/** * Fetch a message string from the database using the supplied code * * @param int $code * @param array $message_args (optional) * @return string */ public static function fetch_message($code, $message_args = array()) { $proto = new SystemMessage(); $sysmsg = $proto->getTable()->find($code); if (!$sysmsg || !$sysmsg->exists()) { throw new Exception("Cannot find {$code} in system_message"); } $msg = vsprintf($sysmsg->smsg_value, $message_args); return $msg; }
public function createSystemMessage() { $message = new SystemMessage(); if ($this->from) { $message->setFrom($this->from); } if ($this->returnPath) { $message->setReturnPath($this->returnPath); } return $message; }
public function Decode($buf = '') { $this->buffer = new CodeEngine($buf); $this->Uin = $this->buffer->DecodeInt32(); $this->MessageID = $this->buffer->DecodeInt32(); $this->Count = $this->buffer->DecodeInt8(); $tmp = new SystemMessage(); if (strlen($this->buffer) > 0) { $this->SystemMessage[] = $tmp->Decode($this->buffer); } return $this; }
private function check($data) { $result = $this->checkData($data); // вкаждом классе checkData свой //echo $result; //если все хорошо попадаем суда if ($result === true) { return true; } //создаем объект класса SystemMessage()в этом методе потомучто он нужен только сдесь //если все плохо $sm = new SystemMessage(); return $sm->message($result); }
public function Decode($buf = '') { $this->buffer = new CodeEngine($buf); $this->RoomID = $this->buffer->DecodeInt32(); $this->PushTrigger = $this->buffer->DecodeInt8(); $this->MessageIndex = $this->buffer->DecodeInt8(); $this->GameID = $this->buffer->DecodeInt16(); $this->MessageID = $this->buffer->DecodeInt32(); $this->Count = $this->buffer->DecodeInt8(); $tmp = new SystemMessage(); if (strlen($this->buffer) > 0) { $this->SystemMessages[] = $tmp->Decode($this->buffer); } return $this; }
public static function list_system_messages() { define(SYSTEM_MESSAGE_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE, 6); $system_message_array = SystemMessage::list_entries(); if (!$_GET['page']) { $page = 1; } else { $page = $_GET['page']; } $entry_count = count($system_message_array); $number_of_pages = ceil($entry_count / SYSTEM_MESSAGE_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE); $template = new HTMLTemplate("base/list_system_messages.html"); if (is_array($system_message_array) and count($system_message_array) >= 1) { $template->set_var("no_entry", false); $result = array(); $counter = 0; if (count($system_message_array) < $page * SYSTEM_MESSAGE_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE) { $max_for = count($system_message_array) % SYSTEM_MESSAGE_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE - 1; } else { $max_for = SYSTEM_MESSAGE_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE - 1; } for ($i = 0; $i <= $max_for; $i++) { $entry = $page * SYSTEM_MESSAGE_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE + $i - SYSTEM_MESSAGE_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE; // Erzeugt Entry-ID $value = $system_message_array[$entry]; $system_message = new SystemMessage($value); $user = new User($system_message->get_user_id()); $datetime_handler = new DatetimeHandler($system_message->get_datetime()); $content = str_replace("\n", "<br />", $system_message->get_content()); $content = str_replace("\\", "", $content); $result[$counter]['user'] = $user->get_full_name(false); $result[$counter]['datetime'] = $datetime_handler->get_date() . " at " . $datetime_handler->get_time(); $result[$counter]['content'] = $content; $counter++; } $template->set_var("message_array", $result); } else { $template->set_var("no_entry", true); } if ($number_of_pages > 1) { $template->set_var("page_bar", Common_IO::page_bar($page, $number_of_pages, $_GET)); } else { $template->set_var("page_bar", ""); } $template->output(); }
private static function handle_tenpay($data, $notify = false) { $orderno = $data['orderno']; $update = array(); $tradedetails = $data['tradedetails']; $tradestatus = intval($data['tradestatus']); if ($tradestatus == 0) { $donate = DonateLog::instance()->findOne(array('conditions' => "orderno=?"), array($orderno)); if ($donate) { if ($donate['status'] == DonateLog::STATUS_PAY_SUCCESS) { // 订单已经处理过 return; } // send message $type = SystemMessage::MSG_TYPE_CHANNEL_STAR_PAY; $accountid = $donate['accountid']; $payaccountid = $donate['payaccountid']; if ($accountid != $payaccountid) { $type = SystemMessage::MSG_TYPE_CHANNEL_STAR_PAY_OTHER; } SystemMessage::instance()->createChannelStarPayMsg($accountid, $payaccountid, $donate['celebrityaccountid'], $type, $donate['id']); $update['status'] = DonateLog::STATUS_PAY_SUCCESS; } else { Log::write("order not exist: {$orderno}", 'payment'); return; // 不存在该订单 } if ($donate && floatval($data['totalfee']) < floatval($donate['totalfee'])) { $update['status'] = DonateLog::STATUS_PAY_AMOUNT_INCORRECT; } } else { $update['status'] = DonateLog::STATUS_FAILED; } $update['tradestatus'] = $data['tradestatus']; $update['outtradeno'] = $data['outtradeno']; $update['tradedetails'] = $tradedetails; $update['callback_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); DonateLog::instance()->update($update, "orderno=?", array($orderno)); }
/** * @throws SystemMessageIDMissingException */ public static function edit() { if ($_GET['id']) { $system_message = new SystemMessage($_GET['id']); if ($_GET['nextpage'] == 1) { $page_1_passed = true; if (!$_POST['content']) { $page_1_passed = false; $error = "You must enter a text"; } } else { $page_1_passed = false; $error = ""; } if ($page_1_passed == false) { $template = new HTMLTemplate("base/admin/system_message/edit.html"); $paramquery = $_GET; $paramquery['nextpage'] = "1"; $params = http_build_query($paramquery, '', '&'); $template->set_var("params", $params); if ($error) { $template->set_var("error", $error); } else { $template->set_var("error", ""); } $content = str_replace("\\", "", $system_message->get_content()); if ($_POST['content']) { $template->set_var("content", $_POST['content']); } else { $template->set_var("content", $content); } $template->output(); } else { $paramquery = $_GET; unset($paramquery['nextpage']); unset($paramquery['action']); $params = http_build_query($paramquery); if ($system_message->set_content($_POST['content'])) { Common_IO::step_proceed($params, "Add System Message", "Operation Successful", null); } else { Common_IO::step_proceed($params, "Add System Message", "Operation Failed", null); } } } else { throw new SystemMessageIDMissingException(); } }