Example #1
switch ($cmd) {
    case "View":
    case "Delete":
    case "Add":
    case "Copy":
        if ($cmd == "Copy") {
            $id = "";
    case "Edit":
        echo "<font class='bigTextBold'>{$cmd} Support Tickets</font>\n";
        $cmd = "Query";
        $t = new SupportTicketsTable();
        $t->heading = 'on';
        $t->add_extra = 'on';
        /* or set to base url of php file to link to, defaults to PHP_SELF */
        $t->add_total = 'on';
        /* add a grand total row to the bottom of the table on the numberic columns */
        $t->add_insert = 'SupportTicketsform';
        /* Add a blank row ontop of table allowing insert or search */
        $t->add_insert_buttons = 'Search';
        /* Control which buttons appear on the add_insert row eg: Add,Search */
        /* See below - EditMode can also be turned on/off by user if section below uncommented */
        #$t->edit = 'SupportTicketsform';   /* Allow rows to be editable with a save button that appears onchange */