Example #1
                $third_tab_content .= get_chart_changer('1_3', $chart_type, $year);
                $third_tab_content .= '<div id="div_visualization" style="width:600px;height:310px;">
		<img src="images/loading.gif" style="margin:100px auto;" alt="" /></div>';
    $tabs = new Tabs(1, 'xp', TABS_DIR, '?admin=statistics');
    $tab1 = $tabs->AddTab(_CUSTOMERS . ' (' . _MAP_OVERLAY . ')', $first_tab_content);
    $tab2 = $tabs->AddTab(_CUSTOMERS . ' (' . _REGISTRATIONS . ')', $second_tab_content);
    $tab3 = $tabs->AddTab(_CUSTOMERS . ' (' . _LOGINS . ')', $third_tab_content);
    ## +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    ## | 2. Customizing:                                                           |
    ## +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    ## *** set container's width in pixels (px), inches (in) or points (pt)
    ## *** set container's height in pixels (px), inches (in) or points (pt)
    // 'auto'
    ## *** set alignment inside the container (left, center or right)
    ## *** set container's color in RGB format or using standard names
    /// $tabs->SetContainerColor('#64C864');
    ## *** set border's width in pixels (px), inches (in) or points (pt)
    /// $tabs->SetBorderWidth('5px');
    ## *** set border's color in RGB format or using standard names
    /// $tabs->SetBorderColor('#64C864');
    /// $tabs->SetBorderColor('blue');
    /// $tabs->SetBorderColor('#445566');
    ## *** show debug info - false|true
Example #2
 $tabs = new Tabs(1, 'xp', TABS_DIR, '?admin=settings');
 $tab1 = $tabs->AddTab(_GENERAL_SETTINGS, $tab_content_1);
 $tab2 = $tabs->AddTab(_VISUAL_SETTINGS, $tab_content_2);
 $tab3 = $tabs->AddTab(_DATETIME_PRICE_FORMAT, $tab_content_3);
 $tab4 = $tabs->AddTab(_EMAIL_SETTINGS, $tab_content_4);
 $tab5 = $tabs->AddTab(_TEMPLATES_STYLES, $tab_content_5);
 $tab6 = $tabs->AddTab(_SERVER_INFO, $tab_content_6);
 $tab7 = $tabs->AddTab(_SITE_INFO, $tab_content_7);
 $tab8 = $tabs->AddTab(_CRON_JOBS, $tab_content_8);
 ## +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 ## | 2. Customizing:                                                           |
 ## +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 ## *** set container's width in pixels (px), inches (in) or points (pt)
 ## *** set container's height in pixels (px), inches (in) or points (pt)
 // 'auto'
 ## *** set alignment inside the container (left, center or right)
 ## *** set container's color in RGB format or using standard names
 /// $tabs->SetContainerColor('#64C864');
 ## *** set border's width in pixels (px), inches (in) or points (pt)
 /// $tabs->SetBorderWidth('5px');
 ## *** set border's color in RGB format or using standard names
 /// $tabs->SetBorderColor('#64C864');
 /// $tabs->SetBorderColor('blue');
 /// $tabs->SetBorderColor('#445566');
 ## *** show debug info - false|true