function onView()
    global $form;
    // obtém os dados do formulário
    $data = $form->getData();
    // atribui os dados de volta ao formulário
    // cria uma janela
    $window = new TWindow('Dados do Form');
    // define posição e tamanho em pixels
    $window->setPosition(300, 70);
    $window->setSize(300, 150);
    // monta o texto a ser exibido
    $output = "Nome:     {$data->nome}\n";
    $output .= "Email:    {$data->email}\n";
    $output .= "Título:   {$data->titulo}\n";
    $output .= "Mensagem: \n{$data->mensagem}";
    // cria um objeto de texto
    $text = new TText('texto', 300);
    $text->setSize(290, 120);
    // adiciona o objeto à janela
Example #2
function onView()
    global $form;
    //Obtem dados do Formulario
    $data = $form->getData();
    //Atribui os dados de volta ao Formulario
    //Cria uma Janela
    $window = new TWindow('Dados do Formulario');
    //Define posição e tamanho
    $window->setPosition('300', '70');
    $window->setSize('300', '150');
    //Monta o Texto a ser Exibido
    $output = "Nome: {$data->Nome}\n";
    $output .= "Email: {$data->Email}\n";
    $output .= "Titulo: {$data->Titulo}\n";
    $output .= "Mensagem:\n{$data->Mensagem}\n";
    //Cria o Objeto de Texto
    $texto = new TText('TEXTO', '300');
    $texto->setSize('290', '120');
    //Adiciona o objeto a janela
  * Class constructor
  * Creates the page
 function __construct()
     parent::setTitle('New Window');
     parent::setSize(600, 370);
     parent::setPosition(100, 100);
     // create the form using TQuickForm class
     $this->form = new TQuickForm();
     // create the notebook
     $notebook = new TNotebook(530, 260);
     // adds the notebook page
     $notebook->appendPage('Quick form component', $this->form);
     // create the form fields
     $id = new TEntry('id');
     $description = new TEntry('description');
     $date = new TDate('date');
     $text = new TText('text');
     // add the fields inside the form
     $this->form->addQuickField('Id', $id, 40);
     $this->form->addQuickField('Description', $description, 200);
     $this->form->addQuickField('Date', $date, 100);
     $this->form->addQuickField('Text', $text, 120);
     // define the form action
     $this->form->addQuickAction('Save', new TAction(array($this, 'onSave')), 'ico_save.png');
     // add the form inside the page
  * método onProdutos()
  * executado quando o usuário clicar no link "Produtos"
  * @param $get = variável $_GET
 function onProdutos($get)
     $texto = "Nesta seção você vai conhecer os produtos da nossa empresa\n        Temos desde pintos, frangos, porcos, bois, vacas e todo tipo de animal\n        que você pode imaginar na nossa fazenda.";
     // adiciona o texto na linha de conteúdo da tabela
     $celula = $this->content->addCell($texto);
     $celula->colspan = 3;
     // cria uma janela
     $win = new TWindow('Promoção');
     // define posição e tamanho
     $win->setPosition(200, 100);
     $win->setSize(240, 100);
     // adiciona texto na janela
     $win->add('Temos cogumelos recém colhidos e também ovos de codorna fresquinhos');
     // exibe a janela
 function __construct()
     $this->pagseguro = new PPagSeguro('progs');
     $this->setSize(550, 400);
     $this->setTitle('Lista de Produtos');
     $this->grid = new TQuickGrid();
     $this->grid->addQuickColumn('id', 'id', 'right', 100);
     $this->grid->addQuickColumn('nome', 'nome', 'right', 200);
     $this->grid->addQuickColumn('qtd', 'qtd', 'right', 100);
     $this->grid->addQuickColumn('preco', 'preco', 'right', 100);
     $action = new TDataGridAction(array('Carrinho', 'updateItem'));
     $this->grid->addQuickAction('UpdateItem', $action, 'id', 'ico_edit.png');
     $form = new TQuickForm('frm_finalizar');
     $action2 = new TAction(array($this, 'finalizar'));
     $form->addQuickAction('finalizar', $action2);
     $produtos = PCart::getItens();
     if ($produtos) {
         foreach ($produtos as $p) {
             $item = new stdClass();
             $item->id = $p->getId();
             $item->nome = $p->getNome();
             $item->qtd = $p->getQtd();
             $item->preco = $p->getPreco();
         $box = new TVBox();
  * Method onHelp
  * Shows the source code for this sample, along with an explanation
 function onHelp($param)
     if (isset($param['classname']) and $param['classname']) {
         $folder = 'app/control';
         $classname = $param['classname'];
         foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($folder), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST) as $entry) {
             if (is_dir($entry)) {
                 if (file_exists("{$entry}/{$classname}.class.php")) {
                     $resource = str_replace('app/control', 'app/resources', "{$entry}/{$classname}.txt");
                     if (file_exists($resource)) {
                     } else {
                         $this->label->setValue('This is the source-code for this sample.');
     } else {
  * Class constructor
  * Creates the page
 function __construct()
     parent::setTitle('New Window');
     parent::setSize(800, 400);
     parent::add(new TLabel('Another Window'));
 public function __construct()
     //checa para verificar se esta logado
     //verifica o nivel de usuario que pode acessar
  * Shows the exception stack
 function show()
     $error_array = $this->e->getTrace();
     $table = new TTable();
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $message = $this->e->getMessage();
     $message = str_replace('<br>', "\n", $message);
     $title = new GtkLabel();
     $title->set_markup('<b>General Error: ' . $message . '</b>' . "\n");
     foreach ($error_array as $error) {
         $file = isset($error['file']) ? $error['file'] : '';
         $line = isset($error['line']) ? $error['line'] : '';
         $file = str_replace(PATH, '', $file);
         $row = $table->addRow();
         $row->addCell('File: ' . $file . ' : ' . $line);
         $row = $table->addRow();
         $args = array();
         if ($error['args']) {
             foreach ($error['args'] as $arg) {
                 if (is_object($arg)) {
                     $args[] = get_class($arg) . ' object';
                 } else {
                     if (is_array($arg)) {
                         $array_param = array();
                         foreach ($arg as $value) {
                             if (is_object($value)) {
                                 $array_param[] = get_class($value);
                             } else {
                                 if (is_array($value)) {
                                     $array_param[] = 'array';
                                 } else {
                                     $array_param[] = $value;
                         $args[] = implode(',', $array_param);
                     } else {
                         $args[] = (string) $arg;
         $label = new GtkLabel();
         $class = isset($error['class']) ? $error['class'] : '';
         $type = isset($error['type']) ? $error['type'] : '';
         $label->set_markup('  <i>' . '<span foreground="#78BD4C">' . $class . '</span>' . '<span foreground="#600097">' . $type . '</span>' . '<span foreground="#5258A3">' . $error['function'] . '</span>' . '(' . '<span foreground="#894444">' . implode(',', $args) . '</span>' . ')</i>');
     $scroll = new TScroll();
     $scroll->setSize(690, 390);
     $scroll->child->modify_bg(GTK::STATE_NORMAL, GdkColor::parse('#ffffff'));
  * Class constructor
  * Creates the page
 function __construct()
     parent::setTitle('Detail Window');
     parent::setSize(400, 300);
     $this->label = new TLabel('');
     // add the form inside the page
Example #11
    function onProdutos($get)
        //Adiciona o $texto a uma Celula da
        //Linha de Conteudo $content e atribui a
        //referencia a variavel $celula
        $celula = $this->content->addCell($texto);
        //Deixa a celula com a dimensão de 3 Colunas
        $celula->colspan = 3;
        //Cria uma Janela Pop-Up
        $win = new TWindow('Promoção');
        //Define o Tamanho
        $win->setPosition(200, 100);
        $win->setSize(240, 100);
        //Adiciona Texto na janela
        $win->add('TEXTO TEXTO TEXTO TEXTO');
        //exibe a janela
 public function __construct()
     $this->setSize(300, 200);
     $this->form = new TQuickForm('login');
     $login = new TEntry('user');
     $senha = new TPassword('senha');
     $this->form->addQuickField('Login', $login, 200, new TRequiredValidator());
     $this->form->addQuickField('Senha', $senha, 200, new TRequiredValidator());
     $this->form->addQuickAction('Logar', new TAction(array($this, 'logar')));
Example #13
  * Shows an exception stack
 function show()
     $error_array = $this->e->getTrace();
     $table = new TTable();
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $row->addCell('<b>General Error: ' . $this->e->getMessage() . '<br>');
     $row = $table->addRow();
     foreach ($error_array as $error) {
         $file = isset($error['file']) ? $error['file'] : '';
         $line = isset($error['line']) ? $error['line'] : '';
         $row = $table->addRow();
         $row->addCell('File: ' . $file . ' : ' . $line);
         $row = $table->addRow();
         $args = array();
         if ($error['args']) {
             foreach ($error['args'] as $arg) {
                 if (is_object($arg)) {
                     $args[] = get_class($arg) . ' object';
                 } else {
                     if (is_array($arg)) {
                         $array_param = array();
                         foreach ($arg as $value) {
                             if (is_object($value)) {
                                 $array_param[] = get_class($value);
                             } else {
                                 if (is_array($value)) {
                                     $array_param[] = 'array';
                                 } else {
                                     $array_param[] = $value;
                         $args[] = implode(',', $array_param);
                     } else {
                         $args[] = (string) $arg;
         $class = isset($error['class']) ? $error['class'] : '';
         $type = isset($error['type']) ? $error['type'] : '';
         $row->addCell('&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>' . '<font color=green>' . $class . '</font>' . '<font color=olive>' . $type . '</font>' . '<font color=darkblue>' . $error['function'] . '</font>' . '(' . '<font color=maroon>' . implode(',', $args) . '</font>' . ')</i>');
     $scroll = new TScroll();
     $scroll->setSize(690, 390);
  * Class constructor
  * Creates the page
 function __construct()
     parent::setSize(570, 200);
     // create the form using TQuickForm class
     $this->form = new TQuickForm();
     $this->form->class = 'tform';
     $this->form->setFormTitle('Quick form');
     $this->form->style = 'width: 500px';
     // create the form fields
     $code = new TEntry('code');
     $name = new TEntry('name');
     // add the fields inside the form
     $this->form->addQuickField('Code', $code, 100);
     $this->form->addQuickField('Name', $name, 400);
     // define the form action
     $this->form->addQuickAction('Save', new TAction(array($this, 'onSave')), 'ico_save.png');
 * função __autoload()
 * carrega as classes necessárias sob demanda
function __autoload($class)
    include_once "app.widgets/{$class}.class.php";
// instancia um objeto TWindow nas coordenadas 20,20 contendo um texto
$janela1 = new TWindow('janela1');
$janela1->setPosition(20, 20);
$janela1->setSize(200, 200);
$janela1->add(new TParagraph('conteúdo da janela 1'));
// instancia um objeto TWindow nas coordenadas 300,20 contendo uma imagem
$janela2 = new TWindow('janela2');
$janela2->setPosition(300, 20);
$janela2->setSize(200, 200);
$janela2->add(new TImage('app.images/gimp.png'));
// instancia um objeto painel
// coloca dentro do painel um texto e uma imagem
$painel = new TPanel(210, 130);
$painel->put(new TParagraph('<b>texto1</b>'), 20, 20);
$painel->put(new TImage('app.images/gnome.png'), 80, 20);
// instancia um objeto TWindow nas coordenadas 140,120 contendo um painel
$janela3 = new TWindow('janela3');
$janela3->setPosition(140, 120);
$janela3->setSize(220, 160);
  * Select the register by ID and return the information to the main form
  *     When using onblur signal, AJAX passes all needed parameters via GET
  *     instead of calling onSetup before.
 public function onSelect($param)
     $key = $param['key'];
     $database = isset($param['database']) ? $param['database'] : TSession::getValue('standard_seek_database');
     $receive_key = isset($param['receive_key']) ? $param['receive_key'] : TSession::getValue('standard_seek_receive_key');
     $receive_field = isset($param['receive_field']) ? $param['receive_field'] : TSession::getValue('standard_seek_receive_field');
     $display_field = isset($param['display_field']) ? $param['display_field'] : TSession::getValue('standard_seek_display_field');
     $parent = isset($param['parent']) ? $param['parent'] : TSession::getValue('standard_seek_parent');
     try {
         // load the active record
         $model = isset($param['model']) ? $param['model'] : TSession::getValue('standard_seek_model');
         $activeRecord = new $model($key);
         $object = new StdClass();
         $object->{$receive_key} = $activeRecord->{'id'};
         $object->{$receive_field} = $activeRecord->{$display_field};
         TForm::sendData($parent, $object);
         // closes the window
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // clear fields
         $object = new StdClass();
         $object->{$receive_key} = '';
         $object->{$receive_field} = '';
         TForm::sendData($parent, $object);
         // undo all pending operations
Example #17
  * method show()
  * Shows the page
 function show()
     // check if the datagrid is already loaded
     if (!$this->loaded) {
 public function __construct()
     parent::add(new TLabel('Hello World'));
 function onFinal()
     // instancia uma nova janela
     $janela = new TWindow('Concui Venda');
     $janela->setPosition(520, 200);
     $janela->setSize(250, 180);
     // lê a variável $list da seção
     $list = TSession::getValue('list');
     // inicia transação com o banco 'sq_livro'
     $total = 0;
     foreach ($list as $item) {
         // soma o total de produtos vendidos
         $total += $item->preco_venda * $item->quantidade;
     // fecha a transação
     // instancia formulário de conclusão de venda
     $form = new ConcluiVendaForm();
     // define a ação do botão deste formulário
     $form->button->setAction(new TAction(array($this, 'onGravaVenda')), 'Salvar');
     // preenche o formulário com o valor_total
     $dados = new StdClass();
     $dados->valor_total = $total;
     // adiciona o formulário à janela
Example #20
  * Class constructor
  * Creates the page and the registration form
 public function __construct()
     parent::setSize(640, 350);
     // creates the form
     $this->form = new TForm('form_Event');
     $this->form->class = 'tform';
     // CSS class
     $this->form->style = 'width: 600px';
     // add a table inside form
     $table = new TTable();
     $table->width = '100%';
     // add a row for the form title
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $row->class = 'tformtitle';
     // CSS class
     $row->addCell(new TLabel('Event'))->colspan = 2;
     $hours = array();
     $durations = array();
     for ($n = 0; $n < 24; $n++) {
         $hours[$n] = "{$n}:00";
         $durations[$n + 1] = $n + 1 . ' h';
     // create the form fields
     $id = new TEntry('id');
     $event_date = new TDate('event_date');
     $start_hour = new TCombo('start_hour');
     $duration = new TCombo('duration');
     $title = new TEntry('title');
     $description = new TText('description');
     // define the sizes
     $description->setSize(400, 50);
     // add one row for each form field
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('ID:'), $id);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Event Date:'), $event_date);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Start Hour:'), $start_hour);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Duration:'), $duration);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Title:'), $title);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Description:'), $description);
     // create an action button (save)
     $save_button = new TButton('save');
     $save_button->setAction(new TAction(array($this, 'onSave')), _t('Save'));
     // create an new button (edit with no parameters)
     $new_button = new TButton('new');
     $new_button->setAction(new TAction(array($this, 'onEdit')), _t('Clear'));
     $this->form->setFields(array($id, $event_date, $start_hour, $duration, $title, $description, $save_button, $new_button));
     $buttons_box = new THBox();
     // add a row for the form action
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $row->class = 'tformaction';
     // CSS class
     $row->addCell($buttons_box)->colspan = 2;
  * Executed when the user chooses the record
 function onSelect($param)
     try {
         $key = $param['key'];
         // load the active record
         $city = new City($key);
         // closes the transaction
         $object = new StdClass();
         $object->city_id1 = $city->id;
         $object->city_name1 = $city->name;
         TForm::sendData('form_seek_sample', $object);
         // closes the window
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // em caso de exceção
         // clear fields
         $object = new StdClass();
         $object->city_id1 = '';
         $object->city_name1 = '';
         TForm::sendData('form_seek_sample', $object);
         // undo pending operations
Example #22
  * Shows the page
 function show()
     // if the datagrid was not loaded yet
     if (!$this->loaded) {
  * Form constructor
  * @param $param Request
 public function __construct($param)
     // creates the form
     $this->form = new TForm('form_Cliente');
     $this->form->class = 'tform';
     // change CSS class
     $note = new TNotebook(400, 300);
     // add a table inside form
     $table = new TTable();
     $table->width = '100%';
     // add a row for the form title
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $row->class = 'tformtitle';
     // CSS class
     $row->addCell(new TLabel('Clientes'))->colspan = 2;
     // create the form fields
     $id = new TEntry('id');
     $nome = new TEntry('nome');
     // campo para telefones
     $multifield = new TMultiField('telefone');
     $telefone_id = new TEntry('id');
     $telefone = new TEntry('numero');
     //    campo para emails
     $multifield_email = new TMultiField('email');
     $email = new TEntry('email');
     $email_id = new TEntry('id');
     $email->addValidation('email', new TEmailValidator());
     $multifield->addField('id', 'Codigo', $telefone_id, 200);
     $multifield->addField('numero', 'Telefone', $telefone, 200, true);
     $multifield_email->addField('id', 'Codigo', $email_id, 200);
     $multifield_email->addField('email', 'Email', $email, 200, true);
     // define the sizes
     // add one row for each form field
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('id:'), $id);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('nome:'), $nome);
     $this->form->setFields(array($id, $nome, $multifield, $multifield_email));
     // create the form actions
     $save_button = TButton::create('save', array($this, 'onSave'), _t('Save'), 'bs:floppy-disk red');
     $new_button = TButton::create('new', array($this, 'onEdit'), _t('New'), 'bs:edit green');
     $buttons_box = new THBox();
     // add a row for the form action
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $row->class = 'tformaction';
     // CSS class
     $row->addCell($buttons_box)->colspan = 2;
     $note->appendPage('Clientes', $table);
     $note->appendPage('Telefone', $multifield);
     $note->appendPage('Email', $multifield_email);
     // vertical box container
     $container = new TVBox();
     $container->style = 'width: 90%';
     // $container->add(new TXMLBreadCrumb('menu.xml', __CLASS__));
     $container->add(TPanelGroup::pack('Title', $this->form));