Example #1
 function detail()
     if (empty($_GET['aid'])) {
     $_user = createModel('UserInfo');
     $_reply = createModel('AskReply');
     $aid = (int) $_GET['aid'];
     $ask = createModel('AskSubject')->get($aid);
     if (empty($ask->_data)) {
         Swoole\Http::header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");
         return Swoole\Error::info("Page not found", "");
     $timeout['day'] = intval(($ask['expire'] - time()) / 86400);
     $timeout['hour'] = intval(($ask['expire'] - time() - $timeout['day'] * 86400) / 3600);
     $user = $_user->get($ask['uid'])->get();
     $content = createModel('AskContent')->get($aid)->get();
     $gets['aid'] = $aid;
     $gets['select'] = $_reply->table . '.id as id,uid,sex,best,content,nickname,avatar,addtime';
     $gets['order'] = 'best desc,' . $_reply->table . '.id asc';
     $gets['leftjoin'] = array($_user->table, $_user->table . '.id=' . $_reply->table . '.uid');
     $gets['pagesize'] = 10;
     $gets['page'] = empty($_GET['page']) ? 1 : (int) $_GET['page'];
     $replys = $_reply->gets($gets, $pager);
     $if_vote = true;
     if ($_SESSION['isLogin']) {
         $vote = $this->swoole->db->query("select count(*) as c from ask_vote where aid={$aid} and uid={$_SESSION['user_id']} limit 1")->fetch();
         if ($vote['c'] > 0) {
             $if_vote = false;
     $this->swoole->tpl->assign('if_vote', $if_vote);
     $this->swoole->tpl->assign('if_vote', $if_vote);
     $this->swoole->tpl->assign('expire', $timeout);
     $this->swoole->tpl->ref('user', $user);
     $this->swoole->tpl->ref('ask', $ask->get());
     $this->swoole->tpl->ref('content', $content);
     $this->swoole->tpl->ref('replys', $replys);
     if ($pager->totalpage > 1) {
         $this->swoole->tpl->ref('pager', $pager->render());
Example #2
 * 错误信息输出处理
function swoole_error_handler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline)
    $info = '';
    switch ($errno) {
        case E_USER_ERROR:
            $level = 'User Error';
        case E_USER_WARNING:
            $level = 'Warnning';
        case E_USER_NOTICE:
            $level = 'Notice';
            $level = 'Unknow';
    $title = 'Swoole ' . $level;
    $info .= '<b>File:</b> ' . $errfile . "<br />\n";
    $info .= '<b>Line:</b> ' . $errline . "<br />\n";
    $info .= '<b>Info:</b> ' . $errstr . "<br />\n";
    $info .= '<b>Code:</b> ' . $errno . "<br />\n";
    echo Swoole\Error::info($title, $info);
Example #3

if (!defined('EVENT_MODE') or EVENT_MODE == 'sync') {
    $event = new SwooleEvent('sync');
} else {
    $queue_url = '';
    $queue_type = 'CacheQueue';
    if (defined('EVENT_QUEUE')) {
        $queue_url = EVENT_QUEUE;
    if (defined('EVENT_QUEUE_TYPE')) {
        $queue_type = EVENT_QUEUE_TYPE;
    $event = new SwooleEvent('async', $queue_url, $queue_type);
if (defined('EVENT_HANDLE')) {
    require EVENT_HANDLE;
    if (empty($handle)) {
        Swoole\Error::info('SwooleEvent Error', 'Event handles not be empty!');
return $event;
Example #4
  * 运行MVC处理模型
  * @param $url_processor
  * @return None
 function runMVC()
     $mvc = call_user_func($this->router_function);
     if ($mvc === false) {
         return Swoole\Error::info('MVC Error', "url route fail!");
     //check controller name
     if (!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_]+$/i', $mvc['controller'])) {
         return Swoole\Error::info('MVC Error!', "controller[{$mvc['controller']}] name incorrect.Regx: /^[a-z0-9_]+\$/i");
     //check view name
     if (!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_]+$/i', $mvc['view'])) {
         return Swoole\Error::info('MVC Error!', "view[{$mvc['view']}] name incorrect.Regx: /^[a-z0-9_]+\$/i");
     //check app name
     if (isset($mvc['app']) and !preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_]+$/i', $mvc['app'])) {
         return Swoole\Error::info('MVC Error!', "app[{$mvc['app']}] name incorrect.Regx: /^[a-z0-9_]+\$/i");
     $this->env['mvc'] = $mvc;
     $controller_class = '\\App\\Controller\\' . ucwords($mvc['controller']);
     $controller_path = self::$app_path . '/controllers/' . ucwords($mvc['controller']) . '.php';
     if (class_exists($controller_class, false)) {
         goto do_action;
     } else {
         if (is_file($controller_path)) {
             require_once $controller_path;
             goto do_action;
     //file not found
     return Swoole\Error::info('MVC Error', "Controller <b>{$mvc['controller']}</b>[{$controller_path}] not exist!");
     if (defined('SWOOLE_SERVER')) {
         $this->reloadController($mvc, $controller_path);
     $controller = new $controller_class($this);
     if (!is_callable(array($controller, $mvc['view']))) {
         return Swoole\Error::info('MVC Error!' . $mvc['view'], "View <b>{$mvc['controller']}->{$mvc['view']}</b> Not Found!");
     if (empty($mvc['param'])) {
         $param = null;
     } else {
         $param = $mvc['param'];
     $method = $mvc['view'];
     $return = $controller->{$method}($param);
     if (defined('SWOOLE_SERVER') and $this->session->open and $this->session->readonly === false) {
     if (!empty($controller->is_ajax)) {
         $this->http->header('Cache-Control', 'no-cache, must-revalidate');
         $this->http->header('Last-Modified', gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT');
         $this->http->header('Content-Type', 'application/json');
         $return = json_encode($return);
     if (defined('SWOOLE_SERVER')) {
         return $return;
     } else {
         echo $return;
Example #5
  * 运行MVC处理模型
  * @param $url_processor
  * @return None
 function runMVC()
     $mvc = $this->urlRoute();
     if ($mvc === false) {
         return Swoole\Error::info('MVC Error', "url route fail!");
     if (!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_]+$/i', $mvc['controller'])) {
         return Swoole\Error::info('MVC Error!', "controller[{$mvc['controller']}] name incorrect.Regx: /^[a-z0-9_]+\$/i");
     if (!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_]+$/i', $mvc['view'])) {
         return Swoole\Error::info('MVC Error!', "view[{$mvc['view']}] name incorrect.Regx: /^[a-z0-9_]+\$/i");
     if (isset($mvc['app']) and !preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_]+$/i', $mvc['app'])) {
         return Swoole\Error::info('MVC Error!', "app[{$mvc['app']}] name incorrect.Regx: /^[a-z0-9_]+\$/i");
     $this->env['mvc'] = $mvc;
     $controller_path = self::$app_path . "/controllers/{$mvc['controller']}.php";
     if (!class_exists($mvc['controller'], false)) {
         if (!is_file($controller_path)) {
             return Swoole\Error::info('MVC Error', "Controller <b>{$mvc['controller']}</b> not exist!");
         } else {
             require_once $controller_path;
     if (defined('SWOOLE_SERVER')) {
         $this->reloadController($mvc, $controller_path);
     $class = $mvc['controller'];
     $controller = new $class($this);
     if (!is_callable(array($controller, $mvc['view']))) {
         return Swoole\Error::info('MVC Error!' . $mvc['view'], "View <b>{$mvc['controller']}->{$mvc['view']}</b> Not Found!");
     if (empty($mvc['param'])) {
         $param = null;
     } else {
         $param = $mvc['param'];
     $method = $mvc['view'];
     $return = $controller->{$method}($param);
     if ($this->session->open and $this->session->readonly === false) {
     if ($controller->is_ajax) {
         header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate');
         header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT');
         header('Content-type: application/json');
         $return = json_encode($return);
     if (defined('SWOOLE_SERVER')) {
         return $return;
     } else {
         echo $return;