public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->form = new TQuickForm(); $this->form->class = 'tform'; $this->form->setFormTitle(_t('Profile')); $name = new TEntry('name'); $login = new TEntry('login'); $email = new TEntry('email'); $password1 = new TPassword('password1'); $password2 = new TPassword('password2'); $login->setEditable(FALSE); $this->form->addQuickField(_t('Name'), $name, '80%', new TRequiredValidator()); $this->form->addQuickField(_t('Login'), $login, '80%', new TRequiredValidator()); $this->form->addQuickField(_t('Email'), $email, '80%', new TRequiredValidator()); $table = $this->form->getContainer(); $row = $table->addRow(); $row->style = 'background: #FFFBCB;'; $cell = $row->addCell(new TLabel(_t('Change password') . ' (' . _t('Leave empty to keep old password') . ')')); $cell->colspan = 2; $this->form->addQuickField(_t('Password'), $password1, '80%'); $this->form->addQuickField(_t('Password confirmation'), $password2, '80%'); $this->form->addQuickAction(_t('Save'), new TAction(array($this, 'onSave')), 'fa:save'); $bc = new TBreadCrumb(); $bc->addHome(); $bc->addItem('Profile'); $container = TVBox::pack($bc, $this->form); $container->style = 'width:80%'; parent::add($container); }
/** * Handle paths from a XML file * @param $xml_file path for the file */ public function __construct($xml_file, $controller) { parent::__construct(); $path = array(); if (file_exists($xml_file)) { $menu_string = file_get_contents($xml_file); if (utf8_encode(utf8_decode($menu_string)) == $menu_string) { $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($menu_string); } else { $xml = new SimpleXMLElement(utf8_encode($menu_string)); } foreach ($xml as $xmlElement) { $atts = $xmlElement->attributes(); $label = (string) $atts['label']; $action = (string) $xmlElement->action; $icon = (string) $xmlElement->icon; $this->parse($xmlElement->menu->menuitem, array($label)); } if (isset($this->paths[$controller]) and $this->paths[$controller]) { $total = count($this->paths[$controller]); parent::addHome($path); $count = 1; foreach ($this->paths[$controller] as $path) { parent::addItem($path, $count == $total); $count++; } } else { throw new Exception(TAdiantiCoreTranslator::translate('Class ^1 not found in ^2', $controller, $xml_file)); } } else { throw new Exception(TAdiantiCoreTranslator::translate('File not found') . ': ' . $xml_file); } }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $html = new THtmlRenderer('app/resources/profile.html'); $replaces = array(); try { TTransaction::open('permission'); $user = SystemUser::newFromLogin(TSession::getValue('login')); $replaces = $user->toArray(); $replaces['frontpage'] = $user->frontpage_name; $replaces['groupnames'] = $user->getSystemUserGroupNames(); TTransaction::close(); } catch (Exception $e) { new TMessage('error', $e->getMessage()); } $html->enableSection('main', $replaces); $html->enableTranslation(); $bc = new TBreadCrumb(); $bc->addHome(); $bc->addItem('Perfil'); $container = TVBox::pack($bc, $html); $container->style = 'width:60%'; parent::add($container); }
/** * Define the home controller * @param $class Home controller class */ public static function setHomeController($className) { self::$homeController = $className; }