public function delete($id)
     try {
         $alert['msg'] = 'Ticket Type has been deleted successfully';
         $alert['type'] = 'success';
     } catch (\Exception $ex) {
         $alert['msg'] = 'This Ticket Type has been already used';
         $alert['type'] = 'danger';
     return Redirect::route('company.ticket-type')->with('alert', $alert);
Example #2
 protected function saveModel($event, $tickettype = false)
     $new_tickettype = false;
     if (Input::get('id')) {
         $tickettype = TicketType::find(Input::get('id'));
         eerror_log("a tickettype id was posted");
     if (!$tickettype) {
         $tickettype = new TicketType();
         $new_tickettype = true;
     $tickettype->events_id = $event->id;
     $tickettype->name = Input::get('name');
     $tickettype->num_available = Input::get('num_available');
     $tickettype->price = str_replace(',', '.', Input::get('price'));
     $tickettype->order = Input::get('order');
     if (!$new_tickettype) {
     } else {
     return $tickettype;
 public function index()
     $param['pageNo'] = 1;
     $agent = AgentModel::find(Session::get('agent_id'));
     $param['is_active'] = $agent->is_active;
     $param['ticketTypes'] = TicketTypeModel::where('company_id', $agent->store->company->id)->get();
     if (Session::has('process_id')) {
         $process = ProcessModel::find(Session::get('process_id'));
         $param['currentQueueNo'] = $process->queue_no;
         $param['lastQueueNo'] = $process->agent->store->status->last_queue_no;
     // Get Store ID
     $storeId = $agent->store_id;
     $status = StatusModel::where('store_id', $storeId)->first();
     $agents = AgentModel::where('store_id', $storeId)->where('is_active', TRUE);
     $param['amountOfQueue'] = $status->last_queue_no - $status->current_queue_no;
     $tickets = ProcessModel::where('agent_id', $agent->id)->whereRaw('DATE(created_at) = DATE(NOW())')->where('end_time', '!=', '');
     $param['ticketsManaged'] = $tickets->count();
     $processTickets = $tickets->get();
     $activeTime = 0;
     foreach ($processTickets as $item) {
         $activeTime += strtotime($item->end_time) - strtotime($item->start_time);
     $param['activeTime'] = $activeTime;
     $param['averageYourTicketTime'] = $tickets->count() == 0 ? 0 : round($activeTime / $tickets->count());
     $agentIds = [];
     $agentIds[] = 0;
     $agents = AgentModel::where('store_id', $storeId)->get();
     foreach ($agents as $agent) {
         $agentIds[] = $agent->id;
     $tickets = ProcessModel::whereIn('agent_id', $agentIds)->whereRaw('DATE(created_at) = DATE(NOW())')->where('end_time', '!=', '');
     $processTickets = $tickets->get();
     $activeTime = 0;
     foreach ($processTickets as $item) {
         $activeTime += strtotime($item->end_time) - strtotime($item->start_time);
     $param['averageTicketTime'] = $tickets->count() == 0 ? 0 : round($activeTime / $tickets->count());
     $prefix = DB::getTablePrefix();
     $sqlType = "SELECT id, name\n                  FROM " . $prefix . "ticket_type\n                 WHERE company_id = " . $agent->store->company->id . "\n                 UNION ALL\n                SELECT 0 as id, 'Skip' as name";
     $sql = "\n                SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, IFNULL(ticket_type, 0) AS type\n                  FROM " . $prefix . "process t1, " . $prefix . "agent t2, " . $prefix . "store t3\n                 WHERE t1.agent_id =\n                   AND t2.store_id =\n                   AND t1.end_time != ''\n                   AND t3.company_id = " . $agent->store->company->id . "\n                 GROUP BY ticket_type";
     $sql = "SELECT, IFNULL(t2.cnt, 0) AS cnt\n                  FROM ({$sqlType}) t1\n                  LEFT JOIN ({$sql}) t2\n                    ON = t2.type\n                 ORDER BY IFNULL(t2.cnt, 0) DESC";
     $param['mostTickets'] = DB::select($sql);
     return View::make('agent.process.index')->with($param);
Example #4
  * table data rules
  * @return array
 public function rules()
     return array(array('status', 'in', 'range' => CHtml::listData(TicketStatus::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'id')), array('type', 'in', 'range' => CHtml::listData(TicketType::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'id')), array('category', 'in', 'range' => CHtml::listData(TicketCategory::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'id')), array('priority', 'in', 'range' => CHtml::listData(TicketPriority::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'id')), array('version', 'in', 'range' => CHtml::listData(TicketVersion::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'id')), array('fixedin', 'in', 'range' => CHtml::listData(TicketVersion::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'id')), array('assignedtoid', 'safe'), array('keywords', 'safe'), array('title', 'required'), array('title', 'length', 'min' => 3, 'max' => 100));
Example #5
                    <p id="ticket-priority" class='inline-input'>
echo CHtml::activeLabel($search, 'priority');
echo CHtml::activeListBox($search, 'priority', CHtml::listData(TicketPriority::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'title'), array('multiple' => 'multiple'));
                    <p id="ticket-type" class='inline-input'>
echo CHtml::activeLabel($search, 'type');
echo CHtml::activeListBox($search, 'type', CHtml::listData(TicketType::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'title'), array('multiple' => 'multiple'));
                    <p id="ticket-category" class='inline-input'>
echo CHtml::activeLabel($search, 'category');
echo CHtml::activeListBox($search, 'category', CHtml::listData(TicketCategory::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'title'), array('multiple' => 'multiple'));
                    <p id="ticket-version" class='inline-input'>
echo CHtml::activeLabel($search, 'version');
Example #6
  * View single ticket
  * @param int $id
  * @param string $alias
 public function actionViewTicket($id, $alias)
     if ($id && ($ticket = Tickets::model()->with(array('reporter', 'assigned', 'status', 'type', 'category', 'ticketpriority', 'version', 'fixed', 'ticketmilestone', 'comments', 'comments.commentreporter', 'comments.changes', 'lastcomment'))->byCommentDate()->findByPk($id))) {
         // Initiate the ticket comment model
         $comment = new TicketComments();
         $props = new TicketProps();
         $ticketChanges = array();
         $commentPassed = false;
         $propsPassed = false;
         $propertiesPassed = false;
         // Make sure if we submit the form that we enter a comment
         if (isset($_POST['TicketComments'])) {
             $comment->ticketid = $ticket->id;
             if ($comment->validate()) {
                 $commentPassed = true;
         // Make suer we submitted the form
         if (isset($_POST['TicketProps'])) {
             if ($props->validate()) {
                 $propsPassed = true;
                 // did we change the title
                 if ($props->title != $ticket->title) {
                     $ticketChanges[] = Yii::t('tickets', '<strong>Title</strong> Changed from <em>{old}</em> To <em>{new}</em>', array('{old}' => $ticket->title, '{new}' => $props->title));
                 // did we change the keywords
                 if ($props->keywords != $ticket->keywords) {
                     $ticketChanges[] = Yii::t('tickets', '<strong>Keywords</strong> Changed from <em>{old}</em> To <em>{new}</em>', array('{old}' => $ticket->keywords, '{new}' => $props->keywords));
                 // did we change the assigned to
                 if ($props->assignedtoid && $props->assignedtoid != $ticket->assignedtoid) {
                     // Load the users
                     $oldUser = Users::model()->findByPk($ticket->assignedtoid);
                     $newUser = Users::model()->find('username=:username', array(':username' => $props->assignedtoid));
                     $ticketChanges[] = Yii::t('tickets', '<strong>Assigned</strong> Changed from <em>{old}</em> To <em>{new}</em>', array('{old}' => $oldUser ? $oldUser->getLink() : "''", '{new}' => $newUser ? $newUser->getLink() : "''"));
                 // Did we change the status
                 if ($props->status && $props->status != $ticket->ticketstatus) {
                     $oldStatus = TicketStatus::model()->findByPk($ticket->ticketstatus);
                     $newStatus = TicketStatus::model()->findByPk($props->status);
                     $ticketChanges[] = Yii::t('tickets', '<strong>Status</strong> Changed from <em>{old}</em> To <em>{new}</em>', array('{old}' => $oldStatus ? $oldStatus->getLink() : "''", '{new}' => $newStatus ? $newStatus->getLink() : "''"));
                     $ticket->ticketstatus = $props->status;
                 // Did we change the type
                 if ($props->type && $props->type != $ticket->tickettype) {
                     $oldType = TicketType::model()->findByPk($ticket->tickettype);
                     $newType = TicketType::model()->findByPk($props->type);
                     $ticketChanges[] = Yii::t('tickets', '<strong>Type</strong> Changed from <em>{old}</em> To <em>{new}</em>', array('{old}' => $oldType ? $oldType->getLink() : "''", '{new}' => $newType ? $newType->getLink() : "''"));
                     $ticket->tickettype = $props->type;
                 // Did we change the category
                 if ($props->category && $props->category != $ticket->ticketcategory) {
                     $oldCategory = TicketCategory::model()->findByPk($ticket->ticketcategory);
                     $newCategory = TicketCategory::model()->findByPk($props->category);
                     $ticketChanges[] = Yii::t('tickets', '<strong>Category</strong> Changed from <em>{old}</em> To <em>{new}</em>', array('{old}' => $oldCategory ? $oldCategory->getLink() : "''", '{new}' => $newCategory ? $newCategory->getLink() : "''"));
                     $ticket->ticketcategory = $props->category;
                 // Did we change the version
                 if ($props->version && $props->version != $ticket->ticketversion) {
                     $oldVersion = TicketVersion::model()->findByPk($ticket->ticketversion);
                     $newVersion = TicketVersion::model()->findByPk($props->version);
                     $ticketChanges[] = Yii::t('tickets', '<strong>Version</strong> Changed from <em>{old}</em> To <em>{new}</em>', array('{old}' => $oldVersion ? $oldVersion->getVersionLink() : "''", '{new}' => $newVersion ? $newVersion->getVersionLink() : "''"));
                     $ticket->ticketversion = $props->version;
                 // Did we change the fixedin
                 if ($props->fixedin && $props->fixedin != $ticket->fixedin) {
                     $oldFixed = TicketVersion::model()->findByPk($ticket->fixedin);
                     $newFixed = TicketVersion::model()->findByPk($props->fixedin);
                     $ticketChanges[] = Yii::t('tickets', '<strong>Fixed In Version</strong> Changed from <em>{old}</em> To <em>{new}</em>', array('{old}' => $oldFixed ? $oldFixed->getFixedinLink() : "''", '{new}' => $newFixed ? $newFixed->getFixedinLink() : "''"));
                     $ticket->fixedin = $props->fixedin;
                 // Did we change the priority
                 if ($props->priority && $props->priority != $ticket->priority) {
                     $oldPriority = TicketPriority::model()->findByPk($ticket->priority);
                     $newPriority = TicketPriority::model()->findByPk($props->priority);
                     $ticketChanges[] = Yii::t('tickets', '<strong>Priority</strong> Changed from <em>{old}</em> To <em>{new}</em>', array('{old}' => $oldPriority ? $oldPriority->getLink() : "''", '{new}' => $newPriority ? $newPriority->getLink() : "''"));
                     $ticket->priority = $props->priority;
                 // Assign props data to ticket
                 $ticket->title = $props->title;
                 $ticket->keywords = $props->keywords;
                 // Reset the ticket assigned to
                 if ($props->assignedtoid) {
                     $ticket->assignedtoid = $props->assignedtoid;
                 } else {
                     $ticket->assignedtoid = (int) $ticket->assignedtoid;
                 // Make sure we have some changes or at least entered comment
                 if (!$comment->content && !count($ticketChanges)) {
                     $commentPassed = false;
                     Functions::setFlash(Yii::t('tickets', 'You must enter a comment or make some changes to the ticket.'));
                 // validate ticket
                 if ($ticket->validate()) {
                     $propertiesPassed = true;
         // Only if all flags were ok then save and update
         if (isset($_POST['submit']) && $commentPassed && $propsPassed && $propertiesPassed) {
             // Save both and redirect
             // Did we change something?
             if (count($ticketChanges)) {
                 foreach ($ticketChanges as $change) {
                     $changes = new TicketChanges();
                     $changes->ticketid = $ticket->id;
                     $changes->commentid = $comment->id;
                     $changes->content = $change;
             // Save ticket
             $ticket->lastcommentid = $comment->id;
             // Set flash
             Functions::setFlash(Yii::t('tickets', 'Tickets: Ticket Updated'));
             $this->redirect($ticket->getLink('', array(), true));
         // Reset the ticket assigned to
         if ($props->assignedtoid) {
             if (is_int($props->assignedtoid)) {
                 $username = Users::model()->findByPk($props->assignedtoid);
             } else {
                 $username = Users::model()->find('username=:username', array(':username' => $props->assignedtoid));
             $props->assignedtoid = $username ? $username->username : '';
         } else {
             $props->assignedtoid = '';
         // Assign keywords
         if (!$props->keywords && $ticket->keywords) {
             $props->keywords = $ticket->keywords;
         // Assign Title
         if (!$props->title && $ticket->title) {
             $props->title = $ticket->title;
         // Show the view screen
         $this->pageTitle[] = Yii::t('tickets', 'Viewing Ticket - {title}', array('{title}' => CHtml::encode($ticket->title)));
         $this->render('showticket', array('props' => $props, 'ticket' => $ticket, 'comment' => $comment));
     } else {
Example #7
  * @param int $userID
  * @param int $eventID
  * @param string $ticketID
  * @param int $timestamp
  * @param int $externalTime
  * @param string $externalRef
  * @param string $status
  * @param TicketType $ticketType
  * @param int $price
  * @param int $amount Default 1
 public function logTicketPurchase($userID, $eventID, $ticketID, $timestamp, $externalTime, $externalRef, $status, TicketType $ticketType, $price, $amount = 1)
     // Integers
     $userID = intval($userID);
     $eventID = intval($eventID);
     $timestamp = intval($timestamp);
     $externalTime = intval($externalTime);
     $amount = intval($amount);
     // Strings, misc.
     $externalRef = db_escape($externalRef);
     $status = db_escape($status);
     $price = db_escape($price);
     $ticketID = db_escape($ticketID);
     $query = sprintf("INSERT INTO `%s` (`ticketType`, `eventID`, `userID`, `ticketID`, `timestamp`, `externalTime`, `externalRef`, `price`, `amount`, `status`)\nVALUES (%d, %d, %d, '%s', %d, %d, '%s', '%s', %d, '%s');", db_prefix() . "_ticketLogs", $ticketType->getTicketTypeID(), $eventID, $userID, $ticketID, $timestamp, $externalTime, $externalRef, $price, $amount, $status);
Example #8
  * Adds a tickettype to user and checks if user has ordered the maximum allowed then calls addTicketType().
  * @see addTicketType
  * @param TicketType $ticketType The ticket type to add.
  * @param int $amount Amount to add.
  * @param User|null $creator If an moderator has added this ticket, send the mods User object.
  * @return bool False if amount is reached, true on success.
 public function validateAddTicketType(TicketType $ticketType, $amount = 1, $creator = null)
     global $sessioninfo, $sql_prefix, $maxTicketsPrUser;
     // Validate that user has not ordered too much.
     $hasAmount = 0;
     $canAmount = isset($maxTicketsPrUser) && is_numeric($maxTicketsPrUser) ? intval($maxTicketsPrUser) : 1;
     $tickets = $this->getTickets();
     if (count($tickets) > 0) {
         foreach ($tickets as $value) {
             if ($value->getTicketTypeID() == $ticketType->getTicketTypeID()) {
     if ($hasAmount >= $canAmount) {
         return false;
     // Call Addtickettype too do the rest
     $insertIDs = $this->addTicketType($ticketType, $amount, $crator);
     return $insertIDs;
Example #9
                        <p id="ticket-priority" class='inline-input'>
echo CHtml::activeLabel($moderation, 'priority');
echo CHtml::activeDropDownList($moderation, 'priority', CHtml::listData(TicketPriority::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'title'), array('prompt' => Yii::t('tickets', '-- Select Priority --')));
                        <p id="ticket-type" class='inline-input'>
echo CHtml::activeLabel($moderation, 'type');
echo CHtml::activeDropDownList($moderation, 'type', CHtml::listData(TicketType::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'title'), array('prompt' => Yii::t('tickets', '-- Select Type --')));
                        <p id="ticket-category" class='inline-input'>
echo CHtml::activeLabel($moderation, 'category');
echo CHtml::activeDropDownList($moderation, 'category', CHtml::listData(TicketCategory::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'title'), array('prompt' => Yii::t('tickets', '-- Select Category --')));
                        <p id="ticket-version" class='inline-input'>
echo CHtml::activeLabel($moderation, 'version');
Example #10
  * table data rules
  * @return array
 public function rules()
     return array(array('title, content', 'required'), array('title', 'length', 'min' => 3, 'max' => 100), array('keywords', 'length', 'max' => 100), array('content', 'length', 'min' => 3), array('projectid', 'in', 'range' => array_keys(Projects::model()->getUserProjects(true)), 'allowEmpty' => false, 'on' => 'ticketupdate'), array('ticketstatus', 'in', 'range' => CHtml::listData(TicketStatus::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'id')), array('tickettype', 'in', 'range' => CHtml::listData(TicketType::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'id')), array('ticketcategory', 'in', 'range' => CHtml::listData(TicketCategory::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'id')), array('priority', 'in', 'range' => CHtml::listData(TicketPriority::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'id')), array('ticketversion', 'in', 'range' => CHtml::listData(TicketVersion::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'id')), array('fixedin', 'in', 'range' => CHtml::listData(TicketVersion::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'id')), array('assignedtoid', 'checkAssignedTo'));
  * table data rules
  * @return array
 public function rules()
     return array(array('status', 'in', 'range' => CHtml::listData(TicketStatus::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'id')), array('type', 'in', 'range' => CHtml::listData(TicketType::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'id')), array('category', 'in', 'range' => CHtml::listData(TicketCategory::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'id')), array('priority', 'in', 'range' => CHtml::listData(TicketPriority::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'id')), array('version', 'in', 'range' => CHtml::listData(TicketVersion::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'id')), array('fixedin', 'in', 'range' => CHtml::listData(TicketVersion::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'id')), array('assignedtoid', 'checkAssignedTo'));
Example #12
        echo $priority->getLink(CHtml::encode($priority->title) . ' <small>(' . Yii::app()->format->number($priority->ticketsCount) . ')</small>');
		              <li class="widget-container">
    echo Yii::t('global', 'Types');
    foreach (TicketType::model()->with(array('ticketsCount'))->findAll() as $type) {
        echo $type->getRssLink(CHtml::image(Yii::app()->themeManager->baseUrl . '/images/atom.gif', 'ATOM'), array('class' => 'atom'), 'atom');
        echo $type->getRssLink(CHtml::image(Yii::app()->themeManager->baseUrl . '/images/rss.gif', 'RSS'), array('class' => 'rss'));
        echo $type->getLink(CHtml::encode($type->title) . ' <small>(' . Yii::app()->format->number($type->ticketsCount) . ')</small>');
Example #13
 public function postTicketSales($ev)
     $all_input = Input::all();
     eerror_log('>>>> TSAI ' . count($all_input['sales_data']) . ' --- ' . json_encode($all_input['sales_data']));
     foreach ($all_input['sales_data'] as $key => $sales_ttype_data) {
         if (!isset($sales_ttype_data['sold']) || !is_numeric($sales_ttype_data['sold'])) {
             eerror_log('>> invalid sold ' . json_encode($sales_ttype_data['sold']));
         // get the ticket type to dicount sold tickets
         $curr_ticket_type = TicketType::find((int) $sales_ttype_data['ttype_id']);
         if (!$curr_ticket_type) {
             eerror_log('>>>> could not find ticket type');
             return Response::make('could not find ticket type', 500);
         // discount
         $curr_ticket_type->num_available -= (int) $sales_ttype_data['sold'];
         $sale_date = new DateTime();
         $sale_date->setISODate((int) $sales_ttype_data['year'], (int) $sales_ttype_data['week']);
         $sales_date_ts = $sale_date->format('Y-m-d');
         eerror_log('>>> Sales ' . $sales_date_ts . ' - ' . $sales_ttype_data['week']);
         $ttype_sales_entry = TicketSold::firstOrCreate(['week' => $sales_ttype_data['week'], 'year' => $sales_ttype_data['year'], 'sale_date' => $sales_date_ts, 'event_ticket_types_id' => $sales_ttype_data['ttype_id']]);
         $ttype_sales_entry->num_sold = (int) $sales_ttype_data['sold'];
         eerror_log('saved ticket entry ' . json_encode($ttype_sales_entry));
     return Response::make('OK', 200);