Example #1
 public function action_index($modelName)
     $model = $this->getClassObject($modelName);
     $columnModel = $model::first();
     if (Input::get($modelName) != null && $this->addConditions($model, $modelName)->first() != null) {
         $columnModel = $this->addConditions($model, $modelName)->first();
     if ($columnModel == null) {
         return Redirect::to("/lara_admin/models/{$modelName}/new");
     $columns = $columnModel->columns();
     $sort_options = $this->setOrderOptions($columns);
     $models = $this->addConditions($model, $modelName)->order_by($sort_options["column_order"], $sort_options["sort_direction"])->paginate($model->perPage);
     $request_uri = Request::server("REQUEST_URI");
     $request_uri = preg_replace("/&order=[^&]*/", "", $request_uri);
     if (!preg_match("/\\?/i", Request::server("REQUEST_URI"))) {
         $request_uri .= "?";
     //TODO function getCustomAction
     $name_custom_action = "lara_admin::" . Str::plural(Str::lower($modelName)) . "." . preg_replace("/action_/", "", __FUNCTION__);
     if (View::exists($name_custom_action) != false) {
         $view = View::make($name_custom_action, array("sort_options" => $sort_options, "request_uri" => $request_uri, "modelName" => $modelName, "modelInstance" => $model, "models" => $models, "columns" => $columns));
     } else {
         $view = View::make("lara_admin::models.index", array("sort_options" => $sort_options, "request_uri" => $request_uri, "modelName" => $modelName, "modelInstance" => $model, "models" => $models, "columns" => $columns));
     $this->defaultAttrForLayout($modelName, $view);
     return $this->response_with(array("xml", "json", "csv"), $this->collectionToArray($models->results), true);
Example #2
 public static function _validation_unique($val, $options)
     list($table, $field) = explode('.', $options);
     $result = DB::select("LOWER (\"{$field}\")")->where($field, '=', Str::lower($val))->from($table)->execute();
     return !($result->count() > 0);
     Validation::active()->set_message('unique', 'The field :label must be unique, but :value has already been used');
 public function sendMessage()
     $encoded_values = Settings::where('key', 'chat')->first();
     $decoded_values = json_decode($encoded_values->value);
     $v_data = ["thread_id" => Input::get('thread_id'), "user_id" => Input::get('user_id'), "message" => Input::get('message'), "attachment" => Input::hasFile('attachment') ? \Str::lower(Input::file('attachment')->getClientOriginalExtension()) : ""];
     $v_rules = ["thread_id" => 'required', "user_id" => 'required', "message" => 'required', "attachment" => 'in:' . $decoded_values->chat_file_types];
     $v = Validator::make($v_data, $v_rules);
     if ($v->passes() && Input::get("user_id") > 0 && Input::get("thread_id") > 0) {
         $thread_message = new ThreadMessages();
         $thread_message->thread_id = Input::get('thread_id');
         $thread_message->sender_id = Input::get('user_id');
         $thread_message->message = Input::get('message');
         if (Input::hasFile('attachment') && Input::file('attachment')->getSize() <= $decoded_values->max_file_size * 1024 * 1024) {
             $ticket_attachment = new TicketAttachments();
             $ticket_attachment->thread_id = Input::get('thread_id');
             $ticket_attachment->message_id = $thread_message->id;
             $ticket_attachment->has_attachment = Input::hasFile('attachment');
             $ticket_attachment->attachment_path = Input::hasFile('attachment') ? Utils::fileUpload(Input::file('attachment'), 'attachments') : '';
         return json_encode(["result" => 1]);
     } else {
         return json_encode(["result" => 0]);
Example #4
 public static function get_action_name($is_api = false)
     if ($is_api) {
         return sprintf('%s_%s', Str::lower(Request::main()->get_method()), Request::active()->action);
     return Request::active()->action;
Example #5
  * This method gets called after the action is called.
  * @param mixed $response Value returned from the action method.
  * @return Response $response
 public function after($response)
     // Return if passed a response.
     if ($response instanceof Response) {
         return parent::after($response);
     if ($this->autorender) {
         try {
             $this->view->set_filename(Str::lower(str_replace('_', '/', Inflector::denamespace(str_replace('controller_', '', Str::lower($this->request->controller)))) . DS . str_replace('_', '/', $this->request->action)));
         } catch (FuelException $e) {
     // Inject view into the layout if the main request.
     if ($this->layout instanceof View) {
         if ($this->autorender) {
             try {
                 // Throws exception if there is no view template found.
                 $this->layout->content = $this->view->render();
             } catch (FuelException $e) {
         $this->layout->content_data = $this->view->get();
     } else {
     return parent::after($this->response);
 public function action_edit($id)
     $post = \Blog\Models\Post::find($id);
     if ($post === null) {
         return Event::first('404');
     if (Str::lower(Request::method()) == "post") {
         $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), self::$rules);
         if ($validator->passes()) {
             $post->title = Input::get('title');
             if (Input::get('slug')) {
                 $post->slug = Str::slug(Input::get('slug'));
             } else {
                 $post->slug = Str::slug(Input::get('title'));
             $post->intro = Input::get('intro');
             $post->content = Input::get('content');
             $post->author_id = Input::get('author_id');
             $post->category_id = Input::get('category_id');
             $post->publicated_at = Input::get('publicated_at_date') . ' ' . Input::get('publicated_at_time');
             return Redirect::to_action('blog::admin.post@list');
         } else {
             return Redirect::back()->with_errors($validator)->with_input();
     } else {
         $categories = array();
         $originalCategories = \Blog\Models\Category::all();
         foreach ($originalCategories as $cat) {
             $categories[$cat->id] = $cat->name;
         return View::make('blog::admin.post.new')->with_post($post)->with('editMode', true)->with('categories', $categories);
Example #7
 public static function setReplyToEmail($user, $email)
     Cache::forget('replyToEmail_' . $user->id);
     return Cache::rememberForever('replyToEmail_' . $user->id, function () use($email) {
         return Str::lower($email);
Example #8
  * @return mixed
 protected function makeCode()
     $charset = "2345678abcdefhijkmnpqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRTUVWXY";
     $cWidth = $this->code_width;
     $cHeight = $this->code_height;
     $code = "";
     $color = ['#99c525', '#fc9721', '#8c659d', '#00afd8'];
     $img = Image::canvas($cWidth, $cHeight, '#ccc');
     for ($i = 0; $i < $this->code_num; $i++) {
         $img->line(mt_rand(0, $cWidth), mt_rand(0, $cHeight), mt_rand(0, $cWidth), mt_rand(0, $cHeight), function ($draw) use($color) {
             $draw->color($color[array_rand($color, 1)]);
         $code .= $charset[mt_rand(0, strlen($charset) - 1)];
         $img->text($code[$i], $this->code_width / $this->code_num * $i + 5, 25, function ($font) use($color) {
             $font->color($color[array_rand($color, 1)]);
             $font->angle(mt_rand(-30, 30));
     Session::put('code', Str::lower($code));
     $response = Response::make($img->encode('png'));
     $response->header('Content-Type', 'image/png');
     return $response;
Example #9
  * Handle dynamic static method calls into the method.
  * @param  string  $method
  * @param  array   $parameters
  * @return mixed
 public static function __callStatic($method, $parameters)
     $instance = new static();
     if (substr($method, 0, 6) == "findBy") {
         $column = \Str::lower(substr($method, 6));
         return $instance::where($column, $parameters)->firstOrFail();
     return call_user_func_array(array($instance, $method), $parameters);
Example #10
File: rules.php Project: xXLXx/ddc
 public static function _validation_unique($val, $table_field, $except = null)
     Validation::active()->set_message('unique', ':label \':value\' is already taken.');
     list($table, $field) = explode('.', $table_field);
     $query = DB::select()->from($table)->where(Str::lower($field), Str::lower($val));
     if ($except) {
         $query->where(Str::lower($field), '!=', Str::lower($except));
     return $query->execute()->count() <= 0;
Example #11
  * Forge
  * @param   array   Fields mainly
  * @param   string  Subfolder (or admin "theme") where views are held
  * @return	mixed
 public static function forge($args, $subfolder)
     $data = array();
     $subfolder = trim($subfolder, '/');
     if (!is_dir(PKGPATH . 'oil/views/' . static::$view_subdir . $subfolder)) {
         throw new Exception('The subfolder for admin templates does not exist or is spelled wrong: ' . $subfolder . ' ');
     // Go through all arguments after the first and make them into field arrays
     $data['fields'] = array();
     foreach (array_slice($args, 1) as $arg) {
         // Parse the argument for each field in a pattern of name:type[constraint]
         preg_match(static::$fields_regex, $arg, $matches);
         $data['fields'][] = array('name' => \Str::lower($matches[1]), 'type' => isset($matches[2]) ? $matches[2] : 'string', 'constraint' => isset($matches[4]) ? $matches[4] : null);
     $name = array_shift($args);
     // Replace / with _ and classify the rest. DO NOT singularize
     $controller_name = \Inflector::classify(static::$controller_prefix . str_replace(DS, '_', $name), false);
     // Replace / with _ and classify the rest. Singularize
     $model_name = \Inflector::classify(static::$model_prefix . str_replace(DS, '_', $name));
     // Either foo or folder/foo
     $view_path = $controller_path = str_replace(array('_', '-'), DS, \Str::lower($controller_name));
     // Models are always singular, tough!
     $model_path = str_replace(array('_', '-'), DS, \Str::lower($model_name));
     // uri's have forward slashes, DS is a backslash on Windows
     $uri = str_replace(DS, '/', $controller_path);
     $data['include_timestamps'] = !\Cli::option('no-timestamp', false);
     // If a folder is used, the entity is the last part
     $name_parts = explode(DS, $name);
     $data['singular_name'] = \Inflector::singularize(end($name_parts));
     $data['plural_name'] = \Inflector::pluralize($data['singular_name']);
     $data['table'] = \Inflector::tableize($model_name);
     $data['controller_parent'] = static::$controller_parent;
     /** Generate the Migration **/
     $migration_args = $args;
     array_unshift($migration_args, 'create_' . \Inflector::pluralize(\Str::lower($name)));
     Generate::migration($migration_args, false);
     // Merge some other data in
     $data = array_merge(compact(array('controller_name', 'model_name', 'model_path', 'view_path', 'uri')), $data);
     /** Generate the Model **/
     $model = \View::forge(static::$view_subdir . $subfolder . '/model', $data);
     Generate::create(APPPATH . 'classes/model/' . $model_path . '.php', $model, 'model');
     /** Generate the Controller **/
     $controller = \View::forge(static::$view_subdir . $subfolder . '/controller', $data);
     $controller->actions = array(array('name' => 'index', 'params' => '', 'code' => \View::forge(static::$view_subdir . $subfolder . '/actions/index', $data)), array('name' => 'view', 'params' => '$id = null', 'code' => \View::forge(static::$view_subdir . $subfolder . '/actions/view', $data)), array('name' => 'create', 'params' => '$id = null', 'code' => \View::forge(static::$view_subdir . $subfolder . '/actions/create', $data)), array('name' => 'edit', 'params' => '$id = null', 'code' => \View::forge(static::$view_subdir . $subfolder . '/actions/edit', $data)), array('name' => 'delete', 'params' => '$id = null', 'code' => \View::forge(static::$view_subdir . $subfolder . '/actions/delete', $data)));
     Generate::create(APPPATH . 'classes/controller/' . $controller_path . '.php', $controller, 'controller');
     // Create each of the views
     foreach (array('index', 'view', 'create', 'edit', '_form') as $view) {
         Generate::create(APPPATH . 'views/' . $controller_path . '/' . $view . '.php', \View::forge(static::$view_subdir . $subfolder . '/views/actions/' . $view, $data), 'view');
     // Add the default template if it doesnt exist
     if (!file_exists($app_template = APPPATH . 'views/template.php')) {
         Generate::create($app_template, file_get_contents(PKGPATH . 'oil/views/' . static::$view_subdir . $subfolder . '/views/template.php'), 'view');
Example #12
 public function assets($file = null)
     if (!is_null($file) && \File::isDirectory($this->themesAssetsPath)) {
         if (!\File::exists($this->themesAssetsPath . $file)) {
             return \Response::make("Not found!", 404);
         $requestedFile = \File::get($this->themesAssetsPath . $file);
         return \Response::make($requestedFile, 200, array('Content-Type' => $this->mimeMap[\Str::lower(\File::extension($this->themesAssetsPath . $file))]));
     return \Redirect::route('app.home');
Example #13
  * This method is responsible for generation all
  * source from the templates, and populating the
  * files array.
  * @return void
 private function _view_generation()
     $prefix = $this->bundle == DEFAULT_BUNDLE ? '' : Str::classify($this->bundle) . '_';
     $view_prefix = $this->bundle == DEFAULT_BUNDLE ? '' : $this->bundle . '::';
     // set up the markers for replacement within source
     $markers = array('#LOWERFULL#' => $view_prefix . Str::lower(str_replace('/', '.', $this->class_path) . $this->lower));
     // loud our view template
     $template = Common::load_template('view/view.tpl');
     // added the file to be created
     $this->writer->create_file('View', $this->class_path . $this->lower . EXT, $this->bundle_path . 'views/' . $this->class_path . $this->lower . EXT, Common::replace_markers($markers, $template));
Example #14
 static function slug($str)
     $tr = ["А" => "A", "Б" => "B", "В" => "V", "Г" => "G", "Д" => "D", "Е" => "E", "Ж" => "J", "З" => "Z", "И" => "I", "Й" => "Y", "К" => "K", "Л" => "L", "М" => "M", "Н" => "N", "О" => "O", "П" => "P", "Р" => "R", "С" => "S", "Т" => "T", "У" => "U", "Ф" => "F", "Х" => "H", "Ц" => "TS", "Ч" => "CH", "Ш" => "SH", "Щ" => "SCH", "Ъ" => "", "Ы" => "YI", "Ь" => "", "Э" => "E", "Ю" => "YU", "Я" => "YA", "а" => "a", "б" => "b", "в" => "v", "г" => "g", "д" => "d", "е" => "e", "ж" => "j", "з" => "z", "и" => "i", "й" => "y", "к" => "k", "л" => "l", "м" => "m", "н" => "n", "о" => "o", "п" => "p", "р" => "r", "с" => "s", "т" => "t", "у" => "u", "ф" => "f", "х" => "h", "ц" => "ts", "ч" => "ch", "ш" => "sh", "щ" => "sch", "ъ" => "y", "ы" => "yi", "ь" => "", "э" => "e", "ю" => "yu", "я" => "ya"];
     $title = strtr($str, $tr);
     $separator = '-';
     // Replace all separator characters and whitespace by a single separator
     $title = preg_replace('![' . preg_quote($separator) . '\\s]+!u', $separator, $title);
     // Trim separators from the beginning and end
     $title = trim($title, $separator);
     preg_match_all('/[a-zA-Z0-9' . preg_quote($separator) . ']+/ui', $title, $matches);
     return \Str::lower(implode('', $matches[0]));
 public function calonCustomerJson()
     $term = Input::get('term');
     $data = CalonCustomer::distinct()->select('nama', 'id')->where('nama', 'LIKE', '%' . $term . '%')->groupBy('id')->take(15)->get();
     $result = [];
     foreach ($data as $d) {
         if (strpos(Str::lower($d), $term) !== false) {
             $result[] = ['value' => $d->nama, 'id' => $d->id];
     return Response::json($result);
Example #16
 public function getCancha(Request $request)
     $cancha = $request->input('term');
     $canchas = Item::all();
     $result = [];
     foreach ($canchas as $sede) {
         if (strpos(Str::lower($sede), $cancha) !== false) {
             $result[] = $sede;
     return $result;
Example #17
 public function bibitParfum()
     $term = Input::get('term');
     $data = Parfum::distinct()->select('nama', 'id')->where('nama', 'LIKE', '%' . $term . '%')->groupBy('id')->take(15)->get();
     $result = [];
     foreach ($data as $aroma) {
         if (strpos(Str::lower($aroma), $term) !== false) {
             $result[] = ['value' => $aroma->nama];
     return Response::json($result);
Example #18
  * This method is responsible for generation all
  * source from the templates, and populating the
  * files array.
  * @return void
 private function _model_generation()
     $prefix = $this->bundle == DEFAULT_BUNDLE ? '' : Str::classify($this->bundle) . '_';
     // set up the markers for replacement within source
     $markers = array('#CLASS#' => $prefix . $this->class_prefix . $this->class, '#LOWER#' => $this->lower, '#TIMESTAMPS#' => $this->_timestamps);
     // loud our model template
     $template = Common::load_template('model/model.tpl');
     // holder for relationships source
     $relationships_source = '';
     // loop through our relationships
     foreach ($this->arguments as $relation) {
         // if we have a valid relation
         if (!strstr($relation, ':')) {
         // split
         $relation_parts = explode(':', Str::lower($relation));
         // we need two parts
         if (!count($relation_parts) == 2) {
         // markers for relationships
         $rel_markers = array('#SINGULAR#' => Str::lower(Str::singular($relation_parts[1])), '#PLURAL#' => Str::lower(Str::plural($relation_parts[1])), '#WORD#' => Str::classify(Str::singular($relation_parts[1])), '#WORDS#' => Str::classify(Str::plural($relation_parts[1])));
         // start with blank
         $relationship_template = '';
         // use switch to decide which template
         switch ($relation_parts[0]) {
             case "has_many":
             case "hm":
                 $relationship_template = Common::load_template('model/has_many.tpl');
             case "belongs_to":
             case "bt":
                 $relationship_template = Common::load_template('model/belongs_to.tpl');
             case "has_one":
             case "ho":
                 $relationship_template = Common::load_template('model/has_one.tpl');
             case "has_and_belongs_to_many":
             case "hbm":
                 $relationship_template = Common::load_template('model/has_and_belongs_to_many.tpl');
         // add it to the source
         $relationships_source .= Common::replace_markers($rel_markers, $relationship_template);
     // add a marker to replace the relationships stub
     // in the model template
     $markers['#RELATIONS#'] = $relationships_source;
     // add the generated model to the writer
     $this->writer->create_file('Model', $prefix . $this->class_prefix . $this->class, $this->bundle_path . 'models/' . $this->class_path . $this->lower . EXT, Common::replace_markers($markers, $template));
Example #19
 private function randomStr($length)
     if (!is_numeric($length)) {
         $length = strlen($length);
     try {
         $str = \Str::random($length);
     } catch (\RuntimeException $e) {
         $str = \Str::random($length + 2);
     return str_replace(str_split('aeiouy10'), '', \Str::lower($str));
Example #20
 public function index()
     //Set keyword to proper format using Str::lower - it's the same as strtolower
     $keyword = Str::lower(Input::get('keyword'));
     //Use Query builder to look for the keyword in various category
     $data['comics'] = Comicbooks::where('book_name', 'LIKE', '%' . $keyword . '%')->select('book_name')->distinct()->get();
     $data['characters'] = Characters::where('character_name', 'LIKE', '%' . $keyword . '%')->select('character_name')->distinct()->get();
     $data['authors'] = Authors::where('author_name', 'LIKE', '%' . $keyword . '%')->select('author_name')->distinct()->get();
     $data['artists'] = Artists::where('artist_name', 'LIKE', '%' . $keyword . '%')->select('artist_name')->distinct()->get();
     $data['publishers'] = Publishers::where('publisher_name', 'LIKE', '%' . $keyword . '%')->select('publisher_name')->distinct()->get();
     $this->layout->content = View::make('search', $data);
Example #21
 function __construct($connName = null)
     if (!is_null(static::$tableName)) {
         $tableName = static::$tableName;
     } else {
         $tableName = Str::lower(preg_replace(array('/\\\\/', '/(?<=[a-z])([A-Z])/', '/__/'), array('_', '_$1', '_'), ltrim(get_class($this), '\\')));
     if (is_null($connName) && !is_null(static::$connName)) {
         $connName = static::$connName;
     $this->orm = ORM::make($tableName, $connName);
     $this->orm->className = get_class($this);
  * breadcrumb function
  * Create breadcrumb
  * @return string
  * @author joharijumali
 public static function breadcrumb()
     $Menu = Admin_Menu::menuGenerator();
     $butternbread = array();
     foreach ($Menu as $floor => $packet) {
         foreach ($packet->page->action as $key => $action) {
             if ($packet->packet == Str::lower(URI::segment(1)) && $packet->controller->name == Str::lower(URI::segment(2)) && $action->name == Str::lower(URI::segment(3)) || URI::segment(3) == NULL && $action->name == $packet->controller->name && Str::lower(URI::segment(2)) == $packet->controller->name) {
                 $butternbread[Str::upper($packet->controller->alias)] = '#';
                 array_push($butternbread, Str::title($action->alias));
     return Breadcrumb::create($butternbread);
  * Check if a value is unique in column
  * @param   string   $val
  * @param   array    $options   keys are 0:table, 1:field, 2:id field value, 3:id field. Default id field is id
 public function _validation_unique($val, $options = array())
     Validation::active()->set_message('unique', 'It appears you have already registered using this email address.');
     $result = \DB::select("LOWER (\"{$options['1']}\")")->from($options['0'])->where($options['1'], '=', Str::lower($val));
     if (!empty($options['2']) && is_numeric($options['2'])) {
         $id = empty($options['3']) ? 'id' : $options['3'];
         $result->where($id, '!=', $options['2']);
     if (count($result->execute()) > 0) {
         return false;
     } else {
         return true;
Example #24
  * Check if a value is unique in column
  * @param   string   $val
  * @param   array    $options   keys are 0:table, 1:field, 2:id field value, 3:id field. Default id field is id
 public function _validation_unique($val, $options = array())
     Validation::active()->set_message('unique', 'The field :label must be unique, but :value has already been used.');
     // Validation::active()->set_message('unique', 'It appears the :label has already been taken.');
     $result = \DB::select("LOWER (\"{$options['1']}\")")->from($options['0'])->where($options['1'], '=', Str::lower($val));
     if (!empty($options['2']) && is_numeric($options['2'])) {
         $id = empty($options['3']) ? 'id' : $options['3'];
         $result->where($id, '!=', $options['2']);
     if (count($result->execute()) > 0) {
         return false;
     } else {
         return true;
Example #25
  * Construct
  * Sets login/register mode (classic|ajax)
  * Sets register validation rules & messages
  * @return void
 public function __construct()
     if (Config::get('gotin::gotin.login_mode') == "ajax") {
         $this->ajax = true;
     } else {
         $this->ajax = false;
     Validator::register('question', function ($attribute, $value) {
         return Str::lower($value) == Session::get("Register_question");
     $this->register_rules = array('username-register' => 'required|unique:users,username', 'email-register' => 'unique:users,email|required|email', 'password-register' => 'required|confirmed', 'question' => 'required|question');
     $this->register_messages = array('question' => __('gotin::gotin.question_error'), 'email-register_required' => __('gotin::gotin.email-register_required'), 'email-register_unique' => __('gotin::gotin.email-register_unique'), 'username-register_required' => __('gotin::gotin.username-register_required'), 'username-register_unique' => __('gotin::gotin.username-register_unique'), 'password-register_required' => __('gotin::gotin.password-register_required'), 'password-register_confirmed' => __('gotin::gotin.password-register_confirmed'));
 public static function generate($args, $subfolder = 'default')
     $subfolder = trim($subfolder, '/');
     if (!is_dir(PKGPATH . 'oil/views/' . $subfolder)) {
         throw new Exception('The subfolder for scaffolding templates doesn\'t exist or is spelled wrong: ' . $subfolder . ' ');
     // Do this first as there is the largest chance of error here
     Generate::model($args, false);
     // Go through all arguments after the first and make them into field arrays
     $fields = array();
     foreach (array_slice($args, 1) as $arg) {
         // Parse the argument for each field in a pattern of name:type[constraint]
         preg_match('/([a-z0-9_]+):([a-z0-9_]+)(\\[([0-9]+)\\])?/i', $arg, $matches);
         $fields[] = array('name' => \Str::lower($matches[1]), 'type' => isset($matches[2]) ? $matches[2] : 'string', 'constraint' => isset($matches[4]) ? $matches[4] : null);
     $full_thing = array_shift($args);
     $full_underscores = str_replace(DS, '_', $full_thing);
     // Either something[s] or folder/something[s]
     $data['controller_uri'] = $controller_uri = \Inflector::pluralize(\Str::lower($full_thing));
     $data['controller'] = 'Controller_' . \Inflector::classify(\Inflector::pluralize($full_underscores), false);
     // If a folder is used, the entity is the last part
     $parts = explode(DS, $full_thing);
     $data['singular'] = $singular = \Inflector::singularize(end($parts));
     $data['model'] = $model_name = \Inflector::classify($full_underscores);
     $data['plural'] = $plural = \Inflector::pluralize($singular);
     $data['fields'] = $fields;
     $filepath = APPPATH . 'classes/controller/' . trim(str_replace(array('_', '-'), DS, $controller_uri), DS) . '.php';
     $controller = \View::forge($subfolder . '/scaffold/controller', $data);
     $controller->actions = array(array('name' => 'index', 'params' => '', 'code' => \View::forge($subfolder . '/scaffold/actions/index', $data)), array('name' => 'view', 'params' => '$id = null', 'code' => \View::forge($subfolder . '/scaffold/actions/view', $data)), array('name' => 'create', 'params' => '$id = null', 'code' => \View::forge($subfolder . '/scaffold/actions/create', $data)), array('name' => 'edit', 'params' => '$id = null', 'code' => \View::forge($subfolder . '/scaffold/actions/edit', $data)), array('name' => 'delete', 'params' => '$id = null', 'code' => \View::forge($subfolder . '/scaffold/actions/delete', $data)));
     // Write controller
     Generate::create($filepath, $controller, 'controller');
     // Create each of the views
     foreach (array('index', 'view', 'create', 'edit', '_form') as $view) {
         Generate::create(APPPATH . 'views/' . $controller_uri . '/' . $view . '.php', \View::forge($subfolder . '/scaffold/views/' . $view, $data), 'view');
     // Add the default template if it doesnt exist
     if (!file_exists($app_template = APPPATH . 'views/template.php')) {
         Generate::create($app_template, file_get_contents(PKGPATH . 'oil/views/default/template.php'), 'view');
Example #27
  * This method is responsible for generation all
  * source from the templates, and populating the
  * files array.
  * @return void
 private function _controller_generation()
     $prefix = $this->bundle == DEFAULT_BUNDLE ? '' : Str::classify($this->bundle) . '_';
     $view_prefix = $this->bundle == DEFAULT_BUNDLE ? '' : $this->bundle . '::';
     // set up the markers for replacement within source
     $markers = array('#CLASS#' => $prefix . $this->class_prefix . $this->class, '#LOWER#' => $this->lower, '#LOWERFULL#' => $view_prefix . Str::lower(str_replace('/', '.', $this->class_path) . $this->lower));
     // loud our controller template
     $template = Common::load_template('controller/controller.tpl');
     // holder for actions source, and base templates for actions and views
     $actions_source = '';
     $action_template = Common::load_template('controller/action.tpl');
     $view_template = Common::load_template('controller/view.tpl');
     $restful = strstr(implode(' ', $this->arguments), ':') ? true : false;
     array_unshift($this->arguments, 'index');
     // loop through our actions
     foreach ($this->arguments as $action) {
         $verb = $restful ? 'get' : 'action';
         if (strstr($action, ':')) {
             $parts = explode(':', $action);
             if (count($parts) == 2) {
                 $verb = Str::lower($parts[0]);
                 $action = Str::lower($parts[1]);
         // add the current action to the markers
         $markers['#ACTION#'] = Str::lower($action);
         $markers['#VERB#'] = $verb;
         // append the replaces source
         $actions_source .= Common::replace_markers($markers, $action_template);
         $file_prefix = $restful ? $verb . '_' : '';
         // add the file to be created
         $this->writer->create_file('View', $this->class_path . $this->lower . '/' . $file_prefix . Str::lower($action) . $this->_view_extension, $this->bundle_path . 'views/' . $this->class_path . $this->lower . '/' . $file_prefix . Str::lower($action) . $this->_view_extension, Common::replace_markers($markers, $view_template));
     // add a marker to replace the actions stub in the controller
     // template
     $markers['#ACTIONS#'] = $actions_source;
     $markers['#RESTFUL#'] = $restful ? "\n\tpublic \$restful = true;\n" : '';
     // added the file to be created
     $this->writer->create_file('Controller', $markers['#CLASS#'] . '_Controller', $this->bundle_path . 'controllers/' . $this->class_path . $this->lower . EXT, Common::replace_markers($markers, $template));
     $this->writer->append_to_file($this->bundle_path . 'routes.php', "\n\n// Route for {$markers['#CLASS#']}_Controller\nRoute::controller('{$markers['#LOWERFULL#']}');");
Example #28
 function autocompleteescenario($id, $id2)
     $term = Str::lower(Input::get('term'));
     //convertimos los datos a un arreglo puro
     $data = DB::table('tescenario')->select('codEscenario', 'nombre', 'lugar')->get();
     $arregloDocente = [];
     foreach ($data as $docente) {
         $codigo = $docente->codEscenario;
         $nombre = $docente->nombre;
         $ap = $docente->lugar;
         $aux = [$codigo => $codigo . ' ' . $nombre . ' ' . $ap];
         $arregloDocente = array_merge($aux, $arregloDocente);
     $result = [];
     foreach ($arregloDocente as $valor) {
         if (strpos(Str::lower($valor), $term) !== false) {
             $result[] = ['value' => $valor];
     return Response::json($result);
Example #29
  * This method is responsible for generation all
  * source from the templates, and populating the
  * files array.
  * @return void
 private function _config_generation()
     $prefix = $this->bundle == DEFAULT_BUNDLE ? '' : Str::classify($this->bundle) . '_';
     $view_prefix = $this->bundle == DEFAULT_BUNDLE ? '' : $this->bundle . '::';
     // loud our config template
     $template = Common::load_template('config/config.tpl');
     // holder for options source, and base template for options
     $options_source = '';
     $option_template = Common::load_template('config/option.tpl');
     // loop through our options
     foreach ($this->arguments as $option) {
         // add the current option to the markers
         $markers['#OPTION#'] = Str::lower($option);
         // append the replaces source
         $options_source .= Common::replace_markers($markers, $option_template);
     // add a marker to replace the options stub in the config
     // template
     $markers['#OPTIONS#'] = $options_source;
     // added the file to be created
     $this->writer->create_file('Config', $this->lower . EXT, $this->bundle_path . 'config/' . $this->class_path . $this->lower . EXT, Common::replace_markers($markers, $template));
Example #30
 public static function _validation_unique($val, $options)
     $arrOption = explode('.', $options);
     $table = $arrOption[0];
     $pk = $arrOption[1];
     $field = $arrOption[2];
     $id = isset($arrOption[3]) ? $arrOption[3] : '';
     $result = DB::select("LOWER (\"{$field}\"), {$pk}")->where($field, '=', Str::lower($val))->from($table)->execute()->current();
     Validation::active()->set_message('unique', ':labelで存在している値と異なりにするのが必要で、他の値を入力して下さい。');
     if (isset($id) && !empty($id)) {
         $id = str_replace('id_', '', $id);
         if (empty($result)) {
             return true;
         } else {
             if ($id == $result[$pk]) {
                 return true;
             return false;
     } else {
         return empty($result) ? true : false;