{title} {header}
class HomePage { private $template; public function __construct(Template $template) { $this->template = $template; } public function render() { $this->template->set('title', 'Welcome to my website'); $this->template->set('header', 'My website'); $this->template->set('content', 'Hello world!
'); $this->template->set('footer', 'Copyright © 2021'); return $this->template->output(); } }
$template = new Template('homepage.tpl.php'); $home_page = new HomePage($template); echo $home_page->render();This example illustrates how to use the Template instance in PHP to generate HTML content dynamically. It is likely that the package library used for this example is a custom library created by the developer or company to manage templates in PHP. However, there are many popular PHP packages and frameworks that provide similar functionality, such as Smarty, Twig, and Plates.