Example #1
$supList = $sup->GetSuppliesList(true);
$formpatch = "";
$status = "";
if (isset($_REQUEST["binid"])) {
    $bin->BinID = isset($_POST['binid']) ? $_POST['binid'] : $_GET['binid'];
    $bc->BinID = $bin->BinID;
    if (isset($_POST["action"]) && ($_POST["action"] == "Create" || $_POST["action"] == "Update") && ($_POST["location"] != null && $_POST["location"] != "")) {
        $bin->Location = $_POST["location"];
        if ($_POST["action"] == "Create") {
        } else {
            $binContents = $bc->GetBinContents();
            // We don't want someone changing the name of a bin to a blank anymore than we want them creating one as a blank name
            $status = __("Updated");
            // only attempt to alter the contents of the bin if we have the proper elements
            if (isset($_POST['supplyid']) && count($_POST['supplyid'] > 0)) {
                // process all of the submitted values into a new array to handle multiple instances of any part being added
                $cleansupplies = array();
                foreach ($_POST['supplyid'] as $key => $value) {
                    if ($_POST['count'][$key] != "" && $_POST['supplyid'][$key] != 0) {
                        if (!isset($cleansupplies[$_POST['supplyid'][$key]])) {
                            $cleansupplies[$_POST['supplyid'][$key]] = $_POST['count'][$key];
                        } else {
                            // we're using -1 to remove an item from the bin.
                            if ($_POST['count'][$key] != -1 && $cleansupplies[$_POST['supplyid'][$key]] != -1) {
                                // Some prankster is trying to add the same part type multiple times so just add the values up
                                $cleansupplies[$_POST['supplyid'][$key]] += $_POST['count'][$key];
                            } elseif ($cleansupplies[$_POST['supplyid'][$key]] == -1) {
                                // Smart ass clicked the x to remove the part from the bin the added it back with a line below that.