Example #1
function wikiplugin_datachannel($data, $params)
    static $execution = 0;
    global $prefs;
    $smarty = TikiLib::lib('smarty');
    $headerlib = TikiLib::lib('header');
    $executionId = 'datachannel-exec-' . ++$execution;
    $datachannelWithTemplate = empty($params['template']) ? false : true;
    if (isset($params['price']) && $params['price'] == 0) {
        // Convert things like 0.00 to empty
    $fields = array();
    $inputfields = array();
    $lines = explode("\n", $data);
    $lines = array_map('trim', $lines);
    $lines = array_filter($lines);
    $js = '';
    if (!isset($params['array_values'])) {
        $params['array_values'] = 'n';
    foreach ($lines as $line) {
        $parts = explode(',', $line, 2);
        $parts = array_map('trim', $parts);
        if ($datachannelWithTemplate && count($parts) == 1) {
            // copy name as lablel, for datachannels with templates
            $parts[1] = $parts[0];
        if (count($parts) == 2) {
            if (strpos($parts[1], 'external') === 0) {
                // e.g. "fieldid,external=fieldname"
                $moreparts = explode('=', $parts[1], 2);
                $moreparts = array_map('trim', $moreparts);
                if (count($moreparts) < 2) {
                    $moreparts[1] = $parts[0];
                    // no fieldid or modifier supplied so use same as fieldname
                } else {
                    // look for a modifier eg 'text' after the fieldid
                    $extmodifier = '';
                    $yetmoreparts = explode(',', $moreparts[1], 2);
                    $yetmoreparts = array_map('trim', $yetmoreparts);
                    if (count($yetmoreparts) > 1) {
                        $extmodifier = $yetmoreparts[1];
                        $moreparts[1] = $yetmoreparts[0];
                $fields[$parts[0]] = $moreparts[0];
                if ($params['array_values'] === 'y' && preg_match('/[\\[\\]\\.#\\=]/', $moreparts[1])) {
                    // check for [ ] = or . which would be a jQuery selector
                    // might select multiple inputs
                    $js .= "\n" . '$("input[name=\'' . $parts[0] . '\']").val( unescape($("' . $moreparts[1] . '").serialize()));';
                } else {
                    // otherwise it's an id but could have a modifier eg 'text'
                    if ($extmodifier === 'text') {
                        // if modifier is text use text instead of val in the js
                        $js .= "\n" . '$("input[name=\'' . $parts[0] . '\']").val( unescape($("#' . $moreparts[1] . '").text()));';
                    } else {
                        $js .= "\n" . '$("input[name=\'' . $parts[0] . '\']").val( unescape($("#' . $moreparts[1] . '").val()));';
                $inputfields[$parts[0]] = 'external';
            } elseif (strpos($parts[1], 'hidden') === 0) {
                $moreparts = explode('=', $parts[1], 2);
                $moreparts = array_map('trim', $moreparts);
                $fields[$parts[0]] = $moreparts[1];
                $inputfields[$parts[0]] = 'hidden';
            } else {
                $fields[$parts[0]] = $parts[1];
                $inputfields[$parts[0]] = $parts[1];
    $groups = Perms::get()->getGroups();
    $config = Tiki_Profile_ChannelList::fromConfiguration($prefs['profile_channels']);
    if ($config->canExecuteChannels(array($params['channel']), $groups, true)) {
        $smarty->assign('datachannel_execution', $executionId);
        if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && isset($_POST['datachannel_execution']) && $_POST['datachannel_execution'] == $executionId && $config->canExecuteChannels(array($params['channel']), $groups)) {
            $input = array_intersect_key($_POST, $inputfields);
            $trimAndMapArraysAsYaml = function ($element) {
                if (!is_array($element)) {
                    return trim($element);
                $element = array_map(trim, $element);
                return '[' . implode(', ', $element) . ']';
            $input = array_map($trimAndMapArraysAsYaml, $input);
            $itemIds = array();
            // process possible arrays in post
            if ($params['array_values'] === 'y') {
                foreach ($input as $key => $val) {
                    if (!empty($val)) {
                        parse_str($val, $vals);
                        if (is_array($vals)) {
                            // serialized collection of inputs
                            $arr = array();
                            if ($key == 'itemId') {
                                foreach ($vals as $v) {
                                    // itemId[x,y,z]
                                    if (is_array($v)) {
                                        $arr = array_merge($arr, $v);
                                $itemIds = $arr;
                            } else {
                                foreach ($vals as $v) {
                                    // fieldname[x=>a,y=>b,z=>c]
                                    if (is_array($v)) {
                                        foreach ($v as $k => $kv) {
                                            if (in_array($k, $itemIds)) {
                                                // check if sent in itemIds array
                                                $arr[] = $kv;
                                                // (e.g. from trackerlist checkboxes)
                                    } else {
                                        $arr = $val;
                                        // not an array, so use the initial string val
                            $input[$key] = $arr;
            $inputs = array();
            if ($params['array_values'] === 'y' && !empty($itemIds)) {
                $cid = count($itemIds);
                for ($i = 0; $i < $cid; $i++) {
                    // reorganise array
                    $arr = array();
                    foreach (array_keys($input) as $k) {
                        if (isset($input[$k]) && is_array($input[$k])) {
                            $arr[$k] = $input[$k][$i];
                        } else {
                            $arr[$k] = $input[$k];
                    $inputs[] = $arr;
            } else {
                $inputs[] = $input;
            $static = $params;
            $unsets = wikiplugin_datachannel_info();
            // get defined params
            $unsets = array_keys($unsets['params']);
            foreach ($unsets as $un) {
                // remove defined params leaving user supplied ones
            if (!empty($params['price'])) {
                $paymentlib = TikiLib::lib('payment');
                $desc = empty($params['paymentlabel']) ? tr('Data channel:', $prefs['site_language']) . ' ' . $params['channel'] : $params['paymentlabel'];
                $posts = array();
                foreach ($input as $key => $post) {
                    $posts[$key] = $post;
                    $desc .= '/' . $post;
                $id = $paymentlib->request_payment($desc, $params['price'], $prefs['payment_default_delay']);
                $paymentlib->register_behavior($id, 'complete', 'execute_datachannel', array($data, $params, $posts, $executionId));
                require_once 'lib/smarty_tiki/function.payment.php';
                return '^~np~' . smarty_function_payment(array('id' => $id), $smarty) . '~/np~^';
            $success = true;
            $arguments = array();
            foreach ($inputs as $input) {
                $userInput = array_merge($input, $static);
                $profiles = $config->getProfiles(array($params['channel']));
                $profile = reset($profiles);
                $installer = new Tiki_Profile_Installer();
                //TODO: What is the following line for? Future feature to limit capabilities of data channels?
                //$installer->limitGlobalPreferences( array() );
                // jb tiki6: looks like if set to an empty array it would prevent any prefs being set
                // i guess the idea is to be able to restrict the settable prefs to only harmless ones for security
                if (!empty($params['debug']) && $params['debug'] === 'y') {
                $params['emptyCache'] = isset($params['emptyCache']) ? $params['emptyCache'] : 'all';
                $success = $installer->install($profile, $params['emptyCache']) && $success;
                foreach ($profile->getLoadedObjects() as $object) {
                    $arguments["%{$object->getRef()}%"] = $object->getValue();
                    $arguments["%{$object->getRef()}:urlencode%"] = rawurlencode($object->getValue());
            if (empty($params['returnURI'])) {
                // default to return to same page
                $params['returnURI'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
            if (empty($params['returnErrorURI'])) {
                $params['returnErrorURI'] = $params['returnURI'];
            if (empty($params['debug']) || $params['debug'] != 'y') {
                if (isset($params['quietReturn']) && $params['quietReturn'] == 'y') {
                    return true;
                } else {
                    $url = $success ? $params['returnURI'] : $params['returnErrorURI'];
                    $url = str_replace(array_keys($arguments), array_values($arguments), $url);
                    $access = TikiLib::lib('access');
            $smarty->assign('datachannel_feedbacks', array_merge($installer->getFeedback(), $profile->getFeedback()));
        $smarty->assign('datachannel_inputfields', $inputfields);
        $smarty->assign('datachannel_fields', $fields);
        $smarty->assign('button_label', !empty($params['buttonLabel']) ? $params['buttonLabel'] : 'Go');
        $smarty->assign('form_class_attr', !empty($params['class']) ? ' class="' . $params['class'] . '"' : '');
        if (!empty($js)) {
            $headerlib->add_js("function datachannel_form_submit{$execution}() {{$js}\nreturn true;\n}");
            $smarty->assign('datachannel_form_onsubmit', ' onsubmit="return datachannel_form_submit' . $execution . '();"');
        } else {
            $smarty->assign('datachannel_form_onsubmit', '');
        if (empty($params['template'])) {
            return '~np~' . $smarty->fetch('wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_datachannel.tpl') . '~/np~';
        } else {
            return '~np~' . $smarty->fetch($params['template']) . '~/np~';