<?php /** * I establish the route of all base directories. * * Define: libraries, templates, plugins and content. * * @author Jose Pino, @jofpin | jofpin@gmail.com * @copyright 2015 Swifost / Content Management System */ // libraries define("LIBRARIES_PATH", __DIR__ . "/libraries"); // templates define("TEMPLATES_PATH", __DIR__ . "/templates"); // plugins define("PLUGINS_PATH", __DIR__ . "/plugins"); // content define("CONTENT_PATH", __DIR__ . "/content"); // Load main library Swifost require LIBRARIES_PATH . "/Swifost/Swifost.php"; // First check for installer then go Swifost::push()->ready("config.php", "install.php", "index.php", "install", "ready");
<?php /** * Markdown plugin - Markdown Syntax is easy! * * @package Swifost * @subpackage Plugins * @author Jose Pino, @jofpin | jofpin@gmail.com * @copyright 2015 Swifost / Content Management System * @version 1.0.0 * */ include PLUGINS_PATH . "/markdown_syntax/parsedown/Parsedown.php"; include PLUGINS_PATH . "/markdown_syntax/base.php"; // Filtration and markdown relationship with content (function markdown) Swifost::push()->createFilter("content", "markdown");