function __construct() { parent::TestSuite("All Generic Tephlon Tests"); $tFiles = glob("*Test.php"); foreach ($tFiles as $f) { echo "adding {$f}"; parent::addFile($f); parent::run(new TextReporter()); } }
public static function call_simpletest($task, $type = 'text', $dirs = array()) { // remove E_STRICT because simpletest is not E_STRICT compatible $old_error_reporting = error_reporting(); $new_error_reporting = $old_error_reporting; if ($new_error_reporting & E_STRICT) { $new_error_reporting = $new_error_reporting ^ E_STRICT; } include_once 'simpletest/unit_tester.php'; include_once 'simpletest/web_tester.php'; if (!class_exists('TestSuite')) { throw new pakeException('You must install SimpleTest to use this task.'); } require_once 'simpletest/reporter.php'; require_once 'simpletest/mock_objects.php'; set_include_path('test' . PATH_SEPARATOR . 'lib' . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path()); $base_test_dir = 'test'; $test_dirs = array(); // run tests only in these subdirectories if ($dirs) { foreach ($dirs as $dir) { $test_dirs[] = $base_test_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dir; } } else { $test_dirs[] = $base_test_dir; } $test = new TestSuite('Test suite in (' . implode(', ', $test_dirs) . ')'); $files = pakeFinder::type('file')->name('*Test.php')->in($test_dirs); if (count($files) > 0) { foreach ($files as $file) { $test->addFile($file); } ob_start(); if ($type == 'html') { $result = $test->run(new HtmlReporter()); } else { if ($type == 'xml') { $result = $test->run(new XmlReporter()); } else { $result = $test->run(new TextReporter()); } } $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if ($task->is_verbose()) { echo $content; } } else { throw new pakeException('No test to run.'); } error_reporting($old_error_reporting); }
public function testContentOfRecorderWithOnePassAndOneFailure() { $test = new TestSuite(); $test->addFile(dirname(__FILE__) . '/support/recorder_sample.php'); $recorder = new Recorder(new SimpleReporter()); $test->run($recorder); $this->assertEqual(count($recorder->results), 2); $this->assertIsA($recorder->results[0], 'SimpleResultOfPass'); $this->assertEqual('testTrueIsTrue', array_pop($recorder->results[0]->breadcrumb)); $this->assertPattern('/ at \\[.*\\Wrecorder_sample\\.php line 9\\]/', $recorder->results[0]->message); $this->assertIsA($recorder->results[1], 'SimpleResultOfFail'); $this->assertEqual('testFalseIsTrue', array_pop($recorder->results[1]->breadcrumb)); $this->assertPattern("/Expected false, got \\[Boolean: true\\] at \\[.*\\Wrecorder_sample\\.php line 14\\]/", $recorder->results[1]->message); }
public function testPass() { $listener = new MockSimpleSocket(); $fullpath = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/support/test1.php'); $testpath = EclipseReporter::escapeVal($fullpath); $expected = "{status:\"pass\",message:\"pass1 at [{$testpath} line 4]\",group:\"{$testpath}\",case:\"test1\",method:\"test_pass\"}"; //this should work...but it doesn't so the next line and the last line are the hacks //$listener->expectOnce('write',array($expected)); $listener->returnsByValue('write', -1); $pathparts = pathinfo($fullpath); $filename = $pathparts['basename']; $test = new TestSuite($filename); $test->addFile($fullpath); $test->run(new EclipseReporter($listener)); $this->assertEqual($expected, $listener->output); }
function testContentOfRecorderWithOnePassAndOneFailure() { $test = new TestSuite(); $test->addFile(dirname(__FILE__) . '/sample.php'); $recorder = new Recorder(); $test->run($recorder); $this->assertEqual(count($recorder->results), 2); $d = '[\\\\\\/]'; // backslash or slash $this->assertEqual(count($recorder->results[0]), 4); $this->assertPattern("/" . substr(time(), 9) . "/", $recorder->results[0]['time']); $this->assertEqual($recorder->results[0]['status'], "Passed"); $this->assertPattern("/sample\\.php->SampleTestForRecorder->testTrueIsTrue/i", $recorder->results[0]['test']); $this->assertPattern("/ at \\[.*recorder{$d}test{$d}sample\\.php line 7\\]/", $recorder->results[0]['message']); $this->assertEqual(count($recorder->results[1]), 4); $this->assertPattern("/" . substr(time(), 9) . "/", $recorder->results[1]['time']); $this->assertEqual($recorder->results[1]['status'], "Failed"); $this->assertPattern("/sample\\.php->SampleTestForRecorder->testFalseIsTrue/i", $recorder->results[1]['test']); $this->assertPattern("/Expected false, got \\[Boolean: true\\] at \\[.*recorder{$d}test{$d}sample\\.php line 11\\]/", $recorder->results[1]['message']); }
public static function call_simpletest(pakeTask $task, $type = 'text', $dirs = array()) { if (!class_exists('TestSuite')) { throw new pakeException('You must install SimpleTest to use this task.'); } SimpleTest::ignore('UnitTestCase'); $base_test_dir = 'test'; $test_dirs = array(); // run tests only in these subdirectories if ($dirs) { foreach ($dirs as $dir) { $test_dirs[] = $base_test_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dir; } } else { $test_dirs[] = $base_test_dir; } $files = pakeFinder::type('file')->name('*Test.php')->in($test_dirs); if (count($files) == 0) { throw new pakeException('No test to run.'); } $test = new TestSuite('Test suite in (' . implode(', ', $test_dirs) . ')'); foreach ($files as $file) { $test->addFile($file); } ob_start(); if ($type == 'html') { $result = $test->run(new HtmlReporter()); } else { if ($type == 'xml') { $result = $test->run(new XmlReporter()); } else { $result = $test->run(new TextReporter()); } } $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if ($task->is_verbose()) { echo $content; } }
$events = $notifications->getEvents(); foreach ($events as $type => $subtypes) { foreach ($subtypes as $subtype => $actions) { $notifications->unregisterEvent($type, $subtype); } } // disable emails _elgg_services()->setValue('mailer', new InMemoryTransport()); // Disable maximum execution time. // Tests take a while... set_time_limit(0); $suite = new TestSuite('Elgg Core Unit Tests'); // emit a hook to pull in all tests $test_files = elgg_trigger_plugin_hook('unit_test', 'system', null, array()); foreach ($test_files as $file) { $suite->addFile($file); } if (TextReporter::inCli()) { // In CLI error codes are returned: 0 is success $start_time = microtime(true); $reporter = new TextReporter(); $result = $suite->Run($reporter) ? 0 : 1; echo sprintf("Time: %.2f seconds, Memory: %.2fMb\n", microtime(true) - $start_time, memory_get_peak_usage() / 1048576.0); // deactivate plugins that were activated for test suite foreach ($plugins as $key => $id) { $plugin = elgg_get_plugin_from_id($id); $plugin->deactivate(); } exit($result); } $old = elgg_set_ignore_access(true);
EOM; exit(0); } $testFiles = array_filter($options->values('--file')); $dirs = array_filter($options->values('--dir')); // default to this app's tests if (!$options->has('--file', '--dir')) { $dirs[] = BASEDIR; } // add all directories foreach ($dirs as $dir) { $classloader->includePaths(array($dir . '/classes', $dir . '/tests')); } // write an include path $classloader->export(); require_once 'autorun.php'; $suite = new TestSuite('Tests'); if ($testFiles) { foreach ($testFiles as $test) { $suite->addFile($test); } } else { foreach ($dirs as $dir) { $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir . '/tests')); foreach ($iterator as $file) { if (preg_match('/(UseCase|Test).php$/', $file->getFileName())) { $suite->addFile($file->getPathname()); } } } }
<?php define('SIMPLE_TEST', '../../simpletest/'); require_once SIMPLE_TEST . 'unit_tester.php'; require_once SIMPLE_TEST . 'web_tester.php'; require_once '../../phpQuery/phpQuery.php'; define('C5_ENVIRONMENT_ONLY', true); define('DIR_BASE', dirname(__FILE__) . '/..'); require '../concrete/dispatcher.php'; require 'testing_base.php'; $c = Page::getByID(1); $cp = new Permissions($c); $a = Area::get($c, 'Main'); $ap = new Permissions($a); class ShowPasses extends HtmlReporter { function ShowPasses() { $this->HtmlReporter(); } function paintPass($message) { parent::paintPass($message); print "<span class=\"pass\">Pass</span>: "; print " {$message}<br />\n"; } } $t = new TestSuite('All Tests'); $t->addFile($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/web/tests/template_tests.php'); $t->addFile($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/web/tests/block_override_tests.php'); $t->run(new ShowPasses());
<?php if (!defined('ALLTESTRUNNER')) { require_once '../../test_bootstrap.php'; define('TESTGROUPRUNNER', true); } $editTest = new TestSuite('Edit Controllers'); $editTest->addFile('bulldoc/test/cases/edit/page_edit/controller_test.php'); if (!defined('ALLTESTRUNNER')) { $editTest->run(new HtmlReporter()); }
if (defined('STDIN') && count($argv) > 1) { if ($argv[1] == 'noseeds') { $test_seeds = false; } } $test = new TestSuite('All tests'); // All tests should be of the form NNN_description.php // Notably, this excludes all.php and base.php, which are special $test_files = glob(dirname(__FILE__) . "/*_*.php"); foreach ($test_files as $file) { $go = true; if (strpos($file, 'Seed') && !$test_seeds) { $go = false; } if ($go) { $test->addFile($file); } } if (TextReporter::inCli()) { echo "\n\n"; $code = $test->run(new TextReporter()) ? 0 : 1; if ($code == 0) { echo "\nResult: PASS\n"; } else { echo "\nResult: FAIL\n"; } exit($code); } ?>
function testLoadIfIncluded() { $tests = new TestSuite(); $tests->addFile(dirname(__FILE__) . '/support/test1.php'); $this->assertEqual($tests->getSize(), 1); }
/** * Run the tests, returning the reporter output. */ public function Run() { // Save superglobals that might be tested. if (isset($_SESSION)) { $oldsession = $_SESSION; } $oldrequest = $_REQUEST; $oldpost = $_POST; $oldget = $_GET; $oldfiles = $_FILES; $oldcookie = $_COOKIE; $group_test = new TestSuite($this->testTitle); // Add files in tests_dir if (is_dir($this->testDir)) { if ($dh = opendir($this->testDir)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== FALSE) { // Test if file ends with php, then include it. if (substr($file, -(strlen($this->fileExtension) + 1)) == '.' . $this->fileExtension) { $group_test->addFile($this->testDir . "/{$file}"); } } closedir($dh); } } // Start the tests ob_start(); $group_test->run(new $this->Reporter()); $output_buffer = ob_get_clean(); // Restore superglobals if (isset($oldsession)) { $_SESSION = $oldsession; } $_REQUEST = $oldrequest; $_POST = $oldpost; $_GET = $oldget; $_FILES = $oldfiles; $_COOKIE = $oldcookie; return $output_buffer; }
<?php if (!defined('AROOT')) { die('NO AROOT!'); } if (!defined('DS')) { define('DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); } // define constant define('IN', true); define('ROOT', dirname(__FILE__) . DS); define('CROOT', ROOT . 'core' . DS); define('TROOT', ROOT . 'simpletest' . DS); // define error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); ini_set('display_errors', true); include_once CROOT . 'lib' . DS . 'core.function.php'; @(include_once AROOT . 'lib' . DS . 'app.function.php'); include_once CROOT . 'config' . DS . 'core.config.php'; include_once AROOT . 'config' . DS . 'app.config.php'; require_once TROOT . 'autorun.php'; require_once TROOT . 'web_tester.php'; $test = new TestSuite('LazyPHP Test Center'); foreach (glob(AROOT . 'test' . DS . 'phptest' . DS . '*.test.php') as $f) { $test->addFile($f); } echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); //$test->run(new HtmlReporter('UTF-8')); unset($test);
$CI =& get_instance(); ob_end_clean(); $CI->load->library('session'); $CI->session->sess_destroy(); $CI->load->helper('directory'); $CI->load->helper('form'); // Get all main tests if ($run_all or !empty($_POST) && !isset($_POST['test'])) { $test_objs = array('controllers', 'models', 'views', 'libraries', 'bugs', 'helpers'); foreach ($test_objs as $obj) { if (isset($_POST[$obj]) or $run_all) { $dir = TESTS_DIR . $obj; $dir_files = directory_map($dir); foreach ($dir_files as $file) { if ($file != 'index.html') { $test_suite->addFile($dir . '/' . $file); } } } } } elseif (isset($_POST['test'])) { $file = $_POST['test']; if (file_exists(TESTS_DIR . $file)) { $test_suite->addFile(TESTS_DIR . $file); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Function to determine if in cli mode and if so set up variables to make it work * * @param Array of commandline args
define('LIQUID_INCLUDE_PREFIX', ''); require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../Liquid.class.php'; // include library require_once SIMPLETEST_PATH . 'autorun.php'; // include test classes include __DIR__ . '/LiquidTestcase.php'; $test = new TestSuite('All liquid tests'); $path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/liquid/'; // include all classes $dir = dir($path); while (($file = $dir->read()) !== false) { if (substr($file, 0, 1) == '.') { continue; } if (is_file($path . $file) && substr($file, -8) == 'Test.php') { $test->addFile($path . $file); } } class ShowPasses extends HtmlReporter { function paintPass($message) { parent::paintPass($message); print "<span class=\"pass\">Pass</span>: "; $breadcrumb = $this->getTestList(); array_shift($breadcrumb); // print implode("->", $breadcrumb); print "->{$message}<br />\n"; } protected function getCss() {
/** * run all the tests * @return the result the test running * @param object $reporter */ public function runAllTests(&$reporter) { $testsFile = $this->getTestCaseList(); $test = new TestSuite('All Tests'); foreach ($testsFile as $path => $file) { $test->addFile($path); } return $test->run($reporter); }
function addFile($path) { parent::addFile(plugin_dir_path(CSM_PLUGIN_FILE) . 'tests/' . $path); }
<?php require_once 'simpletest/autorun.php'; $test = new TestSuite('All file tests'); $test->addFile(dirname(__FILE__) . '/reevoo_mark_test.php'); $test->addFile(dirname(__FILE__) . '/reevoo_mark_api_test.php'); $test->addFile(dirname(__FILE__) . '/reevoo_mark_document_test.php'); $test->addFile(dirname(__FILE__) . '/reevoo_mark_http_client_test.php'); exit($test->run(new TextReporter()) ? 0 : 1);
if (($testFileFlagIndex = array_search('--testfile', $argv)) !== false) { $testFile = $argv[$testFileFlagIndex + 1]; $existingClasses = get_declared_classes(); require_once $testFile; $newClasses = array_diff(get_declared_classes(), $existingClasses); if (!($testClass = array_shift($newClasses))) { die('No classes declared in file: ' . $testFile); } $test = new $testClass($testFile); } else { $test = new TestSuite('All Tests'); foreach (pheanstalk_glob_recursive(dirname(__FILE__), '*Test.php') as $testFile) { if (!$withServer && preg_match('#ConnectionTest#', $testFile)) { continue; } $test->addFile($testFile); } } $test->run(new TextReporter()); // ---------------------------------------- // helper functions /** * Return array of files matched, decending into subdirectories * @param string $dir The base directory to search from. * @param string $pattern The glob pattern. * @return array [ 'path/to/file1', 'path/to/file2', ... ] */ function pheanstalk_glob_recursive($dir, $pattern) { $dir = escapeshellcmd($dir); // list of all matching files currently in the directory.
function xmlTests() { // //xml $xml_tests = new TestSuite("Xml tests."); $xml_tests->addFile(TEST_ROOT . 'xml/xml_builder_test.php'); $xml_tests->addFile(TEST_ROOT . 'xml/simplexml_parser_test.php'); $xml_tests->addFile(TEST_ROOT . 'xml/xpath_test.php'); //add to global test suite $this->add($xml_tests); }
// their own sessions. This also allows us to not contaminate test // results with our own session information. $ci->load->library('session'); $ci->session->sess_destroy(); $ci->load->helper('directory'); // Start your engines! $test_start = microtime(); $test_files = null; // TODO Revise to allow args from the CLI as folder/file names $only_folder = isset($only_folder) && !empty($only_folder) ? TESTS_DIR . $only_folder : null; $all_tests = discover_tests(TESTS_DIR, true); $test_files = discover_tests($only_folder); // Add the found test files to the suite to be tested. if (is_array($test_files)) { foreach ($test_files as $file) { $test_suite->addFile($file); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //variables for report /* $controllers = map_tests(TESTS_DIR . 'controllers'); $models = map_tests(TESTS_DIR . 'models'); $views = map_tests(TESTS_DIR . 'views'); $libraries = map_tests(TESTS_DIR . 'libraries'); $bugs = map_tests(TESTS_DIR . 'bugs'); $helpers = map_tests(TESTS_DIR . 'helpers'); */ $form_url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $test_end = microtime(); /* Benchmark */
<?php require_once 'boot.php'; require_once 'lib/simpletest/autorun.php'; function prep_tests() { global $db; $db = new mysqli(TEST_DB_HOST, TEST_DB_USER, TEST_DB_PASS, TEST_DB_NAME); $db->query("TRUNCATE `action`"); $db->query("TRUNCATE `action_content`"); $db->query("TRUNCATE `action_content_detail`"); $db->query("TRUNCATE `action_target`"); $db->query("TRUNCATE `campaign`"); $db->query("TRUNCATE `donation`"); $db->query("TRUNCATE `donate_page`"); $db->query("TRUNCATE `email`"); $db->query("TRUNCATE `email_blast`"); $db->query("TRUNCATE `email_blast_statistics`"); $db->query("TRUNCATE `groups`"); $db->query("TRUNCATE `supporter`"); $db->query("TRUNCATE `supporter_action`"); $db->query("TRUNCATE `supporter_groups`"); $db->query("TRUNCATE `tell_a_friend`"); $db->query("TRUNCATE `unsubscribe`"); } prep_tests(); $test = new TestSuite('Monsterpants'); $test->addFile('test/salsa_supporter_tests.php');
<?php // $Id$ require_once 'simple_include.php'; require_once 'pager_include.php'; $test = new TestSuite('Pager POST tests'); $test->addFile('pager_post_test.php'); $test->addFile('pager_post_test_simple.php'); exit($test->run(new HTMLReporter()) ? 0 : 1);
/** * The main entry point * * @throws BuildException */ public function main() { $suite = new TestSuite(); $filenames = $this->getFilenames(); foreach ($filenames as $testfile) { $suite->addFile($testfile); } if ($this->debug) { $fe = new SimpleTestFormatterElement(); $fe->setType('debug'); $fe->setUseFile(false); $this->formatters[] = $fe; } if ($this->printsummary) { $fe = new SimpleTestFormatterElement(); $fe->setType('summary'); $fe->setUseFile(false); $this->formatters[] = $fe; } foreach ($this->formatters as $fe) { $formatter = $fe->getFormatter(); $formatter->setProject($this->getProject()); if ($fe->getUseFile()) { $destFile = new PhingFile($fe->getToDir(), $fe->getOutfile()); $writer = new FileWriter($destFile->getAbsolutePath()); $formatter->setOutput($writer); } else { $formatter->setOutput($this->getDefaultOutput()); } } $this->execute($suite); if ($this->testfailed && $this->formatters[0]->getFormatter() instanceof SimpleTestDebugResultFormatter) { $this->getDefaultOutput()->write("Failed tests: "); $this->formatters[0]->getFormatter()->printFailingTests(); } if ($this->testfailed) { throw new BuildException("One or more tests failed"); } }
function single() { $conf = jApp::config(); if (!isset($conf->enableTests) || !$conf->enableTests) { // security $rep = $this->getResponse('html', true); $rep->title = 'Error'; $rep->setHttpStatus('404', 'Not found'); $rep->addContent('<p>404 Not Found</p>'); return $rep; } $rep = $this->_prepareResponse(); $module = $this->param('mod'); $testname = $this->param('test'); if (isset($this->testsList[$module])) { $reporter = jClasses::create("junittests~jhtmlrespreporter"); jClasses::inc('junittests~junittestcase'); jClasses::inc('junittests~junittestcasedb'); $reporter->setResponse($rep); foreach ($this->testsList[$module] as $test) { if ($test[1] == $testname) { $group = new TestSuite('"' . $module . '" module , ' . $test[2]); $group->addFile($conf->_modulesPathList[$module] . 'tests/' . $test[0]); jApp::pushCurrentModule($module); $group->run($reporter); jApp::popCurrentModule(); break; } } } else { $rep->body->assign('MAIN', '<p>no tests for "' . $module . '" module.</p>'); } return $this->_finishResponse($rep); }
function single() { $rep = $this->_prepareResponse(); $module = $this->param('mod'); $testname = $this->param('test'); $category = $this->category ? ' ' . $this->category : ''; if (isset($this->testsList[$module])) { $reporter = jClasses::create($this->responseType); jClasses::inc('junittests~junittestcase'); jClasses::inc('junittests~junittestcasedb'); $reporter->setResponse($rep); foreach ($this->testsList[$module] as $test) { if ($test[1] == $testname) { $group = new TestSuite('"' . $module . '" module , ' . $test[2]); $group->addFile(jApp::config()->_modulesPathList[$module] . 'tests/' . $test[0]); jApp::pushCurrentModule($module); $result = $group->run($reporter); if (!$result) { $rep->setExitCode(jResponseCmdline::EXIT_CODE_ERROR); } jApp::popCurrentModule(); break; } } } else { $this->output("\n" . 'no' . $category . ' tests for "' . $module . '" module.' . "\n"); } return $this->_finishResponse($rep); }
*/ /* $Id$ */ error_reporting(E_ALL); require_once 'simpletest/unit_tester.php'; require_once 'simpletest/reporter.php'; if (!empty($argc) and $argc > 1) { // If command line arguments are given, then only test those. array_shift($argv); $tests = $argv; $group = new TestSuite('Selected PEL tests'); } else { // otherwive test all .php files, except this file (run-tests.php). $tests = array_diff(glob(dirname(__FILE__) . '/*.php'), array('run-tests.php', 'config.local.php', 'config.local.example.php')); $group = new TestSuite('All PEL tests'); // Also test all image tests (if they are available). if (is_dir(dirname(__FILE__) . '/image-tests')) { $image_tests = array_diff(glob(dirname(__FILE__) . '/image-tests/*.php'), array(dirname(__FILE__) . '/image-tests/make-image-test.php')); $image_group = new TestSuite('Image Tests'); foreach ($image_tests as $image_test) { $image_group->addFile($image_test); } $group->add($image_group); } else { echo "Found no image tests, only core functionality will be tested.\n"; echo "Image tests are available from\n"; } } foreach ($tests as $test) { $group->addFile($test); } $group->run(new TextReporter());
<?php // $Id$ require_once '../unit_tester.php'; require_once '../reporter.php'; $test = new TestSuite('This should fail'); $test->addFile('test_with_parse_error.php'); $test->run(new NoPassesReporter(new HtmlReporter()));
define('EXEC_VERSION', $versionInfo[1]); $selected = array(); if (TextReporter::inCli()) { $reporter = new TextReporter(); // take parameters as tests to run while (1 < count($argv)) { $selected[] = array_pop($argv); } } else { $reporter = new HtmlReporter(); // run.php?selected[]=zerovalue&selected[]=lastline if (isset($_GET) && array_key_exists('selected', $_GET)) { $selected = (array) $_GET['selected']; } } // All tests, grouped $allTests = array('Base' => array('parser', 'config', 'ignorePackageTags', 'useClassPathAsPackage', 'namespaceSyntax', 'namespaceNameOverlap', 'traits'), 'Standard Doclet' => array('standardDoclet', 'accessLevel', 'accessLevelPHP5', 'throwsTag'), 'Bugfixes' => array('linefeed', 'lastLine', 'zeroValue', 'todoTag', 'commentLinks'), 'Formatters' => array('listsUl', 'markdown')); $suite = new TestSuite('PHPDoctor'); foreach ($allTests as $name => $tests) { $group = new TestSuite($name); foreach ($tests as $test) { if (!$selected || in_array($test, $selected)) { $group->addFile(sprintf('tests/cases/Test%s.php', ucwords($test))); } } $suite->add($group); } if (TextReporter::inCli()) { exit($suite->run($reporter) ? 0 : 1); } $suite->run($reporter);