public function test_TMS_GET_MATCHES_Struct() { $mt = new MUTE_MT(2); $urls = parse_url($mt->fakeUrl); parse_str($urls['query']); /** @var $q string */ $text = $q; $source = "en-US"; $target = "it-IT"; $key = ""; $mt_result = $mt->get($text, $source, $target, $key); $mt_match = $mt_result->translatedText; $penalty = $mt->getPenalty(); $mt_score = 100 - $penalty; $mt_score .= "%"; $mt_match_res = new TMS_GET_MATCHES($text, $mt_match, $mt_score, "MT-" . $mt->getName(), date("Y-m-d")); $mt_res = $mt_match_res->get_as_array(); $mt_res['sentence_confidence'] = $mt_result->sentence_confidence; //can be null $this->assertArrayHasKey('id', $mt_res); $this->assertArrayHasKey('raw_segment', $mt_res); $this->assertArrayHasKey('segment', $mt_res); $this->assertArrayHasKey('translation', $mt_res); $this->assertArrayHasKey('raw_translation', $mt_res); $this->assertArrayHasKey('quality', $mt_res); $this->assertArrayHasKey('reference', $mt_res); $this->assertArrayHasKey('usage_count', $mt_res); $this->assertArrayHasKey('subject', $mt_res); $this->assertArrayHasKey('created_by', $mt_res); $this->assertArrayHasKey('last_updated_by', $mt_res); $this->assertArrayHasKey('create_date', $mt_res); $this->assertArrayHasKey('last_update_date', $mt_res); $this->assertArrayHasKey('match', $mt_res); $this->assertArrayHasKey('sentence_confidence', $mt_res); $this->assertEquals('50.35047642150528', $mt_res['sentence_confidence']); $this->assertEquals('MT-FBK Legal (EN->IT) - Ad.', $mt_res['created_by']); $this->assertEquals("congruente con l'approccio coordinato il distretti di Tesoreria, Labor, e Health e Human Services sta svolgendo in sviluppo delle normative e altre istruzioni sotto il economiche Care Act, la notifica anche sollecita l'immissione su come le tre Reparti deve interpretare ed applicare i privilegi Agisci' s disposizioni limitando la possibilità di piani ed emittenti di imporre un periodo di attesa dello stato di copertura per più di 90 giorni a partire dalla 2014.", $mt_res['raw_translation']); $this->assertEquals($text, $mt_res['segment']); $this->assertEquals($mt_score, '86%'); }
public function doAction() { if (empty($this->id_segment)) { $this->result['errors'][] = array("code" => -1, "message" => "missing id_segment"); } if (empty($this->text)) { $this->result['errors'][] = array("code" => -2, "message" => "missing text"); } if (empty($this->num_results)) { $this->num_results = INIT::$DEFAULT_NUM_RESULTS_FROM_TM; } if (!empty($this->result['errors'])) { return -1; } $st = getJobData($this->id_job); $this->source = $st['source']; $this->target = $st['target']; $this->id_mt_engine = $st['id_mt_engine']; $this->id_tms = $st['id_tms']; $tms_match = array(); if (!empty($this->id_tms)) { $mt_from_tms = 1; if (!empty($this->id_mt_engine)) { $mt_from_tms = 0; } //log::doLog("before $this->text"); $this->text = CatUtils::view2rawxliff($this->text); // log::doLog("after $this->text"); $tms = new TMS($this->id_tms); $tms_match = $tms->get($this->text, $this->source, $this->target, "*****@*****.**", $mt_from_tms, $this->id_translator); // log::doLog ("tms_match"); //log::doLog ($tms_match); } // UNUSED $mt_res = array(); $mt_match = ""; if (!empty($this->id_mt_engine)) { $mt = new MT($this->id_mt_engine); $mt_result = $mt->get($this->text, $this->source, $this->target); if ($mt_result[0] < 0) { $mt_match = ''; } else { $mt_match = $mt_result[1]; $penalty = $mt->getPenalty(); $mt_score = 100 - $penalty; $mt_score .= "%"; $mt_match_res = new TMS_GET_MATCHES($this->text, $mt_match, $mt_score, "MT-" . $mt->getName(), date("Y-m-d")); $mt_res = $mt_match_res->get_as_array(); } } $matches = array(); if (!empty($tms_match)) { $matches = $tms_match; } if (!empty($mt_match)) { $matches[] = $mt_res; usort($matches, "compareScore"); } $matches = array_slice($matches, 0, INIT::$DEFAULT_NUM_RESULTS_FROM_TM); $res = $this->setSuggestionReport($matches); if (is_array($res) and array_key_exists("error", $res)) { } foreach ($matches as &$match) { if (strpos($match['created_by'], 'MT') !== false) { $match['match'] = 'MT'; } if ($match['created_by'] == 'MT!') { $match['created_by'] = 'MT'; //MyMemory returns MT! } } if (empty($matches)) { $this->result['errors'][] = array("code" => -3, "message" => "empty matches"); } else { $this->result['data']['matches'] = $matches; } }