Example #1
 function executeSingleRecFuncs()
     global $g_sqlSingleRecFuncs;
     global $g_sqlMathOps;
     debug_printb("[executeSingleRecFuncs] executing singlerec functions...<br>");
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->colFuncs); ++$i) {
         if (!$this->colFuncs[$i] || $this->colFuncsExecuted[$i]) {
         if (!in_array($this->colFuncs[$i], $g_sqlSingleRecFuncs)) {
         debug_print($this->colFuncs[$i] . "(" . $this->colNames[$i] . "): ");
         // EVAL
         if ($this->colFuncs[$i] == "EVAL") {
             $eval_str = $this->colNames[$i];
             $out_str = "";
             if (has_quotes($eval_str)) {
             debug_print("EVAL function, eval String is {$eval_str}!<br>");
             $sp = new StringParser();
             $sp->specialElements = $g_sqlMathOps;
             while (!is_empty_str($elem = $sp->parseNextElement())) {
                 debug_print("ELEM: {$elem}\n");
                 if (is_numeric($elem) || in_array($elem, $g_sqlMathOps)) {
                     $out_str .= $elem . " ";
                 } else {
                     $origColNr = $this->findColNrByAttrs($elem, "", "");
                     if ($origColNr == NOT_FOUND) {
                         print_error_msg("EVAL: Column '" . $elem . "' not found!");
                         return false;
                     $out_str .= "%{$origColNr}%";
             debug_print("New Eval String: {$out_str}\n");
             $val_str = "";
             // apply function (use values from the original column as input)
             $rowCount = count($this->rows);
             $colCount = count($this->colNames);
             for ($j = 0; $j < $rowCount; ++$j) {
                 $val_str = $out_str;
                 for ($k = 0; $k < $colCount; ++$k) {
                     if (!is_false(strpos($val_str, "%{$k}%"))) {
                         $val_str = str_replace("%{$k}%", $this->rows[$j]->fields[$k], $val_str);
                 $this->rows[$j]->fields[$i] = execFunc($this->colFuncs[$i], $val_str);
             $this->colFuncsExecuted[$i] = true;
             // function with paramater, but the parameter is not a column
         } else {
             if ($this->colNames[$i] && !is_empty_str($this->colNames[$i]) && (is_numeric($this->colNames[$i]) || has_quotes($this->colNames[$i]))) {
                 $param = $this->colNames[$i];
                 if (has_quotes($param)) {
                 $result = execFunc($this->colFuncs[$i], $param);
                 $rowCount = count($this->rows);
                 debug_print("a function with a non-column parameter! (result={$result})<br>");
                 for ($j = 0; $j < $rowCount; ++$j) {
                     $this->rows[$j]->fields[$i] = $result;
                 $this->colFuncsExecuted[$i] = true;
                 // function with parameter? =>execute function with the values form the original column
             } else {
                 if ($this->colNames[$i]) {
                     debug_print("a function with a column parameter!<br>");
                     // find original column (without function)
                     $origColNr = $this->findColNrByAttrs($this->colNames[$i], $this->colTables[$i], "");
                     if ($origColNr == NOT_FOUND) {
                         print_error_msg("Column '" . $this->colNames[$i] . "' not found!");
                         return false;
                     // copy some column header data from the original
                     $this->colTables[$i] = $this->colTables[$origColNr];
                     $this->colTableAliases[$i] = $this->colTableAliases[$origColNr];
                     // apply function (use values from the original column as input)
                     $rowCount = count($this->rows);
                     for ($j = 0; $j < $rowCount; ++$j) {
                         $this->rows[$j]->fields[$i] = execFunc($this->colFuncs[$i], $this->rows[$j]->fields[$origColNr]);
                     $this->colFuncsExecuted[$i] = true;
                     // function without parameter: just execute!
                 } else {
                     debug_print("a function with no parameters!<br>");
                     $result = execFunc($this->colFuncs[$i], "");
                     $rowCount = count($this->rows);
                     for ($j = 0; $j < $rowCount; ++$j) {
                         $this->rows[$j]->fields[$i] = $result;
                     $this->colFuncsExecuted[$i] = true;