/** * Stripe TLS requirement. * https://support.stripe.com/questions/how-do-i-upgrade-my-stripe-integration-from-tls-1-0-to-tls-1-2 */ private static function stripe_tls_check($for_export) { global $sc_options; // Set Stripe API key. Force test key. Stripe_Checkout_Functions::set_key('true'); $test_key = $sc_options->get_setting_value('test_secret_key'); // If test key isn't set... if (empty($test_key)) { if ($for_export) { return __('Cannot test TLS 1.2 support until your Stripe Test Secret Key is entered.', 'stripe'); } else { return '<mark class="error">' . __('Cannot test TLS 1.2 support until your Stripe Test Secret Key is entered.', 'stripe') . '</mark>'; } } \Stripe\Stripe::$apiBase = 'https://api-tls12.stripe.com'; try { \Stripe\Charge::all(); if ($for_export) { return __('TLS 1.2 supported, no action required.', 'stripe'); } else { return '<mark class="ok">' . __('TLS 1.2 supported, no action required.', 'stripe') . '</mark>'; } } catch (\Stripe\Error\ApiConnection $e) { if ($for_export) { return sprintf(__('TLS 1.2 is not supported. You will need to upgrade your integration. See %1$s.', 'stripe'), 'https://stripe.com/blog/upgrading-tls'); } else { return '<mark class="error">' . sprintf(__('TLS 1.2 is not supported. You will need to upgrade your integration. <a href="%1$s">Please read this</a> for more information.', 'stripe'), 'https://stripe.com/blog/upgrading-tls') . '</mark>'; } } }
/** * Initialiser l'API Stripe : chargement de la lib et inits des static * @param $config */ function stripe_init_api($config) { include_spip('presta/stripe/lib/stripe-php-4.0.0/init'); // Set secret key // See keys here: https://dashboard.stripe.com/account/apikeys $key = $config['mode_test'] ? $config['SECRET_KEY_test'] : $config['SECRET_KEY']; \Stripe\Stripe::setApiKey($key); // debug : pas de verif des certificats \Stripe\Stripe::$verifySslCerts = false; // s'annoncer fierement : SPIP + bank vx \Stripe\Stripe::$appInfo = bank_annonce_version_plugin('array'); }
if (!empty($params['stg_currency'])) { $row['currency'] = $params['stg_currency']; } if (!empty($params['stg_surrate'])) { $row['surchargerate'] = $params['stg_surrate']; } $symbol = StripeGate\Utils::GetSymbol($row['currency']); $amount = StripeGate\Utils::GetPrivateAmount($params['stg_amount'], $row['amountformat'], $symbol); if ($row['surchargerate'] > 0.0 && empty($params['sgt_nosur'])) { $amount = ceil($amount * (1.0 + $row['surchargerate'])); } $card = array('number' => $params['stg_number'], 'exp_month' => $params['stg_month'], 'exp_year' => $params['stg_year'], 'cvc' => $params['stg_cvc']); $exdata = array('paywhat' => $params['stg_paywhat'], 'payfor' => $params['stg_payfor']); $data = array('amount' => $amount, 'currency' => $row['currency'], 'source' => $card, 'metadata' => $exdata); try { Stripe\Stripe::setApiKey($privkey); $charge = Stripe\Charge::create($data); //synchronous $params = array_merge($params, $charge->__toArray(TRUE)); $caller = NULL; $funcs = new StripeGate\Payer($caller, $this); $funcs->HandleResult($params); //redirects exit; } catch (Exception $e) { $message = $e->getMessage(); //all inputs resume foreach ($params as $key => $val) { if (strpos($key, 'stg_') === 0) { $t = substr($key, 4); ${$t} = $val;
if ($payment == '1') { $amount = 7; } if (isset($token)) { if ($token == ($stripeToken['token'] = $app['session']->get('stripeToken'))) { $errors['token'] = 'You have apparently re-submitted the form.'; } else { $app['session']->set('stripeToken', array('token' => $token)); } } else { $errors['token'] = 'The order cannot be processed. You have not been charged. Please confirm that you have JavaScript enabled and try again.'; } if (empty($errors)) { try { Stripe\Stripe::setApiKey($privateKey); // $uspsUrl = "http://production.shippingapis.com/ShippingApi.dll"; // $res = curl_init(); // //// Set the Target URL // curl_setopt($res, CURLOPT_URL, $uspsUrl); // curl_setopt($res, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); // curl_setopt($res, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); // //// parameters to post // curl_setopt($res, CURLOPT_POST, 1); // // $uspsData = "API=RateV4&XML= // <RateV4Request USERID=\"$uspsUsername\"> // <Package ID=\"1ST\"> // <Service>PRIORITY</Service>
public function doConnect() { // Validation $rules = array('stripe' => 'min:16|max:64|required'); // run the validation rules on the inputs $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules); if ($validator->fails()) { // validation error -> sending back $failedAttribute = $validator->invalid(); return Redirect::back()->with('error', $validator->errors()->get(key($failedAttribute))[0])->withInput(); // sending back data } else { // validator success try { // trying to login with this key Stripe\Stripe::setApiKey(Input::get('stripe')); $account = Stripe\Account::retrieve(); // catchable line // success $returned_object = json_decode(strstr($account, '{'), true); // updating the user $user = Auth::user(); $user->ready = 'connecting'; // setting key $user->stripe_key = Input::get('stripe'); // setting name if is null if (strlen($user->name) == 0) { $user->name = $returned_object['display_name']; } if (strlen($user->zoneinfo) == 0) { $user->zoneinfo = $returned_object['country']; } // saving user $user->save(); IntercomHelper::connected($user, 'stripe'); Queue::push('CalculateFirstTime', array('userID' => $user->id)); } catch (Stripe\Error\Authentication $e) { // code was invalid return Redirect::back()->with('error', "Authentication unsuccessful!"); } // redirect to get stripe return Redirect::route('auth.dashboard')->with(array('success' => 'Stripe connected.')); } }
<?php require 'stripe-php-2.2.0/init.php'; if ($_POST) { Stripe\Stripe::setApiKey("sk_test_UYrpaLslRJJDQd0Wk3sDFePZ"); $error = ''; $success = ''; try { if (!isset($_POST['stripeToken'])) { throw new Exception("The Stripe Token was not generated correctly"); } Stripe\Charge::create(array("amount" => $_POST['amount'], "currency" => "cad", "card" => $_POST['stripeToken'])); $success = 'Your payment was successful.'; header("Location: ../public_html/success.php"); die; } catch (\Stripe\Error\Card $e) { $error = $e->getMessage(); } }
/** * Getting Apikey from Stripe Payment */ public function __construct() { Stripe\Stripe::setApiKey($this->getConfigData('api_key')); }
$code = $_GET['code']; $url = 'https://connect.stripe.com/oauth/token'; $data = array('client_secret' => 'sk_test_gzpJWMGs2ClZowZ4rzEO0PW5', 'grant_type' => 'authorization_code', 'client_id' => 'ca_6hSzuFypAh5oMFgXnHOvWhLu7L10qexb', 'code' => $code); $options = array('http' => array('header' => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n", 'method' => 'POST', 'content' => http_build_query($data))); $context = stream_context_create($options); $result = file_get_contents($url, false, $context); $resp = json_decode($result); if (isset($resp->stripe_user_id)) { $stripe_user_id = $resp->stripe_user_id; $query1 = "SELECT * FROM website_users_to_sellers WHERE stripe_user_id = '{$stripe_user_id}' AND user_unid = '{$user_unid}'"; $result1 = mysql_query($query1); if (!$result1) { die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error()); } if (mysql_num_rows($result1) == 0) { Stripe\Stripe::setApiKey($resp->access_token); $seller_account = Stripe\Account::retrieve($stripe_user_id); $seller_insert = array('stripe_user_id' => $resp->stripe_user_id, 'access_token' => $resp->access_token, 'stripe_publishable_key' => $resp->stripe_publishable_key, 'refresh_token' => $resp->refresh_token, 'created_user_unid' => $user_unid, 'address_line2' => $seller_account->legal_entity[0]->address->line1, 'address_line2' => $seller_account->legal_entity[0]->address->line2, 'address_city' => $seller_account->legal_entity[0]->address->city, 'address_state' => $seller_account->legal_entity[0]->address->state, 'address_poastal_code' => $seller_account->legal_entity[0]->address->postal_code, 'business_url' => $seller_account->business_url, 'account_email' => $seller_account->email, 'business_name' => $seller_account->business_name, 'display_name' => $seller_account->display_name, 'timezone' => $seller_account->timezone, 'first_name' => $seller_account->legal_entity[1]->first_name, 'last_name' => $seller_account->legal_entity[1]->last_name, 'type' => $seller_account->legal_entity[0]->type); $seller_unid = db_insert_array($seller_insert, 'website_seller_account'); $user_to_account = array('seller_unid' => $seller_unid, 'user_unid' => $user_unid, 'stripe_user_id' => $stripe_user_id, 'type' => $seller_account->legal_entity[0]->type); $do_script = db_insert_array($user_to_account, 'website_users_to_sellers'); //header("Location: /seller-accounts.php"); } // no duplicate accounts $url_error = urlencode('Duplicate Stripe/Seller Account'); header("Location: /seller-accounts.php?error={$url_error}"); } // isset sctripe account } else { if (isset($_GET['error'])) { // Error
<?php $filename = __DIR__ . preg_replace('#(\\?.*)$#', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); if (php_sapi_name() === 'cli-server' && is_file($filename)) { return false; } include __DIR__ . "/../vendor/autoload.php"; if (file_exists(__DIR__ . "/../.env")) { $dotenv = new Dotenv\Dotenv(__DIR__ . "/../"); $dotenv->overload(); } $app = new Silex\Application(); $app['debug'] = true; $app['password'] = json_decode(getenv('USER_PASSWORD')); $app['adminPassword'] = getenv('ADMIN_PASSWORD'); $app['isAdmin'] = false; Stripe\Stripe::setApiKey(getenv("STRIPE_SECRET")); $app->register(new MH\Provider\ControllerProvider()); $app->register(new MH\Provider\DomainProvider()); $app->register(new MH\Provider\MiddlewareProvider()); $app->register(new MH\Provider\VendorProvider()); $app->mount('/', new MH\Provider\RouteProvider()); $app->run();
<?php require_once 'constants.php'; if (!empty($_POST)) { require_once 'stripe-php/init.php'; require_once 'PHPMailer/PHPMailerAutoload.php'; Stripe\Stripe::setApiKey(STRIPE_SECRET_KEY); //<- stripe secret key. Find out about environment variables. // Get the credit card details submitted by the form $token = $_POST['stripeToken']; $name = $_POST["firstName"] . " " . $_POST["lastName"]; $email = $_POST["email"]; $address = $_POST["address"]; $address2 = $_POST["address2"]; $city = $_POST["city"]; $state = $_POST["state"]; $zip = $_POST["zip"]; $amount = $_POST["amount"]; // Create the charge on Stripe's servers - this will charge the user's card try { $charge = \Stripe\Charge::create(array("amount" => intval($amount), "currency" => "usd", "source" => $token, "description" => "Donation from saintdismas website")); } catch (Exception $e) { // The card has been declined echo "<script>alert(\"Card Has been Declined\");</script>"; echo "<script>window.location = 'donations.php';</script>"; } if (isset($charge)) { $mail = new PHPMailer(); // $mail->isSMTP(); // Set mailer to use SMTP // $mail->Host = SMTP_HOST; // Specify main and backup SMTP servers // $mail->SMTPAuth = true; // Enable SMTP authentication