Example #1
 public function index()
     $this->template->header->this_page = 'home';
     $this->template->content = new View('main/layout');
     // JP: Allow the main body content to have access to the submit button so that the submit button can be used outside of the header in some themes.
     $this->template->content->submit_btn = $this->template->header->submit_btn;
     // JP: Add the filter search, if applicable.
     $this->template->content->filter_search = $this->themes->filter_search();
     // Cacheable Main Controller
     $this->is_cachable = TRUE;
     // Map Block
     $div_map = new View('main/map');
     // Filter::map_main - Modify Main Map Block
     Event::run('ushahidi_filter.map_main', $div_map);
     $this->template->content->div_map = $div_map;
     // JP: Only add a timeline if the chronological filter is enabled.
     if (Kohana::config('settings.enable_chronological_filter')) {
         // Slider Block
         $div_timeline = new View('main/timeline');
         // Filter::map_timeline - Modify Main Map Block
         Event::run('ushahidi_filter.map_timeline', $div_timeline);
         $this->template->content->div_timeline = $div_timeline;
     } else {
         $this->template->content->div_timeline = '';
     // Check if there is a site message
     $this->template->content->site_message = '';
     $site_message = trim(Kohana::config('settings.site_message'));
     if ($site_message != '') {
         // Send the site message to both the header and the main content body
         //   so a theme can utilize it in either spot.
         $this->template->content->site_message = $site_message;
         $this->template->header->site_message = $site_message;
     // Get locale
     $l = Kohana::config('locale.language.0');
     // Get all active top level categories
     $parent_categories = array();
     $all_parents = ORM::factory('category')->where('category_visible', '1')->where('parent_id', '0')->find_all();
     foreach ($all_parents as $category) {
         // Get The Children
         $children = array();
         foreach ($category->children as $child) {
             $child_visible = $child->category_visible;
             if ($child_visible) {
                 // Check for localization of child category
                 $display_title = Category_Lang_Model::category_title($child->id, $l);
                 $ca_img = $child->category_image != NULL ? url::convert_uploaded_to_abs($child->category_image) : NULL;
                 $children[$child->id] = array($display_title, $child->category_color, $ca_img);
         // Check for localization of parent category
         $display_title = Category_Lang_Model::category_title($category->id, $l);
         // Put it all together
         $ca_img = $category->category_image != NULL ? url::convert_uploaded_to_abs($category->category_image) : NULL;
         $parent_categories[$category->id] = array($display_title, $category->category_color, $ca_img, $children);
     $this->template->content->categories = $parent_categories;
     // Get all active Layers (KMZ/KML)
     $layers = array();
     $config_layers = Kohana::config('map.layers');
     // use config/map layers if set
     if ($config_layers == $layers) {
         foreach (ORM::factory('layer')->where('layer_visible', 1)->find_all() as $layer) {
             $layers[$layer->id] = array($layer->layer_name, $layer->layer_color, $layer->layer_url, $layer->layer_file);
     } else {
         $layers = $config_layers;
     $this->template->content->layers = $layers;
     // Get Default Color
     $this->template->content->default_map_all = Kohana::config('settings.default_map_all');
     // Get default icon
     $this->template->content->default_map_all_icon = '';
     if (Kohana::config('settings.default_map_all_icon_id')) {
         $icon_object = ORM::factory('media')->find(Kohana::config('settings.default_map_all_icon_id'));
         $this->template->content->default_map_all_icon = Kohana::config('upload.relative_directory') . "/" . $icon_object->media_medium;
     // Get Twitter Hashtags
     $this->template->content->twitter_hashtag_array = array_filter(array_map('trim', explode(',', Kohana::config('settings.twitter_hashtags'))));
     // Get Report-To-Email
     $this->template->content->report_email = Kohana::config('settings.site_email');
     // Get SMS Numbers
     $phone_array = array();
     $sms_no1 = Kohana::config('settings.sms_no1');
     $sms_no2 = Kohana::config('settings.sms_no2');
     $sms_no3 = Kohana::config('settings.sms_no3');
     if (!empty($sms_no1)) {
         $phone_array[] = $sms_no1;
     if (!empty($sms_no2)) {
         $phone_array[] = $sms_no2;
     if (!empty($sms_no3)) {
         $phone_array[] = $sms_no3;
     $this->template->content->phone_array = $phone_array;
     // Get external apps
     $external_apps = array();
     // Catch errors, in case we have an old db
     try {
         $external_apps = ORM::factory('externalapp')->find_all();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     $this->template->content->external_apps = $external_apps;
     // JP: Only get the incident dates if the chronological filter is enabled.
     if (Kohana::config('settings.enable_chronological_filter')) {
         // Get The START, END and Incident Dates
         $intervalDate = "";
         // HT: manual intervalDate
         $startDate = "";
         $endDate = "";
         $display_startDate = 0;
         $display_endDate = 0;
         $db = new Database();
         // Next, Get the Range of Years
         $query = $db->query('SELECT DATE_FORMAT(incident_date, \'%Y-%c\') AS dates ' . 'FROM ' . $this->table_prefix . 'incident ' . 'WHERE incident_active = 1 ' . 'GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(incident_date, \'%Y-%c\') ' . 'ORDER BY incident_date');
         $first_year = date('Y');
         $last_year = date('Y');
         $first_month = 1;
         $last_month = 12;
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($query as $data) {
             $date = explode('-', $data->dates);
             $year = $date[0];
             $month = $date[1];
             // Set first year
             if ($i == 0) {
                 $first_year = $year;
                 $first_month = $month;
             // Set last dates
             $last_year = $year;
             $last_month = $month;
         $show_year = $first_year;
         $selected_start_flag = TRUE;
         while ($show_year <= $last_year) {
             $startDate .= "<optgroup label=\"" . $show_year . "\">";
             $s_m = 1;
             if ($show_year == $first_year) {
                 // If we are showing the first year, the starting month may not be January
                 $s_m = $first_month;
             $l_m = 12;
             if ($show_year == $last_year) {
                 // If we are showing the last year, the ending month may not be December
                 $l_m = $last_month;
             for ($i = $s_m; $i <= $l_m; $i++) {
                 if ($i < 10) {
                     // All months need to be two digits
                     $i = "0" . $i;
                 $startDate .= "<option value=\"" . strtotime($show_year . "-" . $i . "-01") . "\"";
                 if ($selected_start_flag == TRUE) {
                     $display_startDate = strtotime($show_year . "-" . $i . "-01");
                     $startDate .= " selected=\"selected\" ";
                     $selected_start_flag = FALSE;
                 $startDate .= ">" . date('M', mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1)) . " " . $show_year . "</option>";
             $startDate .= "</optgroup>";
             $endDate .= "<optgroup label=\"" . $show_year . "\">";
             for ($i = $s_m; $i <= $l_m; $i++) {
                 if ($i < 10) {
                     // All months need to be two digits
                     $i = "0" . $i;
                 $endDate .= "<option value=\"" . strtotime($show_year . "-" . $i . "-" . date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1)) . " 23:59:59") . "\"";
                 if ($i == $l_m and $show_year == $last_year) {
                     $display_endDate = strtotime($show_year . "-" . $i . "-" . date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1)) . " 23:59:59");
                     $endDate .= " selected=\"selected\" ";
                 $endDate .= ">" . date('M', mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1)) . " " . $show_year . "</option>";
             $endDate .= "</optgroup>";
             // Show next year
         //HT: Manaul time interval form input
         $intervals = array('' => 'Auto', 'hour' => 'Hourly', 'day' => 'Daily', 'week' => 'Weekly', 'month' => 'Monthly');
         foreach ($intervals as $val => $label) {
             $intervalDate .= "<option value=\"" . $val . "\"";
             $intervalDate .= ">" . Kohana::lang('ui_main.' . $label) . "</option>";
         // HT: End of time interval form input
         Event::run('ushahidi_filter.active_startDate', $display_startDate);
         Event::run('ushahidi_filter.active_endDate', $display_endDate);
         Event::run('ushahidi_filter.startDate', $startDate);
         Event::run('ushahidi_filter.endDate', $endDate);
         $this->template->content->div_timeline->startDate = $startDate;
         $this->template->content->div_timeline->endDate = $endDate;
         $this->template->content->div_timeline->intervalDate = $intervalDate;
         // HT: manual interval time selection options
     // end of chronological filter code
     // Javascript Header
     $this->themes->map_enabled = TRUE;
     $this->themes->slider_enabled = TRUE;
     if (Kohana::config('settings.enable_timeline')) {
         $this->themes->timeline_enabled = TRUE;
     // Map Settings
     $marker_radius = Kohana::config('map.marker_radius');
     $marker_opacity = Kohana::config('map.marker_opacity');
     $marker_stroke_width = Kohana::config('map.marker_stroke_width');
     $marker_stroke_opacity = Kohana::config('map.marker_stroke_opacity');
     $this->themes->js = new View('main/main_js');
     $this->themes->js->marker_radius = ($marker_radius >= 1 and $marker_radius <= 10) ? $marker_radius : 5;
     $this->themes->js->marker_opacity = ($marker_opacity >= 1 and $marker_opacity <= 10) ? $marker_opacity * 0.1 : 0.9;
     $this->themes->js->marker_stroke_width = ($marker_stroke_width >= 1 and $marker_stroke_width <= 5) ? $marker_stroke_width : 2;
     $this->themes->js->marker_stroke_opacity = ($marker_stroke_opacity >= 1 and $marker_stroke_opacity <= 10) ? $marker_stroke_opacity * 0.1 : 0.9;
     // JP: The start date and end date variables will only have been set if the chronological filter is enabled.
     $this->themes->js->active_startDate = isset($display_startDate) ? $display_startDate : 0;
     $this->themes->js->active_endDate = isset($display_endDate) ? $display_endDate : 0;
     $this->themes->js->blocks_per_row = Kohana::config('settings.blocks_per_row');