function getUrl($params) { global $prefs; if ($prefs['feature_sefurl'] == 'y') { $url = "tiki-{$params['controller']}"; if (isset($params['action'])) { $url .= "-{$params['action']}"; } else { $url .= "-x"; } unset($params['controller']); unset($params['action']); } else { $url = 'tiki-ajax_services.php'; } if (count($params)) { $url .= '?' . http_build_query($params, '', '&'); } return TikiLib::tikiUrlOpt($url); }
function smarty_block_pagination_links($params, $url, $smarty, &$repeat) { global $prefs; if ($repeat) { return; } if (isset($params['resultset'])) { $resultSet = $params['resultset']; $params['cant'] = count($resultSet); $params['offset'] = $resultSet->getOffset(); $params['step'] = $resultSet->getMaxRecords(); $params['estimate'] = $resultSet->getEstimate(); } $html = ''; $default_type = 'absolute_path'; // Check main params and return no pagination links if there is a mistake if (!isset($params['cant']) || $params['cant'] <= 0) { return ''; } if (isset($params['step']) && $params['step'] == -1) { return ''; } // display all if (!isset($params['offset'])) { $params['offset'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['offset_arg'])) { $params['offset_arg'] = 'offset'; } if (!isset($params['zero_based_offset'])) { $params['zero_based_offset'] = 'y'; } if (!isset($params['show_numbers'])) { $params['show_numbers'] = 'y'; } if (!isset($params['_onclick'])) { $params['_onclick'] = ''; } if ($params['zero_based_offset'] != 'y') { //$params['offset']--; $zero_based_min = 1; $zero_based_maxminus = 0; } else { $zero_based_min = 0; $zero_based_maxminus = 1; } $params['_ajax'] = isset($params['_ajax']) ? $params['_ajax'] : 'y'; if (isset($params['reloff']) && ($params['reloff'] + $params['offset'] >= $params['cant'] || $params['reloff'] + $params['offset'] < $zero_based_min)) { return ''; } if (!isset($params['reloff']) && ($params['offset'] >= $params['cant'] + $zero_based_min || $params['offset'] < $zero_based_min)) { return ''; } // Include smarty functions used below $smarty->loadPlugin('smarty_block_ajax_href'); $smarty->loadPlugin('smarty_function_query'); $smarty->loadPlugin('smarty_function_icon'); // Make sure every params are initialized if (!isset($params['itemname'])) { $params['itemname'] = 'Page'; } if (!isset($params['noimg'])) { $params['noimg'] = $prefs['pagination_icons'] == 'n' ? 'y' : 'n'; } if (!isset($params['usedots'])) { $params['usedots'] = 'y'; } if (!isset($params['class'])) { $params['class'] = 'mini'; } if (!isset($params['htmlelement'])) { $params['htmlelement'] = 'tiki-center'; } if (!isset($params['template'])) { $params['template'] = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '.php') . '.tpl'; if ($params['template'] == 'tiki-index.tpl') { $params['template'] = 'tiki-show_page.tpl'; } } if (!file_exists('templates/' . $params['template']) || $params['template'] == 'noauto') { $params['htmlelement'] = ''; $params['template'] = ''; } if (!isset($params['step']) || $params['step'] <= 0) { $params['step'] = 1; $nb_pages = $params['cant']; } else { $nb_pages = ceil($params['cant'] / $params['step']); } if ($nb_pages == 0 || $nb_pages == 1 && $prefs['pagination_hide_if_one_page'] == 'y') { return ''; } if (empty($url) || preg_match('/^\\s*$/', $url)) { $query_filter = array('_type' => $default_type); if (isset($params['_keepall'])) { $query_filter['_keepall'] = $params['_keepall']; } $url = smarty_function_query($query_filter, $smarty); } // remove empty url arguments (done by default) if (!isset($params['clean']) || $params['clean'] == 'y') { $url = preg_replace('/(?<=\\?|&)[^=]+=(?=&|$)/U', '', $url); } // remove old arguments that will be replaced and add new ones $url = preg_replace('/(?<=&|&|\\?)(move|reloff|' . $params['offset_arg'] . ')=[^&]*/', '', trim($url)); // remove & that are redundant or at the end of url $url = preg_replace('/(?:(\\?|&)(&)+|(\\?|&))$/', '\\1', $url); $url_args_pos = strpos($url, '?'); if ($url_args_pos === false) { $url .= '?'; } elseif ($url_args_pos < strlen($url) - 1) { $url .= '&'; } if (isset($params['reloff'])) { $prev_offset = 'reloff=' . ($params['reloff'] - $params['step']) . '&' . $params['offset_arg'] . '=' . $params['offset']; $next_offset = 'reloff=' . ($params['reloff'] + $params['step']) . '&' . $params['offset_arg'] . '=' . $params['offset']; $prev_fast_offset = 'reloff=' . ($params['reloff'] - $params['step'] * ceil($nb_pages / 10)) . '&' . $params['offset_arg'] . '=' . $params['offset']; $next_fast_offset = 'reloff=' . ($params['reloff'] + $params['step'] * ceil($nb_pages / 10)) . '&' . $params['offset_arg'] . '=' . $params['offset']; $real_offset = $params['offset'] + $params['reloff']; } else { $prev_offset_val = max($zero_based_min, $params['offset'] - $params['step']); $prev_offset = $params['offset_arg'] . '=' . $prev_offset_val; $next_offset_val = min($params['cant'] - $zero_based_maxminus, $params['offset'] + $params['step']); $next_offset = $params['offset_arg'] . '=' . $next_offset_val; $prev_fast_offset_val = max($zero_based_min, $params['offset'] - $params['step'] * ceil($nb_pages / 10)); $prev_fast_offset = $params['offset_arg'] . '=' . $prev_fast_offset_val; $next_fast_offset_val = min($params['cant'] - $zero_based_maxminus, $params['offset'] + $params['step'] * ceil($nb_pages / 10)); $next_fast_offset = $params['offset_arg'] . '=' . $next_fast_offset_val; $real_offset = $params['offset']; } if (!isset($params['next'])) { $params['next'] = $real_offset < ($nb_pages - $zero_based_maxminus) * $params['step'] ? 'y' : 'n'; } if (!isset($params['prev'])) { $params['prev'] = $real_offset > $zero_based_min ? 'y' : 'n'; } // Max. number of links when using direct pagination $max_middle_links = max(0, $prefs['direct_pagination_max_middle_links']); $max_ending_links = $prefs['pagination_firstlast'] != 'n' ? max(0, $prefs['direct_pagination_max_ending_links']) : 0; $max_links = (1 + $max_ending_links + $max_middle_links) * 2 + 1; // Handle next/prev images if ($params['noimg'] == 'n') { $tmp = array('first' => tr("First %0", $params['itemname']), 'last' => tr("Last %0", $params['itemname']), 'next' => tr("Next %0", $params['itemname']), 'previous' => tr("Prev %0", $params['itemname']), 'next_fast' => tra('Fast Next'), 'previous_fast' => tra('Fast Prev')); $images = array(); foreach ($tmp as $ik => $iv) { $images[$ik] = smarty_function_icon(array('_id' => 'resultset_' . $ik, 'alt' => $iv, 'style' => 'vertical-align:middle;'), $smarty); } unset($tmp); } if ($params['cant'] > 0) { $make_prevnext_link = function ($url, $content, $params, $class = 'prevnext', $linkoffset) { $smarty = TikiLib::lib('smarty'); $link = '<a class="' . $class . '" '; $url = TikiLib::tikiUrlOpt($url); if ($params['_ajax'] == 'y') { // setting javascript offset variable if requested if (!empty($params['offset_jsvar'])) { $params['_onclick'] = $params['offset_jsvar'] . "={$linkoffset};" . $params['_onclick']; } $link .= smarty_block_ajax_href(array('template' => $params['template'], 'htmlelement' => $params['htmlelement'], '_ajax' => $params['_ajax'], '_onclick' => $params['_onclick']), $url, $smarty, false); } else { $link .= " href=\"{$url}\" "; } $link .= '>' . $content . '</a>'; return $link; }; if (($prefs['direct_pagination'] == 'y' || $prefs['nextprev_pagination'] === 'y') && $nb_pages > 1) { $html .= '<ul class="pagination">'; if ($prefs['nextprev_pagination'] != 'n' || $params['show_numbers'] !== 'y') { if ($params['offset'] == 0) { $html .= '<li class="disabled"><span>«</span></li>'; } else { $html .= '<li>' . $make_prevnext_link($url . $prev_offset, '«', $params, 'prevnext prev', $prev_offset_val) . '</li>'; } } if ($params['show_numbers'] == 'y') { $last_dots = false; $page_num = floor($real_offset / $params['step']); foreach (range(0, $nb_pages - 1) as $k) { if ($k + $zero_based_min == $page_num) { $html .= '<li class="active"><span>' . ($k + 1) . ' <span class="sr-only">(' . tr('current') . ')</span></span></li>'; $last_dots = false; } elseif ($params['usedots'] != 'y' || $params['usedots'] == 'y' && ($nb_pages <= $max_links || $k <= $max_ending_links && $prefs['pagination_firstlast'] != 'n' || $k >= $nb_pages - $max_ending_links - 1 && $prefs['pagination_firstlast'] != 'n' || abs($page_num - $k) <= $max_middle_links || $prefs['pagination_fastmove_links'] == 'y' && abs($page_num - $k) == ceil($nb_pages / 10))) { if (isset($params['reloff'])) { $url_k = $params['offset_arg'] . '=' . $params['offset'] . '&reloff=' . ($params['step'] * $k - $params['offset']); } else { $url_k_val = $params['step'] * ($k + $zero_based_min); $url_k = $params['offset_arg'] . '=' . $url_k_val; } $html .= '<li>' . $make_prevnext_link($url . $url_k, $k + 1, $params, 'prevnext', $url_k_val) . '</li>'; $last_dots = false; } elseif (!$last_dots) { $html .= '<li class="disabled"><span>…</span>'; $last_dots = true; } } } if ($prefs['nextprev_pagination'] != 'n' || $params['show_numbers'] !== 'y') { if ($params['offset'] + $params['step'] >= $params['cant']) { $html .= '<li class="disabled"><span>»</span></li>'; } else { $html .= '<li>' . $make_prevnext_link($url . $next_offset, '»', $params, 'prevnext next', $next_offset_val) . '</li>'; } } $html .= '</ul>'; } if (isset($params['estimate']) && $params['estimate'] > $params['cant']) { $html .= '<div class="alert alert-info">' . tr('More results may be available. Refine criteria to access the estimated %0 results.', $params['estimate']) . '</div>'; } } return $html; }
function smarty_function_object_link_default($smarty, $object, $title = null, $type = 'wiki page', $url = null, $params = array()) { global $base_url; $smarty->loadPlugin('smarty_modifier_sefurl'); $smarty->loadPlugin('smarty_modifier_escape'); $smarty->loadPlugin('smarty_modifier_addongroupname'); if (empty($title)) { $title = TikiLib::lib('object')->get_title($type, $object); } if (empty($title) && !empty($params['backuptitle'])) { $title = $params['backuptitle']; } if (empty($title) && $type == 'freetag') { // Blank freetag should not be returned with "No title specified" return ''; } // get add on object title if needed $title = smarty_modifier_addongroupname($title); $text = $title; $titleAttribute = ''; if ($type == 'wiki page') { $titleAttribute .= ' title="' . smarty_modifier_escape($title) . '"'; $text = TikiLib::lib('wiki')->get_without_namespace($title); } $escapedText = smarty_modifier_escape($text ? $text : tra('No title specified')); if ($url) { $escapedHref = smarty_modifier_escape(TikiLib::tikiUrlOpt($url)); } else { $escapedHref = smarty_modifier_escape(smarty_modifier_sefurl($object, $type)); } $classList = array(); if ($type == "blog post") { $classList[] = "link"; } elseif ($type == "freetag") { $classList[] = 'freetag'; } $metadata = TikiLib::lib('object')->get_metadata($type, $object, $classList); if (!empty($params['class'])) { $classList[] = $params['class']; } $class = ' class="' . implode(' ', $classList) . '"'; if (strpos($escapedHref, '://') === false) { //$html = '<a href="' . $base_url . $escapedHref . '"' . $class . $titleAttribute . $metadata . '>' . $escapedText . '</a>'; // When the link is created for a tiki page, then we do NOT want the baseurl included, // because it might be we are using a reverse proxy or a an ssl offloader, or we access from a public fqdn that is not // configured for teh ip adress we run our webserver. // Eaxmple: Fqdn = -> port forwarding/nat to: // In this case links should NOT be generated as absolut urls pointing to which would be the part of the baseUrl. $html = '<a href="' . $escapedHref . '"' . $class . $titleAttribute . $metadata . '>' . $escapedText . '</a>'; } else { $html = '<a rel="external" href="' . $escapedHref . '"' . $class . $titleAttribute . $metadata . '>' . $escapedText . '</a>'; } $attributelib = TikiLib::lib('attribute'); $attributes = $attributelib->get_attributes($type, $object); global $prefs; if (isset($attributes['tiki.content.source']) && $prefs['fgal_source_show_refresh'] == 'y') { $smarty->loadPlugin('smarty_function_icon'); $smarty->loadPlugin('smarty_function_service'); $html .= '<a class="file-refresh" href="' . smarty_function_service(array('controller' => 'file', 'action' => 'refresh', 'fileId' => intval($object)), $smarty) . '">' . smarty_function_icon(array('_id' => 'arrow_refresh'), $smarty) . '</a>'; TikiLib::lib('header')->add_js(' $(".file-refresh").removeClass("file-refresh").click(function () { $.getJSON($(this).attr("href")); $(this).remove(); return false; });'); } return $html; }
function smarty_modifier_sefurl($source, $type = 'wiki', $with_next = '', $all_langs = '', $with_title = 'y', $title = '') { global $prefs; $wikilib = TikiLib::lib('wiki'); $tikilib = TikiLib::lib('tiki'); $smarty = TikiLib::lib('smarty'); $sefurl = $prefs['feature_sefurl'] == 'y'; switch ($type) { case 'wiki page': case 'wikipage': $type = 'wiki'; break; case 'blog post': $type = 'blogpost'; break; } switch ($type) { case 'wiki': return TikiLib::tikiUrlOpt($wikilib->sefurl($source, $with_next, $all_langs)); case 'blog': $href = $sefurl ? "blog{$source}" : "tiki-view_blog.php?blogId={$source}"; break; case 'blogpost': $href = $sefurl ? "blogpost{$source}" : "tiki-view_blog_post.php?postId={$source}"; break; case 'calendar': $href = $sefurl ? "cal{$source}" : "tiki-calendar.php?calIds[]={$source}"; break; case 'gallery': $href = 'tiki-browse_gallery.php?galleryId=' . $source; break; case 'article': $href = $sefurl ? "article{$source}" : "tiki-read_article.php?articleId={$source}"; break; case 'topic': $href = "tiki-view_articles.php?topic={$source}"; break; case 'file': case 'thumbnail': case 'display': case 'preview': $attributelib = TikiLib::lib('attribute'); $attributes = $attributelib->get_attributes('file', $source); if ($type == 'file') { $prefix = 'dl'; $suffix = null; } else { $prefix = $type; $suffix = '&' . $type; } if (isset($attributes['tiki.content.url'])) { $href = $attributes['tiki.content.url']; } else { $href = $sefurl ? "{$prefix}{$source}" : "tiki-download_file.php?fileId={$source}{$suffix}"; } break; case 'draft': $href = 'tiki-download_file.php?fileId=' . $source . '&draft'; break; case 'tracker item': $type = 'trackeritem'; case 'trackeritem': $replacementpage = ''; if ($prefs["feature_sefurl_tracker_prefixalias"] == 'y') { $trklib = TikiLib::lib('trk'); $replacementpage = $trklib->get_trackeritem_pagealias($source); } if ($replacementpage) { return TikiLib::tikiUrlOpt($wikilib->sefurl($replacementpage, $with_next, $all_langs)); } else { $href = 'tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=' . $source; } break; case 'tracker': if ($source) { $href = 'tiki-view_tracker.php?trackerId=' . $source; } else { $href = 'tiki-list_trackers.php'; } break; case 'filegallery': case 'file gallery': $href = 'tiki-list_file_gallery.php?galleryId=' . $source; break; case 'forum': $href = $sefurl ? "forum{$source}" : 'tiki-view_forum.php?forumId=' . $source; break; case 'forumthread': case 'forum post': // used in unified search getSupportedTypes() $href = $sefurl ? "forumthread{$source}" : 'tiki-view_forum_thread.php?comments_parentId=' . $source; break; case 'image': $href = 'tiki-browse_image.php?imageId=' . $source; break; case 'sheet': $href = $sefurl ? "sheet{$source}" : "tiki-view_sheets.php?sheetId={$source}"; break; case 'category': $href = $sefurl ? "cat{$source}" : "tiki-browse_categories.php?parentId={$source}"; break; case 'freetag': $href = "tiki-browse_freetags.php?tag=" . urlencode($source); break; case 'newsletter': $href = "tiki-newsletters.php?nlId=" . urlencode($source); break; case 'survey': $href = "tiki-take_survey.php?surveyId=" . urlencode($source); break; default: $href = $source; break; } if ($with_next && ($with_title != 'y' || $prefs['feature_sefurl'] !== 'y')) { $href .= '&'; } if ($prefs['feature_sefurl'] == 'y' && $smarty) { include_once 'tiki-sefurl.php'; return TikiLib::tikiUrlOpt(filter_out_sefurl($href, $type, $title, $with_next, $with_title)); } else { return TikiLib::tikiUrlOpt($href); } }
$base_uri = $base_host; // maybe better than nothing } } if (strpos($base_uri, $tikiroot . 'route.php') !== false && !empty($inclusion)) { $base_uri = $base_url . $inclusion; if (!empty($_GET)) { $base_uri .= '?' . http_build_query($_GET, '', '&'); } global $section, $sections; include_once 'tiki-sefurl.php'; if (isset($sections[$section]['objectType'])) { $objectType = $sections[$section]['objectType']; } else { $objectType = $section; } if ($objectType === 'wiki page') { $objectType = 'wiki'; } $base_uri = TikiLib::tikiUrlOpt(filter_out_sefurl($base_uri, $objectType)); } // SSL options if (isset($_REQUEST['stay_in_ssl_mode_present']) || isset($_REQUEST['stay_in_ssl_mode'])) { // We stay in HTTPS / SSL mode if 'stay_in_ssl_mode' has an 'y' or 'on' value $stay_in_ssl_mode = isset($_REQUEST['stay_in_ssl_mode']) && $_REQUEST['stay_in_ssl_mode'] == 'y' || isset($_REQUEST['stay_in_ssl_mode']) && $_REQUEST['stay_in_ssl_mode'] == 'on' ? 'y' : 'n'; } else { // Set default value of 'stay_in_ssl_mode' to the current mode state $stay_in_ssl_mode = $https_mode ? 'y' : 'n'; } // Show the 'Stay in SSL mode' checkbox only if we are already in HTTPS $show_stay_in_ssl_mode = $https_mode || $prefs['https_login'] == 'required' ? 'y' : 'n';
function smarty_function_icon($params, $smarty) { if (!is_array($params)) { $params = array(); } global $prefs, $tc_theme, $tc_theme_option, $url_path, $base_url, $tikipath, $iconset; $cachelib = TikiLib::lib('cache'); if (empty($tc_theme)) { $current_theme = !empty($prefs['theme']) ? $prefs['theme'] : ''; $current_theme_option = isset($prefs['theme_option']) ? $prefs['theme_option'] : ''; } else { $current_theme = $tc_theme; $current_theme_option = !empty($tc_theme_option) ? $tc_theme_option : ''; } if (isset($params['_type'])) { if ($params['_type'] === 'absolute_uri') { $params['path_prefix'] = $base_url; } else { if ($params['_type'] === 'absolute_path') { $params['path_prefix'] = $url_path; } } } $serialized_params = serialize(array_merge($params, array($current_theme, $current_theme_option, isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])))); $cache_key = TikiLib::contextualizeKey('icons_' . '_' . md5($serialized_params), 'language', 'external'); if ($cached = $cachelib->getCached($cache_key)) { return $cached; } $basedirs = array('img/icons', 'img/icons/mime'); $icons_extension = empty($params['_extension']) ? '.png' : '.' . $params['_extension']; $tag = 'img'; $notag = false; $default_class = 'icon'; $default_width = 16; $default_height = 16; $menu_text = false; $menu_icon = false; $confirm = ''; $html = ''; if (empty($params['_id'])) { if (isset($params['_defaultdir']) && $params['_defaultdir'] == 'img/icons/large') { $params['_id'] = 'green_question48x48'; } else { $params['_id'] = 'green_question'; } } if (!empty($params['_defaultdir'])) { array_unshift($basedirs, $params['_defaultdir']); if ($params['_defaultdir'] == 'img/icons/large') { $default_width = $default_height = strpos($params['_id'], '48x48') !== false ? 48 : 32; } } // ICONSET START, work-in-progress, more information: $iconset array is prepared by lib/setup/theme.php // N.B. In some contexts such as the console $iconset may not be set up if (!empty($params['name']) && empty($params['_tag']) && !empty($iconset)) { $name = $params['name']; $html = $iconset->getHtml($name, $params); $menu_text = isset($params['_menu_text']) && $params['_menu_text'] == 'y'; if (!empty($params['href']) || !empty($params['title']) || $menu_text) { /* Generate a link for the icon if href or title (for tips) parameter is set. * This will produce a link element (<a>) around the icon. * If you want a button element (<button>), use the {button} smarty_tiki function */ //collect link components if (!empty($params['title'])) { //add title if not empty $a_title = $params['title']; } elseif (!empty($params['alt'])) { $a_title = $params['alt']; } else { $a_title = ''; } if (!empty($a_title)) { $title_attr = $menu_text ? '' : 'title="' . $a_title . '"'; } else { $title_attr = ''; } if (isset($params['class'])) { //if set, use these classes instead of the default bootstrap $a_class = $params['class']; } else { $a_class = 'btn btn-link'; //the default classes to be used } if (!empty($params['href'])) { //use href if not empty $a_href = 'href="' . $params['href'] . '"'; } else { $a_href = ''; } if (isset($params['data-toggle'])) { //add data-toggle if set $a_datatoggle = 'data-toggle="' . $params['data-toggle'] . '"'; } else { $a_datatoggle = ''; } if (isset($params['onclick'])) { //add onclick if set $a_onclick = 'onclick="' . $params['onclick'] . '"'; } else { $a_onclick = ''; } //assemble the link from the components if ($menu_text) { $icon = isset($params['_menu_icon']) && $params['_menu_icon'] === 'y' ? $html : ''; $html = '<div class="iconmenu">' . $icon . '<span class="iconmenutext"> ' . $a_title . '</span></div>'; } else { $html = "<a class='{$a_class}' {$title_attr} {$a_href} {$a_datatoggle} {$a_onclick}>{$html}</a>"; } } //return the icon return $html; } //ICONSET END // Handle _ids that contains the real filename and path if (strpos($params['_id'], '/') !== false || strpos($params['_id'], '.') !== false) { if (($icons_basedir = dirname($params['_id'])) == '') { $icons_basedir = $basedirs[0]; } $icons_basedir .= '/'; if (($pos = strrpos($params['_id'], '.')) !== false) { $icons_extension = substr($params['_id'], $pos); } $params['_id'] = preg_replace('/^' . str_replace('/', '\\/', $icons_basedir) . '|' . $icons_extension . '$/', '', $params['_id']); } else { $icons_basedir = $basedirs[0] . '/'; } if (!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_-]+$/i', $params['_id'])) { return; } // Include smarty functions used below $smarty->loadPlugin('smarty_function_html_image'); // auto-detect 'alt' param if not set if (!isset($params['alt'])) { $alt_pos = ($alt_pos = strrpos($params['_id'], '_')) === false ? 0 : $alt_pos + 1; $params['alt'] = tra(ucfirst(substr($params['_id'], $alt_pos))); } // handle special params and clean unrecognized params foreach ($params as $k => $v) { if ($k[0] == '_') { switch ($k) { case '_id': $img_file = $v . $icons_extension; $v = $icons_basedir . $img_file; $themelib = TikiLib::lib('theme'); $v2 = $themelib->get_theme_path($current_theme, $current_theme_option, $img_file, 'icons/'); if (!empty($v2)) { $params['file'] = $v2; } else { $params['file'] = $v; } break; case '_notag': $notag = $v == 'y'; break; case '_menu_text': $menu_text = $v == 'y'; $menu_icon = isset($params['_menu_icon']) && $params['_menu_icon'] == 'y'; break; case '_tag': $tag = $v; break; case '_confirm': if ($prefs['javascript_enabled'] == 'y') { $params['onclick'] = "return confirm('" . str_replace("'", "\\'", $v) . "');"; } break; } unset($params[$k]); } } // default values for some params if (isset($params['path_prefix'])) { $params['basedir'] = $tikipath; $params['file'] = '/' . $params['file']; } if ($tag == 'img' && is_readable($params['file'])) { $dim = getimagesize($params['file']); if (!isset($params['width'])) { $params['width'] = $dim[0] ? $dim[0] : $default_width; } if (!isset($params['height'])) { $params['height'] = $dim[1] ? $dim[1] : $default_height; } } if ($notag) { $html = (isset($params['path_prefix']) ? $params['path_prefix'] : '') . $params['file']; } else { // use 'alt' as 'title' if not set if (!isset($params['title'])) { $params['title'] = $params['alt']; } // use default class if not set if (!isset($params['class'])) { $params['class'] = $default_class; } // remove empty arguments foreach ($params as $k => $v) { if ($v == '') { unset($params[$k]); } } // No need to add a title on a menu icon since there will be the same text just after the icon if ($menu_text) { $menu_text_val = $params['title']; unset($params['title']); } if ($tag != 'img') { $params['src'] = TikiLib::tikiUrlOpt($params['file']); unset($params['file']); foreach ($params as $k => $v) { $html .= ' ' . htmlspecialchars($k, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '="' . htmlspecialchars($v, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '"'; } } if (!empty($params['file'])) { $headerlib = TikiLib::lib('header'); $params['file'] = $headerlib->convert_cdn($params['file']); $params['file'] = TikiLib::tikiUrlOpt($params['file']); } switch ($tag) { case 'input_image': $html = '<input type="image"' . $html . ' />'; break; case 'img': default: try { $html = smarty_function_html_image($params, $smarty); } catch (Exception $e) { $html = '<span class="icon error" title="' . tra('Error:') . ' ' . $e->getMessage() . '">?</span>'; } } if ($tag != 'img') { // Add a span tag to be able to apply a CSS style on hover for the icon $html = "<span>{$html}</span>"; } if ($menu_text) { if (!$menu_icon) { $html = ''; } $html = '<div class="iconmenu">' . $html . '<span class="iconmenutext"> ' . $menu_text_val . '</span></div>'; } } $cachelib->cacheItem($cache_key, $html); return $html; }