Example #1
  * "Upgrade" (aka) Install this theme and its assets.
  * Alias of install()
  * @return false | array
  * @throws \InstallerException
 public function upgrade()
     //if(!$this->isInstalled()) return false;
     $changes = $this->_performInstall();
     if (is_array($changes) && sizeof($changes)) {
         \SystemLogModel::LogInfoEvent('/updater/theme/upgrade', 'Theme ' . $this->getName() . ' installed successfully!', implode("\n", $changes));
     return $changes;
	public function finalize(){
		$subject = 'Import completed in ' . $this->_profiler->getTimeFormatted();
		$bits = [];
		if($this->success > 0){
			$bits[] = 'Success: ' . $this->success;
		if($this->skipped > 0){
			$bits[] = 'Skipped: ' . $this->skipped;
		if($this->error > 0){
			$bits[] = 'Errors: ' . $this->error;
		if($this->duplicate > 0){
			$bits[] = 'Duplicates: ' . $this->duplicate;
		$subject .= ' ' . implode(', ', $bits);

		\SystemLogModel::LogInfoEvent($this->_title, $subject, $this->_profiler->getEventTimesFormatted());
Example #3
  * Execute the actual cron for the requested type.
  * @param string $cron Cron type to execute.
  * @return CronLogModel
  * @throws Exception
 private function _performcron($cron)
     switch ($cron) {
         case '1-minute':
         case '5-minute':
         case '15-minute':
         case '30-minute':
         case 'hourly':
         case '2-hour':
         case '3-hour':
         case '6-hour':
         case '12-hour':
         case 'daily':
         case 'weekly':
         case 'monthly':
             throw new Exception('Unsupported cron type: [' . $cron . ']');
     if (!ConfigHandler::Get('/cron/enabled')) {
         $msg = 'Cron execution is globally disabled via the site configuration, not executing cron!';
         SystemLogModel::LogInfoEvent('/cron/' . $cron, $msg);
         // It needs to return something.
         $log = new CronLogModel();
         $log->set('status', 'fail');
         return $log;
     // First, check and see if there's one that's still running.
     $runninglogs = CronLogModel::Find(array('cron' => $cron, 'status' => 'running'));
     if (sizeof($runninglogs)) {
         foreach ($runninglogs as $log) {
             /** @var $log CronLogModel */
             $log->set('status', 'fail');
             $log->set('log', $log->get('log') . "\n------------\nTIMED OUT!");
     // Start recording.
     $log = new CronLogModel();
     $log->set('cron', $cron);
     $log->set('status', 'running');
     $log->set('memory', memory_get_usage());
     $log->set('ip', REMOTE_IP);
     $start = microtime(true) * 1000;
     $sep = '==========================================' . "\n";
     $contents = "Starting cron execution for {$cron}\n{$sep}";
     // This uses the hook system, but will be slightly different than most things.
     $overallresult = true;
     $hook = HookHandler::GetHook('/cron/' . $cron);
     $hookcount = 0;
     $hooksuccesses = 0;
     if ($hook) {
         if ($hook->getBindingCount()) {
             $hookcount = $hook->getBindingCount();
             $bindings = $hook->getBindings();
             foreach ($bindings as $b) {
                 $contents .= sprintf("\nExecuting Binding %s...\n", $b['call']);
                 // Since these systems will just be writing to STDOUT, I'll need to capture that.
                 try {
                     $execution = $hook->callBinding($b, array());
                     $executiondata = ob_get_clean();
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     $execution = false;
                     $executiondata = 'EXCEPTION: ' . $e->getMessage() . ob_get_clean();
                 if ($executiondata == '' && $execution) {
                     $contents .= "Cron executed successfully with no output\n";
                 } elseif ($execution) {
                     $contents .= $executiondata . "\n";
                 } else {
                     $contents .= $executiondata . "\n!!FAILED\n";
                     $overallresult = false;
         } else {
             $contents = 'No bindings located for requested cron';
             $overallresult = true;
     } else {
         $contents = 'Invalid hook requested: ' . $cron;
         $overallresult = false;
     // Just in case the contents are returning html... (they should be plain text).
     // Replace the most common line endings with things that make sense for plain text.
     // This is to ensure that all the available scenarios are met and saved/displayed without extra whitespace.
     // Since some systems will provide plain text (easy!), windows/os9 line endings,
     // HTML (br and br/), and formatted HTML (br + \n).
     $contents = str_ireplace(["\r\n<br>", "\r\n<br/>", "\r\n<br />", "\n<br>", "\n<br/>", "\n<br />", "<br>", "<br/>", "<br />", "\r\n", "\r"], "\n", $contents);
     // Save the results.
     $log->set('completed', Time::GetCurrentGMT());
     $log->set('duration', microtime(true) * 1000 - $start);
     $log->set('log', $contents);
     $log->set('status', $overallresult ? 'pass' : 'fail');
     // Make a copy of this in the system log too if applicable.
     // This time is listed in ms
     $time = microtime(true) * 1000 - $start;
     // 0.01 = 10 ns
     // 1    = 1 ms
     // 1000 = 1 second
     if ($time < 1) {
         // TIME is less than 1, which means it executed faster than 1ms, display in nanoseconds.
         $time = round($time, 4) * 1000 . ' ns';
     } elseif ($time < 1000) {
         // TIME is less than 1000, which means it executed faster than 1 second, display in milliseconds.
         $time = round($time, 0) . ' ms';
     } else {
         // TIME is at least 1 second or longer... Display in minutes:seconds, (no need to display 1.453 seconds!)
         // First, convert the milliseconds to seconds; they are more manageable for what I need to do.
         // This will change time from 12345(ms) to 13(seconds)
         $time = ceil($time / 1000);
         $minutes = floor($time / 60);
         $seconds = $time - $minutes * 60;
         if ($minutes > 0) {
             $time = $minutes . 'm ' . str_pad($seconds, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . 's';
         } else {
             $time = $seconds . ' seconds';
     if ($hookcount > 0) {
         $msg = 'Cron ' . $cron . ' completed in ' . $time . '.  ' . $hooksuccesses . ' out of ' . $hookcount . ' hooks called successfully.';
         SystemLogModel::LogInfoEvent('/cron/' . $cron, $msg, $contents);
     // Just to notify the calling function.
     return $log;
  * Check permissions on the user and system and return either blank or a string containing the error.
  * @param string $step
  * @return array|null
 private function _checkPermissions($step)
     $error = null;
     if (!\ConfigHandler::Get('/package_repository/base_directory')) {
         // Check if the config is even set, can't proceed if it's not.
         trigger_error('The package repository does not appear to be setup yet.  Please browse to Configuration and the appropriate options.');
         return ['status' => View::ERROR_SERVERERROR, 'message' => 'The package repository is not setup on this server.'];
     $dir = Factory::Directory(\ConfigHandler::Get('/package_repository/base_directory'));
     if (!$dir->exists()) {
         trigger_error($dir->getPath() . ' does not appear to exist!  Unable to browse repo.xml without it.');
         return ['status' => View::ERROR_SERVERERROR, 'message' => $dir->getPath() . ' does not seem to exist!'];
     } elseif (!$dir->isReadable()) {
         trigger_error($dir->getPath() . ' does not appear to be readable!  Unable to browse repo.xml without it.');
         return ['status' => View::ERROR_SERVERERROR, 'message' => $dir->getPath() . ' does not seem to be readable!'];
     if (ConfigHandler::Get('/package_repository/is_private')) {
         // Lookup this license key, (or request one if not present).
         $valid = false;
         $autherror = 'Access to ' . SITENAME . ' (Package Repository) requires a license key and password.';
         if (isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']) && isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) {
             $user = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'];
             $pw = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'];
         } else {
             $user = $pw = null;
         if ($user && $pw) {
             /** @var PackageRepositoryLicenseModel $license */
             $license = PackageRepositoryLicenseModel::Construct($user);
             $licvalid = $license->isValid($pw);
             if ($licvalid == 0) {
                 // Lock this license to the remote IP, if requested by the admin.
                 if (ConfigHandler::Get('/package_repository/auto_ip_restrict') && !$license->get('ip_restriction')) {
                     $license->set('ip_restriction', REMOTE_IP);
                 SystemLogModel::LogInfoEvent('/packagerepository/' . $step, '[' . $user . '] accessed repository successfully');
                 return null;
             } else {
                 if (($licvalid & PackageRepositoryLicenseModel::VALID_PASSWORD) == PackageRepositoryLicenseModel::VALID_PASSWORD) {
                     $autherror = '[' . $user . '] Invalid license password';
                     $status = View::ERROR_ACCESSDENIED;
                     SystemLogModel::LogSecurityEvent('/packagerepository/password_failure', $autherror);
                 if (($licvalid & PackageRepositoryLicenseModel::VALID_ACCESS) == PackageRepositoryLicenseModel::VALID_ACCESS) {
                     $autherror = '[' . $user . '] IP address not authorized';
                     $status = View::ERROR_ACCESSDENIED;
                     SystemLogModel::LogSecurityEvent('/packagerepository/ip_restriction', $autherror);
                 if (($licvalid & PackageRepositoryLicenseModel::VALID_EXPIRED) == PackageRepositoryLicenseModel::VALID_EXPIRED) {
                     $autherror = '[' . $user . '] License provided has expired, please request a new one.';
                     $status = View::ERROR_GONE;
                     SystemLogModel::LogSecurityEvent('/packagerepository/expired_license', $autherror);
                 if (($licvalid & PackageRepositoryLicenseModel::VALID_INVALID) == PackageRepositoryLicenseModel::VALID_INVALID) {
                     $autherror = '[' . $user . '] License does not exist';
                     $status = View::ERROR_EXPECTATIONFAILED;
                     SystemLogModel::LogSecurityEvent('/packagerepository/invalid_license', $autherror);
                 return ['status' => $status, 'message' => $autherror];
         if (!$valid) {
             header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="' . SITENAME . ' (Package Repository)"');
             header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
             echo $autherror;
     } else {
         SystemLogModel::LogInfoEvent('/packagerepository/' . $step, '[anonymous connection] accessed repository successfully');
         return null;
  * Set a requested theme and template as default for the site.
 public function setdefault()
     $request = $this->getPageRequest();
     $view = $this->getView();
     $themename = $this->getPageRequest()->getParameter(0);
     $template = $this->getPageRequest()->getParameter('template');
     // If the browser prefers JSON data, send that.
     if ($request->prefersContentType(View::CTYPE_JSON)) {
         $view->contenttype = View::CTYPE_JSON;
     // Validate the theme name
     if (!\Theme\validate_theme_name($themename)) {
         \Core\set_message('Invalid theme requested', 'error');
     $theme = ThemeHandler::GetTheme($themename);
     if ($template) {
         // The template itself can be ignored.
         if (!\Theme\validate_template_name($themename, $template)) {
             \Core\set_message('Invalid template requested', 'error');
     } else {
         // and the default one is used otherwise.
         $allskins = $theme->getSkins();
         $template = $allskins[0]['file'];
     if (Core::IsComponentAvailable('multisite') && MultiSiteHelper::GetCurrentSiteID()) {
         $config_default = ConfigHandler::GetConfig('/theme/default_template');
         $config_selected = ConfigHandler::GetConfig('/theme/selected');
         if ($config_default->get('overrideable') == 0) {
             // It's a child site and the admin never gave them permission to change default themes!
             \Core\set_message('Unable to set the default template on a child site, please ensure that the "/theme/default_template" config is set to be overrideable!', 'error');
         if ($config_selected->get('overrideable') == 0) {
             // It's a child site and the admin never gave them permission to change default themes!
             \Core\set_message('Unable to set the selected theme on a child site, please ensure that the "/theme/selected" config is set to be overrideable!', 'error');
     if ($request->isPost()) {
         if ($themename != ConfigHandler::Get('/theme/selected')) {
             // The theme changed, change the admin skin too!
             ConfigHandler::Set('/theme/default_admin_template', $template);
             // And the email skin.
             ConfigHandler::Set('/theme/default_email_template', '');
         ConfigHandler::Set('/theme/default_template', $template);
         ConfigHandler::Set('/theme/selected', $themename);
         // reinstall theme and zee assets
         $t = ThemeHandler::GetTheme();
         if (($change = $t->reinstall(0)) !== false) {
             SystemLogModel::LogInfoEvent('/updater/theme/reinstall', 'Theme ' . $t->getName() . ' reinstalled successfully', implode("\n", $change));
         \Core\set_message('Updated default theme', 'success');
     $view->assign('theme', $themename);
     $view->assign('template', $template);
	 * Run through and reinstall all components and themes.
	 * @return int
	public function reinstallAll() {
		// Admin-only page.

		// Just run through every component currently installed and reinstall it.
		// This will just ensure that the component is up to date and correct as per the component.xml metafile.
		$view    = $this->getView();
		$request = $this->getPageRequest();

			$view->mode = View::MODE_NOOUTPUT;
			$view->contenttype = View::CTYPE_HTML;
			$view->record = false;
			$view->templatename = null;

			// Try to perform the reinstall.
			$changes  = array();
			$errors   = array();
			$allpages = [];

			$t = ThemeHandler::GetTheme();

			CLI::PrintHeader('Reinstalling Theme ' . $t->getName());
			if (($change = $t->reinstall(1)) !== false) {

				SystemLogModel::LogInfoEvent('/updater/theme/reinstall', 'Theme ' . $t->getName() . ' reinstalled successfully', implode("\n", $change));

				$changes[] = '<b>Changes to theme [' . $t->getName() . ']:</b><br/>' . "\n" . implode("<br/>\n", $change) . "<br/>\n<br/>\n";

			foreach (Core::GetComponents() as $c) {
				/** @var $c Component_2_1 */

					if(!$c->isInstalled()) continue;
					if(!$c->isEnabled()) continue;

					CLI::PrintHeader('Reinstalling Component ' . $c->getName());
					// Request the reinstallation
					$change = $c->reinstall(1);

					// 1.0 version components don't support verbose changes :(
					if ($change === true) {
						$changes[] = '<b>Changes to component [' . $c->getName() . ']:</b><br/>' . "\n(list of changes not supported with this component!)<br/>\n<br/>\n";
					// 2.1 components support an array of changes, yay!
					elseif ($change !== false) {
						$changes[] = '<b>Changes to component [' . $c->getName() . ']:</b><br/>' . "\n" . implode("<br/>\n", $change) . "<br/>\n<br/>\n";
					// I don't care about "else", nothing changed if it was false.

					// Get the pages, (for the cleanup operation)
					$allpages = array_merge($allpages, $c->getPagesDefined());
				catch(DMI_Query_Exception $e){
					$changes[] = 'Attempted database changes to component [' . $c->getName() . '], but failed!<br/>';
					//var_dump($e); die();
					$errors[] = array(
						'type' => 'component',
						'name' => $c->getName(),
						'message' => $e->getMessage() . '<br/>' . $e->query,
				catch(Exception $e){
					$changes[] = 'Attempted changes to component [' . $c->getName() . '], but failed!<br/>';
					//var_dump($e); die();
					$errors[] = array(
						'type' => 'component',
						'name' => $c->getName(),
						'message' => $e->getMessage(),

			// Flush any non-existent admin page.
			// These can be created from developers changing their page URLs after the page is already registered.
			// Purging admin-only pages is relatively safe because these are defined in component metafiles anyway.
			CLI::PrintHeader('Cleaning up non-existent pages');
			$pageremovecount = 0;
					->where('admin = 1')
					->execute() as $row
				$baseurl = $row['baseurl'];

				// This page existed already, no need to do anything :)
				if(isset($allpages[$baseurl])) continue;


				// Otherwise, this page was deleted or for some reason doesn't exist in the component list.....
				// BUH BAI
				\Core\Datamodel\Dataset::Init()->delete()->table('page')->where('baseurl = ' . $baseurl)->execute();
				\Core\Datamodel\Dataset::Init()->delete()->table('page_meta')->where('baseurl = ' . $baseurl)->execute();
				CLI::PrintLine("Flushed non-existent admin page: " . $baseurl);
				$changes[] = "<b>Flushed non-existent admin page:</b> " . $baseurl;
			if($pageremovecount == 0){
				CLI::PrintLine('No pages flushed');

			if(sizeof($errors) > 0){
				CLI::PrintHeader('Done, but with errors');
				foreach($errors as $e){
					CLI::PrintError('Error while processing ' . $e['type'] . ' ' . $e['name'] . ': ' . $e['message']);

			foreach($changes as $str){
				echo $str;

			// Flush the system cache, just in case

			// Increment the version counter.
			$version = ConfigHandler::Get('/core/filestore/assetversion');
			ConfigHandler::Set('/core/filestore/assetversion', ++$version);
		} // End if is post.

		//$page->title = 'Reinstall All Components';
Example #7
	 * Send the message
	 * @throws phpmailerException
	 * @return bool
	public function send() {
		$m = $this->getMailer();

			// Allow a config option to disable sending entirely.
			SystemLogModel::LogInfoEvent('/email/disabled', 'Email sending is disabled, not sending email ' . $m->Subject . '!');
			return false;

			$to  = $m->getToAddresses();
			$cc  = $m->getCCAddresses();
			$bcc = $m->getBCCAddresses();
			$all = [];

				foreach($to as $e){
					$all[] = ['type' => 'To', 'email' => $e[0], 'name' => $e[1]];
				foreach($cc as $e){
					$all[] = ['type' => 'CC', 'email' => $e[0], 'name' => $e[1]];
				foreach($bcc as $e){
					$all[] = ['type' => 'BCC', 'email' => $e[0], 'name' => $e[1]];

			foreach($all as $e){
				$m->AddCustomHeader('X-Original-' . $e['type'], ($e['name'] ? $e['name'] . ' <' . $e['email'] . '>' : $e['email']));

			// Allow a config option to override the "To" address, useful for testing with production data.

		// Render out the body.  Will be either HTML or text...
		$body = $this->renderBody();

		// Wrap this body with the main email template if it's set.
		if($this->templatename && $this->_view){
			// This version includes HTML tags and all that.
			$m->Body = $body;
			// Use markdown for conversion.
			// It produces better results that phpMailer's built-in system!
			$converter = new \HTMLToMD\Converter();

			// Manually strip out the head content.
			// This was throwing the converters for a loop and injecting weird characters!
			$body = preg_replace('#<head[^>]*?>.*</head>#ms', '', $body);

			$m->AltBody = $converter->convert($body);
		elseif (strpos($body, '<html>') === false) {
			// Ensuring that the body is wrapped with <html> tags helps with spam checks with spamassassin.
			$m->MsgHTML('<html><body>' . $body . '</body></html>');

			// Encrypt this message, (both HTML and Alt), and all attachments.
			// I need to request the full EML from phpMailer so I can encrypt everything.
			// Then, the body will be recreated after Send is called.
			$header = $m->CreateHeader();
			$body   = $m->CreateBody();
			$gpg    = new \Core\GPG\GPG();

			if($this->_encryption === true){
				// This is allowed for mutliple recipients!
				// This requires a little more overhead, as I need to lookup each recipient's user account
				// to retrieve their GPG key.
				$recipients = $m->getToAddresses();

				foreach($recipients as $dat){
					$email = $dat[0];
					$user = UserModel::Find(['email = ' . $email], 1);
						SystemLogModel::LogErrorEvent('/core/email/failed', 'Unable to locate GPG key for ' . $email . ', cannot send encrypted email to recipient!');
						$key = $user->get('gpgauth_pubkey');
							SystemLogModel::LogErrorEvent('/core/email/failed', 'No GPG key uploaded for ' . $email . ', cannot send encrypted email to recipient!');
							$enc = $gpg->encryptData($header . $body, $key);

							// Create a clone of the email object to send this data.
							/** @var PHPMailer $clone */
							$clone = clone $m;
							$clone->Body = $enc;
							$clone->AltBody = '';
				return true;
				// Single recipient!
				$enc = $gpg->encryptData($header . $body, $this->_encryption);

				$m->Body = $enc;
				$m->AltBody = '';
				return $m->Send();

		return $m->Send();
Example #8
	 * Function that is fired off on page load.
	 * This checks if a form was submitted and that form was present in the SESSION.
	 * @return null
	public static function CheckSavedSessionData() {
		// This needs to ignore the /form/savetemporary.ajax page!
		// This is a custom page that's meant to intercept all POST submissions.
		if(preg_match('#^/form/(.*)\.ajax$#', REL_REQUEST_PATH)) return;

		// There has to be data in the session.
		$forms = \Core\Session::Get('FormData/*');

		$formid = (isset($_REQUEST['___formid'])) ? $_REQUEST['___formid'] : false;
		$form   = false;

		foreach ($forms as $k => $v) {
			// If the object isn't a valid object after unserializing...
			if (!($el = unserialize($v))) {
				\Core\Session::UnsetKey('FormData/' . $k);

			// Check the expires time
			if ($el->get('expires') <= Time::GetCurrent()) {
				\Core\Session::UnsetKey('FormData/' . $k);

			if ($k == $formid) {
				// Remember this for after all the checks have finished.
				$form = $el;

		// No form found... simple enough
		if (!$form) return;

		// Otherwise
		/** @var $form Form */

		// Ensure the submission types match up.
		if (strtoupper($form->get('method')) != $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) {

		// Ensure the REFERRER and original URL match up.
		if($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] != $form->originalurl){
			// @todo This is reported to be causing issues with production sites.
			//       If found true, this check may need to be removed / refactored.
			//\Core\set_message('Form submission referrer does not match, please try your submission again.', 'error');
				'Form Referrer Mismatch',
				'Form referrer does not match!  Submitted: [' . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . '] Expected: [' . $form->originalurl . ']'

		// Run though each element submitted and try to validate it.
		if (strtoupper($form->get('method')) == 'POST') $src =& $_POST;
		else $src =& $_GET;


		// Try to load the form from that form.  That will call all of the model's validation logic
		// and will throw exceptions if it doesn't.

			// Still good?
			if (!$form->hasError()){
				$status = call_user_func($form->get('callsmethod'), $form);
				$status = false;
		catch(ModelValidationException $e){
			\Core\set_message($e->getMessage(), 'error');
			$status = false;
		catch(GeneralValidationException $e){
			\Core\set_message($e->getMessage(), 'error');
			$status = false;
		catch(Exception $e){
				// Developers get the full message
				\Core\set_message($e->getMessage(), 'error');
				// While users of production-enabled sites get a friendlier message.
			$status = false;

		// The form was submitted.  Set its persistent flag to true so that whatever may be listening for it can retrieve the user's values.
		$form->persistent = true;

		// Regardless, bundle this form back into the session so the controller can use it if needed.
		\Core\Session::Set('FormData/' . $formid, serialize($form));

		// Fail statuses.
		if ($status === false) return;
		if ($status === null) return;

		// Guess it's not false and not null... must be good then.

		// @todo Handle an internal save procedure for "special" groups such as pageinsertables and what not.

		// Cleanup
		\Core\Session::UnsetKey('FormData/' . $formid);

		if ($status === 'die'){
			// If it's set to die, simply exit the script without outputting anything.
		elseif($status === 'back'){
			if($form->referrer && $form->referrer != REL_REQUEST_PATH){
				// Go back to the original form's referrer.
				// Use Core to guess which page to redirect back to, (not as reliable).
		elseif ($status === true){
			// If the return code is boolean true, it's a reload.
		elseif($status === REL_REQUEST_PATH || $status === CUR_CALL){
			// If the page returned the same page as the current url, force a reload, (as redirect will ignore it)
			// Anything else gets sent to the redirect system.
Example #9
	 * Set this component as enabled in the database.
	public function enable(){
		// If it's not installed already, it can't be disabled!
		if($this->isEnabled()) return false;

		$c = new ComponentModel($this->_name);
		$c->set('enabled', true);
		$this->_enabled = true;

		$changed = array();

		$change = $this->_parseUserConfigs();
		if ($change !== false) $changed = array_merge($changed, $change);

		$change = $this->_parsePages();
		if ($change !== false) $changed = array_merge($changed, $change);

		// Do this when I actually have widgets to test.
		//$change = $this->_parseWidgets();
		//if ($change !== false) $changed = array_merge($changed, $change);

			SystemLogModel::LogInfoEvent('/updater/component/enable', 'Component ' . $this->getName() . ' enabled successfully!', implode("\n", $changed));

		// Ensure that the core component cache is purged too!

		return (sizeof($changed)) ? $changed : false;