function process($option) { $_REQUEST['setFile'] = $_SESSION['studio']['backupLastFile']; $the_module = $_SESSION['studio']['module']; $files = StudioParser::getFiles($the_module); $file = $files[$_SESSION['studio']['selectedFileId']]['template_file']; $preview_file = 'custom/backup/' . $file . '[' . $option . ']'; if (!empty($_GET['preview'])) { $this->display(); } else { if (!file_exists($preview_file)) { $this->display(); return false; } else { if (!empty($_GET['delete'])) { $this->sb->deleteBackup($preview_file); $this->display(); } else { if (!empty($_GET['restore'])) { if ($this->sb->restoreBackup($preview_file)) { $this->status = 'Restored'; } else { $this->status = ' Restore Failed'; } $this->display(); } } } } }
function process($option) { if (!empty($_SESSION['studio']['lastWizard']) && $_SESSION['studio']['lastWizard'] == 'ManageBackups') { header("Location: index.php?module=Studio&action=wizard&wizard=ManageBackups&setFile=" . $option); sugar_exit(); } $the_module = $_SESSION['studio']['module']; require_once 'modules/Studio/parsers/StudioParser.php'; $fileDef = StudioParser::getFiles($the_module, $option); $special = ''; if ($fileDef['type'] == 'ListView') { $special = '&listview=true'; } $_SESSION['studio']['selectedFileId'] = $option; header("Location: index.php?module=Studio&action=index&setLayout=true{$special}"); sugar_exit(); }
/** * The contents of this file are subject to the SugarCRM Public License Version * 1.1.3 ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * All copies of the Covered Code must include on each user interface screen: * (i) the "Powered by SugarCRM" logo and * (ii) the SugarCRM copyright notice * in the same form as they appear in the distribution. See full license for * requirements. * * The Original Code is: SugarCRM Open Source * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is SugarCRM, Inc. * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) 2004-2006 SugarCRM, Inc.; * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. */ $the_module = $_SESSION['studio']['module']; ob_clean(); require_once 'modules/Studio/parsers/StudioParser.php'; $fileDef = StudioParser::getFiles($the_module, $_SESSION['studio']['selectedFileId']); $workingFile = StudioParser::getWorkingFile($fileDef['template_file']); //BACKUP EXISTING FILE require_once 'modules/Studio/SugarBackup.php'; SugarBackup::backup($fileDef['template_file']); copy($workingFile, $fileDef['template_file']); sugar_cleanup(true);
* in the same form as they appear in the distribution. See full license for * requirements. * * The Original Code is: SugarCRM Open Source * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is SugarCRM, Inc. * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) 2004-2006 SugarCRM, Inc.; * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________. */ //expects the following variables to be set (needs global scope) //$file, $the_module require_once 'modules/Studio/parsers/StudioParser.php'; if (!isset($the_module)) { $the_module = $_SESSION['studio']['module']; } $files = StudioParser::getFiles($the_module); $file = $files[$_SESSION['studio']['selectedFileId']]['template_file']; $preview_file = false; if (isset($_REQUEST['preview_file'])) { $preview_file = 'custom/backup/' . $file . '[' . $_REQUEST['preview_file'] . ']'; if (!file_exists($preview_file)) { echo 'no access'; sugar_cleanup(true); } } require_once 'modules/' . $the_module . '/Forms.php'; if (!isset($sp)) { $sp = new StudioParser(); } if (!$preview_file) { $sp->loadFile($file);
function cacheXTPL($file, $cache_file, $preview_file = false) { global $beanList; //now if we have a backup_file lets use that instead of the original if ($preview_file) { $file = $preview_file; } if (!isset($the_module)) { $the_module = $_SESSION['studio']['module']; } $files = StudioParser::getFiles($the_module); $xtpl = $files[$_SESSION['studio']['selectedFileId']]['php_file']; $originalFile = $files[$_SESSION['studio']['selectedFileId']]['template_file']; $type = StudioParser::getFileType($files[$_SESSION['studio']['selectedFileId']]['type']); $buffer = sugar_file_get_contents($xtpl); $cache_file = create_cache_directory('studio/' . $file); $xtpl_cache = create_cache_directory('studio/' . $xtpl); $module = $this->workingModule; $form_string = "require_once('modules/" . $module . "/Forms.php');"; if ($type == 'edit' || $type == 'detail') { if (empty($_REQUEST['record'])) { $buffer = preg_replace('(\\$xtpl[\\ ]*=)', "\$focus->assign_display_fields('{$module}'); \$0", $buffer); } else { $buffer = preg_replace('(\\$xtpl[\\ ]*=)', "\$focus->retrieve('" . $_REQUEST['record'] . "');\n\$focus->assign_display_fields('{$module}');\n \$0", $buffer); } } $_REQUEST['query'] = true; if (substr_count($file, 'SearchForm') > 0) { $temp_xtpl = new XTemplate($file); if ($temp_xtpl->exists('advanced')) { global $current_language; $mods = return_module_language($current_language, 'DynamicLayout'); $mod = BeanFactory::getBean($module); $this->populateRequestFromBuffer($file); $mod->assign_display_fields($module); $buffer = str_replace(array('echo $lv->display();', '$search_form->parse("advanced");', '$search_form->out("advanced");', '$search_form->parse("main");', '$search_form->out("main");'), '', $buffer); $buffer = str_replace('echo get_form_footer();', '$search_form->parse("main");' . "\n" . '$search_form->out("main");' . "\necho '<br><b>" . translate('LBL_ADVANCED', 'DynamicLayout') . "</b><br>';" . '$search_form->parse("advanced");' . "\n" . '$search_form->out("advanced");' . "\n \$sugar_config['list_max_entries_per_page'] = 1;", $buffer); } } else { if ($type == 'detail') { $buffer = str_replace('header(', 'if(false) header(', $buffer); } } $buffer = str_replace($originalFile, $cache_file, $buffer); $buffer = "<?php\n\$sugar_config['list_max_entries_per_page'] = 1;\n ?>" . $buffer; $buffer = str_replace($form_string, '', $buffer); $buffer = $this->disableInputs($buffer); $xtpl_fp_cache = sugar_fopen($xtpl_cache, 'w'); fwrite($xtpl_fp_cache, $buffer); fclose($xtpl_fp_cache); return $xtpl_cache; }