Example #1
 function getHTML()
     if ($this->content == null) {
         return "";
     $cols = "";
     $rows = "";
     for ($i = 0; $i < $this->numCols; $i++) {
         $cols .= "\n\t\t\t\t<col " . (isset($this->colWidth[$i + 1]) ? "style=\"width:" . $this->colWidth[$i + 1] . "\"" : "") . " class=\"" . (!isset($this->colClass[$i + 1]) ? "backgroundColor" . ($i % 2 + 2) . "" : $this->colClass[$i + 1]) . "\" />";
     if (count($this->header) > 0) {
         $rows .= "\n\t\t\t<thead>\n\t\t\t<tr " . (isset($this->rowClasses[-1]) ? "class=\"" . $this->rowClasses[-1] . "\"" : "") . ">";
         foreach ($this->header as $K => $V) {
             if ($this->colOrder != null and isset($this->colOrder[$K])) {
                 $j = $this->colOrder[$K] - 1;
             } else {
                 $j = $K;
             #$style = "";
             $style = isset($this->colStyles[$j + 1]) ? $this->colStyles[$j + 1] : "";
             #if(isset($this->cellStyles[$K][$j+1])) $style .= $this->cellStyles[$K][$j+1];
             if ($style != "") {
                 $style = "style=\"{$style}\"";
             $rows .= "\n\t\t\t\t<th {$style}>" . (($this->colOrder != null and isset($this->colOrder[$K])) ? $this->header[$this->colOrder[$K] - 1] : $V) . "</th>";
         $rows .= "\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t</thead>";
     $this->tab = 1;
     if (count($this->tablePart) > 0) {
         $headRows = $this->getHTMLForUpdate(true, "thead");
         if ($headRows != "") {
             $rows .= "\n\t\t\t\t<thead>\n\t\t\t\t\t{$headRows}\n\t\t\t\t</thead>";
     $rows .= "\n\t\t\t<tbody>\n\t\t\t\t" . $this->getHTMLForUpdate(true, "tbody") . "\n\t\t\t</tbody>";
     if (count($this->tablePart) > 0) {
         $footRows = $this->getHTMLForUpdate(true, "tfoot");
         if ($footRows != "") {
             $rows .= "\n\t\t\t\t<tfoot>\n\t\t\t\t\t{$footRows}\n\t\t\t\t</tfoot>";
     $divStyle = "";
     if (preg_match("/width:([0-9 ]*)px;/", $this->tableStyle, $regs)) {
         $divStyle = "style=\"" . $regs[0] . "\"";
     $tabClass = "backgroundColor1 Tab";
     if ($this->weight == "light") {
         $tabClass = "lightTab borderColor1";
     $R = "<div>\n\t\t" . ($this->caption != null ? "\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<div class=\"{$tabClass} browserContainerSubHeight\" {$divStyle}>\n\t\t\t\t<p>" . T::_($this->caption) . "</p>\n\t\t\t</div>" : "");
     if ($this->tab == 1) {
         $R .= "\n\t\t<div " . ($this->maxHeight != null ? "style=\"max-height:{$this->maxHeight}px;overflow:auto;\"" : "") . ">\n\t\t<table " . ($this->tableStyle != null ? "style=\"{$this->tableStyle}\"" : "") . " " . ($this->tableID != null ? "id=\"{$this->tableID}\"" : "") . " " . ($this->tableClass != "" ? "class=\"{$this->tableClass}\"" : "") . ">\n\t\t\t<colgroup>{$cols}\n\t\t\t</colgroup>";
     $R .= "\n\t\t\t{$rows}\n\t\t</table>\n\t\t</div>";
     if ($this->tab > 1) {
         $R .= "\n\t\t</form>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t";
     $R .= "</div>";
     return $R . ($this->appendJS != "" ? OnEvent::script($this->appendJS) : "");
Example #2
 public static function popup($title, $targetClass, $targetClassId, $targetMethod, $targetMethodParameters = "", $bps = "", $popupOptions = null, $popupName = "edit")
     return "Popup.load('" . T::_($title) . "', '{$targetClass}', '{$targetClassId}', '{$targetMethod}', Array(" . (is_array($targetMethodParameters) ? implode(",", $targetMethodParameters) : "'" . $targetMethodParameters . "'") . "), '{$bps}', '{$popupName}'" . ($popupOptions != null ? ", '" . addslashes($popupOptions) . "'" : "") . ");";
Example #3
 function getForm()
     if ($this->form != null) {
         return $this->form;
     if ($this->formID == null) {
         $this->formID = "edit" . get_class($this->object);
     $F = new HTMLForm($this->formID == null ? "edit" . get_class($this->object) : $this->formID, $this->attributes == null ? $this->object : $this->attributes, strpos($this->displayMode, "popup") === false ? $this->operationsButton() . $this->name : null);
     $F->getTable()->setColWidth(1, 120);
     $ID = $this->object->getID();
     if (BPS::getProperty("HTMLGUI", "insertAsNew", false)) {
         $ID = -1;
         BPS::unsetProperty("HTMLGUI", "insertAsNew");
     if ($this->showSave) {
         $F->setSaveClass(get_class($this->object), $ID, $this->functionEntrySave, $this->name);
     foreach ($this->object->getA() as $n => $v) {
         $F->setValue($n, $v);
         $F->setLabel($n, str_replace($this->object->getClearClass(), "", $n));
     foreach ($this->types as $n => $l) {
         $F->setType($n, $l, null, isset($this->options[$n]) ? $this->options[$n] : null);
     foreach ($this->labels as $n => $l) {
         $F->setLabel($n, T::_($l));
     foreach ($this->placeholders as $n => $l) {
         $F->setPlaceholder($n, $l);
     foreach ($this->descriptionsField as $n => $l) {
         $F->setDescriptionField($n, T::_($l));
     foreach ($this->parsers as $n => $l) {
         $F->setType($n, "parser", null, array($l, $this->object));
     foreach ($this->spaces as $n => $l) {
         $F->insertSpaceAbove($n, T::_($l));
     foreach ($this->fieldButtons as $n => $B) {
         $F->addFieldButton($n, $B);
     foreach ($this->fieldEvents as $k => $v) {
         $F->addJSEvent($v[0], $v[1], $v[2]);
     foreach ($this->hiddenLines as $n) {
         $F->inputLineStyle($n, "display:none;");
     foreach ($this->inputStyles as $k => $n) {
         $F->setInputStyle($k, $n);
     foreach ($this->autocomplete as $k => $a) {
         $F->setAutoComplete($k, $a[0], $a[1], $a[2]);
     $this->form = $F;
     return $F;
Example #4
					if($j.jStorage.get('phynxUserCert', null) == null && $j('#buttonCertificateLogin').length > 0)
						$j('#buttonCertificateLogin').css('opacity', '0.2');
					} , 500);  */

		<div style="display:none;" id="messageSetup" title="Ersteinrichtung">
echo T::_("Bitte verwenden Sie '<b>Admin</b>' als Benutzername und als Passwort, um mit der Ersteinrichtung dieser Anwendung fortzufahren.");
		<div style="display:none;" id="messageTouch" title="Touch-Eingabe">
echo T::_("Ihr Gerät unterstützt Touch-Eingaben. Möchten Sie die Touch-Optimierungen aktivieren? Maus-Eingaben werden dann nicht mehr funktionieren.<br /><br />Wenn Sie 'Ja' auswählen, wird die Anwendung neu geladen. Sie können diese Auswahl mit dem %1-Knopf rechts unten rückgängig machen.", "<span class=\"iconic iconicG cursor\"></span>");
		<div style="display:none;" id="messageTouchReset" title="Touch-Eingabe">
echo T::_("Möchten Sie die Eingabemethode zurücksetzen? Sie werden dann erneut gefragt, ob Sie die Touch-Optimierungen nutzen möchten.<br /><br />Wenn Sie 'Ja' auswählen, wird die Anwendung neu geladen.");
Example #5
 public function getEditTableHTML($cols = 2)
     BPS::unsetProperty($this->className . "GUI", "edit");
     if ($this->attributes == null) {
         $this->attributes = PMReflector::getAttributesArrayAnyObject($this->object->getA());
     if ($this->name == null) {
         $this->name = $this->className;
     $BA = $this->getAbortButton();
     if (isset($this->features["CRMEditAbove"])) {
     $Buttons = "";
     foreach ($this->sideButtons as $B) {
         if (isset($this->features["CRMEditAbove"])) {
         $Buttons .= $B;
     $abort = "<div>{$BA}{$Buttons}</div><div style=\"clear:left;height:10px;\"></div>";
     $tab = new HTMLForm($this->className . "Form", $this->attributes, $this->name . " editieren:");
     if ($cols != 2) {
     foreach ($this->labels as $k => $v) {
         $tab->setLabel($k, $v);
     foreach ($this->types as $k => $v) {
         $tab->setType($k, $v, null, isset($this->options[$k]) ? $this->options[$k] : null);
     foreach ($this->spaces as $k => $v) {
         $tab->insertSpaceAbove($k, $v);
     foreach ($this->autocomplete as $k => $a) {
         $tab->setAutoComplete($k, $a[0], $a[1]);
     foreach ($this->fieldButtons as $k => $B) {
         $tab->addFieldButton($k, $B);
     foreach ($this->parsers as $n => $l) {
         $tab->setType($n, "parser", null, array($l, $this->object));
     foreach ($this->inputStyles as $k => $n) {
         $tab->setInputStyle($k, $n);
     foreach ($this->descriptionsField as $n => $l) {
         $tab->setDescriptionField($n, T::_($l));
     if ($this->object->getID() == -1) {
         $save = $this->functionSaveNew;
     } else {
         $save = $this->functionSave;
     $tab->setSaveClass($this->className, $this->object->getID(), str_replace(array("%CLASSNAME", "%CLASSID"), array($this->className, $this->object->getID()), $save), $this->name);
     return $abort . $tab;
Example #6
 function __toString()
     if ($this->type != "seamless" and $this->type != "touch") {
         $this->label = T::_($this->label);
     if ($this->before != "") {
         $this->rme = str_replace("%AFTER", $this->rme, $this->before);
     if ($this->image != "" and $this->image[0] != "." and strpos($this->image, ":") === false and $this->image[0] != "/" and $this->type != "iconic" and $this->type != "seamless" and $this->type != "touch") {
         $this->image = "./images/navi/{$this->image}.png";
     # : $this->image );
     if (defined("PHYNX_USE_SVG") and PHYNX_USE_SVG and file_exists(Util::getRootPath() . str_replace(array(".png", ".gif"), ".svg", $this->image))) {
         $this->image = str_replace(array(".png", ".gif"), ".svg", $this->image);
         #if($this->type == "icon")
         #	$this->style .= "width:32px;";
         if ($this->type == "bigButton" or $this->type == "LPBig" or $this->type == "MPBig") {
             $this->style .= "background-size:32px;";
     $onclick = $this->onclick != null ? $this->onclick : "";
     #if($this->pluginRight != null) $onclick .= ;
     if ($this->rme != null or $onclick != "") {
         $onclick .= ((mb_substr($onclick, -1) != ";" and strpos($onclick, "confirm(") === false) ? ";" : "") . " { " . ($this->loading ? "\$j(this).addClass('loading');" : "") . " " . $this->rme . " }";
     if ($this->type == "bigButton" or $this->type == "LPBig" or $this->type == "MPBig") {
         return (strpos($this->style, "float:right;") !== false ? $this->settings : "") . "<button" . ($this->name != null ? " name=\"{$this->name}\"" : "") . " " . ($this->disabled ? "disabled=\"disabled\"" : "") . " " . ($this->id ? "id=\"{$this->id}\" " : "") . "onclick=\"{$onclick}\" type=\"button\" class=\"{$this->class} " . ($this->type == "bigButton" ? "bigButton" : ($this->type == "LPBig" ? "bigButton LPBigButton" : "bigButton MPBigButton")) . "\" style=\"{$this->style}" . ($this->image != "" ? "background-image:url(" . $this->image . ");" : "") . "\" title=\"{$this->label}\">" . (($this->type == "bigButton" or $this->type == "MPBig") ? nl2br($this->label) : "") . "</button>" . (strpos($this->style, "float:right;") === false ? $this->settings : "") . "{$this->js}";
     if ($this->type == "icon") {
         return "<img " . ($this->id ? "id=\"{$this->id}\" " : "") . " " . ($onclick != "" ? "onclick=\"{$onclick}\"" : "") . " class=\"" . ($this->mouseOverEffect ? "mouseoverFade" : "") . " {$this->class}\" style=\"{$this->style}\" src=\"" . $this->image . "\" title=\"{$this->label}\" alt=\"{$this->label}\" />{$this->js}";
     if ($this->type == "iconic") {
         return "<span " . ($this->id ? "id=\"{$this->id}\" " : "") . " " . ($onclick != "" ? "onclick=\"{$onclick}\"" : "") . " class=\"iconic {$this->class} {$this->image}\" style=\"{$this->style}\" title=\"{$this->label}\" alt=\"{$this->label}\" ></span>{$this->js}";
     #if($this->type == "iconic2") return "<img ".($this->id ? "id=\"$this->id\" " : "")." ".($onclick != "" ? "onclick=\"$onclick\"" : "")." class=\"iconic $this->class\" data-src=\"./libraries/iconic/$this->image.svg\" style=\"{$this->style}\" title=\"$this->label\" alt=\"$this->label\" >$this->js";
     if ($this->type == "save") {
         return "<input " . ($this->id ? "id=\"{$this->id}\" " : "") . " onclick=\"{$onclick}\" type=\"button\" value=\"{$this->label}\" style=\"{$this->style}background-image:url(" . $this->image . ");\" />{$this->js}";
     if ($this->type == "seamless") {
         $B = new Button($this->label, $this->image, "iconicG");
         return "<div style=\"{$this->style}\" onclick=\"{$onclick}\" class=\"seamlessButton\">{$B}" . T::_($this->label) . "</div>";
     if ($this->type == "touch") {
         $B = new Button($this->label, $this->image, "iconicL");
         return "\n\t\t\t<div class=\"touchButton {$this->class}\" " . ($this->id ? "id=\"{$this->id}\" " : "") . " onclick=\"{$onclick}\" style=\"{$this->style}\">\n\t\t\t\t" . $B . "\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"label\">" . T::_($this->label) . "</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div style=\"clear:both;\"></div>\n\t\t\t</div>";
Example #7
 public function placeholder($text)
     $this->placeholder = T::_($text);
Example #8
 function __toString()
     if ($this->type != "seamless" and $this->type != "touch") {
         $this->label = T::_($this->label);
     if ($this->before != "") {
         $this->rme = str_replace("%AFTER", $this->rme, $this->before);
     if ($this->image != "" and $this->image[0] != "." and strpos($this->image, ":") === false and $this->image[0] != "/" and $this->type != "iconic" and $this->type != "seamless" and $this->type != "touch") {
         $this->image = "./images/navi/{$this->image}.png";
     # : $this->image );
     $onclick = $this->onclick != null ? $this->onclick : "";
     #if($this->pluginRight != null) $onclick .= ;
     if ($this->rme != null) {
         $onclick .= " { " . ($this->loading ? "\$j(this).addClass('loading');" : "") . " " . $this->rme . " }";
     if ($this->type == "bigButton" or $this->type == "LPBig") {
         return (strpos($this->style, "float:right;") !== false ? $this->settings : "") . "<button" . ($this->name != null ? " name=\"{$this->name}\"" : "") . " " . ($this->disabled ? "disabled=\"disabled\"" : "") . " " . ($this->id ? "id=\"{$this->id}\" " : "") . "onclick=\"{$onclick}\" type=\"button\" class=\"{$this->class} " . ($this->type == "bigButton" ? "bigButton" : "LPBigButton") . "\" style=\"{$this->style}" . ($this->image != "" ? "background-image:url(" . $this->image . ");" : "") . "\" " . ($this->type == "bigButton" ? "" : "title=\"{$this->label}\"") . ">" . ($this->type == "bigButton" ? nl2br($this->label) : "") . "</button>" . (strpos($this->style, "float:right;") === false ? $this->settings : "") . "{$this->js}";
     if ($this->type == "icon") {
         return "<img " . ($this->id ? "id=\"{$this->id}\" " : "") . " " . ($onclick != "" ? "onclick=\"{$onclick}\"" : "") . " class=\"" . ($this->mouseOverEffect ? "mouseoverFade" : "") . " {$this->class}\" style=\"{$this->style}\" src=\"" . $this->image . "\" title=\"{$this->label}\" alt=\"{$this->label}\" />{$this->js}";
     if ($this->type == "iconic") {
         return "<span " . ($this->id ? "id=\"{$this->id}\" " : "") . " " . ($onclick != "" ? "onclick=\"{$onclick}\"" : "") . " class=\"iconic {$this->class} {$this->image}\" style=\"{$this->style}\" title=\"{$this->label}\" alt=\"{$this->label}\" ></span>{$this->js}";
     if ($this->type == "save") {
         return "<input " . ($this->id ? "id=\"{$this->id}\" " : "") . " onclick=\"{$onclick}\" type=\"button\" value=\"{$this->label}\" style=\"{$this->style}background-image:url(" . $this->image . ");\" />{$this->js}";
     if ($this->type == "seamless") {
         $B = new Button($this->label, $this->image, "iconicG");
         return "<div style=\"{$this->style}\" onclick=\"{$onclick}\" class=\"seamlessButton\">{$B}" . T::_($this->label) . "</div>";
     if ($this->type == "touch") {
         $B = new Button($this->label, $this->image, "iconicL");
         return "\n\t\t\t<div class=\"touchButton {$this->class}\" " . ($this->id ? "id=\"{$this->id}\" " : "") . " onclick=\"{$onclick}\" style=\"{$this->style}\">\n\t\t\t\t" . $B . "\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"label\">" . T::_($this->label) . "</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div style=\"clear:both;\"></div>\n\t\t\t</div>";
Example #9
 public static function parserFallback($w, $l, $E)
     $I = new HTMLInput("WeckerFallback", "text", $w);
     $IF = new HTMLInput("WeckerFallbackUpload", "file");
     $IF->onchange(OnEvent::rme($E, "processUpload", array("fileName"), "\$j('[name=WeckerFallback]').val(fileName).trigger('change');"));
     return $IF . $I . "<br /><small style=\"color:grey;\">" . T::_("Diese Datei wird abgespielt, wenn nach 15 Sekunden kein Internetradio geladen werden konnte. Bitte beachten Sie, dass nicht alle Browser <a href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML5_Audio\" target=\"_blank\">alle Formate abspielen können</a>.") . "</small>";