['candelete'], "title" => $notification['display_text'], "time" => \TimeUtils::getReadable(time() - $notification['timestamp']), "text" => nl2br($notification['extended_text']), "module" => $notification['module'], "link" => $notification['link'], "reset" => $notification['reset']);
     return $final;
Example #3
 public function getGraphDataUptime($period)
     $si = FreePBX::create()->Dashboard->getSysInfoPeriod($period);
     if (!class_exists('TimeUtils')) {
         include 'TimeUtils.class.php';
     $tooltips = array();
     $sysuptime = array();
     $astuptime = array();
     $astreload = array();
     foreach ($si as $key => $row) {
         if (!isset($row['ast.uptime.system-seconds'])) {
             $us = 0;
             $rs = 0;
             $ut = 0;
         } else {
             $us = $row['ast.uptime.system-seconds'];
             $rs = $row['ast.uptime.reload-seconds'];
             $ut = $row['*****@*****.**'];
         $ttip = date('c', $key) . "<br>";
         $ttip .= _("System") . ":<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; " . TimeUtils::getReadable($ut, 3) . "<br>";
         $ttip .= "Asterisk:<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; " . TimeUtils::getReadable($us, 3) . "<br>";
         $ttip .= _("Since Reload") . ":<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; " . TimeUtils::getReadable($rs, 3);
         $tooltips[] = $ttip;
         $sysuptime[] = $ut;
         $astuptime[] = $us;
         $astreload[] = $rs;
     $retarr['template'] = 'aststat';
     $retarr['tooltips'] = $tooltips;
     $retarr['values'] = array("sysuptime" => $sysuptime, "astuptime" => $astuptime, "astreload" => $astreload);
     $retarr['series'] = array("sysuptime" => array("color" => "red", "axis" => "l"), "astuptime" => array("color" => "green", "axis" => "l"), "astreload" => array("color" => "blue", "axis" => "r"));
     $retarr['axis'] = array("r" => array("title" => _("Reload"), "titleDistance" => 8), "l" => array("title" => _("System"), "titleDistance" => 8));
     $retarr['legend'] = array("sysuptime" => _('System Uptime'), "astuptime" => _('Asterisk Uptime'), "astreload" => _('Since Reload'));
     return $retarr;
 public function get_uptime()
     $output = array('system' => 'Unknown', 'reload' => 'Unknown', 'system-seconds' => '-2', 'reload-seconds' => '-2');
     // If we can't connect to astman for some reason..
     if (!$this->astman) {
         return $output;
     $response = $this->astman->send_request('Command', array('Command' => "core show uptime seconds"));
     $astout = explode("\n", $response['data']);
     if (!class_exists('TimeUtils')) {
         include 'TimeUtils.class.php';
     // Second line:
     // System uptime: 922134
     $words = explode(" ", $astout[1]);
     $output['system'] = TimeUtils::getReadable($words[2]);
     $output['system-seconds'] = $words[2];
     // Third line:
     // Last reload: 4157
     $words = explode(" ", $astout[2]);
     $output['reload'] = TimeUtils::getReadable($words[2]);
     $output['reload-seconds'] = $words[2];
     return $output;