  * Class constructor
  * Creates the page
 function __construct()
     // creates a table
     $table = new TTable();
     // creates a label with the title
     $title = new TLabel('Table Multi Cell');
     // adds a row to the table
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $title = $row->addCell($title);
     $title->colspan = 2;
     // creates a series of input widgets
     $id = new TEntry('id');
     $name = new TEntry('name');
     $min = new TEntry('min');
     $max = new TEntry('max');
     $start_date = new TDate('start_date');
     $end_date = new TDate('end_date');
     $address = new TEntry('address');
     // adjust the size of the code
     // add rows for the fields
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Code'), $id);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Name'), $name);
     // first approach
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Value'), array($min, new TLabel('To'), $max));
     // second approach
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $row->addCell(new TLabel('Date'));
     $row->addMultiCell($start_date, $end_date);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Address'), $address);
     // wrap the page content using vertical box
     $vbox = new TVBox();
     $vbox->add(new TXMLBreadCrumb('menu.xml', __CLASS__));
  * Class constructor
  * Creates the page
 function __construct()
     // creates a table
     $table = new TTable();
     // creates a label with the title
     $title = new TLabel('Table Columns');
     // adds a row to the table
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $title = $row->addCell($title);
     $title->colspan = 2;
     // creates a series of input widgets
     $id = new TEntry('id');
     $name = new TEntry('name');
     $address = new TEntry('address');
     $telephone = new TEntry('telephone');
     $city = new TCombo('city');
     $text = new TText('text');
     $items = array();
     $items['1'] = 'Porto Alegre';
     $items['2'] = 'Lajeado';
     // adjust the size of the code
     // add rows for the fields
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Code'), $id);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Name'), $name);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('City'), $city);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Address'), $address);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Telephone'), $telephone);
     // wrap the page content using vertical box
     $vbox = new TVBox();
     $vbox->add(new TXMLBreadCrumb('menu.xml', __CLASS__));
Example #3
function __autoload($classe)
    if (file_exists("../app.widgets/{$classe}.class.php")) {
        include_once "../app.widgets/{$classe}.class.php";
//Cria o Formulario
$form = new TForm('formPessoas');
//Cria um Painel
$painel = new TPanel('440', '200');
//Adicona o Painel ao Formulario
//Cria um rotulo de texto para o Titulo
$titulo = new TLabel('Exemplo');
//Posiciona o titulo no Painel
$painel->put($titulo, '120', '4');
$imagem = new TImage('../app.images/mouse.png');
//Posiciona a imagem no painel
$painel->put($imagem, '320', '120');
//Cria uma serie de Campos de entrada de dados
$codigo = new TEntry('codigo');
$nome = new TEntry('nome');
$endereco = new TEntry('endereco');
$telefone = new TEntry('telefone');
$cidade = new TCombo('cidade');
$itens = array();
$itens['1'] = 'Porto Alegre';
  * Class constructor
  * Creates the page and the registration form
 function __construct()
     // creates the form
     $this->form = new TForm('form_clienteRegistro_Detalhe');
     new TSession();
     // creates a table
     $table = new TTable();
     $panel = new TPanel(480, 250);
     //  $panel->style = "background-image: url(app/images/background.png);";
     $notebook = new TNotebook(500, 250);
     // add the notebook inside the form
     // add the notebook inside the form
     // envia key e fk para sessao
     TSession::setValue('crm_key', $_GET['key']);
     TSession::setValue('cliente_fk', $_GET['fk']);
     //dados do cliente CRM
     $criteria = new TCriteria();
     $criteria->add(new TFilter('cliente_id', '=', $_GET['fk']));
     $repository = new TRepository('CRM');
     $CRM = $repository->load($criteria);
     foreach ($CRM as $crms) {
         $codigoCRM = $crms->id;
         $tituloCRM = $crms->titulo;
         $projetoCRM = $crms->projeto_nome;
         $dataCRM = $crms->data_crm;
         $tempoCRM = $crms->tempo;
         $porcentagemCRM = $crms->porcentagem;
         $descricaoCRM = $crms->descricao;
         $solicitanteCRM = $crms->solicitante;
         $usuarioalteracaoCRM = $crms->usuarioalteracao;
         $responsavel_nomeCRM = $crms->responsavel_nome;
         $tipo_nomeCRM = $crms->tipo_nome;
         $cliente_nomeCRM = $crms->cliente_nome;
         $prioridade_nomeCRM = $crms->prioridade_nome;
         $status_nomeCRM = $crms->status_nome;
     $titulo = new TLabel('CRM - Registros');
     // add a row for the field code
     $panel->put($titulo, 10, 5);
     $panel->put("CRM: " . $codigoCRM, 10, 25);
     $panel->put("Titulo: " . $tituloCRM, 10, 45);
     $panel->put("Projeto: " . $projetoCRM, 10, 65);
     $panel->put("Data de Criação: " . $dataCRM, 10, 85);
     $panel->put("Aberto por: " . $usuarioalteracaoCRM, 10, 105);
     $panel->put("Cliente: " . $cliente_nomeCRM, 10, 125);
     $panel->put("Responsavel: " . $responsavel_nomeCRM, 10, 145);
     $panel->put("Tipo: " . $tipo_nomeCRM, 10, 165);
     $panel->put("Percentual Conclusão: " . $porcentagemCRM, 10, 185);
     $panel->put("Tempo Gasto: " . $tempoCRM, 10, 205);
     $panel->put("Situação: " . $status_nomeCRM, 10, 225);
     //inserir button no panel
     $panel->put($button1, 10, 325);
     $panel->put($button2, 100, 325);
     // create an action button
     $button1 = new TButton('action1');
     $action1 = new TAction(array('CRMClienteList', 'onReload'));
     $action1->setParameter('key', $_GET['fk']);
     $button1->setAction($action1, 'Voltar');
     // create an action button
     $button2 = new TButton('action2');
     $action2 = new TAction(array('RegistroForm', 'onEdit'));
     $action2->setParameter('fk', $_GET['fk']);
     $button2->setAction($action2, 'Inserir Registro');
     // define wich are the form fields
     $this->form->setFields(array($button1, $button2));
     $subtable = new TTable();
     $row = $subtable->addRow();
     $table_layout = new TTable();
     //dados do cliente CRM
     $criteria2 = new TCriteria();
     // $criteria->add(new TFilter('crm_id', '=', $_GET['key']));
     $criteria2->setProperty('order', 'id desc');
     $repository2 = new TRepository('Registro');
     $reg = $repository2->load($criteria2);
     foreach ($reg as $regs) {
         $row = $table->addRow();
         $row->addCell(new TLabel('ID:'));
         $cell = $row->addCell($regs->id);
         $row = $table->addRow();
         $row->addCell(new TLabel('CRM:'));
         $cell = $row->addCell($regs->crm_id);
         $row = $table->addRow();
         $row->addCell(new TLabel('CRM:'));
         $cell = $row->addCell($regs->tiporegistro_id);
         $row = $table->addRow();
         $row->addCell(new TLabel('Tempo:'));
         $cell = $row->addCell($regs->tempo_registro);
         $row = $table->addRow();
         $row->addCell(new TLabel('Data:'));
         $cell = $row->addCell($regs->data_registro);
         $row = $table->addRow();
         $row->addCell(new TLabel('Horario:'));
         $cell = $row->addCell($regs->hora_registro);
         $row = $table->addRow();
         $row->addCell(new TLabel('Numero Registro:'));
         $cell = $row->addCell($regs->numero_registro);
         $row = $table->addRow();
         $row->addCell(new TLabel('Registro:'));
         $cell = $row->addCell($regs->registro);
         $row = $table->addRow();
         $row->addCell(new TLabel(' '));
         $cell = $row->addCell(' ');
  * Class constructor
  * Creates the page
 public function __construct()
     new TSession();
     // creates the items form and add a table inside
     $this->form_item = new TForm('form_pos');
     $this->form_item->class = 'tform';
     $table_item = new TTable();
     $table_item->width = '100%';
     // create the form fields
     $product_id = new TDBSeekButton('product_id', 'samples', 'form_pos', 'Product', 'description', 'product_id', 'product_description');
     $product_description = new TEntry('product_description');
     $sale_price = new TEntry('sale_price');
     $amount = new TEntry('amount');
     $discount = new TEntry('discount');
     $total = new TEntry('total');
     // add validators
     $product_id->addValidation('Product', new TRequiredValidator());
     $amount->addValidation('Amount', new TRequiredValidator());
     // define the exit actions
     $product_id->setExitAction(new TAction(array($this, 'onExitProduct')));
     $amount->setExitAction(new TAction(array($this, 'onUpdateTotal')));
     $discount->setExitAction(new TAction(array($this, 'onUpdateTotal')));
     // define some attributes
     $product_id->style = 'font-size: 17pt; height: 30px';
     $product_description->style = 'font-size: 17pt; height: 30px';
     $sale_price->style = 'font-size: 17pt; height: 30px';
     $amount->style = 'font-size: 17pt; height: 30px';
     $discount->style = 'font-size: 17pt; height: 30px';
     $total->style = 'font-size: 17pt; height: 30px';
     $product_id->button->style = 'height: 30px; margin-top:0px; vertical-align:top';
     // define some properties
     $sale_price->setNumericMask(2, '.', ',');
     $discount->setNumericMask(2, '.', ',');
     $total->setNumericMask(2, '.', ',');
     // add a row for the form title
     $row = $table_item->addRow();
     $row->class = 'tformtitle';
     // CSS class
     $cell = $row->addCell(new TLabel('Point of Sales'));
     $cell->colspan = 4;
     // create the field labels
     $lab_pro = new TLabel('Product');
     $lab_des = new TLabel('Description');
     $lab_pri = new TLabel('Price');
     $lab_amo = new TLabel('Amount');
     $lab_dis = new TLabel('Discount');
     $lab_tot = new TLabel('Total');
     $lab_pro->setFontFace('Trebuchet MS');
     $lab_des->setFontFace('Trebuchet MS');
     $lab_pri->setFontFace('Trebuchet MS');
     $lab_amo->setFontFace('Trebuchet MS');
     $lab_dis->setFontFace('Trebuchet MS');
     $lab_tot->setFontFace('Trebuchet MS');
     // creates the action button
     $button1 = new TButton('add');
     $button1->setAction(new TAction(array($this, 'onAddItem')), 'Add item');
     // add the form fields
     $table_item->addRowSet($lab_pro, $product_id, $lab_des, $product_description);
     $table_item->addRowSet($lab_pri, $sale_price, $lab_amo, $amount);
     $table_item->addRowSet($lab_dis, $discount, $lab_tot, array($total, $button1));
     // define the form fields
     $this->form_item->setFields(array($product_id, $product_description, $sale_price, $amount, $discount, $total, $button1));
     // creates the customer form and add a table inside it
     $this->form_customer = new TForm('form_customer');
     $this->form_customer->class = 'tform';
     $table_customer = new TTable();
     $table_customer->width = '100%';
     // add a row for the form title
     $row = $table_customer->addRow();
     $row->class = 'tformtitle';
     // CSS class
     $cell = $row->addCell(new TLabel('Customer'));
     $cell->colspan = 5;
     // create the form fields
     $customer_id = new TDBSeekButton('customer_id', 'samples', 'form_customer', 'Customer', 'name', 'customer_id', 'customer_name');
     $customer_name = new TEntry('customer_name');
     // define validation and other properties
     $customer_id->addValidation('Customer', new TRequiredValidator());
     $customer_id->style = 'font-size: 17pt; height: 30px';
     $customer_name->style = 'font-size: 17pt; height: 30px';
     $customer_id->button->style = 'height: 30px; margin-top:0px; vertical-align:top';
     // create tha form labels
     $lab_cus = new TLabel('Customer');
     $lab_nam = new TLabel('Name');
     $lab_cus->setFontFace('Trebuchet MS');
     $lab_nam->setFontFace('Trebuchet MS');
     // action button
     $button2 = new TButton('save');
     $button2->setAction(new TAction(array($this, 'onSave')), 'Save and finish');
     // add the form fields inside the table
     $table_customer->addRowSet($lab_cus, $customer_id, $lab_nam, $customer_name, $button2);
     // define the form fields
     $this->form_customer->setFields(array($customer_id, $customer_name, $button2));
     // creates the grid for items
     $this->cartgrid = new TQuickGrid();
     $this->cartgrid->class = 'tdatagrid_table customized-table';
     $this->cartgrid->addQuickColumn('ID', 'product_id', 'right', 25);
     $this->cartgrid->addQuickColumn('Description', 'product_description', 'left', 230);
     $this->cartgrid->addQuickColumn('Price', 'sale_price', 'right', 80);
     $this->cartgrid->addQuickColumn('Amount', 'amount', 'right', 70);
     $this->cartgrid->addQuickColumn('Discount', 'discount', 'right', 70);
     $this->cartgrid->addQuickColumn('Total', 'total', 'right', 100);
     $this->cartgrid->addQuickAction('Delete', new TDataGridAction(array($this, 'onDelete')), 'product_id', 'ico_delete.png');
     // wrap the page content using vertical box
     $vbox = new TVBox();
     $vbox->add(new TXMLBreadCrumb('menu.xml', __CLASS__));
     $vbox->add(new TLabel(' '));
     $vbox->add(new TLabel(' '));
  * Class constructor
  * Creates the page
 function __construct()
     // creates a panel
     $panel = new TPanel(480, 260);
     if (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli') {
         $panel->style = "background-image: url(app/images/background.png);";
     // creates a label with the title
     $titulo = new TLabel('Panel Layout');
     // put the title label in the panel
     $panel->put($titulo, 120, 4);
     $imagem = new TImage('app/images/mouse.png');
     // put the image in the panel
     $panel->put($imagem, 260, 140);
     // create the input widgets
     $id = new TEntry('id');
     $name = new TEntry('name');
     $address = new TEntry('address');
     $telephone = new TEntry('telephone');
     $city = new TCombo('city');
     $items = array();
     $items['1'] = 'Porto Alegre';
     $items['2'] = 'Lajeado';
     // add the options to the combo
     // adjust the size of the fields
     // create the labels
     $label1 = new TLabel('Code');
     $label2 = new TLabel('Name');
     $label3 = new TLabel('City');
     $label4 = new TLabel('Address');
     $label5 = new TLabel('Telephone');
     // put the widgets in the panel
     $panel->put($label1, 10, 40);
     $panel->put($id, 10, 60);
     $panel->put($label2, 30, 90);
     $panel->put($name, 40, 110);
     $panel->put($label3, 100, 140);
     $panel->put($city, 100, 160);
     $panel->put($label4, 230, 40);
     $panel->put($address, 230, 60);
     $panel->put($label5, 200, 90);
     $panel->put($telephone, 200, 110);
     if (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli') {
         $label6 = new TLabel('Obs');
         $label6->setValue('PS: The panel background is just for understanding purposes.');
         $panel->put($label6, 2, 237);
     // wrap the page content using vertical box
     $vbox = new TVBox();
     $vbox->add(new TXMLBreadCrumb('menu.xml', __CLASS__));
  * Class constructor
  * Creates the page
 function __construct()
     // creates a table
     $table = new TTable();
     // creates a label with the title
     $title = new TLabel('Table Layout');
     // adds a row to the table
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $title = $row->addCell($title);
     $title->colspan = 2;
     // creates two sub-tables
     $table1 = new TTable();
     $table2 = new TTable();
     $table->border = '1';
     $table->cellpadding = '4';
     $table->style = 'border-collapse:collapse;';
     $table1->border = '1';
     $table1->cellpadding = '2';
     $table1->style = 'border-collapse:collapse; border-color: red';
     $table2->border = '1';
     $table2->cellpadding = '2';
     $table2->style = 'border-collapse:collapse; border-color: blue';
     // creates a series of input widgets
     $id = new TEntry('id');
     $name = new TEntry('name');
     $address = new TEntry('address');
     $telephone = new TEntry('telephone');
     $city = new TCombo('city');
     $text = new TText('text');
     $items = array();
     $items['1'] = 'Porto Alegre';
     $items['2'] = 'Lajeado';
     // adjust the size of the fields
     $text->setSize(400, 100);
     // creates a series of labels
     $label1 = new TLabel('Code');
     $label2 = new TLabel('Name');
     $label3 = new TLabel('City');
     $label4 = new TLabel('Address');
     $label5 = new TLabel('Telephone');
     // adds a row for the code field
     $row = $table1->addRow();
     // adds a row for the name field
     $row = $table1->addRow();
     // adds a row for the city field
     $row = $table1->addRow();
     // adds a row for the address field
     $row = $table2->addRow();
     // adds a row for the phone field
     $row = $table2->addRow();
     // adds the tables side by side
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $cell = $row->addCell($text);
     $cell->colspan = 2;
     $label6 = new TLabel('Obs');
     $label6->setValue('PS: The table borders are just for understanding purposes.');
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $cell = $row->addCell($label6);
     $cell->colspan = 2;
     // wrap the page content using vertical box
     $vbox = new TVBox();
     $vbox->add(new TXMLBreadCrumb('menu.xml', __CLASS__));