protected function build($dbArea, $pdo = null)
     $area = TariffArea::__build($dbArea['ID'], $dbArea['NAME'], $dbArea['TARIFFORDER'], $dbArea['NOTES']);
     $stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM TARIFFAREAS_PROD " . "WHERE TARIFFID = :id");
     $stmt->bindParam(":id", $area->id);
     while ($dbPrice = $stmt->fetch()) {
         $area->addPrice($dbPrice['PRODUCTID'], floatval($dbPrice['PRICESELL']));
     return $area;
 protected function setUp()
     $this->areas = array();
     $taxCat = new TaxCat("Tax");
     $tax = new Tax(null, "Tax", stdtimefstr("2001-01-01 00:00:00"), 0.1);
     $taxCat->id = TaxesService::createCat($taxCat);
     $cat = new Category(null, "Category", false, 1);
     $cat->id = CategoriesService::createCat($cat);
     $prd = new Product("REF", "product", 1.0, $cat->id, null, 1, $taxCat->id, true, false);
     $prd->id = ProductsService::create($prd);
     $area = new TariffArea("Area", 1);
     $area->addPrice($prd->id, 0.8);
     $srv = new TariffAreasService();
     $area->id = $srv->create($area);
     $area2 = new TariffArea("Area51", 51);
     $area2->id = $srv->create($area2);
     $this->areas[] = $area;
     $this->areas[] = $area2;
Example #3
 protected function setUp()
     // Attribute set
     $set = new AttributeSet("set");
     $attr = new Attribute("attr", 1);
     $val = new AttributeValue("value");
     $attr->id = AttributesService::createAttribute($attr);
     $val->id = AttributesService::createValue($val, $attr->id);
     $set->id = AttributesService::createSet($set);
     // Product, tax and category
     $taxCat = new TaxCat("Tax");
     $tax = new Tax(null, "Tax", stdtimefstr("2001-01-01 00:00:00"), 0.1);
     $taxCat->id = TaxesService::createCat($taxCat);
     $taxCat2 = new TaxCat("Tax2");
     $tax2 = new Tax(null, "Tax2", stdtimefstr("2001-01-01 00:00:00"), 0.2);
     $taxCat2->id = TaxesService::createCat($taxCat2);
     $pdo = PDOBuilder::getPDO();
     $stmt = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO CATEGORIES (ID, NAME) " . "VALUES (:id, :name)");
     $stmt->execute(array(":id" => "-1", ":name" => "Refill"));
     $cat = new Category(null, "Category", false, 1);
     $cat->id = CategoriesService::createCat($cat);
     $prd = new Product("REF", "product", 1.0, $cat->id, null, 1, $taxCat->id, true, false, 0.5, $set->id);
     $prd->id = ProductsService::create($prd);
     $prd2 = new Product("REF2", "product2", 2.0, $cat->id, null, 1, $taxCat2->id, true, false, 0.5, null);
     $prd2->id = ProductsService::create($prd2);
     $prdRefill = new Product("REFILL", "Refill", 1.0, "-1", null, 1, $taxCat->id, true, false);
     $prdRefill->id = ProductsService::create($prdRefill);
     // Tariff area
     $srvArea = new TariffAreasService();
     $area = new TariffArea("area", 1);
     $area->addPrice($prd->id, 0.8);
     $area->id = $srvArea->create($area);
     $this->areaId = $area->id;
     // Customer
     $srvCust = new CustomersService();
     $cust = new Customer(1, "Cust", "It's me", "card", null, null, 50.0, 10.0, 5.0, stdtimefstr("2012-01-01 00:00:00"), "It's", "me", "*****@*****.**", "012345", "23456", "11111", "Address1", "Address2", "59000", "City", "Region", "France", "Note", true);
     $cust->id = $srvCust->create($cust);
     $this->custId = $cust->id;
     // Location
     $locSrv = new LocationsService();
     $loc = new Location("Location");
     $loc->id = $locSrv->create($loc);
     $this->locationId = $loc->id;
     // Cash register
     $srvCashReg = new CashRegistersService();
     $cashReg = new CashRegister("Cash", $loc->id, 1);
     $cashReg->id = $srvCashReg->create($cashReg);
     // Cash
     $srvCash = new CashesService();
     $cash = $srvCash->add($cashReg->id);
     $cash->openDate = stdtimefstr("2000-02-02 02:02:02");
     $this->cashId = $cash->id;
     // User
     $srvUsers = new UsersService();
     $user = new User("User", null, null, "0", true, false);
     $user->id = $srvUsers->create($user);
     // Currency
     $curr = new Currency("Eur", "€", ",", ".", "#,##0.00\$", 1, true, false);
     $srvCurr = new CurrenciesService();
     $curr->id = $srvCurr->create($curr);
     // Discount profile
     $profSrv = new DiscountProfilesService();
     $prof = new DiscountProfile("Profile", 0.1);
     $prof->id = $profSrv->create($prof);
     $this->discountProfilId = $prof->id;
     // Ticket
     $tkt1 = array("date" => stdtimefstr("2012-01-01 00:00:00"), "userId" => $user->id, "customerId" => null, "type" => Ticket::TYPE_SELL, "custCount" => 3, "tariffAreaId" => null, "discountRate" => 0.0, "discountProfileId" => null, "payments" => array(array("type" => "cash", "amount" => 10, "currencyId" => $curr->id, "currencyAmount" => 12)), "lines" => array(array("dispOrder" => 1, "productId" => $prd->id, "taxId" => $tax->id, "attributes" => null, "quantity" => 1.0, "price" => 10.0, "discountRate" => 0.0)));
     $jsAttr = array("attributeSetId" => $set->id, "values" => array(array("id" => $attr->id, "value" => "value")));
     $tkt2 = array("date" => stdtimefstr("2012-01-01 00:00:00"), "userId" => $user->id, "customerId" => null, "type" => Ticket::TYPE_SELL, "custCount" => 3, "tariffAreaId" => null, "discountRate" => 0.25, "discountProfileId" => $prof->id, "payments" => array(array("type" => "cash", "amount" => 10, "currencyId" => $curr->id, "currencyAmount" => 12)), "lines" => array(array("dispOrder" => 1, "productId" => $prd->id, "taxId" => $tax->id, "attributes" => $jsAttr, "quantity" => 1.0, "price" => 10.0, "discountRate" => 0.25)));
     $this->jsTicket1 = json_encode($tkt1);
     $this->jsTicket2 = json_encode($tkt2);
 protected function setUp()
     // Attribute set
     $set = new AttributeSet("set");
     $attr = new Attribute("attr", 1);
     $val = new AttributeValue("value");
     $attr->id = AttributesService::createAttribute($attr);
     $val->id = AttributesService::createValue($val, $attr->id);
     $this->attr = $attr;
     $set->id = AttributesService::createSet($set);
     $this->attrSet = $set;
     // Product, tax and category
     $taxCat = new TaxCat("Tax");
     $tax = new Tax(null, "Tax", stdtimefstr("2001-01-01 00:00:00"), 0.1);
     $taxCat->id = TaxesService::createCat($taxCat);
     $taxCat2 = new TaxCat("Tax2");
     $tax2 = new Tax(null, "Tax2", stdtimefstr("2001-01-01 00:00:00"), 0.2);
     $taxCat2->id = TaxesService::createCat($taxCat2);
     $this->tax = $taxCat->taxes[0];
     $this->tax2 = $taxCat2->taxes[0];
     $pdo = PDOBuilder::getPDO();
     $stmt = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO CATEGORIES (ID, NAME) " . "VALUES (:id, :name)");
     $stmt->execute(array(":id" => "-1", ":name" => "Refill"));
     $cat = new Category(null, "Category", false, 1);
     $cat->id = CategoriesService::createCat($cat);
     $prd = new Product("REF", "product", 1.0, $cat->id, null, 1, $taxCat->id, true, false, 0.5, $set->id);
     $prd->id = ProductsService::create($prd);
     $this->prd = $prd;
     $prd2 = new Product("REF2", "product2", 2.0, $cat->id, null, 1, $taxCat2->id, true, false, 0.5, null);
     $prd2->id = ProductsService::create($prd2);
     $prdRefill = new Product("REFILL", "Refill", 1.0, "-1", null, 1, $taxCat->id, true, false);
     $prdRefill->id = ProductsService::create($prdRefill);
     $this->prd = $prd;
     $this->prd2 = $prd2;
     $this->prdRefill = $prdRefill;
     // Tariff area
     $srvArea = new TariffAreasService();
     $area = new TariffArea("area", 1);
     $area->addPrice($this->prd->id, 0.8);
     $area->id = $srvArea->create($area);
     $this->area = $area;
     // Discount profile
     $srvProfile = new DiscountProfilesService();
     $profile = new DiscountProfile("Discount profile", 1.0);
     $profile->id = $srvProfile->create($profile);
     $this->discountProfile = $profile;
     // Customer
     $srvCust = new CustomersService();
     $cust = new Customer(1, "Cust", "It's me", "card", null, null, 50.0, 10.0, 5.0, stdtimefstr("2012-01-01 00:00:00"), "It's", "me", "*****@*****.**", "012345", "23456", "11111", "Address1", "Address2", "59000", "City", "Region", "France", "Note", true);
     $cust->id = $srvCust->create($cust);
     $this->customer = $cust;
     // Location
     $locSrv = new LocationsService();
     $loc = new Location("Location");
     $loc->id = $locSrv->create($loc);
     $this->location = $loc;
     // Cash
     $srvCashReg = new CashRegistersService();
     $cashReg = new CashRegister("CashReg", $loc->id, 1);
     $cashReg->id = $srvCashReg->create($cashReg);
     $srvCash = new CashesService();
     $cash = $srvCash->add($cashReg->id);
     $cash->openDate = stdtimefstr("2000-02-02 02:02:02");
     $this->cash = $cash;
     // User
     $srvUsers = new UsersService();
     $user = new User("User", null, null, "0", true, false);
     $user->id = $srvUsers->create($user);
     $this->user = $user;
     // Currency
     $curr = new Currency("Eur", "€", ",", ".", "#,##0.00\$", 1, true, false);
     $srvCurr = new CurrenciesService();
     $curr->id = $srvCurr->create($curr);
     $this->currency = $curr;
 /** @depends testCreate */
 public function testDelete()
     $srv = new TariffAreasService();
     $area = new TariffArea("area", 1);
     $area->addPrice($this->prdId, 0.8);
     $area->id = $srv->create($area);
     $pdo = PDOBuilder::getPDO();
     $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql);
     $this->assertNotEquals($stmt->execute(), false, "Query failed");
     $this->assertFalse($stmt->fetch(), "Something was found in TARIFFAREAS_PROD after deletion");
     $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql);
     $this->assertNotEquals($stmt->execute(), false, "Query failed");
     $this->assertFalse($stmt->fetch(), "Something was found in TARIFFAREAS after deletion");