Example #1
  * REST endpoint for sharing droplets via email
 public function action_share()
     $this->template = '';
     $this->auto_render = FALSE;
     if ($this->request->method() != "POST") {
         throw HTTP_Exception::factory(405)->allowed('POST');
     // Extract the input data to be used for sending the email
     $post = Arr::extract($_POST, array('recipient', 'drop_title', 'drop_url', 'security_code'));
     $csrf_token = $this->request->headers('x-csrf-token');
     // Setup validation
     $validation = Validation::factory($post)->rule('recipient', 'not_empty')->rule('recipient', 'email')->rule('security_code', 'Captcha::valid')->rule('drop_title', 'not_empty')->rule('drop_url', 'url');
     // Validate
     if (!CSRF::valid($csrf_token) or !$validation->check()) {
         Kohana::$log->add(Log::DEBUG, "CSRF token or form validation failure");
         throw HTTP_Exception::factory(400);
     } else {
         list($recipient, $subject) = array($post['recipient'], $post['drop_title']);
         // Modify the mail body to include the email address of the
         // use sharing content
         $mail_body = __(":user has shared a drop with you via SwiftRiver\n\n:url", array(':user' => $this->user['owner']['username'], ':url' => $post['drop_url']));
         // Send the email
         Swiftriver_Mail::send($recipient, $subject, $mail_body);
Example #2
  * Password reset for ORM auth.
 private static function password_reset_orm($email)
     $ret = array();
     $auth_token = Model_Auth_Token::create_token('password_reset', array('email' => $email));
     if ($auth_token->loaded()) {
         //Send an email with a secret token URL
         $mail_body = View::factory('emails/resetpassword')->bind('secret_url', $secret_url);
         $secret_url = url::site('login/reset/' . urlencode($email) . '/' . $auth_token->token, TRUE, TRUE);
         $mail_subject = __(':sitename: Password Reset', array(':sitename' => Model_Setting::get_setting('site_name')));
         Swiftriver_Mail::send($email, $mail_subject, $mail_body);
         $ret['messages'] = array(__('An email has been sent with instructions to complete the password reset process.'));
     } else {
         $ret['errors'] = array(__('Error'));
     return $ret;
Example #3
  * @return	void
 private function notify_new_follower($user_orm)
     // Send email notification after successful save
     $html = View::factory('emails/html/new_follower');
     $text = View::factory('emails/text/new_follower');
     $html->from_name = $text->from_name = $this->user->name;
     $html->avatar = Swiftriver_Users::gravatar($this->user->email, 80);
     $html->from_link = $text->from_link = URL::site($this->user->account->account_path, TRUE);
     $html->nickname = $text->nickname = $user_orm->account->account_path;
     $subject = __(':who if now following you of SwiftRiver!', array(":who" => $this->user->name));
     Swiftriver_Mail::send($user_orm->email, $subject, $text->render(), $html->render());
Example #4
 private function _update_settings()
     // Validate current password
     $validated = FALSE;
     $current_password = $_POST['current_password'];
     if ($this->riverid_auth) {
         $response = RiverID_API::instance()->signin($this->user->email, $_POST['current_password']);
         $validated = ($response and $response['status']);
     } else {
         $validated = Auth::instance()->hash($current_password) == $this->user->password;
     if (!$validated) {
         $this->errors = __('Current password is incorrect');
     $messages = array();
     // Password is changing and we are using RiverID authentication
     if (!empty($_POST['password']) or !empty($_POST['password_confirm'])) {
         $post = Model_Auth_User::get_password_validation($_POST);
         if (!$post->check()) {
             $this->errors = $post->errors('user');
         // Are we using RiverID?
         if ($this->riverid_auth) {
             $resp = RiverID_API::instance()->change_password($this->user->email, $_POST['current_password'], $_POST['password']);
             if (!$resp['status']) {
                 $this->errors = $resp['error'];
             // For API calls below, use this new password
             $current_password = $_POST['password'];
             unset($_POST['password'], $_POST['password_confirm']);
     // Email address is changing
     if ($_POST['email'] != $this->user->email) {
         $new_email = $_POST['email'];
         if (!Valid::email($new_email)) {
             $this->errors = __('Invalid email address');
         if ($this->riverid_auth) {
             // RiverID email change process
             $mail_body = View::factory('emails/changeemail')->bind('secret_url', $secret_url);
             $secret_url = url::site('login/changeemail/' . urlencode($this->user->email) . '/' . urlencode($new_email) . '/%token%', TRUE, TRUE);
             $site_email = Kohana::$config->load('useradmin.email_address');
             $mail_subject = __(':sitename: Email Change', array(':sitename' => Model_Setting::get_setting('site_name')));
             $resp = RiverID_API::instance()->change_email($this->user->email, $new_email, $current_password, $mail_body, $mail_subject, $site_email);
             if (!$resp['status']) {
                 $this->errors = $resp['error'];
         } else {
             // Make sure the new email address is not yet registered
             $user = ORM::factory('user', array('email' => $new_email));
             if ($user->loaded()) {
                 $this->errors = __('The new email address has already been registered');
             $auth_token = Model_Auth_Token::create_token('change_email', array('new_email' => $new_email, 'old_email' => $this->user->email));
             if ($auth_token->loaded()) {
                 // Send an email with a secret token URL
                 $mail_body = View::factory('emails/changeemail')->bind('secret_url', $secret_url);
                 $secret_url = URL::site('login/changeemail/' . urlencode($this->user->email) . '/' . urlencode($new_email) . '/' . $auth_token->token, TRUE, TRUE);
                 // Send email to the user using the new address
                 $mail_subject = __(':sitename: Email Change', array(':sitename' => Model_Setting::get_setting('site_name')));
                 Swiftriver_Mail::send($new_email, $mail_subject, $mail_body);
             } else {
                 $this->errors = __('Error');
             $messages[] = __("A confirmation email has been sent to :email", array(':email' => $new_email));
         // Don't change email address immediately.
         // Only do so after the tokens sent above are validated
     // END if - email address change
     // Nickname is changing
     if ($_POST['nickname'] != $this->user->account->account_path) {
         $nickname = $_POST['nickname'];
         // Make sure the account path is not already taken
         $account = ORM::factory('account', array('account_path' => $nickname));
         if ($account->loaded()) {
             $this->errors = __('Nickname is already taken');
         // Update
         $this->user->account->account_path = $nickname;
     $this->user->update_user($_POST, array('name', 'password', 'email'));
     $messages[] = __("Account settings were saved successfully.");
     Session::instance()->set("messages", $messages);
     $this->request->redirect(URL::site($this->user->account->account_path . '/settings'));
Example #5
  * REST endpoint for sharing droplets via email
 public function action_share()
     $this->template = '';
     $this->auto_render = FALSE;
     if ($_POST) {
         // Extract the input data
         $post = Arr::extract($_POST, array('recipient', 'subject', 'body'));
         $csrf_token = $this->request->headers('x-csrf-token');
         // Setup validation
         $validation = Validation::factory($post)->rule('recipient', 'not_empty')->rule('recipient', 'email')->rule('subject', 'not_empty')->rule('body', 'not_empty')->rule('body', 'max_length', array(':value', 300));
         // Validate
         if (!CSRF::valid($csrf_token) and !$validation->check()) {
         } else {
             // Modify the mail body to include the email address of the
             // use sharing content
             $mail_body = __(":body \n\nShared by :sender", array(':body' => $post['body'], ':sender' => $this->user->username));
             // Send the email
             Swiftriver_Mail::send($post['recipient'], $post['subject'], $mail_body);
     } else {
         throw new HTTP_Exception_405("Only HTTP POST requests are allowed");
Example #6
  * Notify bucket owners and followers of a new comment
  * @return	void
 public static function notify_new_bucket_comment($comment, $bucket)
     $html = View::factory('emails/html/comment');
     $text = View::factory('emails/text/comment');
     $html->is_drop = $text->is_drop = FALSE;
     $html->from_name = $text->from_name = $comment->user->name;
     $html->avatar = Swiftriver_Users::gravatar($comment->user->email, 80);
     $html->from_link = URL::site($comment->user->account->account_path, TRUE);
     $html->asset = $text->asset = 'bucket';
     $html->asset_name = $text->asset_name = $bucket->bucket_name;
     $html->asset_link = $text->asset_link = URL::site($bucket->get_base_url(), TRUE);
     $html->link = $text->link = URL::site($bucket->get_base_url() . '/discussion#comment-' . $comment->id, TRUE);
     $text->comment = $comment->comment_content;
     $html->comment = Markdown::instance()->transform($comment->comment_content);
     $subject = __(':from commented on the ":name" bucket.', array(":from" => $comment->user->name, ":name" => $bucket->bucket_name));
     // Add owner of the bucket first
     $emails = array($bucket->user->email);
     // Then collaborators
     foreach ($bucket->get_collaborators(TRUE) as $collaborator) {
         $emails[] = $collaborator['email'];
     // Then followers
     foreach ($bucket->subscriptions->find_all() as $follower) {
         $emails[] = $follower->email;
     $text_body = $text->render();
     $html_body = $html->render();
     $site_email = Swiftriver_Mail::get_default_address();
     $from = '"' . $comment->user->name . '" <notifications@' . Swiftriver_Mail::get_email_domain() . '>';
     $token_data = array('bucket_id' => $comment->bucket_id);
     $token = Model_Auth_Token::create_token('bucket-comment', $token_data);
     $reply_to = 'bucket-comment-' . $token->token . '@' . Swiftriver_Mail::get_comments_email_domain();
     foreach ($emails as $email) {
         if ($email != $comment->user->email) {
             Swiftriver_Mail::send($email, $subject, $text_body, $html_body, $from, array('Reply-To' => $reply_to));
Example #7
  * Perform the maintenance
 public function action_run()
     if (php_sapi_name() !== 'cli') {
         Kohana::$log->add(Log::ERROR, __("Maintenance must be run in CLI mode"));
     Kohana::$log->add(Log::INFO, __("Running river maintenance schedule"));
     // Get settings
     $settings = Model_Setting::get_settings(array('river_active_duration', 'river_expiry_notice_period', 'site_url'));
     $notice_period = $settings['river_expiry_notice_period'];
     $site_url = $settings['site_url'];
     // Templates for the notifications
     $warning_template = View::factory('emails/expiry_warning');
     $notice_template = View::factory('emails/expiry_notice');
     // Fix the current date to the time when the maintenance
     // is being run
     $current_date_timestamp = time();
     $current_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $current_date_timestamp);
     // Compute the filter date
     $filter_date_timestamp = strtotime(sprintf("+%s day", $notice_period), $current_date_timestamp);
     $filter_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $filter_date_timestamp);
     // Get the rivers that have expired or are about to expire
     $candidates = ORM::factory('river')->where('river_expired', '=', 0)->where('river_date_expiry', '<=', $filter_date)->find_all();
     $to_be_expired = array();
     $to_be_flagged = array();
     $rivers = array();
     foreach ($candidates as $river) {
         $days_to_expiry = $river->get_days_to_expiry($current_date);
         $river_url = $site_url . $river->get_base_url();
         // Generate extension token and modify the URL
         if ($days_to_expiry === 0) {
             $token = hash("sha256", Text::random('alnum', 32));
             $river_url .= '/extend?token=' . $token;
             $to_be_expired[$river->id] = $token;
         } else {
             // Is the river to be flagged for expiry
             if ($days_to_expiry > 0 and $river->expiry_candidate == 0) {
                 $to_be_flagged[] = $river->id;
             } else {
         $rivers[$river->id] = array('river_name' => $river->river_name, 'river_url' => $river_url, 'days_to_expiry' => $days_to_expiry);
     // If no rivers found, terminate
     if (count($rivers) == 0) {
         Kohana::$log->add(Log::INFO, __("No rivers found. Exiting..."));
     // Get the owners for each of the rivers
     $river_owners = $this->_get_river_owners(array_keys($rivers));
     // Expire rivers
     if (count($to_be_expired) > 0) {
     // Switch on the expiry flag
     if (count($to_be_flagged) > 0) {
         DB::update('rivers')->set(array('expiry_candidate' => 1))->where('id', 'IN', $to_be_flagged)->execute();
     // Send out notifications
     Kohana::$log->add(Log::INFO, __("Sending out notifications"));
     foreach ($river_owners as $river_id => $owners) {
         $data = $rivers[$river_id];
         // Mail subject
         $subject = __("Your :river_name river will shutdown in :days_to_expiry day(s)!", array(":river_name" => $data['river_name'], ":days_to_expiry" => $data['days_to_expiry']));
         // Mail body - expiry warning is the default
         $mail_body = $warning_template->set(array('river_name' => $data['river_name'], 'days_to_expiry' => $data['days_to_expiry'], 'active_duration' => $settings['river_active_duration'], 'river_url' => $data['river_url']));
         if ($data['days_to_expiry'] === 0) {
             $subject = __("Your :river_name has shutdown!", array(":river_name" => $data['river_name']));
             // Expiry notice message
             $mail_body = $notice_template->set(array('river_name' => $data['river_name'], 'active_duration' => $settings['river_active_duration'], 'activation_url' => $data['river_url']));
         // Construct the mail body
         foreach ($owners as $owner) {
             $mail_body->recipient_name = $owner['name'];
             Swiftriver_Mail::send($owner['email'], $subject, $mail_body);
     Kohana::$log->add(Log::INFO, "Completed maintenance schedule");