function helplist($num, $id = '', $aids = "", $orderby = "aid asc") { if (is_numeric($id)) { $wherestr[] = "typeid = " . $id; } elseif (is_array($id)) { $ids = getdotstring($id, 'int'); $wherestr[] = "typeid in ({$ids})"; } elseif (is_string($id) && (strexists($id, ',') || strexists($id, '|'))) { if (strexists($id, ',')) { $ids = getdotstring($id, 'int'); } else { $ids = getdotstring(explode('|', $ids), 'int'); } $wherestr[] = "typeid in ({$ids})"; } else { $wherestr[] = ""; } if (!empty($aids)) { $aids = getdotstring($aids, 'int'); $wherestr[] = "aid in ({$ids})"; } $num = GetNum($num); $wheresql = implode(' AND ', $wherestr); //条件汇总 $articleobj = new TableClass('article', 'aid'); $articlearray = $articleobj->getdata($num, $wheresql, $orderby, 'aid,typeid,title'); return $articlearray; }
function getareaselect($var = "", $value = "", $other = "") { $Table = new TableClass("area", "aid"); $arraydata = $Table->getdata('', '', 'aid asc'); foreach ($arraydata as $val) { $arrayoption[$val['aid']] = $val['name_cn']; } return getselectstr($var, $arrayoption, $value, $other); }
function getatypeselect($var = "", $value = "", $other = "") { $Table = new TableClass("atype", "typeid"); $arraydata = $Table->getdata('', '', 'typeid asc'); foreach ($arraydata as $val) { $arrayoption[$val['typeid']] = $val['typename']; } return getselectstr($var, $arrayoption, $value, $other); }
$wherestrc[] = "endtime >= " . time(); $wherestrc[] = "state = 1"; if (!empty($wherestrc)) { $wheresqlc = implode(' AND ', $wherestrc); } //条件汇总 $couponarray = $couponobj->getdata("", $wheresqlc, ""); //获取数据 include template('member_tosendorder'); //包含输出指定模板 } elseif ($action == "save") { InitGP(array("action", "LOCKDATA", "consignee", "tel", "country", "city", "address", "zip", "area", "remark", "did", "usecoupon", "couponid")); //初始化变量全局返回 //创建运送方式对象 $deliveryobj = new TableClass('delivery', 'did'); $areaobj = new TableClass('area', 'aid'); $couponid = GetNum($couponid); //处理提交信息 @(list($ids, $countmoney, $countweight) = explode("\t", cookie_authcode($LOCKDATA, 'DECODE'))); //if($ids==$oids and !empty($ids) and !empty($countmoney) and !empty($countweight)){ //允许包裹重量为0,所以去掉!empty($countweight) if ($ids == $oids and !empty($ids) and !empty($countmoney)) { $oids = $ids; $countmoney = GetNum($countmoney); $countweight = GetNum($countweight); } else { exit('数据异常'); } //判断订单状态 $wherestro[] = "uname='" . $_USERS['uname'] . "'"; $wherestro[] = "oid in(" . $oids . ")"; if (!empty($wherestro)) {
<?php include "../"; include "function_common.php"; InitGP(array("page", "action", "state", "value", "payid", "ids", "did", "delids")); //初始化变量全局返回 $Table = new TableClass("admin", "adminid"); AjaxHead(); //禁止页面缓存 if (empty($action)) { InitGP(array("type", "raction", "orderby", "orderway", "keywords")); //初始化变量全局返回 if (!empty($type)) { $wherestr[] = "type='{$type}'"; } if (!empty($wherestr)) { $wheresql = implode(' AND ', $wherestr); } //条件汇总 $orderway = $orderway == "desc" ? "desc" : "asc"; if (!empty($orderby)) { $orderstr = "{$orderby} {$orderway}"; } //获取当前页码 $total = $Table->getcount($wheresql); //总信息数 $pagesize = 20; //一页显示信息数 $page = isset($page) ? max(1, intval($page)) : 1; //处理页码变量 $offset = ($page - 1) * $pagesize;
//获取数据 //print_r($dataarray); include template('recommend_list'); //包含输出指定模板 } elseif ($action == 'view') { $gid = GetNum($gid); $value = $goodsobj->getone($gid); $gtype = $typeobj->getone($value['gtypeid']); if ($gtype['node'] == 0) { $position = "<span>></span><a href='recommend.php?action=list&tid=" . $gtype['typeid'] . "'>" . $gtype['typename'] . "</a>"; } else { $cgtype = $typeobj->getone($gtype['node']); $position = "<span>></span><a href='recommend.php?action=list&tid=" . $cgtype['typeid'] . "'>" . $cgtype['typename'] . "</a>"; $position .= "<span>></span><a href='recommend.php?action=list&tid=" . $gtype['typeid'] . "'>" . $gtype['typename'] . "</a>"; } $leftarray = $goodsobj->getdata(10, "flag='c'", 'buynum desc,gid desc', 'gid,gtypeid,goodsurl,goodsname,goodsprice,goodsseller,goodsimg,sellerurl,shopname,rindex,views,buynum,listorder,flag,addtime'); addfield($goodsobj->table, 'views', "gid=" . $gid, 1); //增加浏览次数 include template('recommend_view'); //包含输出指定模板 } else { $rightarray = $goodsobj->getdata(6, "flag='c'", 'listorder asc,gid desc', 'gid,gtypeid,goodsurl,goodsname,goodsprice,goodsseller,goodsimg,sellerurl,shopname,rindex,views,buynum,listorder,flag,addtime'); $rightuserarray = $goodsobj->getdata(6, "flag='c' and usertype=1 and Audit=1", 'listorder asc,gid desc', 'gid,gtypeid,usertype,uname,goodsurl,goodsname,goodsprice,goodsseller,goodsimg,sellerurl,shopname,rindex,views,buynum,listorder,flag,why,addtime'); $leftarray = $goodsobj->getdata(10, "flag='c'", 'buynum desc,gid desc', 'gid,gtypeid,goodsurl,goodsname,goodsprice,goodsseller,goodsimg,sellerurl,shopname,rindex,views,buynum,listorder,flag,addtime'); $specialobj = new TableClass('special', 'sid'); $topcarray = $specialobj->getdata(3, "flag='tj'", 'listorder asc,sid desc', 'sid,title,flag,about,pic,listorder,addtime'); //print_r($rightarray); //print_r($leftarray); include template('recommend'); //包含输出指定模板 }
<?php //弹出一键填单相关ajax数据处理 include "../"; InitGP(array("action", "url", "refuname", "referer", "aid", "cityid")); //初始化变量全局返回 $deliveryobj = new TableClass('delivery', 'did'); AjaxHead(); if ($action == 'getdelivery') { $jsondata = json_decode(str_replace("'", '"', file_get_contents('php://input'))); $aid = GetNum($jsondata->aid); $info = $deliveryobj->getdata('', "areaid=" . $aid); echo json_encode($info); exit; } else { if ($action == 'present') { $jsondata = json_decode(str_replace("'", '"', file_get_contents('php://input'))); $uname = Char_cv($jsondata->name); $sn = Char_cv($jsondata->code); $info = $coupon->present($sn, $uname, $_USERS['uname']); echo json_encode($info); exit; } else { if ($action == 'sell') { $jsondata = json_decode(str_replace("'", '"', file_get_contents('php://input'))); $price = GetNum($jsondata->price); $sn = Char_cv($jsondata->code); $info = $coupon->sellcoupon($sn, $price, $_USERS['uname']); echo json_encode($info); exit; } else {
<?php include "../"; include "function_common.php"; InitGP(array("page", "action", "state", "value", "payid", "ids", "did", "delids")); //初始化变量全局返回 $Table = new TableClass("order", "oid"); AjaxHead(); //禁止页面缓存 header("Content-type: text/html; charset=" . CHARSET); if (empty($action)) { InitGP(array("oid", "uid", "uname", "goodsurl", "goodsname", "goodsprice", "oldgoodsprice", "sendprice", "oldsendprice", "goodsnum", "goodssize", "goodscolor", "goodsseller", "sellerurl", "expressno", "goodsremark", "orderweight", "orderremark", "payid", "state")); //初始化变量全局返回 if (!empty($_POST) and GetNum($oid)) { $oid = GetNum($oid); //处理价格和运费修改扣除用户相应金额账户余额 if ($goodsprice != $oldgoodsprice) { //商品价格调整 $tempmoney = 0; $tempmoney = GetNum($oldgoodsprice - $goodsprice); include_once INC_PATH . "/member.class.php"; $m = new memberclass(); $note = "调整商品<a href=\\'" . $goodsurl . "\\' target=\\'_blank\\'>《" . $goodsname . "》</a>价格:" . -$tempmoney . "订单ID:" . $oid; $m->moneyedit($uname, $tempmoney, 5, $note); //扣去账户余额 } if ($sendprice != $oldsendprice) { //商品运费调整 $tempmoney = 0; $tempmoney = GetNum($oldsendprice - $sendprice); //计算运费调整
<?php //帮助中心 include ""; InitGP(array("action", "id", "keyword", "referer", "aid", "cityid")); //初始化变量全局返回 //创建对象 $atypeobj = new TableClass('atype', 'typeid'); $articleobj = new TableClass('article', 'aid'); $atypearray = $atypeobj->getdata('', '', 'typeid asc'); $articlearray = $articleobj->getdata('', '', 'aid asc', 'aid,typeid,title'); if (empty($action)) { $id = GetNum($id); foreach ($atypearray as $r) { if ($r['node'] == $id) { $rightatypearray[] = $r; } } //$rightatypearray=$atypearray; $rightarticlearray = $articlearray; include template('help'); //包含输出指定模板 } elseif ($action == 'list') { $typeid = GetNum($id); if (!empty($typeid)) { $rightatypearray = $atypeobj->getdata('', 'typeid=' . $typeid, 'typeid asc'); $rightarticlearray = $articleobj->getdata('', 'typeid=' . $typeid, 'aid asc', 'aid,typeid,title'); } elseif (!empty($keyword)) { $keyword = Char_cv($keyword); $rightatypearray = $atypearray; $rightarticlearray = $articleobj->getdata('', 'title like \'%' . $keyword . '%\'', 'aid asc', 'aid,typeid,title');
<?php include "../"; include "function_common.php"; InitGP(array("page", "action", "startid", "endid", "starttime", "endtime", "type", "oid", "ids", "did", "delids")); //初始化变量全局返回 $Table = new TableClass("order", "oid"); AjaxHead(); //禁止页面缓存 set_time_limit(0); if (!empty($type) || !empty($oid)) { if (!empty($oid)) { if (is_numeric($oid)) { $wherestr[] = "oid" . " = " . $oid; } elseif (is_array($oid)) { $ids = getdotstring($oid, 'int'); $wherestr[] = "oid" . " in ({$ids})"; } elseif (is_string($oid) && (strexists($oid, ',') || strexists($oid, '|'))) { if (strexists($oid, ',')) { $ids = getdotstring($oid, 'int'); } else { $ids = getdotstring(explode('|', $ids), 'int'); } $wherestr[] = "oid" . " in ({$ids})"; } else { exit("ID格式错误"); } } elseif (!empty($type)) { if ($type == "all") { } elseif ($type == "idlist") { if (GetNum($startid) and GetNum($endid)) {
//获取推荐商品10个 $goodsobj = new TableClass('goods', 'gid'); $cptjarray = $goodsobj->getdata(10, "flag='c'", 'buynum desc,gid desc', 'gid,gtypeid,goodsurl,goodsname,goodsprice,goodsseller,goodsimg,sellerurl,shopname,rindex,views,buynum,listorder,flag,addtime'); //获取精品活动 $specialobj = new TableClass('special', 'sid'); $specialarray1 = $specialobj->getdata(1, "flag='sy'", 'listorder asc,sid desc', 'sid,title,flag,about,pic,listorder,addtime'); $specialarray2 = $specialobj->getdata("1,6", "flag='sy'", 'listorder asc,sid desc', 'sid,title,flag,about,pic,listorder,addtime'); //获取首页三个广告仑显图 $topcarray = $specialobj->getdata(3, "flag='sy'", 'listorder asc,sid desc', 'sid,title,flag,about,pic,listorder,addtime'); //获取优惠活动 $specialob = new TableClass('special', 'sid'); $special = $specialob->getdata(2, "flag='h'", 'listorder asc,sid desc', 'sid,title,flag,about,pic,listorder,addtime'); //获取折扣信息 $discountobj = new TableClass('discount', 'did'); $discountarray = $discountobj->getdata(2, "flag='h'", 'listorder asc,did desc', 'did,title,flag,about,pic,listorder,addtime'); $discountob = new TableClass('discount', 'did'); $discount = $discountob->getdata(1, "flag='h'", 'listorder asc,did desc', 'did,title,flag,about,pic,listorder,addtime'); //公告 $newsobj = new TableClass('news', 'nid'); $newsarray = $newsobj->getdata(9, $wheresql); //获取数据 //帮助信息->常见问题 $wheresql = ""; $articleobj = new TableClass('article', 'aid'); $articlearray = $articleobj->getdata(9, $wheresql, "", 'aid,typeid,title'); include_once INC_PATH . '/rate.class.php'; $rate = RateClass::init(); //获取最新汇率信息 $ratedata = $rate->get(); include template('index'); //包含输出指定模板
InitGP(array("type", "s", "e", "page")); //初始化变量全局返回 if (!empty($type)) { $type = GetNum($type); $wherestr[] = "type='{$type}'"; } if (!empty($s)) { $s = strtotime($s); $wherestr[] = "addtime > '{$s}'"; } if (!empty($e)) { $e = strtotime($e); $wherestr[] = "addtime < '{$e}'"; } $r = new TableClass("scorerecord", "sid"); if (!empty($_USERS['uname'])) { $uname = $_USERS['uname']; $wherestr[] = "uname='{$uname}'"; if (!empty($wherestr)) { $wheresql = implode(' AND ', $wherestr); } //条件汇总 //获取当前页码 $total = $r->getcount($wheresql); //总信息数 $pagesize = 10; //一页显示信息数 $page = isset($page) ? max(1, intval($page)) : 1; //处理页码变量 $offset = ($page - 1) * $pagesize;
<?php include "../"; InitGP(array("page", "action", "did", "delids")); //初始化变量全局返回 include "function_common.php"; $mange = new TableClass("adminmange", "mid"); $menuarray = $mange->getdata('', '', 'listorder asc,mid asc'); $menuname = array('zone' => '管理分区', 'group' => '管理分组', 'item' => '管理项'); if ($action == "add") { InitGP(array("mid", "mname", "type", "node", "murl", "listorder", "mcode", "Submit")); //初始化变量全局返回 if (!empty($Submit)) { if ($type == "zone") { $node = 0; } $arrayinsert = array("mname" => Char_cv($mname), "type" => Char_cv($type), "node" => GetNum($node), "murl" => Char_cv($murl), "listorder" => GetNum($listorder), "mcode" => Char_cv($mcode)); $info = $mange->add($arrayinsert); if (GetNum($info)) { showmsg("添加成功!", PHP_SELF); //成功 } else { showmsg($info, "-1"); } //出错! } } elseif ($action == "edit") { InitGP(array("mid", "mname", "type", "node", "murl", "listorder", "mcode", "Submit")); //初始化变量全局返回 if (!empty($Submit)) { $mid = GetNum($mid);
function moneyedit($uname, $num = 0, $action = 0, $note = "") { $returnstr = "OK"; if (!empty($uname) && $num != 0 && is_numeric($num)) { $row = $this->db->fetch_first("Select uid,money From `{$this->table}` where uname like '{$uname}' "); if (is_array($row)) { $this->db->query("update `{$this->table}` SET money= money+{$num} WHERE uname='{$uname}' limit 1"); if ($num > 0) { $edittype = lang('adds'); $type = 2; } else { $edittype = lang('Minus'); $type = 1; } $action = GetNum($action); $accountmoney = sprintf("%01.2f", $row['money'] + $num); //记录日志操作 $record_table = new TableClass('record', 'rid'); $addarray = array('uid' => $row['uid'], 'uname' => $uname, 'type' => $type, 'action' => $action, 'money' => $num, 'accountmoney' => $accountmoney, 'remark' => $note, 'addtime' => time()); $info = $record_table->add($addarray); if (GetNum($info)) { $returnstr = "OK"; } else { $returnstr = lang('Error_log'); } //写入日志文件 $datastr = date('Y-m-d h:i:s'); $log = $datastr . lang('uname') . $uname . '|' . $edittype . lang('Amount') . $num . lang('legend') . $note; @writelog('money_edit', $log); //增加写入文件日志操作!记录每次用户钱币改动 } else { $returnstr = lang('username_notexist'); } } else { $returnstr = lang('Missing_parameter_err'); } return $returnstr; }
<?php include "../"; InitGP(array("page", "action", "aid", "delids")); //初始化变量全局返回 include "function_common.php"; $mange = new TableClass("adminmange", "mid"); //控制只显示有权限的控制选项 $wherestr = "mid in({$_ADMINUSERS['adminmid']})"; $menuarray = $mange->getdata('', $wherestr, 'listorder asc,mid asc'); $menuzone = array(); $menugroup = array(); $zonestrarray = array(); $groupstrarray = array(); $itemstrarray = array(); foreach ($menuarray as $value) { if ($value['type'] == 'zone') { $menuzone[] = $value; } if ($value['type'] == 'group') { $menugroup[] = $value; } if ($value['type'] == 'item') { $itemstrarray[$value['node']][] = "'{$value['mcode']}' : ['{$value['mname']}','{$value['murl']}','']"; } } foreach ($menuzone as $value) { foreach ($menugroup as $value1) { if ($value1['node'] == $value['mid']) { $groupstrarray[$value['mid']][] = "'{$value1['mcode']}' : {" . implode_field_value($itemstrarray[$value1['mid']], ',') . "}"; }
if (empty($action)) { if (!empty($_USERS['uname'])) { $uname = $_USERS['uname']; $wherestr[] = "uname='{$uname}'"; if (!empty($wherestr)) { $wheresql = implode(' AND ', $wherestr); } //条件汇总 //获取当前页码 $dataarray = $r->getdata("", $wheresql); //获取团购数据 } } elseif ($action == 'refund' && !empty($rid)) { $rid = GetNum($rid); if ($rid) { $recharge = new TableClass("rechargerecord", "rid"); $row = $recharge->getone($rid); if (!empty($_POST)) { InitGP(array('money', 'remark')); //初始化变量全局返回 $addarray = array('rechargeid' => $rid, 'uid' => $_USERS['uid'], 'uname' => $_USERS['uname'], 'money' => GetNum($money), 'remark' => Char_cv($remark), 'rechargetime' => $row['successtime'], 'rechargemoney' => $row['money'], 'rechargesn' => $row['sn'], 'addtime' => time()); $info = $r->add($addarray); if (GetNum($info)) { print "<script language='javascript'>alert(" . lang('apply_success') . ");</script>"; jumpurl(url('m.php?name=refundrecord')); } else { print "<script language='javascript'>alert(" . lang('apply_error') . ");</script>"; jumpurl(url('m.php?name=refundrecord&action=refund&' . $rid)); } } }
<?php //我的劵 InitGP(array("action", "bid", "page")); //初始化变量全局返回 //获取地区信息 $areaobj = new TableClass('area', 'aid'); $areaarray = $areaobj->getdata('', 'state=1'); include template('member_estimates'); //包含输出指定模板
$arrayadd = array("fromuid" => 0, "fromuname" => Char_cv($_ADMINUSERS['adminname']), "touid" => $uid, "touname" => Char_cv($uname), "type" => 1, "subject" => Char_cv($subject), "message" => Char_cv($message), "sendtime" => $timestamp, "writetime" => $timestamp, "hasview" => 0, "isadmin" => $isadmin); $info = $Table->add($arrayadd); if (GetNum($info)) { if (!empty($inbox)) { exit("<script language='javascript'>alert('发送成功');parent.\$.fn.colorbox.close();</script>"); } else { showmsg("发送成功", PHP_SELF); //出错! } } else { if (!empty($inbox)) { exit("<script language='javascript'>alert('发送失败');location.reload();</script>"); } else { showmsg("发送成功", PHP_SELF); //出错! } } } else { if (!empty($uid)) { $Tableu = new TableClass("users", "uid"); $evalue = $Tableu->getone($uid); } elseif (!empty($uname)) { $evalue['uname'] = $uname; } //print_r($evalue); include "tpl/pm_send.htm"; } } else { showmsg("未知请求", "-1"); //出错! }
<?php //我的劵 InitGP(array("action", "type", "sid", "page")); //初始化变量全局返回 include_once INC_PATH . '/rate.class.php'; $rate = RateClass::init(); //获取最新汇率信息 $ratedata = $rate->get(); if (empty($action)) { $recharge = new TableClass("rechargerecord", "rid"); $uname = $_USERS['uname']; $wherestr[] = "uname='{$uname}'"; $wherestr[] = "state='2'"; if (!empty($wherestr)) { $wheresql = implode(' AND ', $wherestr); } //条件汇总 $dataarray = $recharge->getdata("", $wheresql, ""); //获取团购数据 include template('member_rmbaccount'); //包含输出指定模板 } elseif ($action == "pay") { if (empty($type)) { $type = 1; } include template('member_rmbaccount_pay'); //包含输出指定模板 } //print_r($dataarray);
$wherestr[] = "commenttime <> ''"; $wherestr[] = "reply <> ''"; if (!empty($wherestr)) { $wheresql = implode(' AND ', $wherestr); } //条件汇总 //获取当前页码 $total = $Table->getcount($wheresql . " and state=3 and commenttime <> ''"); //总信息数 $pagesize = 10; //一页显示信息数 $page = isset($page) ? max(1, intval($page)) : 1; //处理页码变量 $offset = ($page - 1) * $pagesize; //偏移量 $dataarray = $Table->getdata("{$offset},{$pagesize}", $wheresql, "sid desc"); //获取团购数据 foreach ($dataarray as &$val) { $face = DB::result_first("select face from dg_users where uname='" . $val['uname'] . "'"); $val['face'] = $face; } //读取编辑推荐 $goodsobj = new TableClass('goods', 'gid'); $rightarray = $goodsobj->getdata(4, "flag='c'", 'listorder asc,gid desc', 'gid,gtypeid,goodsurl,goodsname,goodsprice,goodsseller,goodsimg,sellerurl,shopname,rindex,views,buynum,listorder,flag,addtime'); //读取4条折扣信息 $discountobj = new TableClass('discount', 'did'); $discountarray = $discountobj->getdata(4, "flag='c'", 'listorder asc,did desc', 'did,title,flag,about,pic,discounttime,listorder,addtime'); //输出测试 //print_r($dataarray); include template('guestbook'); //包含输出指定模板
<?php include "../"; include "function_common.php"; InitGP(array("page", "action", "state", "value", "type", "aid", "ids", "did", "delids")); //初始化变量全局返回 $Table = new TableClass("service", "aid"); AjaxHead(); //禁止页面缓存 if (empty($action)) { InitGP(array("state", "orderby", "orderway", "keywords")); //初始化变量全局返回 if (!empty($state)) { $wherestr[] = "state='{$state}'"; } if ($type != null) { $wherestr[] = "type='{$type}'"; } if (!empty($keywords)) { $wherestr[] = " CONCAT(aid,' ',uname,' ',account) like '%{$keywords}%' "; } if (!empty($wherestr)) { $wheresql = implode(' AND ', $wherestr); } //条件汇总 $orderway = $orderway == "desc" ? "desc" : "asc"; if (!empty($orderby)) { $orderstr = "{$orderby} {$orderway}"; } //获取当前页码 $total = $Table->getcount($wheresql);
<?php include ""; InitGP(array("action", "sid", 'page')); //初始化变量全局返回 $specialobj = new TableClass('special', 'sid'); if (empty($action)) { $wherestr[] = "flag='hd'"; if (!empty($wherestr)) { $wheresql = implode(' AND ', $wherestr); } //条件汇总 //获取当前页码 $total = $specialobj->getcount($wheresql); //总信息数 if ($total > 1000) { $total = 1000; } //显示最大一千条 $pagesize = 6; //一页显示信息数 $page = isset($page) ? max(1, intval($page)) : 1; //处理页码变量 $offset = ($page - 1) * $pagesize; //偏移量 $dataarray = $specialobj->getdata("{$offset},{$pagesize}", $wheresql, "", 'sid,title,flag,about,pic,listorder,addtime'); //获取数据 //获取头条和推荐 $topharray = $specialobj->getdata(1, "flag='hd'", 'listorder asc,sid desc', 'sid,title,flag,about,pic,listorder,addtime'); $topcarray = $specialobj->getdata(3, "flag='hd'", 'listorder asc,sid desc', 'sid,title,flag,about,pic,listorder,addtime'); include template('special');
$orderstr = "{$orderby} {$orderway}"; } //获取当前页码 $total = $Table->getcount($wheresql); //总信息数 $pagesize = 15; //一页显示信息数 $page = isset($page) ? max(1, intval($page)) : 1; //处理页码变量 $offset = ($page - 1) * $pagesize; //偏移量 $dataarray = $Table->getdata("{$offset},{$pagesize}", $wheresql, $orderstr); //获取团购数据 //print_r($dataarray); //获取分类保存到数组 $Tabletype = new TableClass("atype", "typeid"); $tempdata = $Tabletype->getdata(); foreach ($tempdata as $v) { $ATYPE[$v['typeid']] = $v['typename']; } //包含后台模板文件 include "tpl/article_list.htm"; } elseif ($action == "del" && !empty($did)) { //执行删除操作 $did = GetNum($did); $info = $Table->del($did); if ($info == "OK") { showmsg("删除成功!", PHP_SELF); } else { showmsg($info, PHP_SELF); }
$jsonarray[$key]['c'] = $val['typeid']; $jsonarray[$key]['d'] = ddate('m-d', $val['addtime']); $jsonarray[$key]['id'] = $val['oid']; $jsonarray[$key]['m'] = $val['goodsprice']; $jsonarray[$key]['n'] = $val['goodsname']; $jsonarray[$key]['p'] = $val['showimg']; $jsonarray[$key]['s'] = $val['goodssite']; $jsonarray[$key]['u'] = $val['goodsurl']; $jsonarray[$key]['un'] = substrs($val['uname'], 2, 1) . "***"; } echo json_encode($jsonarray); //echo '[{"id":755285,"un":"木***y","n":"2010日韩新款秋季甜美向日葵娃娃鞋女鞋/单鞋/平底鞋/订大码","u":"","p":"","m":39.90,"d":"8分钟前","c":99,"s":"淘宝"},{"id":755284,"un":"木***y","n":"JJS 推荐 2010春天 韩版瑞丽女装 长袖开身显瘦休闲外套1500","u":"","p":"","m":12.00,"d":"8分钟前","c":99,"s":"淘宝"},{"id":755283,"un":"木***y","n":"包邮!正品匡威川久保玲PLAY明星鬼脸米色高帮爱心男女情侣帆布鞋","u":"","p":"","m":88.00,"d":"8分钟前","c":99,"s":"淘宝"},{"id":755282,"un":"木***y","n":"(台湾馆)**PG美人网**Y580【6/18缤纷洞洞侧肩包】4色","u":"","p":"","m":52.00,"d":"8分钟前","c":99,"s":"淘宝"},{"id":755281,"un":"v***g","n":"质感一流~韩版纯手工编织毛球短檐网眼毛线帽/女款冬季帽子","u":"","p":"","m":38.00,"d":"9分钟前","c":99,"s":"淘宝"},{"id":755276,"un":"l***n","n":"伊人小径 超值韩版!优雅女人味 花朵珍珠腰链 水钻pd1866","u":"","p":"","m":28.00,"d":"14分钟前","c":99,"s":"淘宝"},{"id":755275,"un":"l***n","n":"呛口小辣椒同款 ZARA限量款百搭铆钉圆钉松紧腰带腰封","u":"","p":"","m":12.80,"d":"14分钟前","c":99,"s":"淘宝"},{"id":755274,"un":"l***n","n":"韩国时尚 复古柳钉金属亮片 百搭朋克松紧宽腰封/女式束腰带/裙带","u":"","p":"","m":5.80,"d":"14分钟前","c":99,"s":"淘宝"},{"id":755273,"un":"l***n","n":"[美一步皇冠店]舒适满载铆钉超可爱平底侧花朵娃鞋鞋(推荐款)","u":"","p":"","m":49.00,"d":"14分钟前","c":99,"s":"淘宝"},{"id":755272,"un":"v***g","n":"10新款能穿的韩版T恤哦~特小号-特大号,瑞丽KOKO杂志款0A1017","u":"","p":"","m":96.00,"d":"15分钟前","c":99,"s":"淘宝"},{"id":755271,"un":"v***g","n":"10新款大码胖装肥装简约运动型螺纹弹力腰头休闲裤D0359 黑色","u":"","p":"","m":89.00,"d":"15分钟前","c":99,"s":"淘宝"},{"id":755270,"un":"v***g","n":"09新款秋季大尺码胖装肥装超百搭折皱中领内搭衣A8516 三色入","u":"","p":"","m":39.00,"d":"15分钟前","c":99,"s":"淘宝"},{"id":755269,"un":"v***g","n":"09新款秋季大码胖MM的高领彩色百搭打底衫长袖T恤A8517 4色入","u":"","p":"","m":39.00,"d":"15分钟前","c":99,"s":"淘宝"},{"id":755268,"un":"悠***y","n":"会拉丝的老祖母冷制纯橄榄皂 添加蛋黄 干皮必选","u":"","p":"","m":9.90,"d":"15分钟前","c":99,"s":"淘宝"},{"id":755267,"un":"v***g","n":"09新款大码胖装肥装 大筒围大腿围真牛皮内增高骑士靴YM10081","u":"","p":"","m":228.00,"d":"15分钟前","c":99,"s":"淘宝"}]'; exit; } else { if ($action == 'recommendproduct') { $goodsobj = new TableClass('goods', 'gid'); $dataarray = $goodsobj->getdata(10, "flag='c'", 'buynum asc,gid desc', 'gid,gtypeid,goodsurl,goodsname,goodsprice,goodsseller,goodsimg,sellerurl,shopname,rindex,views,buynum,listorder,flag,addtime'); $j = $i = 0; foreach ($dataarray as $key => $val) { $jsonarray[$j][$i]['id'] = $val['gid']; $jsonarray[$j][$i]['m'] = $val['goodsprice']; $jsonarray[$j][$i]['n'] = $val['goodsname']; $jsonarray[$j][$i]['p'] = $val['goodsimg']; $jsonarray[$j][$i]['s'] = $val['buynum']; $i++; if ($i >= 5) { $i = 0; $j++; } } echo json_encode($jsonarray);
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$wherestr[] = "touname='{$_ADMINUSERS['adminname']}'"; } //自己的短信列表 if (!empty($wherestr)) { $wheresql = implode(' AND ', $wherestr); } //条件汇总 $pmarray = $PM->getdata(3, $wheresql); //获取短信息 $GUESTBOOK = new TableClass("guestbook", "gid"); $guestbookarray = $GUESTBOOK->getdata(3); //获取留言数据 $SENDORDER = new TableClass("sendorder", "sid"); $sendorderarray = $SENDORDER->getdata(4); //获取发货单数据 $ADMIN = new TableClass("admin", "adminid"); $adminarray = $ADMIN->getdata(5); //获取管理员列表 ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE></TITLE> <META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <META content="MSHTML 6.00.3790.0" name=GENERATOR> <link href="skin/skin_0/style/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <!--划动门内容CSS--> <link href="skin/skin_0/style/HX101515261033.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <style type="text/css"> <!--
function setsmtp() { $smtp = new TableClass("smtpaccount", 'eid'); //设置总数和数组 $this->smtpcount = $smtp->getcount("state=1"); $this->smtparray = $smtp->getdata("", "state=1"); //查询获取数据 unset($smtp); }
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function carttofavorite($id) { if (!empty($id)) { $wherestr = $this->joinid($id); } if (empty($wherestr)) { return lang('goodsID_notempty'); } //获取数据 $temparray = $this->getdata("", $wherestr); if (!empty($temparray)) { foreach ($temparray as $value) { if (!empty($value['uname'])) { $addarray = array('uid' => $value['uid'], 'uname' => $value['uname'], 'goodsurl' => $value['goodsurl'], 'goodsname' => $value['goodsname'], 'goodsprice' => $value['goodsprice'], 'goodsimg' => $value['goodsimg'], 'goodsseller' => $value['goodsseller'], 'sellerurl' => $value['sellerurl'], 'goodssite' => $value['goodssite'], 'siteurl' => $value['siteurl'], 'addtime' => time()); //处理插入数据库 $f = new TableClass("favorite", "fid"); $info = $f->add($addarray); if (GetNum($info)) { $seccessid[] = $info; } else { return lang('Handling_goodsID') . $value['gid'] . lang('Error_add_Favorite'); } } } return 'OK'; } else { return lang('Data_notfound'); } }
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