public function init() { $this->attachBehaviors($this->behaviors()); if (!isset($this->htmlOptions['class'])) { $this->htmlOptions['class'] = 'grid-view'; } if (!isset($this->htmlOptions['id'])) { $this->htmlOptions['id'] = $this->getId(); } if ($this->baseScriptUrl === null) { $this->baseScriptUrl = Yii::app()->getAssetManager() ->publish(Yii::getPathOfAlias('application.components.zii.assets')) . '/adminGrid'; } if ($this->cssFile !== false) { if ($this->cssFile === null) { $this->cssFile = $this->baseScriptUrl . '/styles.css'; } Yii::app()->getClientScript()->registerCssFile($this->cssFile); } parent::init(); $this->formatDateValues(); }
public function init() { if (isset($_GET[$this->grid_mode_var])) { $this->grid_mode = $_GET[$this->grid_mode_var]; } if (isset($_GET['exportType'])) { $this->exportType = $_GET['exportType']; } $lib = Yii::getPathOfAlias($this->libPath) . '.php'; if ($this->grid_mode == 'export' and !file_exists($lib)) { $this->grid_mode = 'grid'; Yii::log("PHP Excel lib not found({$lib}). Export disabled !", CLogger::LEVEL_WARNING, 'EExcelview'); } if ($this->grid_mode == 'export') { $this->title = $this->title ? $this->title : Yii::app()->getController()->getPageTitle(); $this->initColumns(); //parent::init(); //Autoload fix spl_autoload_unregister(array('YiiBase', 'autoload')); Yii::import($this->libPath, true); $this->objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel(); spl_autoload_register(array('YiiBase', 'autoload')); // Creating a workbook $this->objPHPExcel->getProperties()->setCreator($this->creator); $this->objPHPExcel->getProperties()->setTitle($this->title); $this->objPHPExcel->getProperties()->setSubject($this->subject); $this->objPHPExcel->getProperties()->setDescription($this->description); $this->objPHPExcel->getProperties()->setCategory($this->category); } else { parent::init(); } }
/** * Initializes $json property to find out whether ajax request or not */ public function init() { // parse request to find out whether is an ajax request or not, if so, then return $dataProvider JSON formatted $this->json = Yii::app()->getRequest()->getIsAjaxRequest(); if ($this->json) { $this->template = '{items}'; } // going to render only items! parent::init(); }
/** * Widget initialization */ public function init() { parent::init(); /** * check whether we have extraRowColumns set, forbid filters */ if (!empty($this->extraRowColumns)) { foreach ($this->columns as $column) { if ($column instanceof CDataColumn && in_array($column->name, $this->extraRowColumns)) { $column->filterHtmlOptions = array('style' => 'display:none'); $column->filter = false; } } } /** * setup extra row options */ if (isset($this->extraRowHtmlOptions['class']) && !empty($this->extraRowCssClass)) { $this->extraRowHtmlOptions['class'] .= ' ' . $this->extraRowCssClass; } else { $this->extraRowHtmlOptions['class'] = $this->extraRowCssClass; } }
public function init() { if (!isset($this->pages[0])) { $this->pages = array(10); } $size = $this->defaultSize; if (isset($_COOKIE[$this->cookey]) && isset($_REQUEST[$this->sizeParam]) && $_COOKIE[$this->cookey] != $_REQUEST[$this->sizeParam]) { setcookie($this->cookey, $_REQUEST[$this->sizeParam], time() + 2592000, "/"); $size = $_REQUEST[$this->sizeParam]; } else { if (!isset($_COOKIE[$this->cookey])) { setcookie($this->cookey, isset($_REQUEST[$this->sizeParam]) ? $_REQUEST[$this->sizeParam] : $this->defaultSize, time() + 2592000, "/"); $size = isset($_REQUEST[$this->sizeParam]) ? $_REQUEST[$this->sizeParam] : $this->defaultSize; } else { if (isset($_COOKIE[$this->cookey])) { $size = $_COOKIE[$this->cookey]; } } } $this->dataProvider->pagination->pageSize = $size; $this->currentSize = $size; parent::init(); }
/** *### .init() * * Widget initialization */ public function init() { if (preg_match('/extendedsummary/i', $this->template) && !empty($this->extendedSummary) && isset($this->extendedSummary['columns'])) { $this->template .= "\n{extendedSummaryContent}"; $this->displayExtendedSummary = true; } if (!empty($this->chartOptions) && @$this->chartOptions['data'] && $this->dataProvider->getItemCount()) { $this->displayChart = true; } if ($this->bulkActions !== array() && isset($this->bulkActions['actionButtons'])) { if (!isset($this->bulkActions['class'])) { $this->bulkActions['class'] = 'bootstrap.widgets.TbBulkActions'; } $this->bulk = Yii::createComponent($this->bulkActions, $this); $this->bulk->init(); } parent::init(); }
/** * */ public function init() { // pager labels if (!isset($this->pager['firstPageLabel'])) { $this->pager['firstPageLabel'] = '<i class="icon-fast-backward"></i>'; } if (!isset($this->pager['lastPageLabel'])) { $this->pager['lastPageLabel'] = '<i class="icon-fast-forward"></i>'; } if (!isset($this->pager['nextPageLabel'])) { $this->pager['nextPageLabel'] = '<i class="icon-forward"></i>'; } if (!isset($this->pager['prevPageLabel'])) { $this->pager['prevPageLabel'] = '<i class="icon-backward"></i>'; } if (!isset($this->pager['maxButtonCount'])) { $this->pager['maxButtonCount'] = 5; } if (!isset($this->pager['displayFirstAndLast'])) { $this->pager['displayFirstAndLast'] = true; } // userPageSize drop down changed $this->setUserPageSize(); // set pagination $this->dataProvider->pagination->pageSize = $this->getUserPageSize(); // add checkbox when we have multiactions if ($this->multiActions) { $this->columns = CMap::mergeArray(array(array('class' => 'CCheckBoxColumn')), $this->columns); } parent::init(); }
/** * Widget initialization */ public function init() { if (preg_match('/extendedsummary/i', $this->template) && !empty($this->extendedSummary) && isset($this->extendedSummary['columns'])) { $this->template .= "\n{extendedSummaryContent}"; $this->displayExtendedSummary = true; } if (!empty($this->chartOptions) && @$this->chartOptions['data'] && $this->dataProvider->getItemCount()) { $this->displayChart = true; } parent::init(); }
/** * Initializes the grid view. * This method will initialize required property values and instantiate {@link columns} objects. */ public function init() { if ($this->enableDragDropSorting === true) { /*To use this widget, data provider must be an instance of CActiveDataProvider*/ if (!$this->dataProvider instanceof CActiveDataProvider) { throw new CException(Yii::t('zii', 'Data provider must be an instance of CActiveDataProvider')); } if ($this->allItemsInOnePage === true) { $this->dataProvider->pagination = false; } $this->enableSorting = false; if ($this->descSort !== true) { $sort_direction = 'ASC'; } else { $sort_direction = 'DESC'; } $this->dataProvider->setSort(array('defaultOrder' => $this->dataProvider->model->tableAlias . '.' . $this->orderField . ' ' . $sort_direction)); } parent::init(); }
public function init() { $this->dataProvider->model->onBeforeGridInit(new CModelEvent($this)); parent::init(); $this->dataProvider->model->onAfterGridInit(new CModelEvent($this)); }
/** * Widget initialization */ public function init() { if (preg_match('/extendedsummary/i', $this->template) && !empty($this->extendedSummary) && isset($this->extendedSummary['columns'])) { $this->template .= "\n{extendedSummaryContent}"; $this->displayExtendedSummary = true; } $this->attachBehavior('ywplugin', array('class' => 'yiiwheels.behaviors.WhPlugin')); $this->attachBehavior('ywchart', array('class' => 'yiiwheels.widgets.grid.behaviors.WhChart')); parent::init(); }
/** *### .init() * * Widget initialization */ public function init() { if (preg_match('/extendedsummary/i', $this->template) && !empty($this->extendedSummary) && isset($this->extendedSummary['columns'])) { $this->template .= "\n{extendedSummaryContent}"; $this->displayExtendedSummary = true; } if (!empty($this->chartOptions) && @$this->chartOptions['data'] && $this->dataProvider->getItemCount()) { $this->displayChart = true; } if ($this->bulkActions !== array() && isset($this->bulkActions['actionButtons'])) { if (!isset($this->bulkActions['class'])) { $this->bulkActions['class'] = 'booster.widgets.TbBulkActions'; } $this->bulk = Yii::createComponent($this->bulkActions, $this); $this->bulk->init(); } // if(isset($this->bulkActions['selectableEqualsChecked']) && $this->bulkActions['selectableEqualsChecked'] === true) { $this->selectionChanged = 'js:function(id) { $("#"+id+" input[type=checkbox]").change(); }'; // } parent::init(); }
/** *### .init() * * Widget initialization */ public function init() { if ($this->shouldEnableExtendedSummary()) { $this->prepareDisplayingExtendedSummary(); } if ($this->shouldEnableChart() && $this->hasData()) { $this->enableChart(); } if ($this->shouldEnableBulkActions()) { $this->enableBulkActions(); } $this->fillSelectionChangedProperty(); parent::init(); }
public function init() { // check if a cookie exist holding some options and explode it into GET // must be done before parent::init(), because it calls initColumns // and it calls dataProvider->getData(), not done if options are passed through GET/POST if (isset($this->options['bStateSave']) && $this->options['bStateSave']) { $cookiePrefix = isset($this->options['sCookiePrefix']) ? $this->options['sCookiePrefix'] : 'edt_'; self::restoreState($this->getId(), $cookiePrefix); } parent::init(); }