/** * (non-PHPdoc) * @see GalleryHelper::get_markup() */ public function get_markup() { if (empty($this->images)) { return ''; } ThemeHelpers::load_css('slideshow'); ThemeHelpers::load_js('slideshow'); $toret = array(); foreach ($this->images as $k => $image) { $tmp = new stdClass(); $tmp->src = $this->get_image_src($k); $tmp->alt = $this->get_image_alt($k); $tmp->desc = $this->get_image_description($k); $tmp->caption = $this->get_image_caption($k); $tmp->id = $this->get_image_id($k); $tmp->width = $this->get_image_width($k); $tmp->height = $this->get_image_height($k); $toret[] = $tmp; } $json = json_encode(array('images' => $toret, 'loading' => __('Loading image %number%/%total%', 'theme'), 'uid' => $this->unid)); return <<<EOF \t<script> \t\twindow.preload_images = window.preload_images || {}; \t\twindow.preload_images.{$this->unid} = {$json}; \t</script> EOF; }
/** * (non-PHPdoc) * @see ImagePreload::get_markup() */ function get_markup() { ThemeHelpers::load_css('slideshow'); ThemeHelpers::load_js('slideshow-oneimageforall'); $images_list = has_post_thumbnail() ? get_the_post_thumbnail(get_the_ID(), $this->get_slideshow_dimension()) : parent::get_markup(); $this->set_markup('images_list', $images_list); return $this->replace_markup(); }
/** * (non-PHPdoc) * @see GalleryHelper::get_markup() */ public function get_markup() { $toret = ''; if (count($this->images) > 0) { $subs = new SubstitutionTemplate(); $subs->set_tpl($this->tpl)->set_markup('prev', HtmlHelper::anchor('javascript:;', '<', array('class' => 'prev control')))->set_markup('next', HtmlHelper::anchor('javascript:;', '>', array('class' => 'next control'))); ThemeHelpers::load_js('minigallery-thumbs-link-to-big'); ThemeHelpers::load_css('jquery-fancybox'); foreach ($this->images as $index => $image) { $image_big = wp_get_attachment_image_src($this->get_image_id($index), $this->media_dimension_big); $image_small = wp_get_attachment_image_src($this->get_image_id($index), $this->media_dimension); $toret .= HtmlHelper::anchor($image_big[0], HtmlHelper::image($this->get_image_src($index), array('alt' => $this->get_image_alt($index), 'title' => $this->get_image_description($index), 'data-caption' => $this->get_image_caption($index))), array('class' => 'fancybox', 'rel' => 'group', 'title' => $this->get_image_caption($index))); } $toret = $subs->set_markup('list', $toret)->replace_markup(); } return $toret; }
/** * Set the class to get map datas from the Simple fields plugin * Checks if the plugin is enabled. * @return GMapDataRetriever $this for chainability */ public function use_simple_fields() { if (!function_exists('simple_fields_get_post_group_values')) { wp_die('You need Simple Fields to be Up And Running!'); } $default = array('Map' => array(array('lat' => 0, 'lng' => 0)), 'Title' => array(''), 'Description' => array(''), 'Balloon Text' => array('')); $map_data = simple_fields_get_post_group_values(get_the_ID(), 'Map Data'); if (!empty($map_data)) { ThemeHelpers::load_js('map'); } $map_data = wp_parse_args($map_data, $default); if (function_exists('simple_fields_field_googlemaps_register')) { //vd($map_data); $data = array('center' => array('lat' => floatval($map_data['Map'][0]['lat']), 'lng' => floatval($map_data['Map'][0]['lng'])), 'point' => array('lat' => floatval($map_data['Map'][0]['lat']), 'lng' => floatval($map_data['Map'][0]['lng'])), 'zoom' => intval($map_data['Map'][0]['preferred_zoom']), 'type' => $map_data['Map Type'][0], 'title' => $map_data['Title'][0], 'content' => str_replace(array('%book%'), array('<a class="book-action" href="javascript:;">' . __('book', 'theme') . '</a>'), $map_data['Balloon Text'][0]), 'book_trans' => __('book', 'theme')); } else { $data = array('center' => array('lat' => floatval(empty($map_data['Center Latitude'][0]) ? $map_data['Latitude'][0] : $map_data['Center Latitude'][0]), 'lng' => floatval(empty($map_data['Center Longitude'][0]) ? $map_data['Longitude'][0] : $map_data['Center Longitude'][0])), 'point' => array('lat' => floatval($map_data['Latitude'][0]), 'lng' => floatval($map_data['Longitude'][0])), 'zoom' => intval($map_data['Zoom'][0]), 'type' => $map_data['Map Type'][0], 'title' => $map_data['Balloon Title'][0], 'content' => str_replace(array('%book%'), array('<a class="book-action" href="javascript:;">' . __('book', 'theme') . '</a>'), $map_data['Balloon Text'][0]), 'book_trans' => __('book', 'theme')); } return $this->set_map_data($data); }
/** * (non-PHPdoc) * @see FeatureWithAssets::load_assets() */ function load_assets() { ThemeHelpers::load_js('showcase'); }
/** * Loads the needed assets * @return MinigalleryBigImageWithThumbs $this for chainability */ public function load_assets() { ThemeHelpers::load_js('minigallery-big-image-with-thumbs'); ThemeHelpers::load_css('minigallery-big-image-with-thumbs'); return $this; }
/** * This is called back by wordpress when a tab shortcode is found * @param unknown_type $atts * @param string $content the content wrapped into the shortcode */ public function tab_hook($atts, $content = null) { $parms = shortcode_atts(array('icon' => '', 'class' => '', 'title' => 'tab-entry_' . $this->number_of_entries, 'list' => true, 'from' => '', 'route_type' => '', 'mode' => ''), $atts); if ($parms['list'] !== 'false') { // let's maintain a list of tabs found in the current post // so we don't have to rebuild in the list_hook() $this->number_of_entries++; $this->list_of_entries[$parms['title']] = $parms; $this->list_of_entries[$parms['title']]['content'] = $content; } ThemeHelpers::load_js('tabs'); // remove the autop feature that conflicts with inner html structure of a single tab remove_filter('the_content', 'wpautop'); // render the html and return it to WordPress $toret = $this->tab_tpl->set_markup('id', ' id="' . sanitize_title($parms['title']) . '" ')->set_markup('class', ' class="tab ' . $parms['class'] . '" ')->set_markup('icon', $this->get_image($parms['icon']))->set_markup('content', wpautop($content))->replace_markup(); //add_filter('the_content', 'wpautop'); return $toret; }
/** * Retrieves the html markup * @return string html markup */ function get_markup() { return ThemeHelpers::script($this->render(), 'id="runtime-infos"'); }
/** * (non-PHPdoc) * @see FeatureWithAssets::load_assets() */ public function load_assets() { ThemeHelpers::load_js('jquery.cycle2'); //ThemeHelpers::load_js('slideshow2'); }
/** * (non-PHPdoc) * @see GalleryHelper::get_markup() */ public function get_markup() { $markup_images = ''; if (count($this->images) > 0) { $images_per_line = $this->images_per_row; foreach ($this->images as $k => $image) { $classes = array($this->single_image_container_class, 'image_' . $k); if ($images_per_line == 0) { $images_per_line = $this->images_per_row; } if ($images_per_line == $this->images_per_row) { $classes[] = 'alpha'; } if ($images_per_line == 1) { $classes[] = 'omega'; } $images_per_line--; $big_img_src = wp_get_attachment_image_src($this->get_image_id($k), 'full'); $big_img_src = $big_img_src[0]; $markup_images .= '<div class="' . implode(' ', $classes) . '">' . HtmlHelper::anchor($big_img_src, HtmlHelper::image($this->get_image_src($k), array('alt' => $this->get_image_alt($k))), array('rel' => 'group', 'class' => 'fancy', 'title' => $this->get_image_title($k), 'data-description' => $this->get_image_description($k), 'data-caption' => $this->get_image_caption($k))) . '</div>'; } } if (!$this->unid) { $this->calculate_unique(); } $this->subs->set_markup('gallery-id', $this->unid); $this->subs->set_markup('images', $markup_images); ThemeHelpers::load_js('jquery-fancybox'); ThemeHelpers::load_css('jquery-fancybox'); return $this->subs->replace_markup(); }