  * creates of a dejala carrier corresponding to $dejalaProduct
 public static function createDejalaCarrier($dejalaConfig, $dejalaProduct)
     // MFR091130 - get id zone from the country used in the module (if the store zones were customized) - default is 1 (Europe)
     $id_zone = 1;
     $moduleCountryIsoCode = strtoupper($dejalaConfig->country);
     $countryID = Country::getByIso($moduleCountryIsoCode);
     if (intval($countryID)) {
         $id_zone = Country::getIdZone($countryID);
     $vatRate = floatval($dejalaProduct['vat']);
     // MFR091130 - get or create the tax & attach it to our zone if needed
     $id_tax = Tax::getTaxIdByRate($vatRate);
     if (!$id_tax) {
         $tax = new Tax();
         $tax->rate = $vatRate;
         $defaultLanguage = Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT');
         $tax->name[$defaultLanguage] = $tax->rate . '%';
         $id_tax = Tax::getTaxIdByRate($vatRate);
     if (!Tax::zoneHasTax($id_tax, $id_zone)) {
         // MFR : direct call because $tax->addZone($id_zone) causes errors when called
         Db::getInstance()->Execute('INSERT INTO `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'tax_zone` (`id_tax` , `id_zone`) VALUES (' . intval($id_tax) . ', ' . intval($id_zone) . ')');
     $carrier = new Carrier();
     $carrier->name = 'dejala';
     $carrier->id_tax = $id_tax;
     $carrier->url = 'http://tracking.dejala.' . $dejalaConfig->country . '/tracker/@';
     $carrier->active = true;
     $carrier->deleted = 0;
     $carrier->shipping_handling = false;
     $carrier->range_behavior = 0;
     $carrier->is_module = 1;
     $languages = Language::getLanguages(true);
     foreach ($languages as $language) {
         if ($language['iso_code'] == 'fr') {
             $carrier->delay[$language['id_lang']] = utf8_encode('Quand vous voulez... Par coursier, ' . $dejalaProduct['timelimit'] . 'H');
         if ($language['iso_code'] == 'en') {
             $carrier->delay[$language['id_lang']] = utf8_encode('When you want... Dispatch rider, ' . $dejalaProduct['timelimit'] . 'H range');
         if ($language['iso_code'] == 'es') {
             $carrier->delay[$language['id_lang']] = utf8_encode('Cuando quiera... Por mensajero, ' . $dejalaProduct['timelimit'] . 'H');
     $sql = 'INSERT INTO `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'carrier_zone` (`id_carrier` , `id_zone`) VALUES (' . intval($carrier->id) . ', ' . intval($id_zone) . ')';
     $rangeW = new RangeWeight();
     $rangeW->id_carrier = $carrier->id;
     $rangeW->delimiter1 = 0;
     $rangeW->delimiter2 = $dejalaProduct['max_weight'];
     $vat_factor = 1 + $dejalaProduct['vat'] / 100;
     $priceTTC = round($dejalaProduct['price'] * $vat_factor + $dejalaProduct['margin'], 2);
     $priceHT = round($priceTTC / $vat_factor, 2);
     $priceList = '(NULL' . ',' . $rangeW->id . ',' . $carrier->id . ',' . $id_zone . ',' . $priceHT . ')';
     return new Carrier($carrier->id);
Example #2
 public function productImport()
     global $cookie;
     $handle = $this->openCsvFile();
     $defaultLanguageId = intval(Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT'));
     for ($current_line = 0; $line = fgetcsv($handle, MAX_LINE_SIZE, Tools::getValue('separator')); $current_line++) {
         if (Tools::getValue('convert')) {
         $info = self::getMaskedRow($line);
         if (array_key_exists('id', $info) and intval($info['id']) and Product::existsInDatabase(intval($info['id']))) {
             $product = new Product(intval($info['id']));
             if ($product->reduction_from == '0000-00-00') {
                 $product->reduction_from = date('Y-m-d');
             if ($product->reduction_to == '0000-00-00') {
                 $product->reduction_to = date('Y-m-d');
             $categoryData = Product::getIndexedCategories(intval($product->id));
             foreach ($categoryData as $tmp) {
                 $product->category[] = $tmp['id_category'];
         } else {
             $product = new Product();
         self::array_walk($info, array('AdminImport', 'fillInfo'), $product);
         // Find id_tax corresponding to given values for product taxe
         if (isset($product->tax_rate)) {
             $product->id_tax = intval(Tax::getTaxIdByRate(floatval($product->tax_rate)));
         if (isset($product->tax_rate) and !$product->id_tax) {
             $tax = new Tax();
             $tax->rate = floatval($product->tax_rate);
             $tax->name = self::createMultiLangField(strval($product->tax_rate));
             if (($fieldError = $tax->validateFields(UNFRIENDLY_ERROR, true)) === true and ($langFieldError = $tax->validateFieldsLang(UNFRIENDLY_ERROR, true)) === true and $tax->add()) {
                 $product->id_tax = intval($tax->id);
             } else {
                 $this->_errors[] = 'TAX ' . $tax->name[$defaultLanguageId] . ' ' . Tools::displayError('cannot be saved');
                 $this->_errors[] = ($fieldError !== true ? $fieldError : '') . ($langFieldError !== true ? $langFieldError : '') . mysql_error();
         if (isset($product->manufacturer) and is_numeric($product->manufacturer) and Manufacturer::manufacturerExists(intval($product->manufacturer))) {
             $product->id_manufacturer = intval($product->manufacturer);
         } elseif (isset($product->manufacturer) and is_string($product->manufacturer) and !empty($product->manufacturer)) {
             if ($manufacturer = Manufacturer::getIdByName($product->manufacturer)) {
                 $product->id_manufacturer = intval($manufacturer);
             } else {
                 $manufacturer = new Manufacturer();
                 $manufacturer->name = $product->manufacturer;
                 if (($fieldError = $manufacturer->validateFields(UNFRIENDLY_ERROR, true)) === true and ($langFieldError = $manufacturer->validateFieldsLang(UNFRIENDLY_ERROR, true)) === true and $manufacturer->add()) {
                     $product->id_manufacturer = intval($manufacturer->id);
                 } else {
                     $this->_errors[] = $manufacturer->name . (isset($manufacturer->id) ? ' (' . $manufacturer->id . ')' : '') . ' ' . Tools::displayError('cannot be saved');
                     $this->_errors[] = ($fieldError !== true ? $fieldError : '') . ($langFieldError !== true ? $langFieldError : '') . mysql_error();
         if (isset($product->supplier) and is_numeric($product->supplier) and Supplier::supplierExists(intval($product->supplier))) {
             $product->id_supplier = intval($product->supplier);
         } elseif (isset($product->supplier) and is_string($product->supplier) and !empty($product->supplier)) {
             if ($supplier = Supplier::getIdByName($product->supplier)) {
                 $product->id_supplier = intval($supplier);
             } else {
                 $supplier = new Supplier();
                 $supplier->name = $product->supplier;
                 if (($fieldError = $supplier->validateFields(UNFRIENDLY_ERROR, true)) === true and ($langFieldError = $supplier->validateFieldsLang(UNFRIENDLY_ERROR, true)) === true and $supplier->add()) {
                     $product->id_supplier = intval($supplier->id);
                 } else {
                     $this->_errors[] = $supplier->name . (isset($supplier->id) ? ' (' . $supplier->id . ')' : '') . ' ' . Tools::displayError('cannot be saved');
                     $this->_errors[] = ($fieldError !== true ? $fieldError : '') . ($langFieldError !== true ? $langFieldError : '') . mysql_error();
         if (isset($product->price_tex) and !isset($product->price_tin)) {
             $product->price = $product->price_tex;
         } elseif (isset($product->price_tin) and !isset($product->price_tex)) {
             $product->price = $product->price_tin;
             // If a tax is already included in price, withdraw it from price
             if ($product->tax_rate) {
                 $product->price = floatval(number_format($product->price / (1 + $product->tax_rate / 100), 6));
         } elseif (isset($product->price_tin) and isset($product->price_tex)) {
             $product->price = $product->price_tex;
         if (isset($product->category) and is_array($product->category) and sizeof($product->category)) {
             $product->id_category = array();
             // Reset default values array
             foreach ($product->category as $value) {
                 if (is_numeric($value)) {
                     if (Category::categoryExists(intval($value))) {
                         $product->id_category[] = intval($value);
                     } else {
                         $categoryToCreate = new Category();
                         $categoryToCreate->id = intval($value);
                         $categoryToCreate->name = self::createMultiLangField($value);
                         $categoryToCreate->active = 1;
                         $categoryToCreate->id_parent = 1;
                         // Default parent is home for unknown category to create
                         if (($fieldError = $categoryToCreate->validateFields(UNFRIENDLY_ERROR, true)) === true and ($langFieldError = $categoryToCreate->validateFieldsLang(UNFRIENDLY_ERROR, true)) === true and $categoryToCreate->add()) {
                             $product->id_category[] = intval($categoryToCreate->id);
                         } else {
                             $this->_errors[] = $categoryToCreate->name[$defaultLanguageId] . (isset($categoryToCreate->id) ? ' (' . $categoryToCreate->id . ')' : '') . ' ' . Tools::displayError('cannot be saved');
                             $this->_errors[] = ($fieldError !== true ? $fieldError : '') . ($langFieldError !== true ? $langFieldError : '') . mysql_error();
                 } elseif (is_string($value) and !empty($value)) {
                     $category = Category::searchByName($defaultLanguageId, $value, true);
                     if ($category['id_category']) {
                         $product->id_category[] = intval($category['id_category']);
                     } else {
                         $categoryToCreate = new Category();
                         $categoryToCreate->name = self::createMultiLangField($value);
                         $categoryToCreate->active = 1;
                         $categoryToCreate->id_parent = 1;
                         // Default parent is home for unknown category to create
                         if (($fieldError = $categoryToCreate->validateFields(UNFRIENDLY_ERROR, true)) === true and ($langFieldError = $categoryToCreate->validateFieldsLang(UNFRIENDLY_ERROR, true)) === true and $categoryToCreate->add()) {
                             $product->id_category[] = intval($categoryToCreate->id);
                         } else {
                             $this->_errors[] = $categoryToCreate->name[$defaultLanguageId] . (isset($categoryToCreate->id) ? ' (' . $categoryToCreate->id . ')' : '') . ' ' . Tools::displayError('cannot be saved');
                             $this->_errors[] = ($fieldError !== true ? $fieldError : '') . ($langFieldError !== true ? $langFieldError : '') . mysql_error();
         $product->id_category_default = isset($product->id_category[0]) ? intval($product->id_category[0]) : '';
         $link_rewrite = is_array($product->link_rewrite) ? $product->link_rewrite[$defaultLanguageId] : '';
         $valid_link = Validate::isLinkRewrite($link_rewrite);
         $bak = $product->link_rewrite;
         if (isset($product->link_rewrite[$defaultLanguageId]) and empty($product->link_rewrite[$defaultLanguageId]) or !$valid_link) {
             $link_rewrite = Tools::link_rewrite($product->name[$defaultLanguageId]);
         if (!$valid_link) {
             $this->_warnings[] = Tools::displayError('Rewrited link for') . ' ' . $bak . (isset($info['id']) ? ' (ID ' . $info['id'] . ') ' : '') . ' ' . Tools::displayError('was re-written as') . ' ' . $link_rewrite;
         $product->link_rewrite = self::createMultiLangField($link_rewrite);
         $res = false;
         $fieldError = $product->validateFields(UNFRIENDLY_ERROR, true);
         $langFieldError = $product->validateFieldsLang(UNFRIENDLY_ERROR, true);
         if ($fieldError === true and $langFieldError === true) {
             // check quantity
             if ($product->quantity == NULL) {
                 $product->quantity = 0;
             // If id product AND id product already in base, trying to update
             if ($product->id and Product::existsInDatabase(intval($product->id))) {
                 $datas = Db::getInstance()->getRow('SELECT `date_add` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product` WHERE `id_product` = ' . intval($product->id));
                 $product->date_add = pSQL($datas['date_add']);
                 $res = $product->update();
             // If no id_product or update failed
             if (!$res) {
                 $res = $product->add();
         // If both failed, mysql error
         if (!$res) {
             $this->_errors[] = $info['name'] . (isset($info['id']) ? ' (ID ' . $info['id'] . ')' : '') . ' ' . Tools::displayError('cannot be saved');
             $this->_errors[] = ($fieldError !== true ? $fieldError : '') . ($langFieldError !== true ? $langFieldError : '') . mysql_error();
         } else {
             if (isset($product->tags) and !empty($product->tags)) {
                 $tag = new Tag();
                 $array = self::createMultiLangField($product->tags);
                 foreach ($array as $key => $tags) {
                     $a = $tag->addTags($key, $product->id, $tags);
             if (isset($product->image) and is_array($product->image) and sizeof($product->image)) {
                 $productHasImages = (bool) Image::getImages(intval($cookie->id_lang), intval($product->id));
                 foreach ($product->image as $key => $url) {
                     if (!empty($url)) {
                         $image = new Image();
                         $image->id_product = intval($product->id);
                         $image->position = Image::getHighestPosition($product->id) + 1;
                         $image->cover = (!$key and !$productHasImages) ? true : false;
                         $image->legend = self::createMultiLangField($product->name[$defaultLanguageId]);
                         if (($fieldError = $image->validateFields(UNFRIENDLY_ERROR, true)) === true and ($langFieldError = $image->validateFieldsLang(UNFRIENDLY_ERROR, true)) === true and $image->add()) {
                             self::copyImg($product->id, $image->id, $url);
                         } else {
                             $this->_warnings[] = $image->legend[$defaultLanguageId] . (isset($image->id_product) ? ' (' . $image->id_product . ')' : '') . ' ' . Tools::displayError('cannot be saved');
                             $this->_errors[] = ($fieldError !== true ? $fieldError : '') . ($langFieldError !== true ? $langFieldError : '') . mysql_error();
             if (isset($product->id_category)) {
                 $product->updateCategories(array_map('intval', $product->id_category));
             $features = get_object_vars($product);
             foreach ($features as $feature => $value) {
                 if (!strncmp($feature, '#F_', 3) and Tools::strlen($product->{$feature})) {
                     $feature_name = str_replace('#F_', '', $feature);
                     $id_feature = Feature::addFeatureImport($feature_name);
                     $id_feature_value = FeatureValue::addFeatureValueImport($id_feature, $product->{$feature});
                     Product::addFeatureProductImport($product->id, $id_feature, $id_feature_value);
Example #3
 public static function getDataByProductId($id_product)
     $tax_rate = Tax::getProductTaxRate((int) $id_product);
     $id_tax = Tax::getTaxIdByRate($tax_rate);
     return array('id_tax' => $id_tax, 'rate' => $tax_rate);