Example #1
 $pdf->Cell($user_data_cell_width, 1.5 * $data_cell_height, '', 1, 0, 'C', 0);
 $pdf->Cell($user_data_cell_width, 1.5 * $data_cell_height, '', 1, 0, 'C', 0);
 $pdf->Cell($user_data_cell_width, 1.5 * $data_cell_height, '', 1, 0, 'C', 0);
 $pdf->Cell($user_data_cell_width, 1.5 * $data_cell_height, '', 1, 1, 'C', 0);
 // --- display test info ---
 $info_cell_width = round($page_width / 4, 2);
 $boxStartY = $pdf->GetY();
 // store current Y position
 // test name
 $pdf->Cell($page_width, $data_cell_height * HEAD_MAGNIFICATION, $l['w_test'] . ': ' . $testdata['test_name'], 1, 1, '', 1);
 $infoStartY = $pdf->GetY() + 2;
 // store current Y position
 // test duration
 $pdf->Cell(1.5 * $data_cell_width, $data_cell_height, $l['w_test_time'] . ' [' . $l['w_minutes'] . ']: ', 0, 0, $dirlabel, 0);
 $pdf->Cell($data_cell_width, $data_cell_height, $testdata['test_duration_time'], 0, 1, $dirvalue, 0);
 // test start time (to be compiled by the user)
 $pdf->Cell(1.5 * $data_cell_width, $data_cell_height, $l['w_time_begin'] . ': ', 0, 0, $dirlabel, 0);
 $pdf->Cell($data_cell_width, $data_cell_height, '', 0, 1, $dirvalue, 0);
 // test end time (to be compiled by the user)
 $pdf->Cell(1.5 * $data_cell_width, $data_cell_height, $l['w_time_end'] . ': ', 0, 0, $dirlabel, 0);
 $pdf->Cell($data_cell_width, $data_cell_height, '', 0, 1, $dirvalue, 0);
 // score for right answer
 $pdf->Cell(1.5 * $data_cell_width, $data_cell_height, $l['w_score_right'] . ': ', 0, 0, $dirlabel, 0);
 $pdf->Cell($data_cell_width, $data_cell_height, $testdata['test_score_right'], 0, 1, $dirvalue, 0);
 // score for wrong answer
 $pdf->Cell(1.5 * $data_cell_width, $data_cell_height, $l['w_score_wrong'] . ': ', 0, 0, $dirlabel, 0);
 $pdf->Cell($data_cell_width, $data_cell_height, $testdata['test_score_wrong'], 0, 1, $dirvalue, 0);