public function setUp() { SugarCache::$isCacheReset = false; if (empty($GLOBALS['current_language'])) { $GLOBALS['current_language'] = $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['default_language']; } }
/** * initializes the cache in question */ protected static function _init() { $lastPriority = 1000; $locations = array('include/SugarCache', 'custom/include/SugarCache'); foreach ($locations as $location) { if (sugar_is_dir($location) && ($dir = opendir($location))) { while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) { if ($file == ".." || $file == "." || !is_file("{$location}/{$file}")) { continue; } require_once "{$location}/{$file}"; $cacheClass = basename($file, ".php"); if (class_exists($cacheClass) && is_subclass_of($cacheClass, 'SugarCacheAbstract')) { $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Found cache backend {$cacheClass}"); $cacheInstance = new $cacheClass(); if ($cacheInstance->useBackend() && $cacheInstance->getPriority() < $lastPriority) { $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Using cache backend {$cacheClass}, since " . $cacheInstance->getPriority() . " is less than " . $lastPriority); self::$_cacheInstance = $cacheInstance; $lastPriority = $cacheInstance->getPriority(); } } } } } }
public function tearDown() { if ($this->module_installer) { $this->module_installer->uninstall_extensions(); } if (file_exists($this->module_installer->base_dir . "/test.ext.php")) { @unlink($this->module_installer->base_dir . "/test.ext.php"); } SugarCache::$isCacheReset = false; }
public function tearDown() { // clear out the test cache if we haven't already if (sugar_cache_retrieve($this->_cacheKey1)) { sugar_cache_clear($this->_cacheKey1); } if (sugar_cache_retrieve($this->_cacheKey2)) { sugar_cache_clear($this->_cacheKey2); } if (sugar_cache_retrieve($this->_cacheKey3)) { sugar_cache_clear($this->_cacheKey3); } SugarCache::$isCacheReset = false; }
public function tearDown() { $this->removeCustomAppStrings(); $this->removeModuleStrings(array('Accounts')); SugarTestUserUtilities::removeAllCreatedAnonymousUsers(); unset($GLOBALS['current_user']); unset($GLOBALS['beanList']); unset($GLOBALS['beanFiles']); SugarCache::$isCacheReset = false; if (!empty($this->language_contents)) { foreach ($this->language_contents as $key => $contents) { sugar_file_put_contents("custom/modules/{$key}/language/en_us.lang.php", $contents); } } }
function set($key, $value) { parent::set($key, $value); // caching is turned off if (!$GLOBALS['external_cache_enabled']) { return; } $external_key = $this->_realKey($key); if (EXTERNAL_CACHE_DEBUG) { SugarCache::log("Step 3: Converting key ({$key}) to external key ({$external_key})"); } zput($external_key, $value, $this->timeout); if (EXTERNAL_CACHE_DEBUG) { SugarCache::log("Step 4: Added key to sMash cache {$external_key} with value ({$value}) to be stored for " . EXTERNAL_CACHE_INTERVAL_SECONDS . " seconds"); } }
public function tearDown() { $mbc = new ModuleBuilderController(); $this->currencyFieldDef1['name'] = 'c1_c'; $_REQUEST = $this->currencyFieldDef1; $mbc->action_DeleteField(); $this->currencyFieldDef2['name'] = 'c2_c'; $_REQUEST = $this->currencyFieldDef2; $mbc->action_DeleteField(); SugarTestUserUtilities::removeAllCreatedAnonymousUsers(); unset($GLOBALS['current_user']); unset($GLOBALS['beanList']); unset($GLOBALS['beanFiles']); unset($GLOBALS['app_list_strings']); $_REQUEST = array(); SugarCache::$isCacheReset = false; }
/** * initializes the cache in question */ protected static function _init() { $lastPriority = 1000; $locations = SugarAutoLoader::getFilesCustom('include/SugarCache'); if (empty($locations)) { $locations = array('include/SugarCache/SugarCacheMemory.php'); } foreach ($locations as $location) { $cacheClass = basename($location, ".php"); if ($cacheClass == 'SugarCache') { continue; } require_once $location; if (class_exists($cacheClass) && is_subclass_of($cacheClass, 'SugarCacheAbstract')) { $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Found cache backend {$cacheClass}"); $cacheInstance = new $cacheClass(); if ($cacheInstance->useBackend() && $cacheInstance->getPriority() < $lastPriority) { $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Using cache backend {$cacheClass}, since " . $cacheInstance->getPriority() . " is less than " . $lastPriority); self::$_cacheInstance = $cacheInstance; $lastPriority = $cacheInstance->getPriority(); } } } }
public function testHandleRemainingRelateFields() { // create a test relationship // save cache reset value $_cacheResetValue = SugarCache::$isCacheReset; //$rel = $this->createRelationship('Accounts'); $rel = SugarTestRelationshipUtilities::createRelationship(array('relationship_type' => 'one-to-many', 'lhs_module' => 'Accounts', 'rhs_module' => 'Accounts')); if ($rel == false) { $this->fail('Relationship Not Created'); } $rel_name = $rel->getName(); $id = $rel->getIDName('Accounts'); $acc1 = SugarTestAccountUtilities::createAccount(); $acc2 = SugarTestAccountUtilities::createAccount(); $macc = new MockAccountSugarBean(); $macc->disable_row_level_security = true; $macc->retrieve($acc2->id); $macc->{$id} = $acc1->id; $ret = $macc->handle_remaining_relate_fields(); $this->assertContains($rel_name, $ret['add']['success']); $macc->rel_fields_before_value[$id] = $acc1->id; $macc->{$id} = ''; $ret = $macc->handle_remaining_relate_fields(); $this->assertContains($rel_name, $ret['remove']['success']); // variable cleanup // delete the test relationship //$this->removeRelationship($rel_name, 'Accounts'); SugarTestRelationshipUtilities::removeAllCreatedRelationships(); unset($macc); SugarTestAccountUtilities::removeAllCreatedAccounts(); // reset the isCacheReset Value since this is all one request. SugarCache::$isCacheReset = $_cacheResetValue; }
function _processGet($key, $value) { if (!empty($value)) { if (EXTERNAL_CACHE_DEBUG) { SugarCache::log("{$this->_name}:: Retrieved from external cache: {$key}", 'pass'); } $GLOBALS['external_cache_request_external_hits']++; $this->_cache[$key] = $value; return $this->_cache[$key]; } if (EXTERNAL_CACHE_DEBUG) { SugarCache::log("{$this->_name}:: External cache retrieve failed: {$key}", 'fail'); } return null; }
protected function assertPreConditions() { if (isset($GLOBALS['log'])) { $GLOBALS['log']->info("START TEST: {$this->getName(false)}"); } SugarCache::instance()->flush(); }
public function tearDown() { if (!empty($this->_savedSearchDefs)) { file_put_contents("custom/modules/ProjectTask/metadata/searchdefs.php", $this->_savedSearchDefs); } else { @unlink("custom/modules/ProjectTask/metadata/searchdefs.php"); } if (!empty($this->_savedSearchFields)) { file_put_contents("modules/ProjectTask/metadata/SearchFields.php", $this->_savedSearchFields); } else { @unlink("modules/ProjectTask/metadata/SearchFields.php"); } SugarTestProjectTaskUtilities::removeAllCreatedProjectTasks(); SugarTestProjectUtilities::removeAllCreatedProjects(); SugarTestAccountUtilities::removeAllCreatedAccounts(); $this->relationships->delete($this->relationship->getName()); $this->relationships->save(); parent::tearDown(); SugarCache::$isCacheReset = false; SugarTestHelper::tearDown(); $GLOBALS['reload_vardefs'] = true; $bean = new ProjectTask(); unset($GLOBALS['reload_vardefs']); }
private function _getStatistics() { $endTime = microtime(true); $deltaTime = $endTime - $GLOBALS['startTime']; $response_time_string = $GLOBALS['app_strings']['LBL_SERVER_RESPONSE_TIME'] . ' ' . number_format(round($deltaTime, 2), 2) . ' ' . $GLOBALS['app_strings']['LBL_SERVER_RESPONSE_TIME_SECONDS']; $return = $response_time_string; // $return .= '<br />'; if (!empty($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['show_page_resources'])) { // Print out the resources used in constructing the page. $included_files = get_included_files(); // take all of the included files and make a list that does not allow for duplicates based on case // I believe the full get_include_files result set appears to have one entry for each file in real // case, and one entry in all lower case. $list_of_files_case_insensitive = array(); foreach ($included_files as $key => $name) { // preserve the first capitalization encountered. $list_of_files_case_insensitive[mb_strtolower($name)] = $name; } $return .= $GLOBALS['app_strings']['LBL_SERVER_RESPONSE_RESOURCES'] . '(' . DBManager::getQueryCount() . ',' . sizeof($list_of_files_case_insensitive) . ')<br>'; // Display performance of the internal and external caches.... $cacheStats = SugarCache::instance()->getCacheStats(); $return .= "External cache (hits/total=ratio) local ({$cacheStats['localHits']}/{$cacheStats['requests']}=" . round($cacheStats['localHits'] * 100 / $cacheStats['requests'], 0) . "%)"; $return .= " external ({$cacheStats['externalHits']}/{$cacheStats['requests']}=" . round($cacheStats['externalHits'] * 100 / $cacheStats['requests'], 0) . "%)<br />"; $return .= " misses ({$cacheStats['misses']}/{$cacheStats['requests']}=" . round($cacheStats['misses'] * 100 / $cacheStats['requests'], 0) . "%)<br />"; } $return .= $this->logMemoryStatistics(); return $return; }
/** * Performs basic logging for messages generated by the external caching mechanism * * Currently this only outputs directly to the screen as it's only used internally. * * There are five supported $type values: * neutral :: just a log message with information value * pass :: a pass that attention should be brought to * lightpass :: a pass without much consequence * fail :: a fail that attention should be brought to * lightfail :: a failure without much consequence, or one that might succeed later in * the execution chain * * @param string $msg Message to output. Note it will be filtered through htmlspecialchars() * @param string $type Type of message to output */ function log($msg, $type = 'neutral') { static $messages = array(); static $valid_types = array('neutral' => '', 'pass' => '', 'lightpass' => '', 'fail' => '', 'lightfail' => ''); if (!isset($valid_types[$type])) { SugarCache::log("Invalid type provided: {$type}", 'fail'); $type = 'neutral'; } $session_id = session_id(); if (empty($session_id)) { // add to stack of messages to output after the session starts so we don't kill the headers $messages[] = array('message' => htmlspecialchars($msg), 'type' => $type); } else { if ($messages !== false) { // output base styles on first round trip - this doesn't worry that its // not in the proper place as its for debugging purposes only. echo "<style type='text/css'>" . "hr +span { padding:3px 5px; display:block; } " . "hr +.pass { background-color:green; color: white; } " . "hr +.lightpass { background-color: #CFC; color:black; }" . "hr { background-color:red; color:white; } " . "hr +.lightfail { background-color:#F99; color: black; }" . "hr +.neutral { background-color:#FFFFE0; color:black; } " . "</style>"; } if ($messages !== false && count($messages) > 0) { // clear stack of messages; echo '<hr />Messages logged prior to session starting...<hr />', "\n"; foreach ($messages as $id => $old_msg) { echo "<hr /><span class='{$old_msg['type']}'>{$id} -- {$old_msg['message']}</span><hr />\n"; } echo "<hr />End of messages prior to session starting...<hr />\n"; } $messages = false; $msg = htmlspecialchars($msg); echo "<hr /><span class='{$type}'>{$msg}</span><hr />\n"; } }
/** * Clean up all registered variables and restore $initVars and $systemVars * @static * @return bool status of tearDown */ public static function tearDown() { self::init(); foreach (self::$registeredVars as $varName => $isCalled) { if ($isCalled) { unset(self::$registeredVars[$varName]); if (method_exists(__CLASS__, 'tearDown_' . $varName)) { call_user_func(__CLASS__ . '::tearDown_' . $varName, array()); } elseif (isset($GLOBALS[$varName])) { unset($GLOBALS[$varName]); } } } // Restoring of system variables foreach (self::$initVars as $scope => $vars) { foreach ($vars as $name => $value) { $GLOBALS[$scope][$name] = $value; } } // Restoring of theme SugarThemeRegistry::set(self::$systemVars['SugarThemeRegistry']->dirName); SugarCache::$isCacheReset = false; return true; }
/** * Reset the cache for this request */ public function reset() { $this->_localStore = array(); SugarCache::$isCacheReset = true; }
/** * Retrieve the value of a given key * * @param string $key * @return mixed */ function get($key) { $GLOBALS['external_cache_request_local_total']++; if (isset($this->_cache[$key])) { if (EXTERNAL_CACHE_DEBUG) { SugarCache::log("BASE: found {$key}", 'lightpass'); } $GLOBALS['external_cache_request_local_hits']++; return $this->_cache[$key]; } else { if (EXTERNAL_CACHE_DEBUG) { $type = $this->_my_class_name == 'sugarcache_base' ? 'fail' : 'lightfail'; SugarCache::log("BASE: unable to locate {$key}", $type); } } }
/** * Deletes an existing template * * @param module string module name * @param view string view need (eg DetailView, EditView, etc) */ function deleteTemplate($module, $view) { if (is_file($this->cacheDir . $this->templateDir . $module . '/' . $view . '.tpl')) { // Bug #54634 : RTC 18144 : Cannot add more than 1 user to role but popup is multi-selectable if (!isset($this->ss)) { $this->loadSmarty(); } $cache_file_name = $this->ss->_get_compile_path($this->cacheDir . $this->templateDir . $module . '/' . $view . '.tpl'); SugarCache::cleanFile($cache_file_name); return unlink($this->cacheDir . $this->templateDir . $module . '/' . $view . '.tpl'); } return false; }
static function addLabels ($language , $labels , $moduleName , $basepath = null, $forRelationshipLabel = false) { $GLOBALS [ 'log' ]->debug ( "ParserLabel->addLabels($language, \$labels, $moduleName, $basepath );" ) ; $GLOBALS [ 'log' ]->debug ( "\$labels:" . print_r ( $labels, true ) ) ; $deployedModule = false ; if (is_null ( $basepath )) { $deployedModule = true ; $basepath = "custom/modules/$moduleName/language" ; if($forRelationshipLabel){ $basepath = "custom/modules/$moduleName/Ext/Language" ; } if (! is_dir ( $basepath )) { mkdir_recursive($basepath); } } $filename = "$basepath/$language.lang.php" ; if($forRelationshipLabel){ $filename = "$basepath/$language.lang.ext.php" ; } $dir_exists = is_dir ( $basepath ) ; $mod_strings = array ( ) ; if ($dir_exists) { if (file_exists ( $filename )) { // obtain $mod_strings include ($filename) ; }else if($forRelationshipLabel){ $fh = fopen ($filename, 'a'); fclose($fh); } } else { return false ; } $changed = false ; //$charset = (isset($app_strings['LBL_CHARSET'])) ? $app_strings['LBL_CHARSET'] : $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['default_charset'] ; foreach ( $labels as $key => $value ) { if (! isset ( $mod_strings [ $key ] ) || strcmp ( $value, $mod_strings [ $key ] ) != 0) { $mod_strings [$key] = to_html(strip_tags(from_html($value))); // must match encoding used in view.labels.php $changed = true ; } } if ($changed) { $GLOBALS [ 'log' ]->debug ( "ParserLabel->addLabels: writing new mod_strings to $filename" ) ; $GLOBALS [ 'log' ]->debug ( "ParserLabel->addLabels: mod_strings=".print_r($mod_strings,true) ) ; if (! write_array_to_file ( "mod_strings", $mod_strings, $filename )) { $GLOBALS [ 'log' ]->fatal ( "Could not write $filename" ) ; } else { // if we have a cache to worry about, then clear it now if ($deployedModule) { SugarCache::cleanOpcodes(); $GLOBALS [ 'log' ]->debug ( "PaserLabel->addLabels: clearing language cache" ) ; $cache_key = "module_language." . $language . $moduleName ; sugar_cache_clear ( $cache_key ) ; LanguageManager::clearLanguageCache ( $moduleName, $language ) ; } } } // Fix for bug #51 // when the label is recreated it defaults back to the original value (In this case its "User"). // Solution: // 1. Changes to the label names should go to custom/Extension/modules/{ModuleName}/Ext/Language // This is done in case different users edit the same Relationship concurrently. // The changes from custom/Extension/modules/{ModuleName}/Ext/Language // will overwrite stuff in custom/modules/{ModuleName}/Ext/Language/en_us.lang.ext.php after // Quick Repair and Rebuild is applied. if($forRelationshipLabel) { if(!empty($_POST[view_module]) && !empty($_POST[relationship_name]) && !empty($_POST[rhs_label]) && !empty($_POST[lhs_module])) { // 1. Overwrite custom/Extension/modules/{ModuleName}/Ext/Language $extension_basepath = "custom/Extension/modules/" . $_POST[view_module] . "/Ext/Language"; mkdir_recursive($extension_basepath); $headerString = "<?php\n//THIS FILE IS AUTO GENERATED, DO NOT MODIFY\n"; $out = $headerString; $extension_filename = "$extension_basepath/$language.custom" . $_POST[relationship_name] . ".php"; $mod_strings = array(); if (file_exists($extension_filename)) { // obtain $mod_strings include($extension_filename); } $changed_mod_strings = false; foreach ($labels as $key => $value) { foreach ($mod_strings as $key_mod_string => $value_mod_string) { if (strpos($key_mod_string, strtoupper($_POST[relationship_name])) !== false) { $mod_strings[$key_mod_string] = to_html(strip_tags(from_html($_POST[rhs_label]))); // must match encoding used in view.labels.php $changed_mod_strings = true; } } } foreach ($mod_strings as $key => $val) $out .= override_value_to_string_recursive2('mod_strings', $key, $val); $failed_to_write = false; try { $file_contents = fopen($extension_filename, 'w'); fputs($file_contents, $out, strlen($out)); fclose($file_contents); } catch (Exception $e) { $GLOBALS ['log']->fatal("Could not write $filename"); $GLOBALS ['log']->fatal("Exception " . $e->getMessage()); $failed_to_write = true; } //2. Overwrite custom/Extension/modules/relationships/language/{ModuleName}.php // Also need to overwrite custom/Extension/modules/relationships/language/{ModuleName}.php // because whenever new relationship is created this place is checked by the system to get // all the label names $relationships_basepath = "custom/Extension/modules/relationships/language"; mkdir_recursive($relationships_basepath); $headerString = "<?php\n//THIS FILE IS AUTO GENERATED, DO NOT MODIFY\n"; $out = $headerString; $relationships_filename = "$relationships_basepath/" . $_POST[lhs_module] . ".php"; $mod_strings = array(); if (file_exists($relationships_filename)) { // obtain $mod_strings include($relationships_filename); } $changed_mod_strings = false; foreach ($labels as $key => $value) { foreach ($mod_strings as $key_mod_string => $value_mod_string) { if (strpos($key_mod_string, strtoupper($_POST[relationship_name])) !== false) { $mod_strings[$key_mod_string] = to_html(strip_tags(from_html($_POST[rhs_label]))); // must match encoding used in view.labels.php $changed_mod_strings = true; } } } foreach ($mod_strings as $key => $val) $out .= override_value_to_string_recursive2('mod_strings', $key, $val); $failed_to_write = false; try { $file_contents = fopen($relationships_filename, 'w'); fputs($file_contents, $out, strlen($out)); fclose($file_contents); } catch (Exception $e) { $GLOBALS ['log']->fatal("Could not write $filename"); $GLOBALS ['log']->fatal("Exception " . $e->getMessage()); $failed_to_write = true; } if ($changed_mod_strings) { if (!$failed_to_write) { // if we have a cache to worry about, then clear it now if ($deployedModule) { SugarCache::cleanOpcodes(); $GLOBALS ['log']->debug("PaserLabel->addLabels: clearing language cache"); $cache_key = "module_language." . $language . $moduleName; sugar_cache_clear($cache_key); LanguageManager::clearLanguageCache($moduleName, $language); } } } } } return true ; }
public function testStoreAndRetrieveWithTTLNull() { $sc = SugarCache::instance(); $cacheStub = $this->getMock(get_class($sc), array('_setExternal')); $cacheStub->expects($this->once())->method('_setExternal'); $cacheStub->set($this->_cacheKey1, $this->_cacheValue1, null); }
/** * Add a set of labels to the language pack for a module, deployed or undeployed * * @param string $language Language key, for example 'en_us' * @param array $labels The labels to add in the form of an array of System label => Display label pairs * @param string $moduleName Name of the module to which to add these labels * @param string $basepath Basepath to the file to be written to */ public static function addLabels($language, $labels, $moduleName, $basepath = null) { $GLOBALS['log']->debug("ParserLabel->addLabels({$language}, \$labels, {$moduleName}, {$basepath});"); $GLOBALS['log']->debug("\$labels:" . print_r($labels, true)); $deployedModule = false; if (is_null($basepath)) { $deployedModule = true; $basepath = "custom/Extension/modules/{$moduleName}/Ext/Language"; if (!SugarAutoLoader::fileExists($basepath)) { mkdir_recursive($basepath); } } $filename = "{$basepath}/{$language}.lang.php"; $mod_strings = array(); $changed = false; if (SugarAutoLoader::fileExists($basepath)) { if (SugarAutoLoader::fileExists($filename)) { // Get the current $mod_strings include $filename; } foreach ($labels as $key => $value) { if (!isset($mod_strings[$key]) || strcmp($value, $mod_strings[$key]) != 0) { // Must match encoding used in view.labels.php $mod_strings[$key] = to_html(strip_tags(from_html($value))); $changed = true; } } } else { $changed = true; } if (!empty($mod_strings) && $changed) { $GLOBALS['log']->debug("ParserLabel->addLabels: writing new mod_strings to {$filename}"); $GLOBALS['log']->debug("ParserLabel->addLabels: mod_strings=" . print_r($mod_strings, true)); $write = "<?php\n// WARNING: The contents of this file are auto-generated.\n"; // We can't use normal array writing here since multiple files can be // structured differently. This is dirty, yes, but necessary. foreach ($mod_strings as $k => $v) { $write .= "\$mod_strings['{$k}'] = " . var_export($v, 1) . ";\n"; } if (!SugarAutoLoader::put($filename, $write, true)) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Could not write {$filename}"); } else { // if we have a cache to worry about, then clear it now if ($deployedModule) { SugarCache::cleanOpcodes(); $GLOBALS['log']->debug("PaserLabel->addLabels: clearing language cache"); self::rebuildLanguageExtensions($language, $moduleName); $cache_key = "module_language." . $language . $moduleName; sugar_cache_clear($cache_key); LanguageManager::clearLanguageCache($moduleName, $language); MetaDataManager::refreshLanguagesCache($language); } } } return true; }
/** * Internal -- Determine if there is an external cache available for use. * Currently only Zend Platform is supported. */ function check_cache() { if (EXTERNAL_CACHE_DEBUG) { SugarCache::log("Checking cache"); } if ($GLOBALS['external_cache_checked'] == false) { $GLOBALS['external_cache_checked'] = true; $GLOBALS['external_cache_object'] = SugarCache::discover(); } if (EXTERNAL_CACHE_DEBUG) { SugarCache::log("Checking cache: " . var_export($GLOBALS['external_cache_enabled'], true)); } }
private function writeUnifiedSearchModulesDisplayFile($unified_search_modules_display) { if (is_null($unified_search_modules_display) || empty($unified_search_modules_display)) { return false; } sugar_mkdir('custom/modules', null, true); if (!write_array_to_file("unified_search_modules_display", $unified_search_modules_display, 'custom/modules/unified_search_modules_display.php')) { //Log error message and throw Exception global $app_strings; $msg = string_format($app_strings['ERR_FILE_WRITE'], array('custom/modules/unified_search_modules_display.php')); $GLOBALS['log']->error($msg); throw new Exception($msg); } SugarCache::cleanFile('custom/modules/unified_search_modules_display.php'); return true; }
static function addLabels($language, $labels, $moduleName, $basepath = null, $forRelationshipLabel = false) { $GLOBALS['log']->debug("ParserLabel->addLabels({$language}, \$labels, {$moduleName}, {$basepath} );"); $GLOBALS['log']->debug("\$labels:" . print_r($labels, true)); $deployedModule = false; if (is_null($basepath)) { $deployedModule = true; $basepath = "custom/modules/{$moduleName}/language"; if ($forRelationshipLabel) { $basepath = "custom/modules/{$moduleName}/Ext/Language"; } if (!is_dir($basepath)) { mkdir_recursive($basepath); } } $filename = "{$basepath}/{$language}.lang.php"; if ($forRelationshipLabel) { $filename = "{$basepath}/{$language}.lang.ext.php"; } $dir_exists = is_dir($basepath); $mod_strings = array(); if ($dir_exists) { if (file_exists($filename)) { // obtain $mod_strings include $filename; } else { if ($forRelationshipLabel) { $fh = fopen($filename, 'a'); fclose($fh); } } } else { return false; } $changed = false; //$charset = (isset($app_strings['LBL_CHARSET'])) ? $app_strings['LBL_CHARSET'] : $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['default_charset'] ; foreach ($labels as $key => $value) { if (!isset($mod_strings[$key]) || strcmp($value, $mod_strings[$key]) != 0) { $mod_strings[$key] = to_html(strip_tags(from_html($value))); // must match encoding used in view.labels.php $changed = true; } } if ($changed) { $GLOBALS['log']->debug("ParserLabel->addLabels: writing new mod_strings to {$filename}"); $GLOBALS['log']->debug("ParserLabel->addLabels: mod_strings=" . print_r($mod_strings, true)); if (!write_array_to_file("mod_strings", $mod_strings, $filename)) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Could not write {$filename}"); } else { // if we have a cache to worry about, then clear it now if ($deployedModule) { SugarCache::cleanOpcodes(); $GLOBALS['log']->debug("PaserLabel->addLabels: clearing language cache"); $cache_key = "module_language." . $language . $moduleName; sugar_cache_clear($cache_key); LanguageManager::clearLanguageCache($moduleName, $language); } } } return true; }
/** * Cache killer, to be defined in child classes as needed. */ protected function _clearCaches() { if ($this->implementation->isDeployed()) { SugarCache::cleanOpcodes(); } }