  * Class constructor
  * Creates the page and the registration form
 function __construct()
     parent::setDefaultOrder("nome", "asc");
     // creates the form
     $this->form = new TQuickForm('form_TipoMaterialPermanente');
     $this->form->class = 'tform';
     // CSS class
     $this->form->setFormTitle('Tipo de material permanente');
     // define the form title
     // create the form fields
     $id = new TEntry('id');
     $nome = new TEntry('nome');
     $nome->addValidation('Tipo do material permanente', new TRequiredValidator());
     $custo = new TEntry('custo');
     $custo->addValidation('Custo', new TRequiredValidator());
     $custo->addValidation('Custo unitário', new TNumericValidator());
     // add the fields
     $this->form->addQuickField('#', $id, 50);
     $this->form->addQuickField('Tipo de material permanente', $nome, 400);
     $this->form->addQuickField('Custo unitário', $custo, 100);
     // create the form actions
     $this->form->addQuickAction(_t('Save'), new TAction(array($this, 'onSave')), 'ico_save.png');
     $this->form->addQuickAction(_t('New'), new TAction(array($this, 'onEdit')), 'ico_new.png');
     $this->form->addQuickAction('Relatório', new TAction(array($this, 'onReport')), 'ico_print.png');
     // creates a DataGrid
     $this->datagrid = new TQuickGrid();
     // creates the datagrid columns
     $id = $this->datagrid->addQuickColumn('#', 'id', 'left', 50);
     $nome = $this->datagrid->addQuickColumn('Tipo de material permanente', 'nome', 'left', 600);
     $custo = $this->datagrid->addQuickColumn('Custo unitário', 'custo', 'right', 100);
     // create the datagrid actions
     $edit_action = new TDataGridAction(array($this, 'onEdit'));
     $delete_action = new TDataGridAction(array($this, 'onDelete'));
     // add the actions to the datagrid
     $this->datagrid->addQuickAction(_t('Edit'), $edit_action, 'id', 'ico_edit.png');
     $this->datagrid->addQuickAction(_t('Delete'), $delete_action, 'id', 'ico_delete.png');
     // create the datagrid model
     // creates the page navigation
     $this->pageNavigation = new TPageNavigation();
     $this->pageNavigation->setAction(new TAction(array($this, 'onReload')));
     // create the datagrid model
     // creates the page navigation
     $this->pageNavigation = new TPageNavigation();
     $this->pageNavigation->setAction(new TAction(array($this, 'onReload')));
     // create the page container
     $container = TVBox::pack($this->form, $this->datagrid, $this->pageNavigation);
  * Class constructor
 function __construct()
     // creates the form
     $this->form = new TForm('form_pdf_shapes');
     // creates a table
     $table = new TTable();
     // add the table inside the form
     // create the form fields
     $name = new TEntry('name');
     $name->addValidation('Name', new TRequiredValidator());
     $label = new TLabel('Name' . ': ');
     $table->addRowSet($label, $name);
     $save_button = new TButton('generate');
     $save_button->setAction(new TAction(array($this, 'onGenerate')), 'Generate');
     // add a row for the form action
     // define wich are the form fields
     $this->form->setFields(array($name, $save_button));
     // wrap the page content using vertical box
     $vbox = new TVBox();
     $vbox->add(new TXMLBreadCrumb('menu.xml', __CLASS__));
  * Class constructor
  * Creates the page and the registration form
 function __construct()
     // creates the table container
     $table = new TTable();
     $table->style = 'width:100%';
     // creates the form
     $this->form = new TForm('form_System_Provider');
     $this->form->class = 'tform';
     // add the notebook inside the form
     $row1 = $table->addRow();
     $row1->class = 'tformtitle';
     $cell1 = $row1->addCell(new TLabel('Add new provider'), '');
     $cell1->colspan = 2;
     // create the form fields
     $id = new TEntry('id');
     $nif = new TEntry('nif');
     $name = new TEntry('name');
     // define the sizes
     // validations
     $nif->addValidation('nif', new TRequiredValidator());
     $name->addValidation('name', new TRequiredValidator());
     // add a row for the field id
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('ID:'), $id);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('NIF: '), $nif);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Name: '), $name);
     // create an action button (save)
     $save_button = new TButton('save');
     $save_button->setAction(new TAction(array($this, 'onSave')), _t('Save'));
     // create an new button (edit with no parameters)
     $new_button = new TButton('new');
     $new_button->setAction(new TAction(array($this, 'onEdit')), _t('New'));
     $new_button->setImage('fa:plus-square green');
     $list_button = new TButton('list');
     $list_button->setAction(new TAction(array('SystemProvidersList', 'onReload')), _t('Back to the listing'));
     $list_button->setImage('fa:table blue');
     // define the form fields
     $this->form->setFields(array($id, $nif, $name, $save_button, $new_button, $list_button));
     $buttons = new THBox();
     $container = new TTable();
     $container->width = '80%';
     $container->addRow()->addCell(new TXMLBreadCrumb('menu.xml', 'SystemProvidersList'));
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $row->class = 'tformaction';
     $cell = $row->addCell($buttons);
     $cell->colspan = 2;
     // add the form to the page
  * Class constructor
  * Creates the page
 function __construct()
     // create the form
     $this->form = new TForm();
     $this->form->class = 'tform';
     // creates the form field container
     $table = new TTable();
     $table->width = '100%';
     // title row
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Validation'), '')->class = 'tformtitle';
     // create the form fields
     $field1 = new TEntry('field1');
     $field2 = new TEntry('field2');
     $field3 = new TEntry('field3');
     $field4 = new TEntry('field4');
     $field5 = new TEntry('field5');
     $field6 = new TEntry('field6');
     $field7 = new TEntry('field7');
     $field1->addValidation('Field 1', new TMinLengthValidator(), array(3));
     // cannot be less the 3 characters
     $field2->addValidation('Field 2', new TMaxLengthValidator(), array(20));
     // cannot be greater the 20 characters
     $field3->addValidation('Field 3', new TMinValueValidator(), array(1));
     // cannot be less the 1
     $field4->addValidation('Field 4', new TMaxValueValidator(), array(10));
     // cannot be greater the 10
     $field5->addValidation('Field 5', new TRequiredValidator());
     // required field
     $field6->addValidation('Field 6', new TEmailValidator());
     // email field
     $field7->addValidation('Field 7', new TNumericValidator());
     // numeric field
     // add a row for one field
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('1. Min length validator (3):'), $field1);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('2. Max length validator (20):'), $field2);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('3. Min value validator (1):'), $field3);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('4. Max value validator (10):'), $field4);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('5. Required validator:'), $field5);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('6. Email validator:'), $field6);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('7. Numeric validator:'), $field7);
     // creates the action button
     $button1 = new TButton('action1');
     $button1->setAction(new TAction(array($this, 'onSave')), 'Save');
     // add a row for the button
     $table->addRowSet($button1, '')->class = 'tformaction';
     // define wich are the form fields
     $this->form->setFields(array($field1, $field2, $field3, $field4, $field5, $field6, $field7, $button1));
     // wrap the page content using vertical box
     $vbox = new TVBox();
     $vbox->add(new TXMLBreadCrumb('menu.xml', __CLASS__));
  * Class constructor
  * Creates the page and the registration form
 function __construct()
     // creates the form
     $this->form = new TQuickForm('form_Clientes');
     $this->form->class = 'tform';
     // CSS class
     // define the form title
     // defines the database
     // defines the active record
     // create the form fields
     $id = new THidden('id');
     $nome = new TEntry('nome');
     $sobrenome = new TEntry('sobrenome');
     $cep = new TEntry('cep');
     $logradouro = new TEntry('logradouro');
     $bairro = new TEntry('bairro');
     $cidade = new TEntry('cidade');
     $email = new TEntry('email');
     $dd = new TEntry('dd');
     $telefone = new TEntry('telefone');
     // mascaras nos campos usa-se o 9 para numero e o # para letra
     // valida email
     $email->addValidation('E-mail', new TEmailValidator());
     //  new TRequiredValidator validador que faz com que o campo seja obrigatorio
     // add the fields
     $this->form->addQuickField('id', $id, 100);
     $this->form->addQuickField('nome', $nome, 200, new TRequiredValidator());
     $this->form->addQuickField('sobrenome', $sobrenome, 200, new TRequiredValidator());
     $this->form->addQuickField('cep', $cep, 200, new TRequiredValidator());
     $this->form->addQuickField('logradouro', $logradouro, 200, new TRequiredValidator());
     $this->form->addQuickField('bairro', $bairro, 200, new TRequiredValidator());
     $this->form->addQuickField('cidade', $cidade, 200, new TRequiredValidator());
     $this->form->addQuickField('email', $email, 200, new TRequiredValidator());
     $this->form->addQuickField('dd', $dd, 200, new TRequiredValidator());
     $this->form->addQuickField('telefone', $telefone, 200, new TRequiredValidator());
     // add a form action
     $this->form->addQuickAction(_t('Save'), new TAction(array($this, 'onSave')), 'ico_save.png');
     // add a form action
     $this->form->addQuickAction(_t('New'), new TAction(array($this, 'onEdit')), 'ico_new.png');
     // add the form to the page
Example #6
  * Class constructor
  * Creates the page
 function __construct()
     // create the form using TQuickForm class
     $this->form = new TQuickForm();
     $this->form->class = 'tform';
     $this->form->setFormTitle('Informações Pessoais');
     // create the form fields
     $id = new TEntry('id');
     $nome = new TEntry('name');
     $email = new TEntry('email');
     $telefone = new TEntry('phone');
     $usuario = new TEntry('login');
     $date = new TDate('date');
     $cep = new TEntry('cep');
     $senha = new TPassword('password');
     $cSenha = new TPassword('rpassword');
     //$usuario->setValue (TSession::getValue('login'));
     //Adcionando validaões
     $nome->addValidation("name", new TRequiredValidator());
     $email->addValidation("email", new TEmailValidator());
     $telefone->addValidation("telefone", new TRequiredValidator());
     $usuario->addValidation("login", new TRequiredValidator());
     $date->addValidation("date", new TRequiredValidator());
     $senha->addValidation("passsword", new TRequiredValidator());
     $cSenha->addValidation("rpasssword", new TRequiredValidator());
     // add the fields inside the form
     $this->form->addQuickField('Código', $id, 80);
     $this->form->addQuickField('Nome', $nome, 700);
     $this->form->addQuickField('Usuario', $usuario, 350);
     $this->form->addQuickField('Nova senha ', $senha, 200);
     $this->form->addQuickField('Confirma senha', $cSenha, 200);
     $this->form->addQuickField('E-mail', $email, 280);
     $this->form->addQuickField('Telefone', $telefone, 180);
     $this->form->addQuickField('CEP', $cep, 180);
     $this->form->addQuickField('Data De nascimento', $date, 180);
     // define the form action
     $this->form->addQuickAction('Salvar', new TAction(array($this, 'onSave')), 'ico_save.png');
     // wrap the page content using vertical box
     $vbox = new TVBox();
     $vbox->style = "width:100%";
     $vbox->add(new TXMLBreadCrumb('menu.xml', __CLASS__));
  * Class constructor
  * Creates the page, the form and the listing
 public function __construct()
     // define the database
     // define the Active Record
     // define the default order
     parent::setDefaultOrder('id', 'asc');
     // turn off limit for datagrid
     // create the form
     $this->form = new TQuickForm('form_categories');
     $this->form->class = 'tform';
     // CSS class
     $this->form->style = 'width: 500px';
     // create the form fields
     $id = new TEntry('id');
     $name = new TEntry('name');
     $name->addValidation(_t('Name'), new TRequiredValidator());
     // add the form fields
     $this->form->addQuickField('ID', $id, 40);
     $this->form->addQuickField('Name', $name, 200);
     // define the form actions
     $this->form->addQuickAction(_t('Save'), new TAction(array($this, 'onSave')), 'ico_save.png');
     $this->form->addQuickAction(_t('New'), new TAction(array($this, 'onEdit')), 'ico_new.png');
     // make id not editable
     // create the datagrid
     $this->datagrid = new TQuickGrid();
     // add the columns
     $this->datagrid->addQuickColumn('ID', 'id', 'center', 50, new TAction(array($this, 'onReload')), array('order', 'id'));
     $this->datagrid->addQuickColumn('Name', 'name', 'left', 390, new TAction(array($this, 'onReload')), array('order', 'name'));
     // add the actions
     $this->datagrid->addQuickAction('Editar', new TDataGridAction(array($this, 'onEdit')), 'id', 'ico_edit.png');
     $this->datagrid->addQuickAction('Deletar', new TDataGridAction(array($this, 'onDelete')), 'id', 'ico_delete.png');
     // create the datagrid model
     // wrap objects inside a table
     $table = new TTable();
     $table->addRow()->addCell(new TXMLBreadCrumb('menu.xml', __CLASS__));
     // pack the table inside the page
 function __construct()
     // cria o formulario
     $this->form = new TQuickForm('form_Produtos');
     $this->form->class = 'tform';
     // class css do framework
     // titulo do formulario
     // banco de dados em uso
     // model em uso
     // cria os campos do formulario
     $id = new THidden('id');
     $nome = new TEntry('nome');
     //eleciona a categoria
     $categoria = new TDBCombo('categoria_id', 'sample', 'Categoria', 'id', 'nome', 'nome');
     $descricao = new THtmlEditor('descricao');
     $preco = new TEntry('preco');
     $imagem = new PFile('imagem');
     $preco->addValidation('preco', new TNumericValidator());
     // somente numeros
     $preco->setNumericMask(2, '.', '');
     // seta a mascara para o mesmo padrao do mysql
     // adiciona os campos label,campo,tamanho
     $this->form->addQuickField('', $id, 100);
     $this->form->addQuickField('nome', $nome, 200);
     $this->form->addQuickField('preco', $preco, 200);
     $this->form->addQuickField('categoria', $categoria, 200);
     $this->form->addQuickField('imagem', $imagem, 200);
     $this->form->addQuickField('descricao', $descricao, 200);
     // para alterar o tamanho de componentes em sua altura e largura
     //deve coloca-las apos adicionar o campos no form
     $descricao->setSize(400, 300);
     // adciona actions no form
     $this->form->addQuickAction(_t('Save'), new TAction(array($this, 'onSave')), 'ico_save.png');
     $this->form->addQuickAction(_t('New'), new TAction(array($this, 'onEdit')), 'ico_new.png');
     // adciona o form na pagina
  * Class constructor
  * Creates the page, the form and the listing
 public function __construct()
     // create the form
     $this->form = new TQuickForm('form_categories');
     $this->form->class = 'tform';
     // CSS class
     $this->form->style = 'width: 500px';
     $this->form->setFormTitle('Manual form/datagrid');
     // create the form fields
     $id = new TEntry('id');
     $name = new TEntry('name');
     $name->addValidation('Name', new TRequiredValidator());
     // add the fields in the form
     $this->form->addQuickField('ID', $id, 40);
     $this->form->addQuickField('Name', $name, 200);
     // create the form actions
     $this->form->addQuickAction('Salvar', new TAction(array($this, 'onSave')), 'ico_save.png');
     $this->form->addQuickAction('Novo', new TAction(array($this, 'onEdit')), 'ico_new.png');
     // id not editable
     // create the datagrid
     $this->datagrid = new TQuickGrid();
     // add the datagrid columns
     $this->datagrid->addQuickColumn('ID', 'id', 'center', 50, new TAction(array($this, 'onReload')), array('order', 'id'));
     $this->datagrid->addQuickColumn('Name', 'name', 'left', 390, new TAction(array($this, 'onReload')), array('order', 'name'));
     // add the datagrid actions
     $this->datagrid->addQuickAction('Editar', new TDataGridAction(array($this, 'onEdit')), 'id', 'ico_edit.png');
     $this->datagrid->addQuickAction('Deletar', new TDataGridAction(array($this, 'onDelete')), 'id', 'ico_delete.png');
     // create the datagrid model
     // wrap objects
     $table = new TTable();
     $table->addRow()->addCell(new TXMLBreadCrumb('menu.xml', __CLASS__));
     // add the table in the page
  * Class constructor
  * Creates the page and the registration form
 function __construct()
     // creates the form
     $this->form = new TForm('form_Ticket');
     $this->form->class = 'tform';
     // CSS class
     $table = new TTable();
     $table->style = 'width: 600px';
     $tablePagamento = new TTable();
     $tablePagamento->style = 'width: 600px';
     $notebook = new TNotebook(600, 650);
     $notebook->appendPage('Ticket - Cadastramento', $table);
     $notebook->appendPage('Ticket - Orçamento / Pagamento', $tablePagamento);
     // create the form fields
     $id = new TEntry('id');
     $titulo = new TEntry('titulo');
     $origem = new TCombo('origem');
     $combo_origem = array();
     $combo_origem['I'] = 'Interno';
     $combo_origem['E'] = 'Externo';
     $solicitacao_descricao = new TText('solicitacao_descricao');
     $providencia = new TText('providencia');
     $orcamento_horas = new TEntry('orcamento_horas');
     $orcamento_valor_hora = new TEntry('orcamento_valor_hora');
     $orcamento_valor_hora->setNumericMask(2, ',', '.');
     $valor_desconto = new TEntry('valor_desconto');
     $valor_desconto->setNumericMask(2, ',', '.');
     $valor_total = new TEntry('valor_total');
     $valor_total->setNumericMask(2, ',', '.');
     $forma_pagamento = new TEntry('forma_pagamento');
     $data_ultimo_pgto = new TEntry('data_ultimo_pgto');
     $valor_ultimo_pgto = new TEntry('valor_ultimo_pgto');
     $valor_ultimo_pgto->setNumericMask(2, ',', '.');
     $valor_total_pago = new TEntry('valor_total_pago');
     $valor_total_pago->setNumericMask(2, ',', '.');
     $data_pagamento = new TDate('data_pagamento');
     $valor_pagamento = new TEntry('valor_pagamento');
     $valor_pagamento->setNumericMask(2, ',', '.');
     $valor_total_parcial = new TEntry('valor_total_parcial');
     $valor_total_parcial->setNumericMask(2, ',', '.');
     $valor_saldo = new TEntry('valor_saldo');
     $valor_saldo->setNumericMask(2, ',', '.');
     $data_cadastro = new TEntry('data_cadastro');
     $data_inicio = new TDate('data_inicio');
     $data_inicio_oculta = new THidden('data_inicio_oculta');
     $data_cancelamento = new TDate('data_cancelamento');
     $data_encerramento = new TDate('data_encerramento');
     $data_prevista = new TDate('data_prevista');
     $data_aprovacao = new TDate('data_aprovacao');
     $observacao = new TText('observacao');
     $nome_dtr = new TEntry('nome_dtr');
     $criteria = new TCriteria();
     $criteria->add(new TFilter("origem", "=", 1));
     $criteria->add(new TFilter("ativo", "=", 1));
     $criteria->add(new TFilter("codigo_cadastro_origem", "=", 100));
     $responsavel_id = new TDBCombo('responsavel_id', 'atividade', 'Pessoa', 'pessoa_codigo', 'pessoa_nome', 'pessoa_nome', $criteria);
     $tipo_ticket_id = new TDBCombo('tipo_ticket_id', 'atividade', 'TipoTicket', 'id', 'nome');
     $sistema_id = new TDBCombo('sistema_id', 'atividade', 'Sistema', 'id', 'nome');
     $status_ticket_id = new TDBCombo('status_ticket_id', 'atividade', 'StatusTicket', 'id', 'nome');
     $prioridade_id = new TDBCombo('prioridade_id', 'atividade', 'Prioridade', 'id', 'nome');
     $combo_tipo_origens = new TCombo('tipo_origens');
     $combo_tipo_origens->addItems(array(1 => 'Entidade', 2 => 'Estabelecimento', 3 => 'Empresa'));
     $combo_codigo_origem = new TCombo('codigo_cadastro_origem');
     $combo_solicitante_id = new TCombo('solicitante_id');
     try {
         $logado = Pessoa::retornaUsuario();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         new TMessage('error', '<b>Error</b> ' . $e->getMessage());
         // shows the exception error message
     $logado_id = new THidden('logado_id');
     // define the sizes
     $solicitacao_descricao->setSize(400, 180);
     $providencia->setSize(400, 80);
     $observacao->setSize(400, 80);
     // validações
     $titulo->addValidation('Titulo', new TRequiredValidator());
     $combo_solicitante_id->addValidation('Solicitante', new TRequiredValidator());
     $responsavel_id->addValidation('Responsável', new TRequiredValidator());
     $sistema_id->addValidation('Sistema', new TRequiredValidator());
     $gerar_dr = TButton::create('gerar_dr', array('RequisitoDesenvolvimentoForm', 'onEdit'), 'Gerar DTR', 'ico_add.png');
     $link_dtr = new TButton('link_dtr');
     $link_dtr->setImage('bs:edit green');
     $link_dtr->setLabel('ir para DTR');
     TButton::disableField('form_Ticket', 'gerar_dr');
     TButton::disableField('form_Ticket', 'link_dtr');
     // add one row for each form field
     // notebook Cadastramento
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Ticket:'), array($id, new TLabel('Data Cadastro'), $data_cadastro));
     $table->addRowSet($label_combo_origem = new TLabel('Origem:'), array($combo_tipo_origens, $combo_codigo_origem));
     $table->addRowSet($label_solicitante = new TLabel('Solicitante:'), $combo_solicitante_id);
     $table->addRowSet($label_responsavel = new TLabel('Responsável:'), $responsavel_id);
     $table->addRowSet($label_titulo = new TLabel('Título:'), $titulo);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Data Inicio'), array($data_inicio, $label_status = new TLabel('Status:'), $status_ticket_id));
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Data Encerramento:'), array($data_encerramento, $label_data_cancelamento = new TLabel('Data Cancelamento:'), $data_cancelamento));
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Prioridade:'), $prioridade_id);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Origem:'), $origem);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Tipo Ticket:'), $tipo_ticket_id);
     $table->addRowSet($label_sistema = new TLabel('Sistema:'), $sistema_id);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Descrição Solicitação:'), $solicitacao_descricao);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('DR.:'), $nome_dtr);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel(''), array($gerar_dr, $link_dtr));
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel(''), $data_inicio_oculta);
     // notebook Pagamento
     $tablePagamento->addRowSet(new TLabel('Data Prevista:'), $data_prevista);
     $tablePagamento->addRowSet(new TLabel('Data Aprovação:'), $data_aprovacao);
     $tablePagamento->addRowSet(new TLabel('Qte Horas:'), $orcamento_horas);
     $tablePagamento->addRowSet(new TLabel('Valor Hora:'), $orcamento_valor_hora);
     $tablePagamento->addRowSet(new TLabel('Valor Desconto:'), $valor_desconto);
     $tablePagamento->addRowSet(new TLabel('Valor Total:'), $valor_total);
     $tablePagamento->addRowSet(new TLabel('Forma de Pgto:'), $forma_pagamento);
     $tablePagamento->addRowSet(new TLabel('Descrição Providência:'), $providencia);
     $tablePagamento->addRowSet(new TLabel('Observação:'), $observacao);
     // creates a frame
     $frame = new TFrame();
     $frame->oid = 'frame-measures';
     $row = $tablePagamento->addRow();
     $cell = $row->addCell($frame);
     $cell->colspan = 2;
     $page2 = new TTable();
     $page2->addRowSet(new TLabel('Valor Pgto:'), array($valor_pagamento, $tamanho_label = new TLabel('Valor Ultimo Pgto:'), $valor_ultimo_pgto));
     $page2->addRowSet(new TLabel('Data Pgto:'), array($data_pagamento, $tamanho_label = new TLabel('Data Ultimo Pgto:'), $data_ultimo_pgto));
     $page2->addRowSet(new TLabel('Valor Total:'), array($valor_total_parcial, $tamanho_label = new TLabel('Valor Total Pago: '), $valor_total_pago));
     $page2->addRowSet(new TLabel('Saldo a pagar:'), $valor_saldo);
     $tablePagamento->addRowSet(new TLabel(''), $logado_id);
     // Envia campos para o formulario
     $this->form->setFields(array($id, $titulo, $data_inicio, $data_inicio_oculta, $data_encerramento, $data_cancelamento, $origem, $solicitacao_descricao, $nome_dtr, $providencia, $orcamento_horas, $orcamento_valor_hora, $valor_desconto, $valor_total, $forma_pagamento, $data_ultimo_pgto, $valor_ultimo_pgto, $valor_total_pago, $data_cadastro, $data_prevista, $data_aprovacao, $observacao, $tipo_ticket_id, $sistema_id, $status_ticket_id, $prioridade_id, $responsavel_id, $valor_total_parcial, $valor_pagamento, $data_pagamento, $valor_saldo, $combo_tipo_origens, $combo_codigo_origem, $combo_solicitante_id, $logado_id));
     // create the form actions
     $save_button = TButton::create('save', array($this, 'onSave'), _t('Save'), 'fa:floppy-o');
     $new_button = TButton::create('new', array($this, 'onEdit'), _t('New'), 'fa:plus-square green');
     $del_button = TButton::create('delete', array($this, 'onDelete'), _t('Delete'), 'fa:trash-o red fa-lg');
     $list_button = TButton::create('list', array('TicketList', 'onReload'), _t('List'), 'fa:table blue');
     $enviar_email = TButton::create('email', array($this, 'onEnviaEmail'), 'Enviar Email', 'ico_email.png');
     $sincronizar = TButton::create('sincronizar', array($this, 'onSincronizarContatos'), 'Sincronizar Contatos', 'sincronizar.png');
     $subtable = new TTable();
     $row = $subtable->addRow();
     $pretable = new TTable();
     $pretable->style = 'width: 100%';
     $row = $pretable->addRow();
     $row->class = 'tformtitle';
     // CSS class
     $row->addCell(new TLabel('Cadastro de Ticket'))->colspan = 2;
     $change_action = new TAction(array($this, 'onCalculaValorTotal'));
     $change_data_action = new TAction(array($this, 'onChangeDataAction'));
     $change_data_prev = new TAction(array($this, 'onChangeDataPrevista'));
     $change_data_pagamento = new TAction(array($this, 'onChangeDataPagamento'));
     $change_valor = new TAction(array($this, 'onCalculaValorParcial'));
     $change_status = new TAction(array($this, 'onChangeDataInicio'));
     $change_status = new TAction(array($this, 'onChangeDataCancelamento'));
     $change_status = new TAction(array($this, 'onChangeDataEncerramento'));
     $change_origem = new TAction(array($this, 'onChangeOrigem'));
     $change_tipo_origem = new TAction(array($this, 'onChangeTipoOrigem'));
     $vbox = new TVBox();
  * Class constructor
  * Creates the page and the registration form
 function __construct()
     // creates the form
     $this->form = new TForm('form_System_user');
     $this->form->class = 'tform';
     // creates the table container
     $table = new TTable();
     $table->style = 'width: 100%';
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Usuário'), '', '', '')->class = 'tformtitle';
     // add the table inside the form
     $frame_groups = new TFrame(NULL, 280);
     $frame_groups->style .= ';margin: 4px';
     $frame_programs = new TFrame(NULL, 280);
     $frame_programs->style .= ';margin: 15px';
     // create the form fields
     $id = new TEntry('id');
     $name = new TEntry('name');
     $login = new TEntry('login');
     $password = new TPassword('password');
     $repassword = new TPassword('repassword');
     $email = new TEntry('email');
     $multifield_programs = new TMultiField('programs');
     $program_id = new TDBSeekButton('program_id', 'esales', 'form_System_user', 'SystemProgram', 'name', 'programs_id', 'programs_name');
     $program_name = new TEntry('program_name');
     $groups = new TDBCheckGroup('groups', 'esales', 'SystemGroup', 'id', 'name');
     $frontpage_id = new TDBSeekButton('frontpage_id', 'esales', 'form_System_user', 'SystemProgram', 'name', 'frontpage_id', 'frontpage_name');
     $frontpage_name = new TEntry('frontpage_name');
     $scroll = new TScroll();
     $scroll->setSize(290, 230);
     // define the sizes
     // outros
     // validations
     $name->addValidation('Nome', new TRequiredValidator());
     $login->addValidation('Login', new TRequiredValidator());
     $email->addValidation('Email', new TEmailValidator());
     // configuracoes multifield
     $multifield_programs->addField('id', 'ID', $program_id, 60);
     $multifield_programs->addField('name', 'Nome', $program_name, 250);
     // add a row for the field id
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('ID:'), $id, new TLabel('Nome' . ': '), $name);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('login' . ': '), $login, new TLabel('Email' . ': '), $email);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Senha' . ': '), $password, new TLabel('Confirmar senha' . ': '), $repassword);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Página inicial' . ': '), $frontpage_id, new TLabel('Nome página' . ': '), $frontpage_name);
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $cell = $row->addCell($frame_groups);
     $cell->colspan = 2;
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $cell = $row->addCell($frame_programs);
     $cell->colspan = 2;
     // create an action button (save)
     $save_button = new TButton('save');
     $save_button->setAction(new TAction(array($this, 'onSave')), 'Salvar');
     // create an new button (edit with no parameters)
     $new_button = new TButton('new');
     $new_button->setAction(new TAction(array($this, 'onEdit')), 'Novo');
     $list_button = new TButton('list');
     $list_button->setAction(new TAction(array('SystemUserList', 'onReload')), 'Voltar para listagem');
     // define the form fields
     $this->form->setFields(array($id, $name, $login, $password, $repassword, $multifield_programs, $frontpage_id, $frontpage_name, $groups, $email, $save_button, $new_button, $list_button));
     $buttons = new THBox();
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $row->class = 'tformaction';
     $cell = $row->addCell($buttons);
     $cell->colspan = 4;
     $container = new TTable();
     $container->style = 'width: 80%';
     $container->addRow()->addCell(new TXMLBreadCrumb('menu.xml', 'SystemUserList'));
     // add the form to the page
Example #12
  * Class constructor
  * Creates the page and the registration form
 function __construct()
     // creates the form
     $this->form = new TForm('form_cliente');
     // creates a table
     $table_data = new TTable();
     $table_contact = new TTable();
     $table_skill = new TTable();
     $notebook = new TNotebook(500, 250);
     // add the notebook inside the form
     $notebook->appendPage('Cadastro Cliente', $table_data);
     // $notebook->appendPage('Cidade', $table_contact);
     //        $notebook->appendPage('Skill (aggregation)', $table_skill);
     // create the form fields
     $code = new TEntry('id');
     $nome = new TEntry('nome');
     $email = new TEntry('email');
     $telefone = new TEntry('telefone');
     $celular = new TEntry('celular');
     $skype = new TEntry('skype');
     $endereco = new TEntry('endereco');
     //        $cidade_id = new TSeekButton('cidade_id');
     $cidade_id = new TDBCombo('cidade_id', 'db_crmbf', 'Cidade', 'id', 'nome');
     //        $birthdate = new TDate('birthdate');
     //        $email = new TEntry('email');
     //        $gender = new TRadioGroup('gender');
     //        $status = new TCombo('status');
     //        $contacts_list = new TMultiField('contacts_list');
     // add field validators
     $nome->addValidation('Nome', new TRequiredValidator());
     $cidade_id->addValidation('Cidade', new TRequiredValidator());
     // $birthdate->addValidation('Birthdate', new TRequiredValidator);
     //        $cidade_id->addValidation('Category', new TRequiredValidator);
     //$obj = new CidadeFormList;
     //$cidade_id->setAction(new TAction(array($obj, 'onReload')));
     //        $itemGender = array();
     //        $itemGender['M'] = 'Male';
     //        $itemGender['F'] = 'Female';
     //        // add the combo options
     //        $gender->addItems($itemGender);
     //        $gender->setLayout('horizontal');
     //        $itemStatus = array();
     //        $itemStatus['S'] = 'Single';
     //        $itemStatus['C'] = 'Committed';
     //        $itemStatus['M'] = 'Married';
     //        $status->addItems($itemStatus);
     // define some properties for the form fields
     // add a row for the field code
     $row = $table_data->addRow();
     $row->addCell(new TLabel('Code:'));
     // add a row for the field name
     $row = $table_data->addRow();
     $row->addCell(new TLabel('Nome:'));
     $cell = $row->addCell($nome);
     $cell->colspan = 3;
     // add a row for the field Email
     $row = $table_data->addRow();
     $row->addCell(new TLabel('Email:'));
     $cell = $row->addCell($email);
     $cell->colspan = 3;
     // add a row for the field Telefone
     $row = $table_data->addRow();
     $row->addCell(new TLabel('Telefone:'));
     $cell = $row->addCell($telefone);
     $cell->colspan = 3;
     // add a row for the field celular
     $row = $table_data->addRow();
     $row->addCell(new TLabel('Celular:'));
     $cell = $row->addCell($celular);
     // add a row for the field skype
     $row = $table_data->addRow();
     $row->addCell(new TLabel('skype:'));
     $cell = $row->addCell($skype);
     // add a row for the field endereco
     $row = $table_data->addRow();
     $row->addCell(new TLabel('Endereço:'));
     // add a row for the field endereco
     $row = $table_data->addRow();
     $row->addCell(new TLabel('Cidade:'));
     // add a row for the field Category
     //        $row = $table_data->addRow();
     //        $row->addCell(new TLabel('Cidade:'));
     //        $cell = $row->addCell($cidade_id);
     // add a row for the field city
     //        $row=$table_data->addRow();
     //        $row->addCell(new TLabel('Cidade:'));
     //        $cell = $row->addCell($cidade_id);
             // add a row for the field Phone
             $row = $table_data->addRow();
             $row->addCell(new TLabel('Phone:'));
             // add a row for the field BirthDate
             $row->addCell(new TLabel('BirthDate:'));
             // add a row for the field status
             $row = $table_data->addRow();
             $row->addCell(new TLabel('Status:'));
             $cell = $row->addCell($status);
             // add a row for the field Email
             $row->addCell(new TLabel('Email:'));
             $cell = $row->addCell($email);
             // add a row for the field gender
             $row->addCell(new TLabel('Gender:'));
             $row = $table_contact->addRow();
             $cell = $row->addCell(new TLabel('<b>Contact</b>'));
             $cell->valign = 'top';
             // add two fields inside the multifield in the second sheet
             $contacts_list->setClass('Contact'); // define the returning class
             $contacts_list->addField('type', 'Contact Type: ', new TEntry('type'), 200);
             $contacts_list->addField('value', 'Contact Value: ', new TEntry('value'), 200);
             $row = $table_contact->addRow();
             // create the radio button for the skills list
             $skill_list = new TDBCheckGroup('skill_list', 'samples', 'Skill', 'id', 'name');
             $table_skill->addRow()->addCell($lbl = new TLabel('Skills'));
     // create an action button
     $button1 = new TButton('action1');
     $button1->setAction(new TAction(array($this, 'onSave')), 'Save');
     // create an action button (go to list)
     $button2 = new TButton('list');
     $button2->setAction(new TAction(array('ClienteList', 'onReload')), 'Ir para Listagem');
     // define wich are the form fields
     $this->form->setFields(array($code, $nome, $email, $telefone, $celular, $skype, $endereco, $cidade_id, $button1, $button2));
     $subtable = new TTable();
     $row = $subtable->addRow();
     $table_layout = new TTable();
     // add the form inside the page
  * Class constructor
  * Creates the page
 public function __construct()
     new TSession();
     // creates the items form and add a table inside
     $this->form_item = new TForm('form_pos');
     $this->form_item->class = 'tform';
     $table_item = new TTable();
     $table_item->width = '100%';
     // create the form fields
     $product_id = new TDBSeekButton('product_id', 'samples', 'form_pos', 'Product', 'description', 'product_id', 'product_description');
     $product_description = new TEntry('product_description');
     $sale_price = new TEntry('sale_price');
     $amount = new TEntry('amount');
     $discount = new TEntry('discount');
     $total = new TEntry('total');
     // add validators
     $product_id->addValidation('Product', new TRequiredValidator());
     $amount->addValidation('Amount', new TRequiredValidator());
     // define the exit actions
     $product_id->setExitAction(new TAction(array($this, 'onExitProduct')));
     $amount->setExitAction(new TAction(array($this, 'onUpdateTotal')));
     $discount->setExitAction(new TAction(array($this, 'onUpdateTotal')));
     // define some attributes
     $product_id->style = 'font-size: 17pt; height: 30px';
     $product_description->style = 'font-size: 17pt; height: 30px';
     $sale_price->style = 'font-size: 17pt; height: 30px';
     $amount->style = 'font-size: 17pt; height: 30px';
     $discount->style = 'font-size: 17pt; height: 30px';
     $total->style = 'font-size: 17pt; height: 30px';
     $product_id->button->style = 'height: 30px; margin-top:0px; vertical-align:top';
     // define some properties
     $sale_price->setNumericMask(2, '.', ',');
     $discount->setNumericMask(2, '.', ',');
     $total->setNumericMask(2, '.', ',');
     // add a row for the form title
     $row = $table_item->addRow();
     $row->class = 'tformtitle';
     // CSS class
     $cell = $row->addCell(new TLabel('Point of Sales'));
     $cell->colspan = 4;
     // create the field labels
     $lab_pro = new TLabel('Product');
     $lab_des = new TLabel('Description');
     $lab_pri = new TLabel('Price');
     $lab_amo = new TLabel('Amount');
     $lab_dis = new TLabel('Discount');
     $lab_tot = new TLabel('Total');
     $lab_pro->setFontFace('Trebuchet MS');
     $lab_des->setFontFace('Trebuchet MS');
     $lab_pri->setFontFace('Trebuchet MS');
     $lab_amo->setFontFace('Trebuchet MS');
     $lab_dis->setFontFace('Trebuchet MS');
     $lab_tot->setFontFace('Trebuchet MS');
     // creates the action button
     $button1 = new TButton('add');
     $button1->setAction(new TAction(array($this, 'onAddItem')), 'Add item');
     // add the form fields
     $table_item->addRowSet($lab_pro, $product_id, $lab_des, $product_description);
     $table_item->addRowSet($lab_pri, $sale_price, $lab_amo, $amount);
     $table_item->addRowSet($lab_dis, $discount, $lab_tot, array($total, $button1));
     // define the form fields
     $this->form_item->setFields(array($product_id, $product_description, $sale_price, $amount, $discount, $total, $button1));
     // creates the customer form and add a table inside it
     $this->form_customer = new TForm('form_customer');
     $this->form_customer->class = 'tform';
     $table_customer = new TTable();
     $table_customer->width = '100%';
     // add a row for the form title
     $row = $table_customer->addRow();
     $row->class = 'tformtitle';
     // CSS class
     $cell = $row->addCell(new TLabel('Customer'));
     $cell->colspan = 5;
     // create the form fields
     $customer_id = new TDBSeekButton('customer_id', 'samples', 'form_customer', 'Customer', 'name', 'customer_id', 'customer_name');
     $customer_name = new TEntry('customer_name');
     // define validation and other properties
     $customer_id->addValidation('Customer', new TRequiredValidator());
     $customer_id->style = 'font-size: 17pt; height: 30px';
     $customer_name->style = 'font-size: 17pt; height: 30px';
     $customer_id->button->style = 'height: 30px; margin-top:0px; vertical-align:top';
     // create tha form labels
     $lab_cus = new TLabel('Customer');
     $lab_nam = new TLabel('Name');
     $lab_cus->setFontFace('Trebuchet MS');
     $lab_nam->setFontFace('Trebuchet MS');
     // action button
     $button2 = new TButton('save');
     $button2->setAction(new TAction(array($this, 'onSave')), 'Save and finish');
     // add the form fields inside the table
     $table_customer->addRowSet($lab_cus, $customer_id, $lab_nam, $customer_name, $button2);
     // define the form fields
     $this->form_customer->setFields(array($customer_id, $customer_name, $button2));
     // creates the grid for items
     $this->cartgrid = new TQuickGrid();
     $this->cartgrid->class = 'tdatagrid_table customized-table';
     $this->cartgrid->addQuickColumn('ID', 'product_id', 'right', 25);
     $this->cartgrid->addQuickColumn('Description', 'product_description', 'left', 230);
     $this->cartgrid->addQuickColumn('Price', 'sale_price', 'right', 80);
     $this->cartgrid->addQuickColumn('Amount', 'amount', 'right', 70);
     $this->cartgrid->addQuickColumn('Discount', 'discount', 'right', 70);
     $this->cartgrid->addQuickColumn('Total', 'total', 'right', 100);
     $this->cartgrid->addQuickAction('Delete', new TDataGridAction(array($this, 'onDelete')), 'product_id', 'ico_delete.png');
     // wrap the page content using vertical box
     $vbox = new TVBox();
     $vbox->add(new TXMLBreadCrumb('menu.xml', __CLASS__));
     $vbox->add(new TLabel('&nbsp;'));
     $vbox->add(new TLabel('&nbsp;'));
  * Class constructor
  * Creates the page and the registration form
 function __construct()
     // creates the table container
     $table = new TTable();
     $table->style = 'width:100%';
     $frame_programs = new TFrame();
     // creates the form
     $this->form = new TForm('form_System_group');
     $this->form->class = 'tform';
     // add the notebook inside the form
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel(_t('Group')), '')->class = 'tformtitle';
     // create the form fields
     $id = new TEntry('id');
     $name = new TEntry('name');
     $multifield = new TMultiField('programs');
     $program_id = new TDBSeekButton('program_id', 'permission', 'form_System_group', 'SystemProgram', 'name', 'programs_id', 'programs_name');
     $program_name = new TEntry('program_name');
     $multifield->addField('id', _t('Program') . ' ID', $program_id, 100, true);
     $multifield->addField('name', _t('Name'), $program_name, 250);
     // define the sizes
     // validations
     $name->addValidation('name', new TRequiredValidator());
     // outras propriedades
     // add a row for the field id
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('ID:'), $id);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel(_t('Name') . ': '), $name);
     // add a row for the field name
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $cell = $row->addCell($frame_programs);
     $cell->colspan = 2;
     // create an action button (save)
     $save_button = new TButton('save');
     $save_button->setAction(new TAction(array($this, 'onSave')), _t('Save'));
     // create an new button (edit with no parameters)
     $new_button = new TButton('new');
     $new_button->setAction(new TAction(array($this, 'onEdit')), _t('New'));
     $list_button = new TButton('list');
     $list_button->setAction(new TAction(array('SystemGroupList', 'onReload')), _t('Back to the listing'));
     // define the form fields
     $this->form->setFields(array($id, $name, $multifield, $save_button, $new_button, $list_button));
     $buttons = new THBox();
     $container = new TTable();
     $container->width = '80%';
     $container->addRow()->addCell(new TXMLBreadCrumb('menu.xml', 'SystemGroupList'));
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $row->class = 'tformaction';
     $cell = $row->addCell($buttons);
     $cell->colspan = 2;
     // add the form to the page
  * Class constructor
  * Creates the page and the registration form
 function __construct()
     // creates the form
     $this->form = new TForm('form_FreqServForm');
     $this->form->class = 'tform';
     // creates the table container
     $table = new TTable();
     $table->style = 'width: 100%';
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Frequência'), '', '', '')->class = 'tformtitle';
     // add the table inside the form
     $frame_horarios = new TFrame(NULL, 210);
     $frame_horarios->style .= ';margin: 15px';
     $frame_ausencia = new TFrame(NULL, 210);
     $frame_ausencia->style .= ';margin: 15px';
     // create the form fields
     $id = new TEntry('id');
     $servidor_id = new TDBSeekButton('servidor_id', 'lacenrh', 'form_FreqServForm', 'Servidor', 'servidor', 'servidor_id', 'servidor_nome');
     $servidor_nome = new TEntry('servidor_nome');
     $diames = new TDate('diames');
     $entrada = new TEntry('entrada');
     $intervalo_inicio = new TEntry('intervalo_inicio');
     $intervalo_fim = new TEntry('intervalo_fim');
     $saida = new TEntry('saida');
     $ausencia_id = new TDBSeekButton('ausencia_id', 'lacenrh', 'form_FreqServForm', 'Ausencia', 'ausencia', 'ausencia_id', 'ausencia_desc');
     $ausencia_desc = new TEntry('ausencia_desc');
     $horas_justificadas = new TEntry('horas_justificadas');
     $justificativa = new TText('justificativa');
     $horas_trabalhadas = new TEntry('horas_trabalhadas');
     // define the sizes
     $justificativa->setSize(200, 50);
     $horas_trabalhadas->setSize(200, 50);
     // outras propriedades
     // validations
     $servidor_id->addValidation('Servidor', new TRequiredValidator());
     $servidor_nome->addValidation('Nome', new TRequiredValidator());
     $diames->addValidation('Data', new TRequiredValidator());
     $table_horarios = new TTable();
     $table_horarios->addRowSet(new TLabel('Data ' . ': '), $diames);
     $table_horarios->addRowSet(new TLabel('Entrada ' . ': '), $entrada);
     $table_horarios->addRowSet(new TLabel('Intervalo - Início ' . ': '), $intervalo_inicio);
     $table_horarios->addRowSet(new TLabel('Intervalo - Fim' . ': '), $intervalo_fim);
     $table_horarios->addRowSet(new TLabel('Saída' . ': '), $saida);
     $table_ausencia = new TTable();
     $table_ausencia->addRowSet(new TLabel('Motivo ' . ': '), $ausencia_id);
     $table_ausencia->addRowSet(new TLabel('Descrição ' . ': '), $ausencia_desc);
     $table_ausencia->addRowSet(new TLabel('Horas Justificadas ' . ': '), $horas_justificadas);
     $table_ausencia->addRowSet(new TLabel('Justificativa ' . ': '), $justificativa);
     // add a row for the field id
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('ID:'), $id);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Servidor' . ': '), $servidor_id);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Nome' . ': '), $servidor_nome);
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $cell = $row->addCell($frame_horarios);
     $cell->colspan = 2;
     $cell = $row->addCell($frame_ausencia);
     $cell->colspan = 2;
     // create an action button (save)
     $save_button = new TButton('save');
     $save_button->setAction(new TAction(array($this, 'onSave')), _t('Save'));
     $save_button->setImage('fa:floppy-o fa-lg');
     // create an new button (edit with no parameters)
     $new_button = new TButton('new');
     $new_button->setAction(new TAction(array($this, 'onEdit')), _t('New'));
     $new_button->setImage('fa:plus-square green fa-lg');
     $list_button = new TButton('list');
     $list_button->setAction(new TAction(array('FrequenciaServidorList', 'onReload')), _t('Back to the listing'));
     $list_button->setImage('fa:table blue fa-lg');
     // define the form fields
     $this->form->setFields(array($id, $servidor_id, $servidor_nome, $diames, $entrada, $intervalo_inicio, $intervalo_fim, $saida, $ausencia_id, $ausencia_desc, $horas_justificadas, $justificativa, $horas_trabalhadas, $save_button, $new_button, $list_button));
     $buttons = new THBox();
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $row->class = 'tformaction';
     $cell = $row->addCell($buttons);
     $cell->colspan = 4;
     $container = new TTable();
     $container->style = 'width: 80%';
     $container->addRow()->addCell(new TXMLBreadCrumb('menu.xml', 'FrequenciaServidorList'));
     // add the form to the page
  * Class constructor
  * Creates the page and the registration form
 function __construct()
     $string = new StringsUtil();
     // creates the form
     $this->form = new TForm('form_Atividade');
     $this->form->class = 'tform';
     // CSS class
     $this->form->style = 'width: 500px';
     // add a table inside form
     $table = new TTable();
     $table->width = '100%';
     // add a row for the form title
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $row->class = 'tformtitle';
     // CSS class
     $row->addCell(new TLabel('Atividade'))->colspan = 2;
     // busca dados do banco
     try {
         $logado = Pessoa::retornaUsuario();
         $ultimoPonto = Ponto::retornaUltimoPonto($logado->pessoa_codigo);
         $ponto = new Ponto($ultimoPonto);
         if ($ponto->hora_saida) {
             $action = new TAction(array('PontoFormList', 'onReload'));
             new TMessage('error', 'Não existe ponto com horario em aberto!', $action);
         $data_padrao = $string->formatDateBR($ponto->data_ponto);
         $hora_padrao = Ponto::retornaHoraInicio($string->formatDate($data_padrao), $logado->pessoa_codigo);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         new TMessage('error', '<b>Error</b> ' . $e->getMessage());
     // create the form fields
     $id = new THidden('id');
     $data_atividade = new TEntry('data_atividade');
     $hora_inicio = new TEntry('hora_inicio');
     $hora_fim = new THidden('hora_fim');
     $tempo_atividade = new TEntry('tempo_atividade');
     $qtde_horas = new TCombo('qtde_horas');
     $qtde_minutos = new TCombo('qtde_minutos');
     $descricao = new TText('descricao');
     $colaborador_id = new THidden('colaborador_id');
     $colaborador_nome = new TEntry('colaborador_nome');
     $tipo_atividade_id = new TDBCombo('tipo_atividade_id', 'atividade', 'TipoAtividade', 'id', 'nome', 'nome');
     $sistema_id = new TDBCombo('sistema_id', 'atividade', 'Sistema', 'id', 'nome');
     $ticket_id = new TCombo('ticket_id');
     $criteria = new TCriteria();
     $criteria->add(new TFilter("status_ticket_id", "IN", array(1, 5)));
     $newparam['order'] = 'id';
     $newparam['direction'] = 'asc';
     // order, offset
     $horario = explode(':', $hora_padrao);
     // cria combos de horas e minutos
     $combo_horas = array();
     for ($i = 8; $i <= 18; $i++) {
         $combo_horas[$i] = str_pad($i, 2, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT);
     $combo_minutos = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i <= 59; $i++) {
         $combo_minutos[$i] = str_pad($i, 2, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT);
     // set exit action for input_exit
     $change_action = new TAction(array($this, 'onChangeAction'));
     $change_atividade_action = new TAction(array($this, 'onTrocaTipoAtividade'));
     $change_ticket_action = new TAction(array($this, 'onTrocaTicket'));
     // define the sizes
     $descricao->setSize(300, 80);
     // validações
     $tempo_atividade->addValidation('Hora Fim', new THoraFimValidator());
     $tipo_atividade_id->addValidation('Tipo de Atividade', new TRequiredValidator());
     $ticket_id->addValidation('Ticket', new TRequiredValidator());
     $sistema_id->addValidation('Sistema', new TRequiredValidator());
     $descricao->addValidation('Descrição', new TMinLengthValidator(), array(10));
     $sem_atividade = TButton::create('atividade', array($this, 'onSemAtividade'), 'Sem Registro', 'ico_add.png');
     // add one row for each form field
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Colaborador:'), $colaborador_nome);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Data Atividade:'), array($data_atividade, $label_data = new TLabel('Data do último ponto')));
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Hora Inicio:'), $hora_inicio);
     $table->addRowSet($label_qtde_horas = new TLabel('Hora Fim:'), array($qtde_horas, $qtde_minutos, $sem_atividade));
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Tempo Atividade:'), $tempo_atividade);
     $table->addRowSet($label_atividade = new TLabel('Tipo Atividade:'), $tipo_atividade_id);
     $table->addRowSet($label_ticket = new TLabel('Ticket:'), $ticket_id);
     $table->addRowSet($label_sistema = new TLabel('Sistema:'), $sistema_id);
     $table->addRowSet($label_descricao = new TLabel('Descrição:'), $descricao);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel(''), $id);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel(''), $colaborador_id);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel(''), $hora_fim);
     $this->form->setFields(array($id, $data_atividade, $hora_inicio, $qtde_horas, $qtde_minutos, $hora_fim, $tempo_atividade, $descricao, $colaborador_id, $colaborador_nome, $tipo_atividade_id, $ticket_id, $sistema_id));
     // create the form actions
     $save_button = TButton::create('save', array($this, 'onSave'), _t('Save'), 'fa:floppy-o');
     $new_button = TButton::create('new', array($this, 'onEdit'), _t('New'), 'fa:plus-square green');
     $del_button = TButton::create('delete', array($this, 'onDelete'), _t('Delete'), 'fa:trash-o red fa-lg');
     $list_button = TButton::create('list', array('AtividadeList', 'onClean'), _t('List'), 'fa:table blue');
     $buttons_box = new THBox();
     // add a row for the form action
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $row->class = 'tformaction';
     // CSS class
     $row->addCell($buttons_box)->colspan = 2;
     //                        TScript::create(' $( "#descricao" ).focus(); ');
Example #17
  * Class constructor
  * Creates the page and the registration form
 function __construct()
     // creates the form
     $this->form = new TForm('form_System_user');
     $this->form->class = 'tform';
     // creates the table container
     $table = new TTable();
     $table1 = new TTable();
     $table2 = new TTable();
     $hbox1 = new THBox();
     $hbox2 = new THBox();
     $table->style = 'width: 100%';
     $table1->style = 'width: 100%';
     $table2->style = 'width: 100%';
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel(_t('User')), '', '', '')->class = 'tformtitle';
     // add the table inside the form
     $frame_groups = new TFrame(NULL, 280);
     $frame_groups->style .= ';margin: 4px';
     $frame_programs = new TFrame(NULL, 280);
     $frame_programs->style .= ';margin: 4px';
     // create the form fields
     $id = new TEntry('id');
     $name = new TEntry('name');
     $login = new TEntry('login');
     $password = new TPassword('password');
     $repassword = new TPassword('repassword');
     $email = new TEntry('email');
     $multifield_programs = new TMultiField('programs');
     $program_id = new TDBSeekButton('program_id', 'permission', 'form_System_user', 'SystemProgram', 'name', 'programs_id', 'programs_name');
     $program_name = new TEntry('program_name');
     $groups = new TDBCheckGroup('groups', 'permission', 'SystemGroup', 'id', 'name');
     $frontpage_id = new TDBSeekButton('frontpage_id', 'permission', 'form_System_user', 'SystemProgram', 'name', 'frontpage_id', 'frontpage_name');
     $frontpage_name = new TEntry('frontpage_name');
     $scroll = new TScroll();
     $scroll->setSize(290, 240);
     // define the sizes
     // outros
     // validations
     $name->addValidation(_t('Name'), new TRequiredValidator());
     $login->addValidation('Login', new TRequiredValidator());
     $email->addValidation('Email', new TEmailValidator());
     // configuracoes multifield
     $multifield_programs->addField('id', 'ID', $program_id, 60);
     $multifield_programs->addField('name', _t('Name'), $program_name, 250);
     // add a row for the field id
     $row = $table1->addRow();
     $row->addCell(new TLabel('ID:'))->style = 'width:150px';
     $table1->addRowSet(new TLabel(_t('Login') . ': '), $login);
     $table1->addRowSet(new TLabel(_t('Password') . ': '), $password);
     $table1->addRowSet(new TLabel(_t('Password confirmation') . ': '), $repassword);
     $row = $table2->addRow();
     $row->addCell(new TLabel('Name:'))->style = 'width:150px';
     $table2->addRowSet(new TLabel(_t('Email') . ': '), $email);
     $table2->addRowSet(new TLabel(_t('Front page') . ': '), $frontpage_id);
     $table2->addRowSet(new TLabel(_t('Page name') . ': '), $frontpage_name);
     // create an action button (save)
     $save_button = new TButton('save');
     $save_button->setAction(new TAction(array($this, 'onSave')), _t('Save'));
     // create an new button (edit with no parameters)
     $new_button = new TButton('new');
     $new_button->setAction(new TAction(array($this, 'onEdit')), _t('New'));
     $new_button->setImage('fa:plus-square green');
     $list_button = new TButton('list');
     $list_button->setAction(new TAction(array('SystemUserList', 'onReload')), _t('Back to the listing'));
     $list_button->setImage('fa:table blue');
     // define the form fields
     $this->form->setFields(array($id, $name, $login, $password, $repassword, $multifield_programs, $frontpage_id, $frontpage_name, $groups, $email, $save_button, $new_button, $list_button));
     $buttons = new THBox();
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $row->class = 'tformaction';
     $cell = $row->addCell($buttons);
     $cell->colspan = 4;
     $container = new TTable();
     $container->style = 'width: 80%';
     $container->addRow()->addCell(new TXMLBreadCrumb('menu.xml', 'SystemUserList'));
     // add the form to the page
Example #18
  * Class constructor
  * Creates the page and the registration form
 function __construct()
     // creates the table container
     $table = new TTable();
     $table->style = 'width:100%';
     $frame_programs = new TFrame();
     // creates the form
     $this->form = new TForm('form_System_RRHH');
     $this->form->class = 'tform';
     // add the notebook inside the form
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Employees'), '')->class = 'tformtitle';
     // create the form fields
     $id = new TEntry('id');
     $dni = new TEntry('dni');
     $name = new TEntry('name');
     $address = new TEntry('address');
     $email = new TEntry('email');
     $phone = new TEntry('phone');
     // define the sizes
     // validations
     $dni->addValidation('dni', new TRequiredValidator());
     $name->addValidation('name', new TRequiredValidator());
     $address->addValidation('addres', new TRequiredValidator());
     $email->addValidation('email', new TRequiredValidator());
     $phone->addValidation('phone', new TRequiredValidator());
     // add a row for the field id
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('ID:'), $dni);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('DNI:'), $dni);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Name: '), $name);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Address: '), $address);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Email: '), $email);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Phone: '), $phone);
     // create an action button (save)
     $save_button = new TButton('save');
     $save_button->setAction(new TAction(array($this, 'onSave')), _t('Save'));
     // create an new button (edit with no parameters)
     $new_button = new TButton('new');
     $new_button->setAction(new TAction(array($this, 'onEdit')), _t('New'));
     $new_button->setImage('fa:plus-square green');
     $list_button = new TButton('list');
     $list_button->setAction(new TAction(array('SystemStockList', 'onReload')), _t('Back to the listing'));
     $list_button->setImage('fa:table blue');
     // define the form fields
     $this->form->setFields(array($id, $dni, $name, $address, $email, $phone, $save_button, $new_button, $list_button));
     $buttons = new THBox();
     $container = new TTable();
     $container->width = '80%';
     $container->addRow()->addCell(new TXMLBreadCrumb('menu.xml', 'SystemRRHHList'));
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $row->class = 'tformaction';
     $cell = $row->addCell($buttons);
     $cell->colspan = 2;
     // add the form to the page
  * Class constructor
  * Creates the page and the registration form
 function __construct()
     // creates the form
     $this->form = new TForm('form_RequisitoDesenvolvimento');
     $this->form->class = 'tform';
     // CSS class
     $this->form->style = 'width: 500px';
     $this->string = new StringsUtil();
     // add a table inside form
     $table = new TTable();
     $table->width = '100%';
     // add a row for the form title
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $row->class = 'tformtitle';
     // CSS class
     $row->addCell(new TLabel('Cadastro de DTr'))->colspan = 2;
     // create the form fields
     $id = new THidden('id');
     $titulo = new TEntry('titulo');
     $data_cadastro = new TEntry('data_cadastro');
     $rotina = new TEntry('rotina');
     $objetivo = new TText('objetivo');
     $entrada = new TText('entrada');
     $processamento = new TText('processamento');
     $saida = new TText('saida');
     $ticket_id = new TEntry('ticket_id');
     $ticket_titulo = new TEntry('ticket_titulo');
     // define the sizes
     $objetivo->setSize(300, 60);
     $entrada->setSize(300, 60);
     $processamento->setSize(300, 60);
     $saida->setSize(300, 60);
     // validations
     $titulo->addValidation('Título', new TRequiredValidator());
     $objetivo->addValidation('Objetivo', new TRequiredValidator());
     $ticket_id->addValidation('Ticket', new TRequiredValidator());
     // add one row for each form field
     $table->addRowSet($label_titulo = new TLabel('Título:'), $titulo);
     $table->addRowSet($label_ticket_id = new TLabel('Ticket:'), array($ticket_id, $ticket_titulo));
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Data de Cadastro:'), $data_cadastro);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Rotina:'), $rotina);
     $table->addRowSet($label_objetivo = new TLabel('Objetivo:'), $objetivo);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Entrada:'), $entrada);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Processamento:'), $processamento);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Saida:'), $saida);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel(''), $id);
     $this->form->setFields(array($id, $titulo, $data_cadastro, $rotina, $objetivo, $entrada, $processamento, $saida, $ticket_id, $ticket_titulo));
     // create the form actions
     $save_button = TButton::create('save', array($this, 'onSave'), _t('Save'), 'fa:floppy-o');
     $list_button = TButton::create('list', array('RequisitoDesenvolvimentoList', 'onReload'), _t('List'), 'fa:table blue');
     $gerar_dtr = TButton::create('gerar_dtr', array($this, 'onGenerate'), 'Gerar DTr', 'fa:floppy-o');
     $gerar_kanban = TButton::create('gerar_kanban', array($this, 'onGenerateKanban'), 'Gerar Kanban', 'fa:floppy-o');
     TButton::disableField('form_RequisitoDesenvolvimento', 'save');
     TButton::disableField('form_RequisitoDesenvolvimento', 'gerar_dtr');
     TButton::disableField('form_RequisitoDesenvolvimento', 'gerar_kanban');
     $buttons_box = new THBox();
     // add a row for the form action
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $row->class = 'tformaction';
     // CSS class
     $row->addCell($buttons_box)->colspan = 2;
 function onStep2()
     try {
         $data = $this->form->getData();
         $page2 = new TTable();
         $this->notebook->appendPage('Page 2', $page2);
         $gender_options = array('M' => 'Male', 'F' => 'Female');
         $ocupation_optins = array('S' => 'Self employed', 'B' => 'Business', 'R' => 'Retired');
         switch ($data->field1) {
             case 'combo':
                 $field3 = new TCombo('field3');
             case 'radio':
                 $field3 = new TRadioGroup('field3');
             case 'check':
                 $field3 = new TCheckGroup('field3');
         $field3->addValidation('Field 3', new TRequiredValidator());
         switch ($data->field2) {
             case '1':
                 $label = 'Gender';
             case '2':
                 $label = 'Ocupation';
         $field4 = new TEntry('field4');
         $field4->addValidation('Field 4', new TRequiredValidator());
         // add a row for one field
         $row = $page2->addRow();
         $row->addCell($l3 = new TLabel($label . ':'));
         $cell = $row->addCell($field3);
         // add a row for one field
         $row = $page2->addRow();
         $row->addCell($l4 = new TLabel('Next tab title:'));
         $cell = $row->addCell($field4);
         // creates the action button
         $button2 = new TButton('action2');
         $button2->setAction(new TAction(array($this, 'onStep3')), 'Next');
         $row = $page2->addRow();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         new TMessage('error', $e->getMessage());
Example #21
  * Class constructor
  * Creates the page and the registration form
 function __construct()
     // creates the form
     $this->form = new TForm('form_crm');
     // creates a table
     $table = new TTable();
     $table_contact = new TTable();
     $table_skill = new TTable();
     $notebook = new TNotebook(500, 500);
     // add the notebook inside the form
     $notebook->appendPage('Cadastro Cliente', $table);
     // $notebook->appendPage('Cidade', $table_contact);
     //        $notebook->appendPage('Skill (aggregation)', $table_skill);
     // create the form fields
     $code = new TEntry('id');
     $projeto_id = new TDBCombo('projeto_id', 'db_crmbf', 'Projeto', 'id', 'nome');
     $titulo = new TEntry('titulo');
     $data = new TEntry('data');
     $responsavel_id = new TDBCombo('responsavel_id', 'db_crmbf', 'user', 'id', 'name');
     $tempo = new TSpinner('tempo');
     $porcentagem = new TSlider('porcentagem');
     $descricao = new TText('descricao');
     $tipo_id = new TDBCombo('tipo_id', 'db_crmbf', 'Tipo', 'id', 'nome');
     $cliente_id = new TDBCombo('cliente_id', 'db_crmbf', 'Cliente', 'id', 'nome');
     $prioridade_id = new TDBCombo('prioridade_id', 'db_crmbf', 'Prioridade', 'id', 'nome');
     $status_id = new TDBCombo('status_id', 'db_crmbf', 'Status', 'id', 'nome');
     $usuarioalteracao = new THidden('usuarioalteracao');
     $solicitante = new TEntry('solicitante');
     // add field validators
     $titulo->addValidation('Nome', new TRequiredValidator());
     // $cidade_id->addValidation('Cidade', new TRequiredValidator);
     // $birthdate->addValidation('Birthdate', new TRequiredValidator);
     //        $cidade_id->addValidation('Category', new TRequiredValidator);
     //$obj = new CidadeFormList;
     //$cidade_id->setAction(new TAction(array($obj, 'onReload')));
     //        $itemGender = array();
     //        $itemGender['M'] = 'Male';
     //        $itemGender['F'] = 'Female';
     //        // add the combo options
     //        $gender->addItems($itemGender);
     //        $gender->setLayout('horizontal');
     //        $itemStatus = array();
     //        $itemStatus['S'] = 'Single';
     //        $itemStatus['C'] = 'Committed';
     //        $itemStatus['M'] = 'Married';
     //        $status->addItems($itemStatus);
     // define some properties for the form fields
     $data->setValue(date("d/m/Y H:i:s"));
     $tempo->setRange(0, 1000, 1);
     $porcentagem->setRange(0, 100, 1);
     $porcentagem->setTip('Porcentagem %');
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $row->addCell(new TLabel('Code:'));
     // add a row for the field name
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $row->addCell(new TLabel('Projeto:'));
     $cell = $row->addCell($projeto_id);
     // add a row for the field name
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $row->addCell(new TLabel('Titulo:'));
     $cell = $row->addCell($titulo);
     // add a row for the field Email
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $row->addCell(new TLabel('Data:'));
     $cell = $row->addCell($data);
     // add a row for the field Telefone
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $row->addCell(new TLabel('Responsavel:'));
     $cell = $row->addCell($responsavel_id);
     // add a row for the field celular
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $row->addCell(new TLabel('Tempo:'));
     $cell = $row->addCell($tempo);
     // add a row for the field skype
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $row->addCell(new TLabel('Porcentagem:'));
     $cell = $row->addCell($porcentagem);
     // add a row for the field endereco
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $row->addCell(new TLabel('Tipo:'));
     // add a row for the field endereco
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $row->addCell(new TLabel('Cliente:'));
     // add a row for the field endereco
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $row->addCell(new TLabel('Prioridade:'));
     // add a row for the field endereco
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $row->addCell(new TLabel('Solicitante:'));
     // add a row for the field endereco
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $row->addCell(new TLabel('Descrição:'));
     // add a row for the field celular
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $row->addCell(new TLabel('Status:'));
     $cell = $row->addCell($status_id);
     // add a row for the field Category
     //        $row = $table_data->addRow();
     //        $row->addCell(new TLabel('Cidade:'));
     //        $cell = $row->addCell($cidade_id);
     // add a row for the field city
     //        $row=$table_data->addRow();
     //        $row->addCell(new TLabel('Cidade:'));
     //        $cell = $row->addCell($cidade_id);
             // add a row for the field Phone
             $row = $table_data->addRow();
             $row->addCell(new TLabel('Phone:'));
             // add a row for the field BirthDate
             $row->addCell(new TLabel('BirthDate:'));
             // add a row for the field status
             $row = $table_data->addRow();
             $row->addCell(new TLabel('Status:'));
             $cell = $row->addCell($status);
             // add a row for the field Email
             $row->addCell(new TLabel('Email:'));
             $cell = $row->addCell($email);
             // add a row for the field gender
             $row->addCell(new TLabel('Gender:'));
             $row = $table_contact->addRow();
             $cell = $row->addCell(new TLabel('<b>Contact</b>'));
             $cell->valign = 'top';
             // add two fields inside the multifield in the second sheet
             $contacts_list->setClass('Contact'); // define the returning class
             $contacts_list->addField('type', 'Contact Type: ', new TEntry('type'), 200);
             $contacts_list->addField('value', 'Contact Value: ', new TEntry('value'), 200);
             $row = $table_contact->addRow();
             // create the radio button for the skills list
             $skill_list = new TDBCheckGroup('skill_list', 'samples', 'Skill', 'id', 'name');
             $table_skill->addRow()->addCell($lbl = new TLabel('Skills'));
     // create an action button
     $button1 = new TButton('action1');
     $button1->setAction(new TAction(array($this, 'onSave')), 'Save');
     //create an action button (go to list)
     $button2 = new TButton('list');
     $button2->setAction(new TAction(array('CRMList', 'onReload')), 'Ir para Listagem');
     // define wich are the form fields
     $this->form->setFields(array($code, $projeto_id, $titulo, $data, $responsavel_id, $tempo, $porcentagem, $descricao, $tipo_id, $cliente_id, $prioridade_id, $status_id, $usuarioalteracao, $solicitante, $button1, $button2));
     $subtable = new TTable();
     $row = $subtable->addRow();
     $table_layout = new TTable();
     // add the form inside the page
  * Class constructor
  * Creates the page and the registration form
 function __construct()
     // creates the notebook
     $this->notebook = new TNotebook();
     $this->notebook->setSize(700, 390);
     // creates the table container
     $tableCampos = new TTable();
     // creates the form
     $this->form = new TForm('form_System_user');
     $this->notebook->appendPage(_t('User'), $tableCampos);
     // add the notebook inside the form
     $frame_groups = new TFrame(300, 250);
     $frame_groups->style = 'margin: 4px';
     $frame_programs = new TFrame(340, 250);
     $frame_programs->style = 'margin: 4px';
     // create the form fields
     $id = new TEntry('id');
     $name = new TEntry('name');
     $login = new TEntry('login');
     $password = new TPassword('password');
     $repassword = new TPassword('repassword');
     $email = new TEntry('email');
     $multifield_programs = new TMultiField('programs');
     $program_id = new TDBSeekButton('program_id', 'permission', 'form_System_user', 'SystemProgram', 'name', 'programs_id', 'programs_name');
     $program_name = new TEntry('program_name');
     $groups = new TDBCheckGroup('groups', 'permission', 'SystemGroup', 'id', 'name');
     $frontpage_id = new TDBSeekButton('frontpage_id', 'permission', 'form_System_user', 'SystemProgram', 'name', 'frontpage_id', 'frontpage_name');
     $frontpage_name = new TEntry('frontpage_name');
     $scroll = new TScroll();
     $scroll->setSize(290, 230);
     // define the sizes
     // outros
     // validations
     $name->addValidation(_t('Name'), new TRequiredValidator());
     $login->addValidation('Login', new TRequiredValidator());
     $email->addValidation('Email', new TEmailValidator());
     // configuracoes multifield
     $multifield_programs->addField('id', 'ID', $program_id, 60);
     $multifield_programs->addField('name', _t('Name'), $program_name, 250);
     // add a row for the field id
     $tableCampos->addRowSet(new TLabel('ID:'), $id, new TLabel(_t('Name') . ': '), $name);
     $tableCampos->addRowSet(new TLabel(_t('Login') . ': '), $login, new TLabel(_t('Email') . ': '), $email);
     $tableCampos->addRowSet(new TLabel(_t('Password') . ': '), $password, new TLabel(_t('Password confirmation') . ': '), $repassword);
     $tableCampos->addRowSet(new TLabel(_t('Front page') . ': '), $frontpage_id, new TLabel(_t('Page name') . ': '), $frontpage_name);
     $row = $tableCampos->addRow();
     $cell = $row->addCell($frame_groups);
     $cell->colspan = 2;
     $cell = $row->addCell($frame_programs);
     $cell->colspan = 2;
     // create an action button (save)
     $save_button = new TButton('save');
     $save_button->setAction(new TAction(array($this, 'onSave')), _t('Save'));
     // create an new button (edit with no parameters)
     $new_button = new TButton('new');
     $new_button->setAction(new TAction(array($this, 'onEdit')), _t('New'));
     $list_button = new TButton('list');
     $list_button->setAction(new TAction(array('SystemUserList', 'onReload')), _t('Back to the listing'));
     // define the form fields
     $this->form->setFields(array($id, $name, $login, $password, $repassword, $multifield_programs, $frontpage_id, $frontpage_name, $groups, $email, $save_button, $new_button, $list_button));
     $table_buttons = new TTable();
     $row_buttons = $table_buttons->addRow();
     $container = new TTable();
     $container->addRow()->addCell(new TXMLBreadCrumb('menu.xml', 'SystemUserList'));
     // add the form to the page
 public function makeTEntry($properties)
     $widget = new TEntry((string) $properties->{'name'});
     $widget->setValue((string) $properties->{'value'});
     $widget->setMask((string) $properties->{'mask'});
     $widget->setSize((int) $properties->{'width'});
     if (isset($properties->{'maxlen'})) {
         $widget->setMaxLength((int) $properties->{'maxlen'});
     if (isset($properties->{'tip'})) {
         $widget->setTip((string) $properties->{'tip'});
     if (isset($properties->{'required'}) and $properties->{'required'} == '1') {
         $widget->addValidation((string) $properties->{'name'}, new TRequiredValidator());
     $widget->setEditable((string) $properties->{'editable'});
     $this->fields[] = $widget;
     $this->fieldsByName[(string) $properties->{'name'}] = $widget;
     return $widget;
  * Class constructor
  * Creates the page and the registration form
 function __construct()
     // creates the form
     $this->form = new TForm('form_customer');
     // creates a table
     $table_data = new TTable();
     $table_contact = new TTable();
     $table_skill = new TTable();
     $notebook = new TNotebook(500, 250);
     // add the notebook inside the form
     $notebook->appendPage('Registration Data', $table_data);
     $notebook->appendPage('Contact (composition)', $table_contact);
     $notebook->appendPage('Skill (aggregation)', $table_skill);
     // create the form fields
     $code = new TEntry('id');
     $name = new TEntry('name');
     $address = new TEntry('address');
     $phone = new TEntry('phone');
     $city_id = new TSeekButton('city_id');
     $city_name = new TEntry('city_name');
     $birthdate = new TDate('birthdate');
     $email = new TEntry('email');
     $gender = new TRadioGroup('gender');
     $status = new TCombo('status');
     $contacts_list = new TMultiField('contacts_list');
     $category_id = new TDBCombo('category_id', 'samples', 'Category', 'id', 'name');
     // add field validators
     $name->addValidation('Name', new TRequiredValidator());
     $city_id->addValidation('City', new TRequiredValidator());
     $birthdate->addValidation('Birthdate', new TRequiredValidator());
     $category_id->addValidation('Category', new TRequiredValidator());
     $obj = new CitySeek();
     $city_id->setAction(new TAction(array($obj, 'onReload')));
     $itemGender = array();
     $itemGender['M'] = 'Male';
     $itemGender['F'] = 'Female';
     // add the combo options
     $itemStatus = array();
     $itemStatus['S'] = 'Single';
     $itemStatus['C'] = 'Committed';
     $itemStatus['M'] = 'Married';
     // define some properties for the form fields
     // add a row for the field code
     $table_data->addRowSet(new TLabel('Code:'), $code);
     $table_data->addRowSet(new TLabel('Name:'), $name);
     $table_data->addRowSet(new TLabel('Address:'), $address);
     $table_data->addRowSet(new TLabel('City:'), array($city_id, new TLabel('Name:'), $city_name));
     $table_data->addRowSet(new TLabel('Phone:'), array($phone, new TLabel('BirthDate:'), $birthdate));
     $table_data->addRowSet(new TLabel('Status:'), array($status, new TLabel('Email:'), $email));
     $table_data->addRowSet(new TLabel('Category:'), array($category_id, new TLabel('Gender:'), $gender));
     $row = $table_contact->addRow();
     $cell = $row->addCell(new TLabel('<b>Contact</b>'));
     $cell->valign = 'top';
     // add two fields inside the multifield in the second sheet
     // define the returning class
     $contacts_list->addField('type', 'Contact Type: ', new TEntry('type'), 200);
     $contacts_list->addField('value', 'Contact Value: ', new TEntry('value'), 200);
     $row = $table_contact->addRow();
     // create the radio button for the skills list
     $skill_list = new TDBCheckGroup('skill_list', 'samples', 'Skill', 'id', 'name');
     $table_skill->addRow()->addCell($lbl = new TLabel('Skills'));
     // create an action button
     $button1 = new TButton('action1');
     $button1->setAction(new TAction(array($this, 'onSave')), 'Save');
     // create an action button (go to list)
     $button2 = new TButton('list');
     $button2->setAction(new TAction(array('CustomerDataGridView', 'onReload')), 'Go to Listing');
     // define wich are the form fields
     $this->form->setFields(array($code, $name, $address, $phone, $city_id, $city_name, $birthdate, $email, $gender, $status, $category_id, $contacts_list, $skill_list, $button1, $button2));
     $subtable = new TTable();
     $row = $subtable->addRow();
     // wrap the page content
     $vbox = new TVBox();
     $vbox->add(new TXMLBreadCrumb('menu.xml', 'CustomerDataGridView'));
     // add the form inside the page
  * Form constructor
  * @param $param Request
 public function __construct($param)
     // creates the form
     $this->form = new TForm('form_Cliente');
     $this->form->class = 'tform';
     // change CSS class
     $note = new TNotebook(400, 300);
     // add a table inside form
     $table = new TTable();
     $table->width = '100%';
     // add a row for the form title
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $row->class = 'tformtitle';
     // CSS class
     $row->addCell(new TLabel('Clientes'))->colspan = 2;
     // create the form fields
     $id = new TEntry('id');
     $nome = new TEntry('nome');
     // campo para telefones
     $multifield = new TMultiField('telefone');
     $telefone_id = new TEntry('id');
     $telefone = new TEntry('numero');
     //    campo para emails
     $multifield_email = new TMultiField('email');
     $email = new TEntry('email');
     $email_id = new TEntry('id');
     $email->addValidation('email', new TEmailValidator());
     $multifield->addField('id', 'Codigo', $telefone_id, 200);
     $multifield->addField('numero', 'Telefone', $telefone, 200, true);
     $multifield_email->addField('id', 'Codigo', $email_id, 200);
     $multifield_email->addField('email', 'Email', $email, 200, true);
     // define the sizes
     // add one row for each form field
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('id:'), $id);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('nome:'), $nome);
     $this->form->setFields(array($id, $nome, $multifield, $multifield_email));
     // create the form actions
     $save_button = TButton::create('save', array($this, 'onSave'), _t('Save'), 'bs:floppy-disk red');
     $new_button = TButton::create('new', array($this, 'onEdit'), _t('New'), 'bs:edit green');
     $buttons_box = new THBox();
     // add a row for the form action
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $row->class = 'tformaction';
     // CSS class
     $row->addCell($buttons_box)->colspan = 2;
     $note->appendPage('Clientes', $table);
     $note->appendPage('Telefone', $multifield);
     $note->appendPage('Email', $multifield_email);
     // vertical box container
     $container = new TVBox();
     $container->style = 'width: 90%';
     // $container->add(new TXMLBreadCrumb('menu.xml', __CLASS__));
     $container->add(TPanelGroup::pack('Title', $this->form));
  * Class constructor
  * Creates the page and the registration form
 function __construct()
     // security check
     if (TSession::getValue('logged') !== TRUE) {
         throw new Exception(_t('Not logged'));
     // security check
     if (Member::newFromLogin(TSession::getValue('login'))->role_mnemonic == 'CUSTOMER') {
         throw new Exception(_t('Permission denied'));
     $table = new TTable();
     // creates the form
     $this->form = new TForm('form_Issue');
     $table->width = '100%';
     $this->form->style = 'width: 750px';
     $this->form->class = 'tform';
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel(_t('Issue')), '')->class = 'tformtitle';
     $table1 = new TTable();
     $table2 = new TTable();
     // create the form fields
     $id = new TEntry('id');
     $id_user = new TDBCombo('id_user', 'changeman', 'Member', 'id', 'name');
     $id_status = new TDBCombo('id_status', 'changeman', 'Status', 'id', 'complete_description');
     $id_project = new TDBCombo('id_project', 'changeman', 'Project', 'id', 'description');
     $id_priority = new TDBCombo('id_priority', 'changeman', 'Priority', 'id', 'description_translated');
     $id_category = new TDBCombo('id_category', 'changeman', 'Category', 'id', 'description_translated');
     $id_release = new TDBCombo('id_release', 'changeman', 'Release', 'id', 'name');
     $id_member = new TDBCombo('id_member', 'changeman', 'Member', 'id', 'name');
     $register_date = new TDate('register_date');
     $close_date = new TDate('close_date');
     $time = new TEntry('issue_time');
     $title = new TEntry('title');
     $description = new THtmlEditor('description');
     $solution = new THtmlEditor('solution');
     $id_user->addValidation(_t('User'), new TRequiredValidator());
     $id_status->addValidation(_t('Status'), new TRequiredValidator());
     $id_project->addValidation(_t('Project'), new TRequiredValidator());
     $id_priority->addValidation(_t('Priority'), new TRequiredValidator());
     $id_category->addValidation(_t('Category'), new TRequiredValidator());
     $register_date->addValidation(_t('Start date'), new TRequiredValidator());
     $title->addValidation(_t('Title'), new TRequiredValidator());
     $description->addValidation(_t('Description'), new TRequiredValidator());
     // define the sizes
     $title->setSize(200, 40);
     $description->setSize(680, 300);
     $solution->setSize(680, 300);
     // add a row for the field id
     $table1->addRowSet(new TLabel('ID:'), $id);
     $table1->addRowSet(new TLabel(_t('User') . ': '), $id_user);
     $table1->addRowSet(new TLabel(_t('Status') . ': '), $id_status);
     $table1->addRowSet(new TLabel(_t('Project') . ': '), $id_project);
     $table1->addRowSet(new TLabel(_t('Priority') . ': '), $id_priority);
     $table1->addRowSet(new TLabel(_t('Category') . ': '), $id_category);
     $table2->addRowSet(new TLabel(_t('Release') . ': '), $id_release);
     $table2->addRowSet(new TLabel(_t('Assigned to')), $id_member);
     $table2->addRowSet(new TLabel(_t('Start date') . ':'), $register_date);
     $table2->addRowSet(new TLabel(_t('Due date') . ':'), $close_date);
     $table2->addRowSet(new TLabel(_t('Time') . ':'), $time);
     $table2->addRowSet(new TLabel(_t('Title') . ':'), $title);
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $subnotebook = new TNotebook();
     $subnotebook->setSize(710, 320);
     $subnotebook->style = 'padding: 50px';
     $subnotebook->appendPage(_t('Description'), $description);
     $subnotebook->appendPage(_t('Solution'), $solution);
     $hbox = new THBox();
     $hbox->style = 'margin: 10px';
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $cell = $row->addCell($hbox);
     $cell->colspan = 3;
     // create an action button (save)
     $save_button = new TButton('save');
     // define the button action
     $save_button->setAction(new TAction(array($this, 'onSave')), _t('Save'));
     $table->addRowSet($save_button, '')->class = 'tformaction';
     // define wich are the form fields
     $this->form->setFields(array($id, $id_user, $id_status, $id_project, $id_priority, $id_category, $id_release, $id_member, $register_date, $close_date, $time, $title, $description, $solution, $save_button));
     // add the form to the page
  * Class constructor
  * Creates the page and the registration form
 function __construct()
     // creates the table container
     $table = new TTable();
     $table->style = 'width:100%';
     $frame_programs = new TFrame();
     // creates the form
     $this->form = new TForm('form_System_Receipt');
     $this->form->class = 'tform';
     // add the notebook inside the form
     $row1 = $table->addRow();
     $row1->class = 'tformtitle';
     $cell1 = $row1->addCell(new TLabel('Add new receipt'), '');
     $cell1->colspan = 2;
     // create the form fields
     $id = new TEntry('id');
     $client = new TDBCombo('client', 'permission', 'SystemClients', 'name', 'name');
     $amount = new TEntry('account_money');
     $date = new TDate('date');
     // define the sizes
     // validations
     $client->addValidation('client', new TRequiredValidator());
     $amount->addValidation('account_money', new TRequiredValidator());
     $date->addValidation('date', new TRequiredValidator());
     // add a row for the field id
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('ID:'), $id);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Client: '), $client);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Account money: '), $amount);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('Date: '), $date);
     // create an action button (save)
     $save_button = new TButton('save');
     $save_button->setAction(new TAction(array($this, 'onSave')), _t('Save'));
     // create an new button (edit with no parameters)
     $new_button = new TButton('new');
     $new_button->setAction(new TAction(array($this, 'onEdit')), _t('New'));
     $new_button->setImage('fa:plus-square green');
     $list_button = new TButton('list');
     $list_button->setAction(new TAction(array('SystemInvoicesList', 'onReload')), _t('Back to the listing'));
     $list_button->setImage('fa:table blue');
     // define the form fields
     $this->form->setFields(array($id, $client, $amount, $date, $save_button, $new_button, $list_button));
     $buttons = new THBox();
     $container = new TTable();
     $container->width = '80%';
     $container->addRow()->addCell(new TXMLBreadCrumb('menu.xml', 'SystemInvoicesList'));
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $row->class = 'tformaction';
     $cell = $row->addCell($buttons);
     $cell->colspan = 2;
     // add the form to the page
Example #28
  * Class constructor
  * Creates the page, the form and the listing
 public function __construct()
     // create the form
     $this->form = new TQuickForm('form_categories');
     $this->form->class = 'tform';
     // CSS class
     $this->form->style = 'width: 100%';
     $this->form->setFormTitle('Lista de Endereços');
     // create the form fields
     $id = new TEntry('id');
     $name = new TEntry('name');
     $cep = new TEntry('cep');
     $rua = new TEntry('rua');
     $bairro = new TEntry('bairro');
     $numero = new TEntry('numero');
     $cUser = new THidden('system_user_id');
     $complemento = new TText('complemento');
     //Adicionando validações
     $cep->addValidation("cep", new TRequiredValidator());
     $rua->addValidation("rua", new TRequiredValidator());
     $bairro->addValidation("bairro", new TRequiredValidator());
     $numero->addValidation("numero", new TRequiredValidator());
     #$name->addValidation('Name', new TRequiredValidator);
     // add the fields in the form
     $this->form->addQuickField('ID', $id, 40);
     $this->form->addQuickField('cUser', $cUser, 40);
     $this->form->addQuickField('Cep', $cep, 200);
     $this->form->addQuickField('Rua', $rua, 200);
     $this->form->addQuickField('Bairro', $bairro, 200);
     $this->form->addQuickField('Numero', $numero, 80);
     $this->form->addQuickField('Complemento', $complemento, 200);
     $complemento->setSize(400, 70);
     // create the form actions
     $this->form->addQuickAction('Salvar', new TAction(array($this, 'onSave')), 'ico_save.png');
     $this->form->addQuickAction('Novo', new TAction(array($this, 'onEdit')), 'ico_new.png');
     // id not editable
     // create the datagrid
     $this->datagrid = new TQuickGrid();
     $this->datagrid->style = "width:100%";
     // add the datagrid columns
     $this->datagrid->addQuickColumn('Rua', 'rua', 'center', 50, new TAction(array($this, 'onReload')), array('order', 'id'));
     $this->datagrid->addQuickColumn('Bairro', 'bairro', 'left', 390, new TAction(array($this, 'onReload')), array('order', 'bairro'));
     $this->datagrid->addQuickColumn('Complemento', 'complemento', 'left', 390, new TAction(array($this, 'onReload')), array('order', 'complemento'));
     $this->datagrid->addQuickColumn('Numero', 'numero', 'left', 390, new TAction(array($this, 'onReload')), array('order', 'numero'));
     $this->datagrid->addQuickColumn('CEP', 'cep', 'left', 390, new TAction(array($this, 'onReload')), array('order', 'cep'));
     // add the datagrid actions
     $this->datagrid->addQuickAction('Editar', new TDataGridAction(array($this, 'onEdit')), 'id', 'ico_edit.png');
     $this->datagrid->addQuickAction('Deletar', new TDataGridAction(array($this, 'onDelete')), 'id', 'ico_delete.png');
     // create the datagrid model
     // wrap objects
     $table = new TTable();
     $table->style = "width:100%";
     $table->addRow()->addCell(new TXMLBreadCrumb('menu.xml', __CLASS__));
     // add the table in the page
  * Construtor de classe
  * Cria o formulário de material consumo
 function __construct()
     parent::setDefaultOrder("id", "asc");
     // Cria o formulário
     $this->form = new TQuickForm('form_MaterialConsumo');
     $this->form->class = 'tform';
     // CSS class
     $this->form->setFormTitle('Material de consumo (novos ou necessidade extraordinária) a ser incluído na Proposta Orçamentária de 2017');
     // define the form title
     // Cria os campos de formulário
     $id = new THidden('id');
     $tipo_material_consumo_id = new TDBCombo('tipo_material_consumo_id', 'app', 'TipoMaterialConsumo', 'id', 'nome', 'nome');
     $tipo_material_consumo_id->addValidation('Tipo do material', new TRequiredValidator());
     $change_action = new TAction(array($this, 'onChangeAction'));
     $descricao = new TEntry('descricao');
     $justificativa = new TText('justificativa');
     $justificativa->addValidation('Justificativa', new TRequiredValidator());
     $quantidade = new TEntry('quantidade');
     $quantidade->addValidation('Quantidade', new TRequiredValidator());
     $quantidade->addValidation('Quantidade', new TNumericValidator());
     $custo = new TEntry('custo');
     $custo->addValidation('Custo', new TRequiredValidator());
     $custo->addValidation('Custo', new TNumericValidator());
     $total = new TEntry('total');
     // Adiciona os campos
     $this->form->addQuickField('', $id);
     $this->form->addQuickField('Tipo de material consumo', $tipo_material_consumo_id, 480);
     $this->form->addQuickField('Descrição', $descricao, 480);
     $this->form->addQuickField('Justificativa', $justificativa, 200);
     $justificativa->setSize(480, 100);
     $this->form->addQuickField('Quantidade', $quantidade, 200);
     $this->form->addQuickField('Previsão de custo unitário', $custo, 200);
     $this->form->addQuickField('Total', $total, 200);
     // Cria as ações do formulário
     $this->form->addQuickAction(_t('Save'), new TAction(array($this, 'onSave')), 'ico_save.png');
     $this->form->addQuickAction(_t('New'), new TAction(array($this, 'onEdit')), 'ico_new.png');
     $actionHelp = new TAction(array("PaginaAjuda", 'onHelp'));
     $actionHelp->setParameters(array("key" => 3));
     $this->form->addQuickAction(_t('Help'), $actionHelp, 'ico_help.png');
     // Cria o datagrid
     $this->datagrid = new TQuickGrid();
     // Cria as colunas do datagrid
     $this->datagrid->addQuickColumn('Tipo de material consumo', 'tipoMaterialConsumo->nome', 'left', 200);
     $this->datagrid->addQuickColumn('Descrição', 'descricao', 'left', 200);
     $this->datagrid->addQuickColumn('Quant.', 'quantidade', 'right', 100);
     $this->datagrid->addQuickColumn('Previsão de custo', 'custo', 'right', 100);
     $this->datagrid->addQuickColumn('Total', 'total', 'right', 100);
     // Cria as ações do datagrid
     $edit_action = new TDataGridAction(array($this, 'onEdit'));
     $delete_action = new TDataGridAction(array($this, 'onDelete'));
     // Adiciona as ações do datagrid
     $this->datagrid->addQuickAction(_t('Edit'), $edit_action, 'id', 'ico_edit.png');
     $this->datagrid->addQuickAction(_t('Delete'), $delete_action, 'id', 'ico_delete.png');
     // Cria o modelo do datagrid
     // Cria a navegação de página
     $this->pageNavigation = new TPageNavigation();
     $this->pageNavigation->setAction(new TAction(array($this, 'onReload')));
     // Cria o container da página
     $container = TVBox::pack($this->form, $this->datagrid, $this->pageNavigation);
  * Class constructor
  * Creates the page and the registration form
 function __construct()
     // security check
     if (TSession::getValue('logged') !== TRUE) {
         throw new Exception(_t('Not logged'));
     // security check
     if (Member::newFromLogin(TSession::getValue('login'))->role_mnemonic !== 'ADMINISTRATOR' and Member::newFromLogin(TSession::getValue('login'))->role_mnemonic !== 'MANAGER') {
         throw new Exception(_t('Permission denied'));
     // creates a table
     $table = new TTable();
     // creates the form
     $this->form = new TForm('form_Release');
     $this->form->class = 'tform';
     $this->form->style = 'width: 640px';
     $table->width = '100%';
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel(_t('Release')), '')->class = 'tformtitle';
     $options = array('Y' => _t('Yes'), 'N' => _t('No'));
     // create the form fields
     $id = new TEntry('id');
     $id_project = new TDBCombo('id_project', 'changeman', 'Project', 'id', 'description');
     $name = new TEntry('name');
     $sendmail = new TRadioGroup('sendmail');
     $description = new THtmlEditor('description');
     $id_project->addValidation(_t('Project'), new TRequiredValidator());
     $name->addValidation(_t('Name'), new TRequiredValidator());
     // define the sizes
     $name->setSize(200, 40);
     $description->setSize(530, 200);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel('ID:'), $id);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel(_t('Project') . ': '), $id_project);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel(_t('Name') . ': '), $name);
     $table->addRowSet(new TLabel(_t('Send e-mail') . ': '), $sendmail);
     $hbox = new THBox();
     $hbox->style = 'margin: 10px';
     // add a row for the field description
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $row->addCell($lbl = new TLabel(_t('Description') . ': '));
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $cell = $row->addCell($hbox);
     $cell->colspan = 3;
     // create an action button (save)
     $save_button = new TButton('save');
     // define the button action
     $save_button->setAction(new TAction(array($this, 'onSave')), _t('Save'));
     $table->addRowSet($save_button, '')->class = 'tformaction';
     // define wich are the form fields
     $this->form->setFields(array($id, $id_project, $name, $description, $sendmail, $save_button));
     // add the form to the page