<?php require "strus.php"; $config = "path=storage; metadata=doclen UINT16"; $ctx = new StrusContext(); try { $ctx->destroyStorage($config); # ... delete the storage files if they already exists } catch (Exception $e) { } # Create a new storage: $ctx->createStorage($config); # Get a client for the new created storage: $storage = $ctx->createStorageClient($config); # Define the document analyzer to use: $analyzer = $ctx->createDocumentAnalyzer(); # Define the features and attributes to store: $analyzer->defineAttribute("title", "/doc/title()", "content", "orig"); $analyzer->addSearchIndexFeature("word", "/doc/text()", "word", array(array("stem", "en"), "lc", array("convdia", "en")), ""); $analyzer->addForwardIndexFeature("orig", "/doc/text()", "split", "orig", ""); # Read input files, analyze and insert them: $datadir = "./data/"; $datafiles = scandir($datadir); $transaction = $storage->createTransaction(); foreach ($datafiles as &$datafile) { if ($datafile[0] != '.') { print "process document " . $datafile . "\n"; $docid = substr($datafile, 0, strlen($datafile) - 4); $fullname = $datadir . $datafile; $doc = $analyzer->analyze(file_get_contents($fullname)); $transaction->insertDocument($docid, $doc);
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <?php require "strus.php"; try { $context = new StrusContext("localhost:7181"); $storage = $context->createStorageClient(""); echo '<p>'; echo "Number of documents inserted: " . $storage->nofDocumentsInserted() . "!"; echo '</p>'; } catch (Exception $e) { echo '<p><font color="red">Caught exception: ' . "{$e->getMessage}()</font></p>"; } ?> </body> </html>