Example #1
 public static function tableFromArray($aParams, $sClassName = 'doc_types')
     if (count($aParams) === 0) {
     $sOutput = "<table class=\"" . Template::htmlEncode($sClassName) . "\">" . PHP_EOL;
     $sOutput .= "\t<tr class=\"header\">" . PHP_EOL;
     foreach ($aParams[0] as $sKey => $sValue) {
         $sOutput .= "\t\t<td>" . Template::htmlEncode($sKey) . "</td>" . PHP_EOL;
     $sOutput .= "\t</tr>" . PHP_EOL;
     foreach ($aParams as $aValues) {
         $sOutput .= "\t<tr>" . PHP_EOL;
         foreach ($aValues as $sValue) {
             $sOutput .= "\t\t<td>" . Template::htmlEncode($sValue) . "</td>" . PHP_EOL;
         $sOutput .= "\t</tr>" . PHP_EOL;
     $sOutput .= "</table>" . PHP_EOL;
     return new Template($sOutput, null, true);
Example #2
 public static function getString($sKey, $sLanguageId = null, $sDefaultValue = null, $aParameters = null, $bMayReturnTemplate = false, $iFlags = 0)
     $bNoHTMLInReturnedString = $bMayReturnTemplate === null;
     if (Settings::getSetting('frontend', 'display_string_keys', false)) {
         return $sKey;
     if (!is_string($sDefaultValue)) {
         $sDefaultValue = "Translation missing: {$sKey}";
     if ($sLanguageId === null) {
         $sLanguageId = Session::language();
     $oString = self::retrieveByPK($sLanguageId, $sKey);
     $sString = '';
     if ($oString === null) {
         $sString = self::getStaticString($sKey, $sLanguageId);
         if ($sString === null) {
             return $sDefaultValue;
     } else {
         $sString = $oString->getText();
     if (is_array($aParameters) && count($aParameters) > 0 || strpos($sString, TEMPLATE_IDENTIFIER_START) !== false) {
         if (!is_array($aParameters)) {
             $aParameters = array();
         if (!$bMayReturnTemplate) {
             //NO_HTML_ESCAPE works in any case:
             //Case $bMayReturnTemplate === false: strings will always be included in templates and thus always be encoded correctly in a second step.
             //Case $bMayReturnTemplate === null: strings should not contain any HTML-characteristics, including entities. {{br}}-Tags will be stripped as well.
             $iFlags = $iFlags | Template::NO_HTML_ESCAPE;
         if ($bMayReturnTemplate) {
             //If returned item is a template, it is assumed that nothing will run htmlentities on it later on so we have to run it now.
             $sString = Template::htmlEncode($sString);
         if ($bNoHTMLInReturnedString) {
             $sString = str_replace('{{br}}', "\n", $sString);
         $tmpl = new Template($sString, "db", true, false, Settings::getSetting("encoding", "db", "utf-8"), null, $iFlags);
         foreach ($aParameters as $sKey => $sValue) {
             $tmpl->replaceIdentifier($sKey, $sValue);
         if ($bMayReturnTemplate) {
             return $tmpl;
         $sString = $tmpl->render();
     return $sString;
Example #3
  * Does the actual parsing of the tag to produce valid XHTML output. The default implementation uses a TagWriter to produce the tag contents, passing it the name, parameters and parsed children (as string).
  * If a parse callback is set, it relies on its implementation to return valid output given the parsed children.
  * Most callbacks will want to use TagWriter as well but transform the output a bit before doing so.
 public function __toString()
     $sParsedChildren = "";
     foreach ($this->aChildren as $mChild) {
         if ($mChild instanceof HtmlTag) {
             $sParsedChildren .= $mChild->__toString(false);
         } else {
             $sParsedChildren .= Template::htmlEncode($mChild);
     $sResult = "";
     if ($this->mParseCallback === null) {
         $oTagWriter = new TagWriter($this->sName, $this->aParameters, $sParsedChildren);
         $sResult = $oTagWriter->parse(true)->render();
     } else {
         $sResult = call_user_func($this->mParseCallback, $this, $sParsedChildren);
     return $sResult;
 public function adminGetContainers()
     $oTemplate = $this->oPage->getTemplate();
     foreach ($oTemplate->identifiersMatching('container', Template::$ANY_VALUE) as $oIdentifier) {
         $oInheritedFrom = null;
         $sContainerName = $oIdentifier->getValue();
         if (BooleanParser::booleanForString($oIdentifier->getParameter('inherit'))) {
             $oInheritedFrom = $this->oPage;
             $iInheritedObjectCount = 0;
             while ($iInheritedObjectCount === 0 && ($oInheritedFrom = $oInheritedFrom->getParent()) !== null) {
                 $iInheritedObjectCount = $oInheritedFrom->countObjectsForContainer($sContainerName);
         $sInheritedFrom = $oInheritedFrom ? $oInheritedFrom->getName() : '';
         $aTagParams = array('class' => 'template-container template-container-' . $sContainerName, 'data-container-name' => $sContainerName, 'data-container-string' => TranslationPeer::getString('container_name.' . $sContainerName, null, $sContainerName), 'data-inherited-from' => $sInheritedFrom);
         $oContainerTag = TagWriter::quickTag('ol', $aTagParams);
         $mInnerTemplate = new Template(TemplateIdentifier::constructIdentifier('content'), null, true);
         //Replace container info
         $mInnerTemplate->replaceIdentifierMultiple('content', TagWriter::quickTag('div', array('class' => 'template-container-description'), TranslationPeer::getString('wns.page.template_container', null, null, array('container' => TranslationPeer::getString('template_container.' . $sContainerName, null, $sContainerName)), true)));
         //…additional info
         $mInnerTemplate->replaceIdentifierMultiple('content', TagWriter::quickTag('div', array('class' => 'template-container-info')));
         $mInnerTemplate->replaceIdentifierMultiple('content', $oContainerTag);
         //Replace actual container
         $oTemplate->replaceIdentifier($oIdentifier, $mInnerTemplate);
     $bUseParsedCss = Settings::getSetting('admin', 'use_parsed_css_in_config', true);
     $oStyle = null;
     if ($bUseParsedCss) {
         $sTemplateName = $this->oPage->getTemplateNameUsed() . Template::$SUFFIX;
         $sCacheKey = 'parsed-css-' . $sTemplateName;
         $oCssCache = new Cache($sCacheKey, DIRNAME_PRELOAD);
         $sCssContents = "";
         if (!$oCssCache->entryExists() || $oCssCache->isOutdated(ResourceFinder::create(array(DIRNAME_TEMPLATES, $sTemplateName)))) {
             $oIncluder = new ResourceIncluder();
             foreach ($oTemplate->identifiersMatching('addResourceInclude', Template::$ANY_VALUE) as $oIdentifier) {
             foreach ($oIncluder->getAllIncludedResources() as $sIdentifier => $aResource) {
                 if ($aResource['resource_type'] === ResourceIncluder::RESOURCE_TYPE_CSS && !isset($aResource['ie_condition']) && !isset($aResource['frontend_specific'])) {
                     if (isset($aResource['media'])) {
                         $sCssContents .= "@media {$aResource['media']} {";
                     if (isset($aResource['file_resource'])) {
                         $sCssContents .= file_get_contents($aResource['file_resource']->getFullPath());
                     } else {
                         // Absolute link, requires fopen wrappers
                         $sCssContents .= file_get_contents($aResource['location']);
                     if (isset($aResource['media'])) {
                         $sCssContents .= "}";
             $oParser = new Sabberworm\CSS\Parser($sCssContents, Sabberworm\CSS\Settings::create()->withDefaultCharset(Settings::getSetting("encoding", "browser", "utf-8")));
             $oCss = $oParser->parse();
             $sCssContents = Template::htmlEncode($oCss->render(Sabberworm\CSS\OutputFormat::createCompact()));
         } else {
             $sCssContents = $oCssCache->getContentsAsString();
         $oStyle = new HtmlTag('style');
         $oStyle->addParameters(array('scoped' => 'scoped'));
     $sTemplate = $oTemplate->render();
     $sTemplate = substr($sTemplate, strpos($sTemplate, '<body') + 5);
     $sTemplate = substr($sTemplate, strpos($sTemplate, '>') + 1);
     $sTemplate = substr($sTemplate, 0, strpos($sTemplate, '</body'));
     $oParser = new TagParser("<body>{$sTemplate}</body>");
     $oTag = $oParser->getTag();
     if ($bUseParsedCss) {
     $sResult = $oTag->__toString();
     $sResult = substr($sResult, strpos($sResult, '<body>') + 6);
     $sResult = substr($sResult, 0, strrpos($sResult, '</body>'));
     return array('html' => $sResult, 'css_parsed' => $bUseParsedCss);