Example #1
function updateUserHistory($config)
    if ($config["userid"]) {
        $data["userid"] = $config["userid"];
    if ($config["actionid"]) {
        $data["actionid"] = $config["actionid"];
    if ($config["comment"]) {
        $data["comment"] = $config["comment"];
    if ($config["fromdate"]) {
        $data["fromdate"] = $config["fromdate"];
    if ($config["todate"]) {
        $data["todate"] = $config["todate"];
    $data["date"] = date("U");
    /* if($done = sqlCreate(array("table"=>"userhistory", "fields"=>$data))) {
    				$available = sqlPull(array("table"=>"useractions", "where"=>"id=".$config["actionid"], "onerow"=>"1"));
    				$userdata["available"] = $available["callme"];
    				sqlCommit(array("table"=>"users", "where"=>"personid=".$config["userid"], "fields"=>$userdata));
    			} */
    $userhistory = new TableManager("userhistory");
    $function = (string) "insert";
    if ($config["id"]) {
        ## we are updating a record
        $userhistory->setWhere($userhistory->quoteString("`userhistory`.`id`=?", intval($config["id"])));
        $function = "update";
    if ($userhistory->{$function}($data) === false) {
        throw new man_exception("Could not successfully query the database");
    $actions = new TableManager("useractions");
    $actions->setWhere($actions->quoteString("`useractions`.`id`=?", $config["actionid"]));
    $action = $actions->selectSingle();
    $users = new TableManager("users");
    $users->setWhere($users->quoteString("`users`.`personid`=?", $config["userid"]));
    $data = (array) array("available" => $action["callme"]);
 /** fleetTruckLinkImporter::__construct()
  * Class constructor
 public function __construct()
     $realPath = realpath(dirname(__FILE__));
     $maxine = substr($realPath, 0, strrpos($realPath, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR));
     $rootaccess = substr($maxine, 0, strrpos($maxine, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) + 1);
     defined("BASE") || define("BASE", $rootaccess);
     include_once BASE . "basefunctions/baseapis/TableManager.php";
     include_once BASE . "basefunctions/baseapis/FileParser/FileParser.php";
     $manager = new TableManager("fleet_truck_count");
     //: Do a test to see if table includes subbie_trucks field
     $fields = $manager->describeTable();
     if (in_array('subbie_count', array_keys($fields)) === FALSE) {
         $sql = (string) "ALTER TABLE `fleet_truck_count` ADD COLUMN `subbie_count` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;";
         if ($manager->runSql($sql) === FALSE) {
             print "Altering table failed" . PHP_EOL;
             return FALSE;
     //: End
     $subbietrucksurl = "https://login.max.bwtsgroup.com/api_request/Report/export?report=153&responseFormat=csv";
     // Max
     $apiurl = "https://login.max.bwtsgroup.com/api_request/Report/export?report=145&responseFormat=csv";
     // Max
     $t24apiurl = "https://t24.max.bwtsgroup.com/api_request/Report/export?report=73&responseFormat=csv";
     // T24
     // $apiurl	= "http://max.mobilize.biz/m4/2/api_request/Report/export?report=141&responseFormat=csv"; // Test
     //: Get the list of subbie trucks
     $fileParser = new FileParser($subbietrucksurl);
     $data = $fileParser->parseFile();
     $subbieTrucks = (array) array();
     foreach ($data as $val) {
         if (array_key_exists("Trucks", $val) === FALSE) {
         $trucks = preg_split("/\\,/", $val["Trucks"]);
         if (is_array($trucks) === FALSE) {
         foreach ($trucks as $trucklist) {
             $subbieTrucks[] = $trucklist;
     //return FALSE;
     //: End
     $fleetDayHandler = new fleetDayHandler();
     $required_fleets = $fleetDayHandler->getIncomeFleets();
     $rows = (array) array();
     foreach ($required_fleets as $val) {
         if (array_key_exists('fleets', $val)) {
             $count = (int) 0;
             $subbie_count = (int) 0;
             foreach ($val['fleets'] as $subfleets) {
                 $manager->setWhere($manager->quoteString('`fleet_id`=?', $subfleets[0]));
                 $record = $manager->selectSingle();
                 $count += (int) $record['count'];
                 $subbie_count += (int) $record['subbie_count'];
             $rows[] = (array) array('fleet_id' => $val['id'], 'count' => isset($count) && $count ? $count : 0, 'subbie_count' => isset($subbie_count) && $subbie_count ? $subbie_count : 0);
         } else {
             $url = $apiurl . "&Fleet=" . $val["maxid"] . "&Start%20Date=" . date("Y-m-d") . "&Stop%20Date=" . date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 day'));
             if (array_key_exists('t24', $val)) {
                 $url = $t24apiurl . "&Fleet=" . $val["maxid"] . "&Start%20Date=" . date("Y-m-d") . "&Stop%20Date=" . date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 day'));
             print_r('url: ' . $url . PHP_EOL);
             $fileParser = new FileParser($url);
             $fileParser->setCurlFile("fleet_truck_count_" . $val["id"] . ".csv");
             $data = $fileParser->parseFile();
             // print_r($data);
             /*if ($fleetId == 75) { //: confirm a fleet is correct
             $sub_cnt = (int) 0;
             foreach ($data as $row) {
                 if (in_array($row['Truck'], $subbieTrucks)) {
             $record = (array) array('fleet_id' => $val['id'], 'count' => count($data), 'subbie_count' => $sub_cnt);
             if (array_key_exists('t24', $val)) {
                 $record['t24'] = (int) 1;
             $rows[] = $record;
     //: Loop through and update/insert records
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $where = (string) $manager->quoteString('`fleet_id`=?', $row['fleet_id']);
         if (array_key_exists('t24', $row) && $row['t24'] === 1) {
             $where .= $manager->quoteString(' AND `t24`=?', $row['t24']);
         $record = $manager->selectSingle();
         if ($record) {
             $nDifference = (double) $row['count'] == 0 ? 100 : ($record['count'] - $row['count']) / $row['count'] * 100;
             print_r('diff:  ' . $nDifference . PHP_EOL);
             if ($nDifference > 50 || $nDifference < -50) {
             $manager->setWhere($manager->quoteString('`id`=?', $record['id']));
         } else {
Example #3
 public function __construct()
     $manager = new TableManager("user_profiles");
     echo "<link href=\"http://" . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . "/basefunctions/scripts/manline.css\" media=\"all\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" />" . PHP_EOL;
     echo "<p class=\"standard\">" . PHP_EOL;
     echo "Update current records to be integer based instead of string based<br />" . PHP_EOL;
     $list = $manager->selectMultiple();
     foreach ($list as $key => $val) {
         if (!$val["birthday"]) {
         $manager->setWhere($manager->quoteString("`user_profiles`.`id`=?", $val["id"]));
         $data = (array) array();
         $split = preg_split("/\\s/", $val["birthday"]);
         $data["birthday"] = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", strtotime("01-" . $split[1] . "-2011")), $split[0], 2011);
         if ($manager->update($data) === false) {
             echo "<span style=\"color:#F00;\" title=\"Update failed\">|</span>" . PHP_EOL;
             return false;
         echo "<span style=\"color:#FFF;\" title=\"Update successful\">|</span>" . PHP_EOL;
         ## TOCTOU Race condition ##
     echo "<br />Update table so that the birthday column is an integer column<br />" . PHP_EOL;
     $sql = (string) "alter table user_profiles modify column birthday int(50) not null default '0',add index (`birthday`);";
     if ($manager->runSql($sql) === false) {
         echo "<echo style=\"color:#FFF;\">" . PHP_EOL;
         echo "</pre>" . PHP_EOL;
         return false;
     echo "<br />Get list of users<br />" . PHP_EOL;
     $sql = (string) "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `deleted`='0'";
     if (($list = $manager->runSql($sql)) === false) {
         echo "<echo style=\"color:#FFF;\">" . PHP_EOL;
         echo "</pre>" . PHP_EOL;
         return false;
     echo "<br />Loop through and get the userdates entry for birthday and update the user_profiles table.<br />" . PHP_EOL;
     foreach ($list as $key => $val) {
         if (!$val["user_profiles_id"]) {
         $sql = (string) "SELECT * FROM `userdates` WHERE `userid`='" . $val["personid"] . "'  AND `datetype`='birthday' LIMIT 1";
         if (($row = $manager->runSql($sql)) === false) {
             echo "<echo style=\"color:#FFF;\">" . PHP_EOL;
             echo "</pre>" . PHP_EOL;
             return false;
         $manager->setWhere($manager->quoteString("`user_profiles`.`id`=?", $val["user_profiles_id"]));
         $data = (array) array();
         $birthday = date("Y-m-d", $row[0]["date"]);
         $split = preg_split("/\\-/", $birthday);
         $data["birthday"] = strtotime("1971-" . $split[1] . "-" . $split[2]);
         if ($manager->update($data) === false) {
             echo "<span style=\"color:#F00;\" title=\"Update failed\">|</span>" . PHP_EOL;
             return false;
         echo "<span style=\"color:#FFF;\" title=\"Update successful\">|</span>" . PHP_EOL;
         ## TOCTOU Race condition ##
     echo "<br />Get any records form the user_profiles table where the birthday year isn't 1971<br />" . PHP_EOL;
     $manager->setWhere($manager->quoteString("DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(`user_profiles`.`birthday`), '%Y')!=?", 1971));
     $list = $manager->selectMultiple();
     foreach ($list as $key => $val) {
         $manager->setWhere($manager->quoteString("`user_profiles`.`id`=?", $val["id"]));
         $date = date("Y-m-d", $val["birthday"]);
         $split = preg_split("/\\-/", $date);
         $data = (array) array("birthday" => strtotime("1971-" . $split[1] . "-" . $split[2]));
         if ($manager->update($data) === false) {
             echo "<span style=\"color:#F00;\" title=\"Update failed\">|</span>" . PHP_EOL;
             return false;
         echo "<span style=\"color:#FFF;\" title=\"Update successful\">|</span>" . PHP_EOL;
         ## TOCTOU Race condition ##