  * Function called when module is enabled.
  * The init function add constants, boxes, permissions and menus
  * (defined in constructor) into Dolibarr database.
  * It also creates data directories
  * 	@param		string	$options	Options when enabling module ('', 'noboxes')
  * 	@return		int					1 if OK, 0 if KO
 public function init($options = '')
     global $db, $conf;
     $sql = array();
     $result = $this->loadTables();
     // Création extrafield pour choix si remise doit apparaitre sur doc.
     //function addExtraField($attrname, $label, $type, $pos, $size, $elementtype, $unique=0, $required=0,$default_value='', $param=0)
     $ext = new ExtraFields($db);
     $res = $ext->addExtraField("use_remise", 'Automatisation des remises', 'select', 0, "", 'propal', 0, 0, '', array("options" => array("Oui" => "Oui", "Non" => "Non")));
     $res = $ext->addExtraField("use_remise", 'Automatisation des remises', 'select', 0, "", 'commande', 0, 0, '', array("options" => array("Oui" => "Oui", "Non" => "Non")));
     $res = $ext->addExtraField("use_remise", 'Automatisation des remises', 'select', 0, "", 'facture', 0, 0, '', array("options" => array("Oui" => "Oui", "Non" => "Non")));
     define('INC_FROM_DOLIBARR', true);
     $PDOdb = new TPDOdb();
     $o = new TRemise();
     if (!empty($conf->global->REMISE_WEIGHT_ARRAY)) {
         $TRemise = unserialize($conf->global->REMISE_WEIGHT_ARRAY);
         foreach ($TRemise as $remise) {
             $o = new TRemise();
             $o->palier = $remise['weight'];
             $o->remise = $remise['remise'];
             $o->zip = $remise['zip'];
             $o->type = 'WEIGHT';
         dolibarr_del_const($db, 'REMISE_WEIGHT_ARRAY');
     if (!empty($conf->global->REMISE_ARRAY)) {
         $TRemise = unserialize($conf->global->REMISE_ARRAY);
         foreach ($TRemise as $palier => $remise) {
             $o = new TRemise();
             $o->palier = $palier;
             $o->remise = $remise;
             $o->type = 'AMOUNT';
         dolibarr_del_const($db, 'REMISE_ARRAY');
     return $this->_init($sql, $options);