Example #1

defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
 * @var $request      object  object of request - Request::get()
 * @var $total_items  int     total items
 * @var $is_nested    bool    is nested items
 * @var $obj          object  object ORM Model
 * @var $pag          object  object Pagination
 * @var $module       string  current module name

echo TB::btns_top([Route::url($request->routename, ['action' => 'add']) => __('static.page_add'), Route::url($request->routename, ['action' => 'order']) => $total_items > 1 ? __('settings.change_order') : '', Route::url($request->routename, ['action' => 'list']) => __('settings.sort_reset')]);

if ($total_items > 0) {

	<table class="table table-striped table-hover">
    echo TB_Table::head(['title' => __('settings.title'), 'enabled' => __('settings.status'), '_actions' => __('settings.actions')], true);
    foreach ($obj as $o) {
        echo TB::act($request->routename, ['action' => 'edit', 'id' => $o->id], $o->title);
Example #2

defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
 * @var $request      object  object of request - Request::get()
 * @var $total_items  int     total items
 * @var $is_nested    bool    is nested items
 * @var $obj          object  object ORM Model
 * @var $pag          object  object Pagination
 * @var $module       string  current module name

echo TB::btns_top([Route::url($request->routename, ['controller' => $request->controller, 'action' => 'add']) => __('shop.category_add'), Route::url($request->routename, ['controller' => $request->controller, 'action' => 'order']) => $total_items > 1 ? __('settings.change_order') : '', Route::url($request->routename, ['controller' => $request->controller, 'action' => 'list']) => __('settings.sort_reset')]);

if ($total_items > 0) {

	<table class="table table-striped table-hover">
    echo TB_Table::head(['title' => __('settings.title'), '_actions' => __('settings.actions')], true);
    foreach ($obj as $o) {
Example #3

defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
 * @var $request      object  object of request - Request::get()
 * @var $total_items  int     total items
 * @var $is_nested    bool    is nested items
 * @var $obj          object  object ORM Model
 * @var $pag          object  object Pagination
 * @var $module       string  current module name

echo TB::btns_top([Route::url($request->routename, ['controller' => $request->controller, 'action' => 'add']) => __('shop.product_add'), Route::url($request->routename, ['controller' => $request->controller, 'action' => 'list']) => __('shop.product_manager')]);

if ($total_items > 0) {

	<table class="table table-striped table-hover">
    echo TB_Table::head(['title' => __('settings.title'), 'price' => __('shop.product_price'), 'status' => __('shop.product_status'), 'enabled' => __('shop.product_enabled'), '_actions' => __('settings.actions')], true);
    foreach ($obj as $o) {
Example #4
defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');

<label class="col-sm-1 control-label"><?php 
echo __('shop.product');
<label class="col-sm-11 control-label"><?php 
echo $o_product->title;

echo TB::btns_top([Route::url($request->routename, ['controller' => $request->controller, 'action' => 'edit', 'id' => $o_product->id]) => __('shop.product_edit')]);

if (count($o_images) > 0) {

<p class="comments">Drag & drop images to change the order:</p>	

<ul id="sortable_images" class="ui-sortable list-group pull-left">
    foreach ($o_images as $o) {
		<li class="ui-state-default list-group-item" id="image_<?php 
        echo $o->id;
Example #5
echo __('shop.product_enabled');

echo View::factory('backend/v_fileuploads', ['config_img' => 'product_images', 'module' => 'shop', 'controller' => 'product', 'obj' => ['id' => $obj->id, 'is_edit' => TRUE], 'actions' => ['upload' => 'image_mupload', 'delete' => 'image_mdelete', 'rotate' => 'image_mrotate', 'crop' => 'image_crop']]);

echo count($obj->images->find_all()) > 1 ? '<div class="col-sm-10 col-xs-12 pull-right">' . TB::btns_top([Route::url($request->routename, ['controller' => $request->controller, 'action' => 'order', 'id' => $obj->id]) => __('shop.order_images')]) . '</div>' : '';

		<div class="tab-pane fade" id="tab_seo">

echo View::factory('backend/v_seo', ['s' => [$obj->slug, __('shop.product_slug_h')], 't' => [$obj->meta_t, __('shop.product_meta_t_h')], 'd' => [$obj->meta_d, __('shop.product_meta_d_h')], 'k' => [$obj->meta_k, __('shop.product_meta_k_h')]])->bind('errors', $errors);


echo TB_Form::btns_save();
Example #6

defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
 * @var $request      object  object of request - Request::get()
 * @var $total_items  int     total items
 * @var $is_nested    bool    is nested items
 * @var $obj          object  object ORM Model
 * @var $pag          object  object Pagination
 * @var $module       string  current module name

echo TB::btns_top([Route::url($request->routename, ['controller' => $request->controller, 'action' => 'add']) => __('shop.product_add'), Route::url($request->routename, ['controller' => $request->controller, 'action' => 'list']) => __('settings.sort_reset'), Route::url($request->routename, ['controller' => $request->controller, 'action' => 'filter']) => __('settings.filter_reset')]);

<div class="pull-right">
	<form action="" method="post" id="filter_by" accept-charset="utf-8" class="form-inline">
		<div class="form-group">
			<label class="control-label"><?php 
echo HTML::chars(__('shop.category_filter'));
echo $sel_category;
echo HTML::anchor(Route::url('b_shop', ['controller' => $request->controller, 'action' => 'deleted']), '<i class="fa fa-trash-o fa-fw"></i>', ['data-toggle' => 'tooltip', 'title' => __('shop.product_deleted_filter'), 'class' => 'btn btn-default']);
Example #7

defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
if ($total_items > 0) {
    $table_body = [];
    foreach ($obj as $o) {
        $table_body[] = [HTML::anchor('http://novaposhta.ua/office/list?city=' . $o->DescriptionRu, $o->DescriptionRu, ['target' => '_blank', 'data-toggle' => 'tooltip', 'data-original-title' => 'Отделения в населенном пункте'])];
    echo '<div class="btns-top">';
    // echo TB_Button::link(ADMIN . '/novaposhta/npupdate', ' Обновить базу для Новой Почты', ['class' => 'btn-small'])->with_icon('refresh');
    echo TB::btns_top([Route::url($request->routename, ['controller' => $request->controller, 'action' => 'npupdate']) => __('shop.novaposhta_update')]);
    echo '</div>';
    // Create table
    echo TB_Table::open();
    echo TB_Table::headers_sorter(['title' => ['string', __('Населенный пункт')]]);
    echo TB_Table::body($table_body);
    echo TB_Table::close();
    echo '<span class="badge badge-info">Всего населенных пунктов: ' . $total_items . '</span>';
    if (isset($pg)) {
        echo $pg;